Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3095: :Death counterattack

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“Without further ado, I’m going to catch Jin Shuo!”

Yan Qiluo is eager to try.

But the red-bearded old ghost stopped her and said: “Little girl, this is my idea. Of course I am gone, where will it be your turn!?”

As he said that, he ignored Yan Qiluo and others, and disappeared in a flash.

He left a very bad impression on Jiang Tian before, but now he just took this opportunity to show off!

“This bastard, after spending so long, he still has strength!”

At this time, all Jin Shuo’s attention was focused on Jiang Tian.

He didn’t notice at all that the red-bearded old ghost had appeared next to him.

“B*tch, do you really want my master to die?”

The red-bearded old ghost smiled sadly.

“You…what do you want to do!?”

Jin Shuo was so frightened that he trembled and immediately urged the Lingbao in his hand to disappear quickly.

This was what Jin Yan had left for him before.

While urging the Lingbao to fly in the direction of Jin Yan, he shouted loudly: “Brother, save me!”


Jin Yan was concentrating on manipulating thousands of light groups to chase Jiang Tian, ​​when Jin Shuo’s voice suddenly came to his ears.

“Seeking death!”

He smiled coldly, separated some light balls, and flew towards the red-bearded old ghost.

“The opportunity has come!” Jiang Tian looked happy.

Jin Yan can kill Hedao realm monks of the same realm with just a raise of his hand, making him the best among the Hedao realm.

This peerless killing array is strange and abnormal. The light group released, controlled by Jin Yan, can bite Jiang Tian and not let go.

It was Jiang Tian who was also very anxious and somewhat overwhelmed.

But the red-bearded old ghost stepped in and created an excellent opportunity.

Seeing that Jin Yan’s mind was distracted, how could Jiang Tian let this opportunity pass?

Immediately blasted away a ball of light emitting white light, flying quickly towards Jin Yan.

“Whoosh whoosh!”

Thousands of white light groups behind him suddenly turned around and just caught up with Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian looked back, with a sneer on his lips, changed direction again, and actually hit Jin Yan directly.

He was as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Jin Yan.

The light group behind him also chased after him without hesitation.


With a thought in his mind, Jiang Tian turned around his spiritual power, suddenly turned a corner in front of Jin Yan, rubbed Jin Yan’s body, and rose into the sky.

The thousands of light groups were originally controlled by Jin Yan, and the light groups were too fast. Jin Yan was distracted and had no time to change the direction of the light groups.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Thousands of light groups were like nuclear bombs, bombarding Jin Yan’s body.

A violent explosion sounded, and Jin Yan suddenly felt a powerful force that almost tore his body apart.


Seeing this scene, Jin Shuo’s eyes were about to burst.

At this time, the red-bearded old ghost had already been forced back by dozens of light balls, and flew thousands of meters under the huge energy impact.

Looking at this scene, he was stunned.

I didn’t expect Jiang Tian to be so capable.

Yan Qiluo’s face was extremely excited: “This is a good opportunity!”

Even Jiang Tian could not resist that white ball of light. Under the impact of the ball of light, the red-bearded old ghost had no chance of catching Jin Shuo.

Jiang Tian took the opportunity to blast Jin Yan with a ball of light, which was the best choice.

“This boy’s head turns pretty fast!”

Seeing Jiang Tian get out of trouble, Luo Qingyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then a feeling of admiration arose in my heart. This boy really makes the best use of the opportunities in front of him no matter what time he is.

This mind has surpassed many powerful monks.

“Well, as expected of the master, you can actually find a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation!”

The fire dragon elder also laughed, his face full of excitement.

“Brother, how are you?”

Jin Shuo quickly approached Jin Yan and asked with concern.

At this time, Jin Yan’s clothes were torn, his face was as pale as paper, and there were blood stains on the corners of his mouth. He had long lost the demeanor of the leader of Lieyang Sect.

He was obviously seriously injured.

But even so, his left hand still held the dazzling “sun” firmly, but after the violent explosion of the light group, it dimmed a lot.

“Jiang Taichu, you despicable and shameless villain!”

Jin Yan raised his head and glared at Jiang Tian, ​​who was standing in the sky. His eyes were blazing with anger, and his steel teeth were almost bitten to pieces.

“Shameless? Jin Yan, it’s so ridiculous that you can say such things from your mouth!”

Jiang Tian put his left hand behind his back and held the red flame demon sword tightly in his right hand. He sneered: “In order to kill your opponent, you refined all the elders of the sect. Aren’t you despicable?”

