Return To 1977 Chapter 93: Reactions from all parties

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

Hong Yanwu’s prediction came true once again.

In less than ten minutes, when the sky was darkening and the lanterns were starting to turn on, the person who had been ordered by “Xiao Leizi” to report the news hurried back. After whispering a few words as before, “Xiao Leizi”‘s cautious expression as if facing a formidable enemy completely disappeared. Then he actually crossed the road and hugged Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan, saying good luck, and then Withdrew with his men.

Seeing this scene, those “players” who were watching from the side all knew that “Old Ghost” meant “staying out of the matter and staying out of the river.”

But most people are not as big as “Old Ghost”. Due to face, they have to come over one by one and chat with Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan. At this time, what determines their attitude is not only the distance between them and whether they have any old grudges, but also the interests involved and their respective schemes.

Based on her familiarity and the backing of the “little landowner”, “Ciermei” wanted to steal the limelight in front of everyone and was the first to cross the road to show off.

“You two, are you going to stir things up again? Damn you, you are a real person.”

“‘Ci’ermei’, you’ll get used to it, don’t talk about my hometown.” Hong Yanwu rolled his eyelids and stabbed in the cold air. This woman is essentially a prostitute, so he doesn’t need to give her face.

Of course, “Ciermei” is an experienced communicator. When she knows she has violated a taboo, she will immediately use her words to round it off. “Hey, look at my mouth. I don’t want my brothers to listen to it again. Come on, go into the house with me. I’ll give you a drink to make amends.”

Hong Yanwu didn’t think much of it, so he teased him and gave him a step up. “Farewell, there is Ecstasy in your wine. I’m going to drink it. If the wine is not drunk, everyone will get drunk. It’s time for us to play ‘Cross Slope’.”

This time “Ciermei” was happy, because she had achieved her goal and attracted a lot of attention, she was no longer bored, and instead took out “two” (in slang, Zhang means ten) big tickets, which was great. He quickly stuffed it into Hong Yanwu’s pocket, said “see you later”, and led a few people into the “Shengli Snack Bar”.

This is also the rule in the circle of “player masters”. Whenever someone “sets up a stick”, those who are willing to support him will automatically come over to you, either affectionately or humbly, and stuff a handful into your pocket, no matter how much or how little. Without checking, you can make your own decisions, which can be regarded as a kind of dignity for both parties to show that they have extensive acquaintances.

Following closely is Foye “Ma Laosi”. Since his eldest brother Niujie “Baoqiang” also likes wrestling, and his master is “Juan Diyun” Duolun, they can also compete with Chen Liquan. Friendship, they have always been next to each other and have nothing to do. At this time, it is natural to express my feelings.

“Master Hong and Master Chen, are you going to open a mountain cabinet again? Congratulations.”

“It’s Ma Laosi. I just came back. As soon as I entered the city, I felt dizzy and felt dizzy. Please give Baoqiang and Ghazi a message. I need to take more care of you in the future. .”

“We have nothing to say, just let us know if anything happens.”

“Thanks in advance, that’s it, you go about your business.”

In this way, the polite conversation with each other was completed. Ma Laosi also took out “two” and stuffed them into Chen Liquan’s pocket. Then he led a few men to the “Huiquan Bath” east of the snack bar.

“Baofu” actually stayed on the south side of the road. It was most convenient for him to walk to Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan.

However, because he followed his eldest brother “Big Lao Fart” and had a fight with Hong Yanwu’s gang in the past, he was severely punished by Hong Yanwu. It can be regarded as an old grudge, and he still has knots in his heart.

So he smoked three cigarettes in a row before leading people over. When the two sides met, even their words were twisted.

“‘Red Boy’, ‘Training Circle’ just came back, right? Be careful because the wind is strong, you won’t be able to fly and hit the south wall again!”

“‘Baofu’, if you still want to have sex, please speak at any time.”

“After the old emperor’s experience, everyone has made progress. I will definitely be ‘almost’ with you again someday.”

“Always waiting.”

Originally, this was the end of the story, but there is always a shortage of people who are crazy among gangsters.

