Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 3090: : Making an attack in the east and attacking in the west?

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“Backing? Resources? Ha! These things are not important to me at all!”

Jiang Tian sneered, rather dismissively.

“None of these are important? Then what is important?” Jin Yan asked.

“Without you, Jin Yan, that is the most important thing to me!”

A cold light burst out from Jiang Tian’s eyes, and he stared at Jin Yan coldly.

After thousands of years of cultivation, he has met countless people. How could he not see that Jin Yan is just a temporary measure.

If you really agree to join the Lieyang Sect, one day in the future, you may be designed by Jin Yan to die.

This choice is simply stupid.

“Jiang Taichu, I advise you not to be ungrateful!”

Jin Shuo was furious.

I never expected that the Transformation God Ye Xiu in front of me would be a master who refused to take either soft or hard advice.

“Jiang Taichu, are you really not afraid that both this sect leader and you will suffer losses?” Jin Yan reprimanded angrily.

“Both sides suffer? So what if both sides suffer?”

Jiang Tian looked at both sides and sneered: “We have four Hedao realm monks. Even if both of us lose our fighting power, the four of them are enough to bulldoze your Lieyang Sect!”

“What’s more, do you really think you have the strength to hurt both of us?”

After the words fell, Jiang Tian raised his hand and held it in the air. The red flame demon sword had appeared in his hand.

His figure flashed and appeared in front of Jin Yan. “Jiang Taichu, I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil!”

Jin Shuo was furious.

I never expected that the Transformation God Ye Xiu in front of me would be a master who refused to take either soft or hard advice.

“Jiang Taichu, are you really not afraid that both this sect leader and you will suffer losses?” Jin Yan reprimanded angrily.

“Both sides suffer? So what if both sides suffer?”

Jiang Tian looked at both sides and sneered: “We have four Hedao realm monks. Even if both of us lose our fighting power, the four of them are enough to bulldoze your Lieyang Sect!”

“What’s more, do you really think you have the strength to hurt both of us?”

After the words fell, Jiang Tian raised his hand and held it in the air. The red flame demon sword had appeared in his hand.

His figure flashed and appeared in front of Jin Yan.


Above the nine heavens, black and red fire clouds rolled.

The energy of the avenue is like a waterfall, falling from the sky.

Mixed with endless spiritual power, it is injected into the red flame demon sword.

“Jiang Taichu, if you want to kill me, it’s not that easy!”

Seeing that the red flame demon sword was about to fall, Jin Yan’s eyes became fierce and the sword pointed at the center of his eyebrows.


The void shook.

A golden light emerged from between the eyebrows, instantly dyeing Jin Yan into gold.

The golden light is immortal again.

As long as he has this inheritance and the secret technique of the founder of the Lieyang Sect, he will have enough confidence to deal with the Red Flame Demonic Sword.

“Who said I was going to kill you?”

Jiang Tian continued to sneer, and then the sword edge deflected, thinking that Jin Yan was not far away and swept over.


The blazing flame turned into a fire dragon and roared towards Jin Shuo.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

Feeling the strong power and hot temperature, Jin Shuo’s scalp suddenly became numb.

Now that he has long lost his physical body, he is only in the state of soul. If he is burned by this poisonous fire again, he will definitely die.

“No, you must avoid it!”

Jin Shuo reacted instantly and burned part of his consciousness, turning it into powerful power and pouring it into his whole body to escape.

But he was surprised to find that he couldn’t move.

“Are you going to die here today?”

He knew that he had been completely locked by the fire dragon in front of him, and he was afraid that he would be doomed.

“Haha, what a great effort, Jiang Tian, ​​well done!”

Luo Qingyun shouted, extremely excited.

“Just now, Jin Yan took action against us, causing the master to be injured. Now the master is attacking in the east and west, and he will be rescued if he attacks. It can be regarded as retaliation for retaliation!”

The fire dragon elder sneered again and again.

Seeing Jiang Tian do this, he felt extremely happy.

“Fortunately, I didn’t escape again. Otherwise, the master would give me a tit-for-tat, wouldn’t it be miserable?”

The red-bearded old ghost was very happy, but soon he realized that what he just said was “again.”

The whole face suddenly collapsed.

“Jiang Taichu, you shameless person! How dare you attack Jin Shuo!”

Jin Yan was furious.

He originally thought that Jiang Tian was going to fight him to the death, but who would have thought that Jiang Tian actually took a different approach and went straight to Jin Shuo.

Jin Shuo is also a monk who has returned to the Void Realm. It’s okay for him to bully others, but he definitely can’t deal with the sky-devouring fire dragon.

I am afraid that I will die.

But after all, he is Jin Yan’s biological brother and his only relative in the world. How could Jin Yan not save him?

But at this time, the sky-devouring fire dragon was already close at hand, and it was impossible for Jin Yan to save Jin Shuo.

