Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3093: :Vicious and vicious

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There was a roaring sound in the formation, and it started slowly.

“Jiang Tian, ​​this formation is by no means simple, stop him quickly!”

Luo Qingyun’s face was full of anxiety.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, this formation is activated by the blood essence of more than a dozen monks in the Void Return Realm. I’m afraid it’s extremely powerful, so it’s better to be careful!”

A look of worry also flashed across Yan Qiluo’s face.

As for the fire dragon elder and the red-bearded old ghost, they frowned.

Obviously, they also felt that this killing formation was unusual.

“No problem, I want to see what’s so special about his killing array!”

Jiang Tian smiled slightly.

Playing formations in front of oneself is really not the same as reading the Three Character Classic in front of Confucius?

As long as he uses a few tricks, he can quietly break this formation.

“Get away from me first, otherwise I may hurt you later!”

Jiang Tian looked around.

“You…I really don’t know where you get your confidence!”

Luo Qingyun had no choice but to shake her head and leave first.

At this moment, the strange red light flashing in the formation suddenly entangled all the elders of Lieyang Sect.

Elder Dihuo was suddenly startled and realized that he could not control his body!

Feeling the rapid loss of blood and essence in his body, he was horrified.

This is far beyond the limit of half blood essence.

“Does the sect master want to… refine all of us…”

A terrifying thought suddenly arose in Elder Dihuo’s mind.

He looked around anxiously. The elders of the Lieyan Sect were still releasing their blood essence without warning.

I don’t know what Jin Yan really thinks.

A **** red thread flowed out from their bodies and flowed into the formation, dyeing the strange formations red, and then burst out with blazing fire.

A huge ball of energy slowly condensed inside it.

“These idiots deserved to die for my two brothers!”

Jin Yan was thinking secretly while running the refining technique, his eyes filled with cold light.

“It’s true!”

After seeing Jin Yan’s extremely cold expression and the imperceptible sneer at the corner of his mouth, Elder Dihuo finally determined Jin Yan’s true thoughts.

He is indeed very loyal, but most of it is loyalty to Lieyang Sect, his own cultivation path and the status of the sect.

If he was really asked to give up his life and turn it into a sharp sword in Jin Yan’s hand, he would definitely not be willing to do so.

Thinking of this, he thought, and the flow of essence and blood immediately stopped.

“Red Flame Poison Fire, break!”

Elder Earthfire mobilized the last trace of poisonous fire left in his body and turned it into a flaming sword, which suddenly struck the formation pattern under his feet.


The formation shook.

Then, an undetectable crack appeared in front of him.

“Dihuo, what are you going to do!?” Jin Yan looked sideways at Elder Dihuo with a gloomy expression.

“Jin Yan, you actually want to refine all of us. You are really vicious. How can I just sit back and wait for death!”

As Elder Dihuo spoke, his whole body turned into a ball of fire and drilled out along the crack in front of him.

Jin Yan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became extremely sinister.

I never thought that Elder Dihuo, who had always been obedient to me, would turn against me at this moment!

“Bastard thing!”

Jin Yan cursed secretly, and then sped up the formation.

“What!? The sect master wants to refine all of us!”

“Didn’t the sect master say that only half of our blood essence and blood will not hurt our lives?”

“With only our ordinary blood essence and blood, how can we possibly cope with Jiang Taichu? What Elder Dihuo said is 80% true…ah!”

Before the last elder finished speaking, he felt a surging force suddenly penetrate his body.

In an instant, the body completely lost control, the essence and blood in the body were lost rapidly, and the miracles quickly dissipated, as if they were being drained.

At this time, the elders of Lieyang Sect finally reacted.

As Elder Dihuo said, Jin Yan really wanted to drain all their blood essence.

“Jin Yan, you are such a villain!”

“I will never let you go even if I’m a ghost!”

“If you want to refine this elder, I will not let you succeed!”

The elders were furious and wanted to use their spiritual power to escape from the formation.

But they are just monks in the Return to Void Realm, how can they escape from the formation set up by a strong man in the Hedao Realm?

