Return To 1977 Chapter 97: Kowtow again

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

At a quarter past seven in the evening, Cui Liguo hadn’t eaten yet.

It’s not that he’s not hungry, it’s that he has prepared a table of wine and food and is waiting for someone.

Cui Liguo’s wife is from Miyun, and she has gone back to her parents’ home with her children these days. His family lives in a small single-family courtyard in Jingtai East, which is convenient for entry and exit.

So, he took advantage of this rare opportunity to make an appointment with a female accountant from the sales department of an enamel factory that he had just hooked up with recently, and planned to stay up all night at his home tonight to “talk about work and thoughts.” “.

When he thought of this accountant, Cui Liguo couldn’t help but think of Bai Yurong again

To be honest, although this female accountant looks pretty good, she is already thirty-six or seventy years old, older than him, and has a child. He originally had no appetite.

But I don’t know where it is. Maybe it’s the way he smiles, or maybe it’s a certain temperament on his body. Anyway, it makes him feel somewhat similar to Bai Yurong. So he temporarily regarded her as Bai Yurong’s substitute to make up for his physical and mental desires and shortcomings.

However, a substitute is still a substitute after all. After all, it is not as young, as tender, as fragrant, and as attractive as Bai Yurong himself…

It’s such a pity that she escaped last time in the warehouse, and as a result, this kind of beauty was in vain to benefit others!

I still don’t know, did that little girl let that gangster succeed?

Perhaps, his only hope is to see if there is a chance to taste “Erguotou” after the “Dalong” is arrested…

Just when Cui Liguo was imagining Bai Yurong and the female accountant naked in his mind, and comparing and criticizing them in imaginary ways, someone suddenly knocked gently on the courtyard door twice.

“Coming, coming.”

Cui Liguo immediately jumped out of the chair in high spirits, put on his clothes, opened the door and walked into the yard.

The night wind blew, and the roots of his thighs felt cold. It turned out that I had already reacted unconsciously.

But when Cui Liguo opened the courtyard door with an evil smile, he discovered that standing behind the door were two boys he had never seen before. And they also wear masks on their faces, so you can’t even see what they look like.

Just when Cui Liguo wanted to ask about their purpose, a square and flat brick was unexpectedly slapped on his face.

The courtyard door was immediately shut tightly by someone who came, and another storm of fists and kicks fell on him.

Not long after, his rather handsome face was beaten to the point where it looked like an old Japanese melon, and the seams in his eyes were completely invisible.

People cannot withstand this brutal blow. What’s more, a maggot who only thinks about taking advantage of women.

So Cui Liguo fell to the ground, crying, screaming, and begging for mercy.

The blow finally stopped, and Cui Liguo calmed down. But then, a foot wearing a torn cotton shoe stamped on his deformed face again.

“Man, are you comfortable? Do you know why?”

“I don’t know, why did I offend you?”

“You’ve offended someone else.” He punched Cui Liguo’s sealed eyes again. “Son of a bitch, you don’t know Bai Yurong, do you?”

Cui Liguo became anxious upon hearing this and asked questions very confidently.

“I didn’t provoke her again? Are you from the ‘Dalong’? Didn’t we talk about it last time? Why don’t you count what you said!”

“Stupid thing! ‘Big Dragon’ is my gray grandson!” Hit him hard again.

“Then who are you? And why?” Cui Liguo then realized that he had thought wrong. The person coming seemed to be more domineering than that “big dragon”.

“Why? Who spread rumors in the factory that Bai Yurong seduced gangsters behind his back?”

“I don’t know…” Cui Liguo pushed cleanly.

“Then who transferred Bai Yurong to the ‘Burning Blue’ workshop?”

“That’s for work needs, arranged by superiors…” Cui Liguo was still carrying it.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it, then we will help you recall your memories. Take off his pants! Fuck him!”

As a pair of strong hands held Cui Liguo down, another thin boy quickly removed Cui Liguo’s pants from him, and even the dirty pants were removed.

Then, when he saw the kid taking out a sharp knife again, Cui Liguo was finally frightened by the thought of being brave, and cold sweat broke out on his face

“Don’t! I said, I remembered, I did it, it was all me!”

“You stinky third grandson, you are nothing! You have no **** sisters or daughters! You can do this to a girl who is doing her job well! You can do such a thing to a grandson! Listen, Bai Yurong says hello. I’ll give you some memory today!”

As these words were spoken, a pair of hands grabbed Cui Liguo’s lifeblood, and the knife followed suit.

As a result, Cui Liguo completely misunderstood. He thought that the other party wanted him to annihilate his descendants, so he resisted desperately, and even shouted like killing a pig to go to the police.

He no longer cares about so much, “baby” is important!

Unexpectedly, what happened next was completely beyond his expectation. Although he got a cut on his stomach because of his erratic movements, his vitality was still there in the end, but he was roughly shaved clean. Clean, not a single hair left.