“Isn’t it shameless for you to murder your master and usurp power to satisfy your own selfish desires?”

“You accuse others of being despicable and shameless, aren’t you afraid of the ridicule of the monks in this world!”

The barrage of questions left Jin Yan speechless, but aroused the approval of Yan Qiluo and others.

“Yes, Jin Yan, in order to seize the position of leader of Lieyang Sect, you plotted to kill my father. This kind of usurpation of power and position will be punished by everyone!”

Yan Qiluo scolded angrily.

Elder Fire Dragon said: “Jin Yan, as the leader of Lieyang Sect, you should take the lead when encountering a strong enemy. But you, in order to save your own life, killed dozens of elders. You are not worthy of being Lieyang Sect.” The leader of Yang Zong!”

“Yes, I am your senior by any means, but you still want to hold some **** anti-rape convention to kill me. People like you deserve to die!”

The old ghost with a red beard was full of anger.

“Jin Yan, your sins are so heinous, and you have ended up like this today, it is God’s way, and you are not happy with your retribution!”

Luo Qingyun made a perfect summary of everyone’s words with an angry look on her face.

“Ha! The way of heaven? Retribution? The monks go against the will of heaven. They don’t care about the **** heaven, and they don’t believe in the **** retribution!”

Jin Yan said with a sneer on his face: “I, Jin Yan, can sit on the position of the sect leader and achieve today’s achievements entirely because of myself!”

“It’s really stubborn!”

Jiang Tian shook his head: “Although the monks go against the will of heaven, the way of heaven is vast. How can you disobey the way of heaven if you join the way?”

After thousands of years of cultivation, he has seen many peerless powers. He thought he was invincible and wanted to change his fate against the will of heaven.

But in the end they all ended up dead.

Even at his peak, Jiang Tian, ​​who was almost on the verge of breaking through the Hongmeng realm, had only touched the threshold of the way of heaven, and would never dare to say that he controlled the way of heaven.

“Disobedient to the way of heaven? Oh, what kind of **** are you talking about the way of heaven! If you are really the way of heaven, then even if the master of this sect is against it, so what!”

Jin Yan pretended to be crazy and roared like thunder: “This sect leader has always believed in only one sentence, that is, my fate is determined by God!”

After he finished speaking, the “sun” held up by his left hand suddenly burst into blazing light.

Jin Yan pushed Jin Shuo several thousand meters away, and then he heard the sound of “ka ka ka” coming from the “sun” held up by his left hand.

The blazing arc flashed and white light filled the entire Lieyang City.

“No! This **** is going to fight back!”

The red-bearded old ghost was shocked.

This kind of power alone may be able to destroy the entire Lieyang City.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, be careful!”

Yan Qiluo was hit by a blazing arc of electricity and flew backwards.

“Let’s retreat quickly!”

The figure of the fire dragon elder flickered, and after dodging several arcs of electricity, he raised his hand to catch Yan Qiluo, and quickly backed away.

“Jiang Tian, ​​be careful!”

Luo Qingyun was so blinded by the blazing light that she could not open her eyes. She could only condense a light shield in front of her, and then retreated a thousand meters away again.

“Jiang Taichu, you are the first one in thousands of years to be able to push this sect leader to this point!”

Jin Yan’s body was infinitely higher, and the light ball he held in his hands was really like a sun blooming with blazing light.

“What a powerful force!”

Jiang Tian’s whole body was covered with a mask of light, staring at the blazing sun.

Jin Yan quickly formed marks with his hands, then spread his palms flat and lifted them up!

An even more surging power was immediately injected into the blazing sun.


The void trembles.

The light that originally illuminated the entire Lieyang City quickly shrank.

The blazing sun now possesses the swallowing power of a black hole, absorbing all the surrounding white light into its own body.

The blazing sun quickly condensed and shrank in size, but the light on its surface became increasingly dazzling.

“Now that you have died under the secret technique of this sect master, you have deserved your death!”

Jin Yan pushed his hands forward suddenly, centered on his waist, and suddenly exerted force on his body, throwing the ball of light in his hand towards Jiang Tian.

“Hoo **** ho!”

The blazing light group did not cause the slightest ripples wherever it passed, but the dangerous aura emanating from it caused everyone’s expressions to change dramatically.

Jiang Tian’s eyes narrowed and he felt an unprecedented dangerous aura coming towards him quickly.

If you can’t avoid it, you may die!


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