For a while, screams could not be heard.

“You guys are just dogs raised by my brother! I and my brothers will kill you whenever they want!”

Jin Shuo looked at the people in the formation and sneered.

“Elders, the Lieyang Sect supports you, gives you status, and provides you with pills for practice. Isn’t it just to let you contribute to the Lieyang Sect at critical moments?”

“Now that we are facing a powerful enemy, my sect leader still wants to fight for our sect, why can’t you!”

Compared to Jin Shuo, Jin Yan, as the leader of a sect, is much more impressive.

“You bastard!”

A few more desperate screams came from the formation.

Under the stimulation of the secret technique of the formation, in just a few breaths of time, two sect elders with relatively low cultivation levels turned into a pile of withered bones and fell from the formation scatteredly. .

The elders all looked despairing.

I never expected that as an elder of the Lieyang Sect, he would not die in the hands of Jiang Tian, ​​but in the end he would die in the hands of the leader of the Lieyang Sect, Jin Yan.

And their essence and blood will eventually turn into the power in the formation, and turn into the dazzling sun in the formation, blasting towards Jiang Tian.

“How come this Jin Yan is so vicious, he doesn’t even spare his own people!”

The red-bearded old ghost sighed and cast his gaze on Jiang Tian.

Compared to the insidious and vicious Jin Yan, Jiang Tian only planted a restriction in his body from beginning to end.

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Tian doesn’t know how many times stronger he is than Jin Yan, a sinister and vicious villain!

“Those who have gained the right will get many help, but those who have lost the right will have little help. Jin Yan is vicious and vicious, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Even without me, I’m afraid he won’t be able to go on for a long time!”

Jiang Tian looked at the huge ball of light slowly condensing in the formation and muttered to himself.

“Jiang Tian, ​​what are you thinking about? Can’t you feel that this formation is extraordinary?”

Luo Qingyun said anxiously: “If Jin Yan completely refines these elders and condenses the light **** in the formation, we will probably be wiped out!”

“Don’t worry, just wait!”

Jiang Tianhun looked at Jin Yan in the formation nonchalantly, his voice indifferent.

“You…if you want to wait for death, just stay here by yourself, without any companionship!”

Luo Qingyun’s face turned red with anger, she turned around with a flick of her sleeves and disappeared.

Her figure flickered, and in just a blink of an eye, she appeared thousands of meters away. Seeing that Jiang Tian still had no reaction, she could only stop bitterly.

Observing the situation from a distance.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, what Daoist Luo said is right, this formation is extraordinary. I know that your methods are extraordinary, but it is better to make plans in advance!”

Yan Qiluo persuaded softly, but her tone was full of anxiety.

Seeing Jiang Tian’s lack of response, Elder Fire Dragon also advised: “Yes, Master, after all, you are prepared for any danger. If you are caught off guard, something might happen!”

“Master, what they said is right. It is right to prepare in advance to deal with it.”

The red-bearded old ghost also nodded repeatedly, obviously agreeing with the two people’s suggestions.

“How do you know that I didn’t respond in advance? The ball of light condensed in this formation is indeed extraordinary. If you retreat a thousand meters, you will save yourself injuries!”

Jiang Tian smiled confidently and said to everyone.

Seeing that everyone could not persuade Jiang Tian, ​​they could only obey Jiang Tian’s order, use their skills, and withdraw thousands of meters away.

At this time, the elders of the Lieyang Sect in the formation were almost completely refined by Jin Yan.

The remaining two or three elders with relatively strong foundations finally couldn’t hold on under the pressure of the secret technique, and finally turned into a pile of withered bones and fell from the huge formation.


As the last drop of essence and blood gathered into the formation, the huge ball of light in the formation trembled crazily and once again burst into dazzling light.

“Jiang Taichu, I didn’t expect that you would dare to face my sect master’s secret technique alone. With this courage alone, this sect master is not wasting so much energy on operating this formation secret technique!”

Jin Yan looked down at Jiang Tian, ​​holding up a dazzling ball of light in one hand, as if holding up a sun.


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