His mind was spinning rapidly, and he raised his hand to shoot out a stream of light.

This golden light was as fast as lightning, several times faster than the sky-swallowing fire dragon. It arrived first and struck Jin Shuo the moment before the sky-swallowing fire dragon swallowed him up.


The golden light instantly shattered Jin Shuo’s soul.


The sky-swallowing fire dragon passed through the broken soul and disappeared into the distant sky.

“Why…why did the sect leader kill Elder Jin?”

“Is the sect leader crazy? This is his biological brother!”

“No, look!”

The elders of Lieyang Sect were stunned for a moment, and then saw Jin Shuo’s shattered soul begin to condense.

The blow just now only dispersed Jin Shuo’s soul and made him lose some cultivation. Compared with being swallowed up by the fire dragon and completely dying, this result is obviously easier for people to do. accept.

“This Jin Yan is really decisive in killing, and he can even think of such a method!”

A dignified look flashed in Yan Qiluo’s eyes.

She did hate Jin Yan with all her heart, but she admired Jin Yan’s decisiveness and method of doing things.

“Indeed, if I were faced with the situation just now, I’m afraid I would have given up completely!”

The fire dragon elder couldn’t help but nodded: “Although the master has reached the heavens, facing an old monster like Jin Yan who has lived for ten thousand years, he has little experience in fighting.”

“Fire Dragon, you don’t think that the master’s fighting experience is not as good as that of Jin Yan, right?”

The red-bearded old ghost frowned and looked at the fire dragon elder aside.

The fire dragon elder was stunned and wanted to refute.

But when he thought that the person he was talking about was Jiang Tian, ​​he quickly shut his mouth.

“Elder Fire Dragon is right. After all, Jiang Tian is just a god-forming monk. In terms of experience in fighting, it is normal for him to be different from Jin Yan.”

Luo Qingyun nodded, and said quietly: “But when Jiang Tian is promoted to the Hedao realm, he doesn’t know what terrifying level he will reach.”

“You really don’t know what to say. Do you really think that the master’s experience in fighting and fighting is shallow? Just watch, the master must have some tricks up his sleeve!”

The red-bearded old ghost looked at everyone with disdain, and then turned his attention to Jiang Tian again.

At this time, Jin Shuo’s spirit had almost condensed.

Jin Yan breathed a long sigh of relief, and flew towards Jin Shuo in a flash, and at the same time asked: “Are you okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s just that my cultivation has dropped to another level…”

Jin Shuo just wanted to explain his realm clearly, but suddenly he seemed to see some terrifying existence behind Jin Yan, and reminded him loudly: “Brother, be careful!”

Jin Yan was stunned, and suddenly the hairs on his hair stood on end, and a huge sense of crisis came from behind.

Every ray of consciousness was beating crazily, reminding him.


Extremely dangerous.

If you don’t escape at this time, you may die.

“Jiang Taichu!!!”

Jin Yan was itching his teeth with hatred.

As the saying goes, relationships lead to chaos.

If others were injured, Jin Yan would definitely not come over to check.

But the man in front of him is Jin Shuo, Jin Yan’s biological brother. He has been with him all the way since he was a child.

How could he give up so easily?

“Sect Master Jin, it is not a good habit to leave your back to your opponent during a fight!”

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, raised his hand and slashed towards Jin Yan’s back with his sword.

Whether it is making false claims to the east and attacking in the west, or making false claims to the east and attacking in the east, everything is a reaction made in order to kill the opponent.

For Jiang Tian, ​​this is not something extraordinary, but in the eyes of others, it is shocking.

They all opened their eyes wide, watching helplessly as the edge of the red flame demon sword slashed towards Jin Yan’s back.


The sword light burning with black flames burst out.


Jin Yan did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, he circulated the golden light and bloomed golden light all over his body, wrapping himself and Jin Shuo in an attempt to escape.

How could Jiang Tian give him this opportunity, and how could the Red Flame Demonic Sword give him this opportunity?


The sword light of the red flame demon sword struck Jin Yan on the back.

The golden light on Jin Yan’s back suddenly burst out, but the powerful force finally smashed Jin Yan and Jin Shuo to the ground.

The boulder shattered into pieces, and the two of them were in a panic.

“This boy is so vicious!”

“First, he pretended to attack Elder Jin, and after the sect leader helped Elder Jin out of the siege, he then attacked and severely injured the sect leader!”

“This thought makes me feel cold all over!”

The elders of Lieyang Sect looked at Jin Shuo on the ground and were shocked.

That is to say, Jin Shuo’s cultivation is tyrannical. If this situation happened to him, he would probably die long ago.

“This…this kid’s goal is actually Jin Yan?”

Luo Qingyun was completely stunned when she saw this scene.


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