Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3094: :Pursuit

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“How do you know that I didn’t respond in advance? The ball of light condensed in this formation is indeed extraordinary. If you retreat a thousand meters, you will save yourself injuries!”

Jiang Tian smiled confidently and said to everyone.

Seeing that everyone could not persuade Jiang Tian, ​​they could only obey Jiang Tian’s order, use their skills, and withdraw thousands of meters away.

At this time, the elders of the Lieyang Sect in the formation were almost completely refined by Jin Yan.

The remaining two or three elders with relatively strong foundations finally couldn’t hold on under the pressure of the secret technique, and finally turned into a pile of withered bones and fell from the huge formation.


As the last drop of essence and blood gathered into the formation, the huge ball of light in the formation trembled crazily and once again burst into dazzling light.

“Jiang Taichu, I didn’t expect that you would dare to face my sect master’s secret technique alone. With this courage alone, this sect master is not wasting so much energy on operating this formation secret technique!”

Jin Yan looked down at Jiang Tian, ​​holding up a dazzling ball of light in one hand, as if holding up a sun.

In the light ball, arcs flashed, containing surging power.

“Oh, it seems you are very confident in yourself!”

A sneer curled up at the corner of Jiang Tian’s mouth.

Jin Yan looked sternly and said: “Confidence is beyond the pale, but killing you is enough!”

“Then try it!”

Jiang Tian swung the red flame demon sword, and the sword’s body was shining with light.

“Seeking death!”

Jin Yan held up the “sun” with his left hand, and quickly formed a mark on his right hand. A stream of light gathered on his fingertips, and then pointed toward Jiang Tian.


The “sun” began to vibrate and make a buzzing sound.

As the arc flashed, tiny **** of light quickly disappeared from it, shooting towards Jiang Tian like cannonballs.

“Whoosh whoosh!”

This group of light is densely packed and fast as lightning.

When I first saw it, I had just escaped from the “sun”, and in the blink of an eye, it had already appeared before my eyes.

“It’s quite interesting!”

Jiang Tian thought about it.


On the red flame demon sword, poisonous fire suddenly rose.

He raised his hand and waved, and the blazing poisonous fire turned into fire dragons, roaring and engulfing the light group.


The two collided, and a huge explosion sounded.

The huge fire dragon dissipated, and blazing fireballs spattered around.

Some ignited the surrounding air, while others fell to the ground, melting the earth and turning it into small pieces of magma.

Suddenly, Jiang Tian frowned and felt a strong sense of crisis coming quickly.


He was moved in his heart, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that the ball of light that had been swallowed by the fire dragon was unscathed and was attacking Jiang Tian again.

Jiang Tian was shocked. He never thought that this small ball of light could have such terrifying power.

The poisonous fire cannot corrode and destroy it!

As his figure flickered, dodging one ball of light after another, Jiang Tian waved the red flame demon sword in his hand.




Dazzling white lights lit up in the sky.

Jiang Tian urged the red flame demon sword in his hand and quickly slashed at the light **** chasing behind him.

Fortunately, those light groups dissipated instantly after being struck by the Red Flame Demonic Sword.

This gave Jiang Tian a lot of peace of mind.

As long as there is a solution, it is not a desperate situation.

“Jiang Taichu, let’s see how long you can last!”

Jin Yan looked at Jiang Tian indifferently, formed a mark on his hand again, and pointed towards Jiang Tian.


The “sun” held in his hand seemed to contain endless energy, vibrating again, emitting **** of light, attacking Jiang Tian.

“This light ball is so strange, it can release so many light groups!”

Jiang Tian’s figure kept flashing in the air, waving the red flame demon sword from time to time to kill the light group that was chasing after him.

But there are too many light groups.

Even if Jiang Tian’s sword light kept flashing, it only destroyed part of the light group.

“Haha, Jiang Taichu, don’t you have a high level of cultivation, can you use your spiritual cultivation to overwhelm Hedao? Why are you in such a mess now!”

Jin Yan looked at the blazing light chasing Jiang Tian as if playing with a kitten.

“Jiang Taichu, you are too arrogant. Do you really think you are my brother’s opponent?”

Jin Shuo sneered and said: “When you run out of strength, my brother will kill you like a rat in the gutter!”

