Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation Chapter 2875: :Can’t afford to lose

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“What, he actually wants to give Mr. Shi another chance?”

“Is this kid crazy?”

“Young master Shi just missed because he didn’t inject spiritual power. This time, I’m afraid he will cut off the fire stick directly!”

Everyone was talking a lot.

“Boy, if you don’t accept it for good, you will die!”

Jin Zhui shook his head repeatedly.

He even felt that this monk named “Jiang Qian” had something wrong with his mind.

Otherwise, such a decision would never have been made.

“Fellow Daoist Jiang, are you sure you want to do this?”

Yan Shanxue looked at Jiang Tian and asked in a solemn tone.

After all, this was related to the other person’s life, and she didn’t want Jiang Tianping to die like this for no reason.


Jiang Tian nodded without hesitation.

“Good boy, you have the guts!”

Shi Lianxing sneered repeatedly: “But we have to agree in advance, and all the previous conditions cannot be changed!”

He repeated and emphasized: “If I can cut off your fire stick, you will explode your soul!”


Jiang Tian nodded and repeated the same: “If you don’t cut it off, then give me the soul-casting hammer, the most precious treasure of your soul-casting sect, and kneel down and kowtow to me three times!”

“Okay, it’s a deal!”

Shi Lianxing was overjoyed.

I never thought that Jiang Tian would agree to come down.

That’s when I was careless.

This time I will be able to cut off the fire stick with one sword, leaving this kid dead without any body parts!

He was excited when he thought of this.

It seems that I have seen the death of this ignorant boy.

“Shi Lianxing, why are you still standing there? Why don’t you take action?” Jiang Tian said with a smile.

“Master, don’t be careless.”

The middle-aged man seemed to sense Jiang Tian’s confidence and reminded: “You must go all out!”

“Don’t worry!”

Shi Lianxing sneered again and again and held the Heaven-Building Sword tightly.

“Hoo **** ho!”

In an instant, gusts of wind howled throughout the entire formation.

Endless spiritual energy gathered crazily thinking about Shi Lianxing.

“As expected of the Holy Son of the Soul Casting Sect, this cultivation level is probably half a step back to the void, right?”

“Even if there is no half-step back to the void, the spirit transformation has been completed!”

“Now that we add the Heaven-Mending Sword, even the cultivator who returns to the void must avoid its edge!”

“This kid named Jiang is probably going to be doomed now!”

Seeing Shi Lianxing’s unstoppable appearance, everyone was sweating for Jiang Tian.

“If this kid had negotiated the terms just now, maybe he wouldn’t have died so miserably!”

Jin Zhui looked at Jiang Tian with disdain.

In his opinion, the best choice for Jiang Tian just now was to give up as soon as possible.

No more competition!

After all, Jiang Tian had already won just now.

Even if there is a competition, Jiang’s condition of self-exploding his soul must be cancelled.

This is what is best for you.

But Jiang Tian didn’t do that at all.

Such a choice, in Jin Zhui’s view, is tantamount to seeking death.

“It seems that Shi Lianxing is determined to win this time!”

Feeling the different aura around Shi Lianxing, Yan Shanxue couldn’t help but feel tight.

She looked at Jiang Tian and said worriedly: “This time, I’m afraid you really have no chance!”

However, Jiang Tian had his hands behind his back, a calm smile on his face, and looked calm and unhurried.

“Give it to me, break it!”

The Heaven-Building Sword in Shi Lianxing’s hand bloomed with endless golden light.

With a loud shout, golden light fell down like a meteor, chopping on the fire stick.


A huge roar sounded.

The originally indestructible forge was split in half.

The sharp sword energy escaped, knocking several monks around him away.

The final bombardment hit the pavilion protection formation of Yunshan Pavilion.

Countless dust rose into the sky, making it difficult to see what was happening.

“It’s so powerful! This Tian Mending Sword is really extraordinary!”

“The fire stick must have been broken in two this time!”

“Not only was it broken in two, I’m afraid it would have been reduced to ashes long ago!”

Before the dust cleared, everyone was already talking.

But without exception, everyone thought that the fire stick had at least been broken into two pieces.

After all, the power of the Sky-Bending Sword was there just now.

“It’s over! It’s over! Someone is going to blow himself up!”

Jin Zhui hummed happily.

It seems that Jiang Tian’s death is a great joy.


Yan Shanxue sighed.

Somehow, she knew that the fire stick would break, but she still hoped that a miracle would happen.

But this is simply impossible.

Shi Lianxing put one hand behind his back and my Heaven-Mending Sword in the other, pointing the tip of the sword at the ground, assuming a posture that he thought was very chic, and sneered:

“Boy, you can blow yourself up!”

He didn’t even check the fire stick.

Because in his opinion, the sword he just struck was enough to break the fire stick into pieces and turn it into powder.

There is absolutely no chance of an accident happening.

“Don’t you see if you have cut it off?”

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

“Boy, how dare you deny it!”

Shi Lianxing’s blood suddenly surged.

Does this still need to be checked?

The fire stick must have turned into powder.

Just when he was about to take action, he was pulled back by the middle-aged man.

“Sir, that fire stick… is still there!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

Everyone looked behind Shi Lianxing.

The dust has cleared.

I saw only a fire stick, lying there quietly.

Its surface is still dark and stained with a lot of dust.


But at this moment, no one dared to think that this was an ordinary fire stick!

“This…how is this possible!”

“The Sky-Bending Sword really can’t cut off a fire stick!”

“Is it possible that this fire stick is really a peerless spiritual treasure?”

Soon after, there were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

“Is it possible that this kid really has some tricks up his sleeve?”

Golden Hammer turned to look at Jiang Tian and murmured to himself: “This fire stick is still unbroken! Could it be that it is really a peerless spiritual treasure?”

“How is this possible!”

Yanshan Xue was also surprised.

She had inspected the fire stick as soon as it was refined.

This is obviously an ordinary weapon.

It can’t even be called a spiritual treasure.

Because she didn’t feel the entrance of spiritual energy from it at all.

In other words, when Jiang Tian was refining, he did not draw the formation at all.

However, the current results really surprised everyone.

“How is this possible! How is this possible!”

The Tian Mending Sword in Shi Lianxing’s hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Although he heard everyone’s discussion, he still didn’t believe what everyone said.

But when he turned his head inch by inch and saw the fire stick lying on the ground, he was completely shocked.

Burning fire sticks is really here!

“This is impossible! This is impossible!”

Shi Lianxing seemed to have gone crazy and stepped on the fire stick.

I want to trample the fire stick into powder.

No matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail.

“Shi Lianxing, what else can you say?”

Looking at Shi Lianxing’s crazy look, Jiang Tian asked with a sneer.

Shi Lianxing was stunned for a moment, then sneered: “Boy, you must have used some trick! Otherwise, the Butian Sword would not be able to cut down your fire stick!”

“I will not admit this result!”

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone looked at Shi Lianxing with contempt.

Is this something you can’t afford to lose?

“Shi Lianxing, don’t forget, you have made a soul contract!”

Yan Shanxue scolded: “If you don’t admit it, you will suffer a backlash from heaven, and it is very likely that you will die!”

“It was his trick, he couldn’t win with force, why should I admit defeat!”

Shi Lianxing sneered.

“You can’t afford to lose!” Jiang Tian laughed.

“Who said I can’t afford to lose!”

Shi Lianxing scolded: ‘Jiang, do you dare to let my followers try again! ’

“Okay, I’ll give you this chance to convince you that you lost!” Jiang Tian scolded.


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