Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3096: :Create opportunities

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Cultivation Returns After Ten Thousand Years!

“What a powerful force!”

Jiang Tian’s whole body was covered with a mask of light, staring at the blazing sun.

Jin Yan quickly formed marks with his hands, then spread his palms flat and lifted them up!

An even more surging power was immediately injected into the blazing sun.


The void trembles.

The light that originally illuminated the entire Lieyang City quickly shrank.

The blazing sun now possesses the swallowing power of a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding white light into its own body.

The blazing sun quickly condensed and shrank in size, but the light on its surface became increasingly dazzling.

“Now that you have died under the secret technique of this sect master, you have deserved your death!”

Jin Yan pushed his hands forward suddenly, centered on his waist, and suddenly exerted force on his body, throwing the ball of light in his hand towards Jiang Tian.

“Hoo **** ho!”

The blazing light group did not cause the slightest ripples wherever it passed, but the dangerous aura emanating from it caused everyone’s expressions to change dramatically.

Jiang Tian’s eyes narrowed and he felt an unprecedented dangerous aura coming towards him quickly.

If you can’t avoid it, you may die!

“Want to kill me? Wishful thinking!”

Jiang Tian did not support him, and disappeared in a flash.

“Today, you will definitely die!”

Jin Yan’s face was full of cruelty, and his hands quickly formed a series of marks in front of him, controlling the blazing “sun” and chasing after Jiang Tian.

“Hoo **** ho!”

The blazing sun holds its long tail and flashes in the sky.

Jiang Tian also tried his best to shake him off.

“Jiang Taichu, you can’t escape! This sect leader said that if you are to die today, you will not survive!”

Seeing Jiang Tian’s embarrassed appearance, Jin Yan seemed to feel a bad breath in his heart and burst out laughing.

“The light ball condensed by this killing array is nothing ordinary. If it is hit, I am afraid that even Daoist Jiang will die! Uncle Fire Dragon…you, think of a way!”

Yan Qiluo’s face was full of worry and he wanted to help Jiang Tian, ​​but he spit out a mouthful of blood.

She was seriously injured just by being hit by the arc.


The fire dragon elder moved his mouth and could only sigh.

Every monk knows that this ball of light is extraordinary, and it is an existence that even Jiang Tian must avoid.

He has just been promoted to Hedao, what can he do?

What can he do?

“This Jiang Tian is too proud after all!”

A look of anger reappeared on Luo Qingyun’s face.

I blame Jiang Tian for not following his own advice at the beginning and stopping Jin Yan in time, allowing Jin Yan to gather the formation.

But he didn’t realize that his mood was constantly changing with Jiang Tian’s safety!

“This **** Jin Yan is going to fight his master to the death!”

At this time, the red-bearded old ghost appeared in front of the three people cursing.

Just now he was chased by several groups of light, and he really felt the extreme terror.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I have walked around the gate of hell.

Fortunately, Jiang Tian used thousands of light groups in time to bombard Jin Yan.

This allowed him to survive by chance.

At this time, he was in a terrible state, and even his proud long red beard was damaged a lot.

Luo Qingyun rolled her eyes and asked worriedly: “Senior Hongxu, are you not injured?”

“Injured? How could I be injured!?”

The red-bearded old ghost’s face hardened, and he held his chin up and said with an arrogant expression: “This Jin Yan is just a junior, I just didn’t have the same experience as him!”

“If you anger me, I can kill him with just a finger!”

“As expected of Senior Hongxu! He is indeed the one with the highest cultivation level among us!”

A smile appeared on Luo Qingyun’s face.

Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon both looked at Luo Qingyun, with doubts on their faces.

Although Luo Qingyun is the leader of a second-grade sect, he is quite proud. Others call Jiang Tian his Taoist friend or master, but Luo Qingyun calls him by his first name without being polite at all.

Obviously, Luo Qingyun is also an extremely proud person.

Why are you suddenly so flattering to the red-bearded old ghost?

The red-bearded old ghost had a proud look on his face, but he suddenly frowned, as if he felt something was wrong.

Just when he was about to ask, Luo Qingyun smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that Senior Hongxu had such a level of cultivation. In that case, how about rescuing Jiang Tian?”


The red-bearded old ghost was stunned.

I never expected that this woman would be waiting for me here.

When Yan Qiluo and Elder Fire Dragon heard this, they immediately understood.

