Return To 1977 Chapter 99: Conspiracy

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This is really in line with that sentence. No one is stupider than anyone else. They are all good people and have their own calculations.

After a burst of excitement, “Da Minzi” finally gained courage. He took a sip of wine from the cup and decided to drink it.

But just when he was about to swallow the wine and praise “Vise”, he didn’t expect that the door of the restaurant was suddenly kicked open extremely roughly.

Immediately afterwards, a wild laughter, along with the cold wind blowing into the house, filled the ears of the two people in the house from outside the door.

“You really can’t underestimate the little fish and shrimp. You are so scheming, young and old, but you have no chance!”

There were two people standing outside the door!

In shock, “Vise” suddenly jumped up from the chair.

“Da Minzi” choked on his throat with a sip of wine. Then, it all spurted out with a “pop” sound. A large piece of the ground was wet.

“Who are you?!”

“Vise” didn’t even care about the embarrassed “Da Minzi”, and instinctively shouted questions with his eyes wide open.

“The ‘Red Boy’ from Xinlu!”

“‘Chen Da Bangchui’!”

As two cold replies came from outside the door. Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan had already entered with their momentum before they entered.

After coughing for a long time, “Daminzi” finally regained his breath with tears in his eyes. But at this moment, his condition was not much better. Looking out the door, his calves were a little twisted and he was shivering involuntarily.

“Why did you smoke it? You were so high-spirited just now!”

Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but insult the phrase “Daminzi” before taking Chen Liquan into the restaurant. Then the two of them, wearing golden swords, sat down next to “Vise” and “Da Minzi” respectively.

“Vice” couldn’t help but look at each other and “Da Minzi”, and found that each other’s expressions were a bit strange. The two were still wondering how the other party had touched this place without anyone noticing.

At the same time, both of their minds were filtering quickly. Needless to say, the arrival of the enemy is definitely not that simple. It must be prepared and premeditated. Undoubtedly, they have become targets, so what happens next…

“Are you the ‘Vise’? I heard it outside the door just now. You want to meet me. Now that I have seen you, if you have anything to say, just say it.”

While “Vise” was still standing there in a daze, Hong Yanwu’s eyes narrowed and he had already turned his hostility towards him.

Faced with Hong Yanwu’s high-talking and short-talking attacks, “Vice” also knew that he was in the wrong, and at the same time he clearly felt the danger of being a prey.

However, although he is impulsive, he is also quite sneaky. I saw his eyes rolling a few times, but his expression changed into an attentive sneer. He reached out and poured two glasses of wine and placed them in front of Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan.

“Master Hong, Master Chen, I drank too much just now and was boasting. You two adults don’t care about the faults of small people. Don’t care about me, a fledgling kid. In fact, you two have famous names, little brother I’ve heard about it a long time ago, and I’d also like to get acquainted with you. I’d like to thank you for your honor today.”

After saying that, “Vice” raised a glass of wine and took the initiative to approach Hong Yanwu. Then he raised his neck and poured the wine into his mouth.

Following that, he poked “Da Minzi” again and winked, meaning that he also wanted him to come and apologize to Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan.

“‘Da Minzi’ looked at the face of ‘Vise’ at this time. Through eye contact, he seemed to have realized something. He sighed, picked up the wine glass, and got close to Chen Liquan.

“Thank you for having a good time and finding your way here. Forget it, we buddies will admit defeat, and Route 40 will be handed over to us from now on. For the sake of our old friendship, let’s turn our hostility into friendship.”

After saying that, “Da Minzi” didn’t hesitate and drank a drink.

To say that this face is indeed enough. “Vice” and “Da Minzi” seem to have completely decided to stay humble and be small, completely giving up their self-esteem. Under normal circumstances, as long as they are a good-natured person in the scene, as long as they don’t want to kill everyone, they will probably drink the wine they toast without hesitation.

So, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan smiled at each other, exchanged glances, and each picked up their wine glasses.

But just when they brought the wine glass to their lips to drink, unexpectedly, “Vice” and “Da Minzi” suddenly turned against each other.

Not only did the faces of these two people become ferocious in an instant, they also took out a knife from their lower backs and stabbed Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan from under the table very quickly!

It can be said that there is no warning at all, it is vicious and cruel!

This move is a comeback move that they have cooperated with for a long time! I think back then, “Dawai” who competed with them for Route 40 was defeated by their trick!

What is unexpected is that despite the quickness of “Vice” and “Da Minzi”, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan react even faster.

At the moment when the accident happened, not only did the two glasses of wine in their hands splash on the faces of “Vice” and “Da Minzi”, they even grabbed the two wrists that were used to stab the knife. Got it right.

After that, the results are self-evident.

As Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan exerted force at the same time, and after several “ouch” screams, all the knives in the hands of “Vise” and “Da Minzi” fell to the ground. The two of them also suffered from pain and were dragged from their chairs to their knees on the ground.

“Xiao’er, one look at you two **** holding back and moving your shoulders, I know you didn’t hold it in! You’re too young to plot against your ancestors!”

Hong Yanwu scolded him coldly, his eyes filled with coldness.

However, “Vise” was a bachelor. When he saw that his plan failed, he simply stared at Hong Yanwu with bloodshot eyes and shouted loudly.

“People named Hong, walk on the road and be careful! You don’t care, you can dominate once or twice. As time goes by, you will have to pay old debts sooner or later! It’s useless to talk about it now. Don’t look at me now It’s a ‘trap’, but I still have a bunch of tough brothers! If you have the guts, don’t leave. I’ll make you cry in less than half an hour!”

“Da Minzi” also gritted his teeth, stood up to the thunder and started to play tricks.

“You can be overbearing, but be careful and you have to bear the consequences if you make a mistake! People, I can’t give you face for a lifetime. People can’t always dominate the world! After all, they are all old ‘soldiers’ Okay, let me leave it here. Sooner or later, some unconvinced and nosy people will come forward. Do you believe it?”

To be honest, the words of the two of them are quite courageous, and they are quite generous.

But Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan dismissed this at all. Hong Yanwu, in particular, laughed sarcastically.

“Let’s make it clear. I understand what you two rely on. You ‘Vise’ think you have brothers, and you will come here to gather in a while. You will definitely not leave us alone, and you may be able to kill our brother. The two of them are surrounded. As for Da Minzi, he probably also put his hope in meeting with Gongzi. I’m sorry, I’m afraid you will be disappointed, because these two things are all in my hands. Column! ”

While “Vise” and “Da Minzi” looked surprised, Hong Yanwu turned towards the door and shouted domineeringly.

“Bring in ‘Genzi’, ‘Chunsheng’ and ‘Libener’!”

As the words fell, the door of the restaurant opened again, and the three brothers “Janzi”, “Chopper” and “Sanbengzi” who had been guarding outside pulled in three more bruised and swollen people one by one from outside the door. people.

When they saw this scene again, “Vice” and “Da Minzi” were both dumbfounded, because not only did they not expect that there were Hong Yanwu’s men outside. Moreover, the three people who were brought in were the most capable men who came over side by side when the two brothers started their business. They are also the three “captains” who are now “leading” them.

It’s really weird. All their generals were taken away by Hong Yanwu’s people. No wonder they didn’t see anyone after waiting for a long time. By analogy, “Gongzi” is within Hong Yanwu’s plan, which is probably true.

In this situation, Hong Yanwu’s viciousness, cruelty, and calculations completely convinced “Vice” and “Da Minzi”. No need to think about it anymore, they also know that they have no chance of fighting it anymore. This time, the confidence of the two of them was completely destroyed. They immediately became deflated **** – deflated.

However, what will make them even more frightened and have no master is yet to come, because Hong Yanwu is definitely a person who holds grudges, and now it is his turn to settle the score thoroughly.

“Are you two being very arrogant just now? Just be hooligans, don’t be a **** hooligan!”

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of Hong Yanwu’s mouth. After saying just one sentence, he pressed the “vise” hand that had just stabbed the person on the table, and then picked up the wine bottle on the table with his other hand. Without hesitation, he hit it hard.

After a heavy muffled sound, “Vise” fell to the ground holding one hand in pain, rolling over.

His hand bones were broken!

The “vise” was smashed into folding pliers!

At this time, Chen Liquan also followed suit. While looking coldly at “Da Minzi” with his eyes, he also took out his iconic rolling pin from his sleeve.

If “Daminzi” doesn’t know what this means, he is considered a fool.

He immediately hugged Chen Liquan’s leg and begged, saying that his hand was what he used to eat, and if it was destroyed, he would be completely finished.

And when Chen Liquan looked at Hong Yanwu inquiringly, Hong Yanwu actually opened his mouth with a smile. Fortunately, the words he said below were not harsh words that made people completely despair.

“‘Daminzi’, actually we have something to talk about. Thinking of our past friendship, I will give you some guidance again. You have to agree. Not only will the matter just be forgotten, but I will also give you some advice. I can also give you half of the No. 40 line…”

“Ah! Really?”

“Da Minzi” opened his mouth in astonishment, dumbfounded in disbelief.

“But don’t be too happy. I have to find out whether you are qualified first. Let’s put it this way, if I give you half of the 40 route, how much money can you make? ?”


Looking at Hong Yan’s wolf-like eyes, “Daminzi” was surprised and panicked. He really didn’t know whether his opponent was real or fake, let alone how big his appetite was.

But he knew better that his own people had fallen into the well, and he had to get this life-saving straw no matter what the cost!


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