“I didn’t expect that the sect master had such a method. This formation is really extraordinary!”

Elder Dihuo looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned.

Now it seems that the scale of victory has tilted towards Jin Yan!

If this is really the case, then wouldn’t Jin Yan have to settle the score for himself in the future?

Thinking of this, he felt uneasy.

He knew that Jin Yan was an extremely narrow-minded person, and Jin Yan would definitely not let him go after what happened today.

Moreover, even if Jin Yan is not Jiang Tian’s opponent and dies in the end, how can Jiang Tian let him go?

“No, it’s better to leave quickly!”

With a thought, Elder Dihuo appeared thousands of meters away.

There is still time. While Jiang Tian and Jin Yan are fighting each other, he wants to go to Lieyang Sect to take away some pills and spiritual treasures as a foundation for his future settlement.

“Brother, Elder Earthfire wants to run away!”

Seeing Elder Dihuo leaving quickly, Jin Shuo quickly reminded him.

Jin Yan glanced at the departing figure of Elder Dihuo and immediately sneered: “Let him go. After this sect leader kills Jiang Taichu, he will naturally deal with this traitor!”

Hearing these words, Elder Dihuo was suddenly shocked. He quickened his pace again, left Lieyang City, and headed towards Lieyang Sect.

At this time, Jiang Tian had no time to take care of Elder Dihuo and could only let him escape.

“Jiang Tian, ​​this is the end of your pride and complacency!”

Seeing the embarrassed look, Luo Qingyun felt uneasy in her heart, but there was a burst of complaints in her mouth.

She was angry with Jiang Tian for not following her advice before.

She complained about Jiang Tian for not killing Jin Yan first.

This ultimately led to the current dangerous situation.

“What’s the use of talking about this now? This ball of light is weird and abnormal. The poisonous fire cannot completely dissipate it. It can only be destroyed with one sword after another!”

The fire dragon elder frowned and said: “But the light clusters are dense and endless. If it continues to be consumed like this, even the master may not be able to hold on!”

For monks, the spiritual power contained in the body is limited.

It’s just the level of the realm that determines the amount of spiritual power contained in the body.

But no matter how much it is, it will eventually run out one day.

“Uncle Fire Dragon is right. It is not an option to waste time like this. We must find a way to help fellow Daoist Jiang get rid of the current predicament!”

Yan Qiluo frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

“If that doesn’t work, I’ll tie up Jin Shuo and threaten Jin Yan!”

The red-bearded old ghost rolled his eyes and said.

The three people looked at the red-bearded old ghost at the same time. The red-bearded old ghost was stunned and asked: “Why are you looking at me? Am I wrong?”

“Hongxu, you are so right!”

Luo Qingyun’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she said excitedly: “Although Jin Yan is vicious to others, he is extremely caring about Jin Shuo. If we can catch Jin Shuo, we may have a chance to help Jiang Tian!”

The fire dragon elder and the red-bearded old ghost also nodded.

“Without further ado, I’m going to catch Jin Shuo!”

Yan Qiluo is eager to try.

But the red-bearded old ghost stopped her and said: “Little girl, this is my idea. Of course I am gone, where will it be your turn!?”

As he said that, he ignored Yan Qiluo and others, and disappeared in a flash.

He left a very bad impression on Jiang Tian before, but now he just took this opportunity to show off!

“This bastard, after spending so long, he still has strength!”

At this time, all Jin Shuo’s attention was focused on Jiang Tian.

He didn’t notice at all that the red-bearded old ghost had appeared next to him.

“B*tch, do you really want my master to die?”

The red-bearded old ghost smiled sadly.

“You…what do you want to do!?”

Jin Shuo was so frightened that he trembled and immediately urged the Lingbao in his hand to disappear quickly.

This was what Jin Yan had left for him before.

While urging the Lingbao to fly in the direction of Jin Yan, he shouted loudly: “Brother, save me!”


Jin Yan was concentrating on manipulating thousands of light groups to chase Jiang Tian, ​​when Jin Shuo’s voice suddenly came to his ears.

“Seeking death!”

He smiled coldly, separated some light balls, and flew towards the red-bearded old ghost.

“The opportunity has come!” Jiang Tian looked happy.


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