Luo Qingyun wanted the red-bearded old ghost to intercept and kill Jin Shuo again and force Jin Yan to stop.

“What is this?”

Luo Qingyun looked at the red-bearded old ghost and said, “Could it be that what senior Hong-beard said just now was all bragging?”

“This…how is this possible!?”

The red-bearded old ghost flicked his long sleeves and said coldly: “I am a man of extraordinary cultivation. Isn’t it easy to kill a Jin Yan?”

“Then you should go.” Luo Qingyun forced her.

“This… I have a stomach ache, and I can’t fully exert my full strength.”

The old ghost with a red beard held his stomach and looked uncomfortable: “If I go up now, I’m afraid I’ll suffer a big loss, so I’d better wait a little longer!”

He has always wanted to save face, how could he easily admit that he was not good enough?

Immediately told a lie.

“Oh, that’s it, I’m a little reckless.” Luo Qingyun nodded.

“That’s right! You are indeed a little reckless as a junior, but don’t worry, when my stomach stops hurting, I will kill Jin Yan!”

The old man with a red beard was bragging about everything.

Luo Qingyun glanced at Jiang Tian.

At this time, Jiang Tian was still being chased by the blazing ball of light.

One person and one ball shuttle rapidly through the air.

Jiang Tian was almost hit by the ball of light several times. Fortunately, he had the Red Flame Demonic Sword in his hand, so he survived.

“Senior Hongxu, since you have a stomachache, there’s not much I can ask you to do.”

Luo Qingyun smiled and said, “How about you grab Jin Shuo and make Jin Yan stop?”

“Yes, I agree!”

Yan Qiluo nodded and said: “Senior Hongxu has a high level of cultivation, so it is very easy to win a golden shovel!”

“Well, Jin Shuo is only in the realm of returning to the virtual world and has lost his physical body. Relatively speaking, it is relatively easy!” Elder Fire Dragon nodded slightly.


The red-bearded old ghost was stunned again.

Just now he wanted to leave a good impression on Jiang Tian, ​​so he volunteered to intercept Jin Shuo, but he almost died.

How dare you touch this brow again at this time?

“What? Could it be that Senior Hongxu doesn’t dare anymore?”

Luo Qingyun sneered and said: “Did Senior Hongxu just brag? Or is it that Senior Hongxu couldn’t even take down a monk who had lost his body and returned to the Void Realm?”

“How is this possible!? I am in the Hedao realm! One realm and one heaven. Let alone a Huixu who has lost his body. Even if he is at the peak of a hundred Huixu, he is no match for me!”

The red-bearded old ghost turned red with anger and danced around to defend himself.

“Okay, since you are so powerful, then go ahead!”

Luo Qingyun glanced at Jiang Tian who was being chased, a flash of anxiety flashed in his eyes, and then looked at the red-bearded old ghost with a smile: “Then you should go!”

“Just go, who is afraid of whom?”

The red-bearded old ghost snorted coldly, turned into a red light, and quickly disappeared from the spot.

“You old guy, you still dare to sneak attack Jin Shuo! You are just looking for death!”

Jin Yan was concentrating on controlling the light ball to chase Jiang Tian, ​​and Clinker saw the red-bearded old ghost quietly approaching Jin Shuo.

“Die to me!”

He was furious and quickly formed marks on his hands.


The ball of light chasing Jiang Tian immediately shook.

Light groups branched out from it, attacking towards the red-bearded old ghost.

The red-bearded old ghost suddenly felt a breath that could kill him a hundred times coming towards his face.

“No! Run away!”

He was so frightened that he quickly turned in the air and flew towards the crowd.

“This useless thing!”

Luo Qingyun was so angry that she stamped her feet, but there was nothing she could do.

She originally wanted to anger the red-bearded old ghost and let him give Jin Shuo a carbine to force Jin Yan to stop.

Who knew this red-bearded old ghost could be so useless.

“Hongxu, well done!”

Jiang Tian looked happy.

Although the red-bearded old ghost didn’t help much, he finally distracted Jin Yan’s attention, and the blazing ball of light also stopped briefly.

Even this moment is enough to create an opportunity for Jiang Tian.

“Jin Yan, since you want to kill me, then go ahead!”

Jiang Tian sneered and turned around, quickly rushing towards Jin Shuo.


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