But his peace of mind was only temporary, because then he heard another sentence from the other party, and then he understood why the other party did what he did. And the threat of hitting the vital point with one strike actually gave him a fear that was no less than the one before.

“You are such a thing, you still want to go to the police? Let me tell you, I am still eager for you to do this. Just with this mark, I can sue you for **** just by looking for a ‘La’! Do you want to If your reputation is ruined and your wife and children know your true identity, then restore Bai Yurong’s reputation within a month and transfer her back to her original workshop. Otherwise, I guarantee that you will regret it for the rest of your life and lose everything!”

After that, as the words “You will get what you deserve!” came out of the other party’s mouth, he was kicked and fainted. For a moment, he didn’t know anything anymore…

At 8:20 that night, the five subordinates sent by Hong Yanwu to inquire about Daminzi’s situation, and Chen Liquan, who was responsible for asking the “second leader” for information, were all in place.

When Hong Yanwu rode back to the overpass with “Xiao Baizi”, as soon as he passed the “Hongyanlou Restaurant”, he could see them from a distance. They were all standing at the gate of the Museum of Natural History as agreed. Wait for him.

So, Hong Yanwu stopped his bicycle in advance at a nearby place and asked “Xiao Baizi” to jump off the back seat of the car.

“Cross the road and go home by yourself.”

Hong Yanwu pointed to the intersection of Beiwei Road across the road, where the Tianqiao Theater was.

But “Little Baizi” couldn’t hide his surprise, quite unexpected.

“Master Hong, don’t we have a battle to fight tonight?”

“That has nothing to do with you. Go home and take care of your dad.”

“But I…I am yours?”

“Are you stupid? I agreed to take you in just to help you solve this matter. There is a name, and ‘Dalong’ won’t dare to touch you again. You are still young, so while you can still look back, hurry up and get out of here Get off the boat. Don’t get into this circle again, otherwise you will regret it. I’m not afraid to tell you, but I won’t go back if I have no choice!”

“You don’t want me? Then… help me?”

Unexpectedly, Hong Yanwu’s explanation made “Xiao Baizi”‘s eyes completely widen. It seemed that he really couldn’t figure it out. And his exaggerated expression also made Hong Yanwu curl up the corners of his mouth slightly and laugh silently.

“Is this strange? Yes, I am definitely not Comrade Lei Feng, and I am not that high-minded to help people in danger. But I myself have a father who is sick in bed, and my sister is also affected by others. I can understand your feelings, even if I feel sorry for you. More importantly, it is because you have proven your sincerity and determination. Will there ever be a savior? We don’t rely on immortal emperors either. To create human happiness, we all have to rely on ourselves! “You don’t lick your dirty shoes for nothing!” If I hadn’t gone to your house first to prove that you weren’t lying, I would have at least taken off one of your arms tonight.”

Hong Yanwu’s words made “Xiao Baizi” think for a while, but he soon shook his head and refuted.

“Master Hong, you can’t say that. No matter what, it was you who saved our family. You are my savior!”

Hong Yanwu was a little impatient. He couldn’t help but take out a few big tickets from his pocket and stuff them into the hands of “Xiao Baizi”. They were part of the “happy money” that others “honored” on the street today.

“Don’t talk nonsense. This is fifty yuan. Take it back to buy medicine for your father. I’m warning you in advance. If I catch you going to ‘board the bus and unload the goods’ in the future, you won’t want your hand anymore. ! ”

But “Xiaobaizi” still refused to leave, as stubborn as before.

“I don’t want this money! Mr. Hong, I really want to follow you, just take me there!”

Hong Yanwu was indeed a little anxious, because Chen Liquan in the distance seemed to have seen him and was waving to him, and he had no time to delay any longer.

“I’ve been talking for a long time, but it’s all in vain, right? What the **** are you so careless about! If you really want to do good for your family, you should learn something better from now on, do something serious, and give your father and your sister some credit!”

Unexpectedly, “Xiaobaizi” still didn’t know what to do, and actually kept pestering him like a piece of candy.

“No, I don’t! I want to go with you! I’m not afraid of a knife or bleeding!

Hong Yanwu was really angry now. He was eager to get out of trouble and go about his own business. When I felt anxious, I felt like I was pretending to be ferocious to intimidate this stupid kid, maybe he would be scared.

So he simply raised his foot and kicked “Xiao Baizi” to the ground, and then cursed viciously, “Get out! If it doesn’t stop, I will kill you!”

After that, he threw down fifty yuan with a wave of his hand, then pedaled his bicycle without looking back and headed straight to the Museum of Natural History in front of him.

By the time “Little Baizi” got up again, he was completely out of pursuit. Only a gust of cold wind blew the scattered large tickets to his feet.

However, although there was a big footprint on his chest, “Little Baizi”‘s feeling of being beaten this time was definitely different from before.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at the moment when Hong Yanwu’s back disappeared into the night. As an inexplicable heat surged in his chest, he couldn’t help but soften his legs and knelt down on the road shrouded in the night. superior.

Then, he solemnly kowtowed to the front.

“Master Hong!”


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