Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3091: :I had a while

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“Brother… we are probably doomed this time…”

Although Jin Yan briefly protected Jin Shuo, he did not bear the blow of the Red Flame Demonic Sword head-on.

But the powerful impact still shattered his soul again.

After finally condensing, the whole person became illusory.

His soul is on the verge of collapse.

“Damn it! Damn it!”

Jin Yan’s mouth was bleeding, and he never thought that instead of plotting against Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian would treat him in his own way.

What’s more important is that his brother’s soul was broken again!


Boundless anger!

“Brother, we have enjoyed great success along the way. Now that we are dead, it is worth it!”

Jin Shuo shook his head and said with a wry smile.

“We have come all this way, how can we die here!”

Jin Yan gritted his teeth and shook his head.

The reason why he pursued the whereabouts of the Flame Bead was to take a step further.

Now that the goal has not been achieved, how could one be willing to die like this?

“But what else can we do? We have exhausted our options!” Jin Shuo smiled bitterly.

“Jin Shuo, do you think that my brother’s service as the leader of Lieyang Sect for so many years was really in vain?”

Jin Yan sneered and said: “How can brother not have a trump card?”

“What? What other trump cards does brother have?”

Jin Shuo’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt hope for life.

“That’s them!” Jin Yan looked at the elders of the Lieyang Sect in the sky.


Jin Yan’s eyes were full of doubts, and then he smiled bitterly and said: “They are just in the Return to the Void Realm. Jiang Taichu’s tricks are so frequent that he can probably crush them all to death with one finger, so what’s the use?”

“What if we refine them all?”

Jin Yan did not speak directly, but only used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice.

“Brother means to refine them all to enhance your own strength?”

Jin Shuo frowned and said, “But even so, I’m afraid he is still no match for Jiang Taichu.”

“Is it possible to kill Jiang Taichu only by strengthening one’s own strength?”

Jin Yan smiled coldly and said: “I plan to burn all the blood and essence of these people and use it as a guide to kill Jiang Taichu!”

Jin Shuo looked at Jin Yan dumbfounded.

He knew that Jin Yan was decisive and even cruel.

But I never expected that Jin Yan would achieve this.

Although these people are only in the Return to Void Realm, they are all the mainstays of Lieyang Sect!

“Brother…if we kill them all, then the Lieyang Sect…”

Jin Shuo is still a little worried.

“If both our brothers are dead, then what’s the use of the Lieyang Sect?”

Jin Yan seemed to have made up his mind.

Jin Shuo nodded slightly.

In his opinion, what his brother said was absolutely correct. Throughout their journey as brothers, no one had ever pitied them, and no one had ever helped them.

What does the inheritance of Lieyang Sect have to do with them?

As long as the two brothers survive, they have absolute confidence to re-establish the Lieyang Sect.

“Brother, I’m afraid these people won’t just let others slaughter them!”

Jin Shuo has obviously agreed with Jin Yan’s plan, but he still feels something is wrong.

“These people are as stupid as pigs. I will let them rush forward obediently. When the time comes, I can instantly use my secret skills to refine them all into means of fighting!”

Jin Yan sneered.


Jin Shuo nodded, “Brother, I wish you immediate success!”

“Just wait here. By the way, these are some pills that can help you condense your soul. Also, please accept this spiritual treasure for now.”

Jin Yan took out a bottle of elixirs and a gourd-shaped spiritual treasure, and handed them to Jin Yan.

“This spiritual treasure…” Jin Shuo was confused.

“This is a ghost gourd. If I can’t kill Jiang Taichu with one blow, I will immediately activate this spiritual treasure and send us two brothers away!”

Jin Yan sent a message and ordered.

Jin Shuo was stunned. His brother’s work was still so reassuring.

Even though he knew that Jiang Taichu might not be able to withstand the crushing blow of so many people, he still made perfect arrangements.

He nodded quickly.

The book is short and the two of them seemed to communicate a lot, but in fact it only happened in a few breaths.

At this time, Jin Yan has arranged everything.

“Jin Yan, what other methods do you have, you can use them as much as you can, otherwise, I will really be sorry for your reputation as the leader of Lieyang Sect!”

Jiang Tian looked down at Jin Yan and was not in a hurry to take action.

This Jin Yan is the leader of Lieyang Sect, and many of the techniques he practices are consistent with his Zhiyang deity.

Maybe there are other methods that can be used to raise the realm of Zhiyang God to a higher level again.

Actually, Jiang Tian has gained a lot from these.

He couldn’t help but absorb the essence of fire from the Red Flame Demonic Beast, and also took down the Red Flame Demonic Sword.

“Jiang Tian, ​​don’t be careless, just kill this guy!”

Luo Qingyun frowned.

This Jiang Tian is a little proud.

“It doesn’t matter, I have absolute confidence to kill it!”

Jiang Tian shook his head and refused.

If you use the power of Jin Yan to promote the Zhiyang God to the power of the gods, you can directly advance to the void.

Even if it is that mysterious existence, you don’t have to be afraid.

The fire dragon elder and the red-bearded old ghost looked at Jiang Tian and said nothing.

To be precise, these two people are just Jiang Tian’s “running dogs” and have no right to interfere with their master’s decision.

As for Yan Qiluo, now that she relies entirely on Jiang Tian to kill Jin Yan, how could she possibly have any objections?

After arranging everything, Jin Yan turned his head and stared at Jiang Tian coldly.

His clothes were in pieces, but his eyes were filled with endless fighting spirit.

I saw him lift his foot, and his figure was already flying into the air. He looked at Jiang Tian and sneered: “Jiang Taichu, I have to say that you are indeed very strong, surpassing all the opponents I have encountered before!”

“Even this sect leader almost fell into your hands!”

The elders of Lieyang Sect were stunned, wondering what Jin Yan meant when he said these words at this time.

Do you still want to surrender again?

“Sect Master, what’s the use of saying this?”

Elder Dihuo frowned and said, “The most urgent task now is to kill Jiang Taichu!”

“This is natural. This sect leader has already found a way to kill Jiang Taichu!”

Jin Yan stared at Jiang Tian with surging murderous intent in his eyes.

“Oh? Sect Leader Jin indeed has a trump card. He is truly worthy of being the leader of a first-class sect. I admire him!”

Jiang Tian had a smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of teasing.

“Jiang Taichu, don’t be arrogant!”

Elder Dihuo yelled loudly: “The sect leader will definitely kill you immediately if he takes action this time!”

“Yes! You are indeed very strong for being able to force the sect master to such an extent, but after all, you are just an individual, Kamino Shu!”

“Now that the sect is trying to suppress the situation, how can you not die?”

“Whatever means the sect master has, feel free to use them. If you want us to help, of course we will not be vague!”

The elders of Lieyang Sect shouted loudly, and the crowd was excited.

“I’m afraid these idiots don’t know that they are already going to die!”

Jin Shuo looked at these people with angry faces and thought to himself: “These people are just like what my brother said, stupid as pigs!”

“Okay, you are indeed the mainstay of our Lieyang Sect!”

Jin Yan nodded slightly, with a hint of relief in his eyes.

But he was still sneering inside.

Aren’t these people playing into their own hands by saying such things at this time?

“Everyone, I have a while to protect our Lieyang Sect. Even if Jiang Taichu is thousands of miles away, I can kill him!”

Jin Yan raised his hand and waved.

A series of formation patterns lit up, and a sense of killing suddenly filled the area for dozens of miles.

He shouted in a calm voice: “Everyone is willing to join the battle and help me kill this beast!”


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