There was a hot-tempered man under “Baofu” who didn’t know Hong Yanwu. He jumped out from behind and yelled, “What the **** are you doing? It’s broken. Believe it or not!”

But this kid didn’t expect that he would be held down by “Baofu” just as he bared his teeth.

“Silly thing, why did it leak out to you? You took the wrong medicine, get out of here.”

“Big brother?”

A slap in the face. “You have the right to speak. If you want to be the first to challenge me, read my article first.”

The boy then realized that he had committed a “taboo”, so he no longer dared to speak and returned to the team honestly.

Following this, “Baofu” knew he was in the wrong, so he also took out a “Great Unity” and stuffed it into Hong Yanwu’s pocket.

“What a joke, this silly boy I just took in has not been trained yet.”

When Hong Yanwu saw this, he also clasped his fists and praised him. “Okay, man, be particular about it.”

It is not strange that this result occurs, because face is more important than anything else to Wan Nao.

Although “Baofu” is an enemy, he also pays attention to etiquette. Then Hong Yanwu learned about this favor. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two of them tended to ease after such a fuss by their subordinates, so they just parted ways, and anything more happened was a matter for later.

However, there are those who know etiquette and those who don’t give face.

Originally, the “Daminzi” of Tianning Temple, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan were relatively familiar faces, and because they were far apart, there was no disagreement. Logically speaking, you should at least come over and have a look and say a few words to them. But this kid only looked at it from a distance for a few times, then turned around and walked west, as if he had returned to his hometown.

For this reason, Chen Liquan couldn’t help but feel that it was very strange, thinking that the “great man” was evil. But Hong Yanwu didn’t see it that way. He concluded at a glance that something was going on inside. Maybe this would be the beginning of a real conflict of interest.

Hong Yanwu’s idea is actually not difficult to prove. Within two hours, as more “princes” from all walks of life arrived one after another, it was natural that there would be people with ulterior motives providing them with information.

Sure enough, they soon learned through people’s mouth that the “Daminzi” and “Vise” of Tianning Temple had joined forces and had indeed become their new enemies. Because this group of people is similar to “Gongzi” and “Bacha”, and now occupies the other half of the 40th Road’s emerging forces.

So far, with various forms of intrigue, hostility, instigation, goodwill, and wooing, the drama has been staged on the streets of Caishikou. Even though Hong Yanwu has many enemies and few friends, he has been polite in all appearances. Next, more than 200 wedding coins were stuffed into his and Chen Liquan’s pockets.

But other than that, they had nothing to gain. It can even be said that their “cannon” was a bit “dumb” today.

Because according to the rules, when a certain party’s “leader” “breaks” into the situation, if there is no new “leader” to carry the banner, the members of this small group will disperse after the tree falls and the hozens disperse. Looking for a new patron to eat.

But once this “master” returns to society, if he intends to “reopen the door”, his former subordinates can also choose to return to work under him.

And this situation is different from the usual situation where you can “rob the Buddha” with a knife. Since Jianghu advocates “loyalty”, neither the new owner nor the old owner has the right to force them. They have to rely on their subordinates to choose freely, otherwise it will be “unreasonable”. , not only will it ruin your “reputation” and cause your subordinates to become disloyal, it will also cause “public outrage” from other forces.

As for whether the two parties involved will be angry and grudges, and settle accounts later, it depends on their respective abilities in the future, but at least at that time, they could not “sacrifice small profits at the expense of great justice.”

Speaking of which, Hong Yanwu actually had more than 30 people under his command in the past, but today there were less than half of them. But I don’t know if it’s because these people have been completely conquered by the new master, or because Hong Yanwu was too domineering in the past and treated them poorly. Although these former subordinates also presented wedding money and came forward to see the gift one by one. But the only masters who are truly willing to leave their new patronage and return to their old one are “Buddha”, “Little Wife” and “War Criminal” and “Janzi”.

For this reason, even Hong Yanwu, who was as shameless as a city wall, felt a little embarrassed, so he told Chen Liquan in a self-deprecating tone.

“Quanzi, you see, this is what the world is like. Your cronies and subordinates are all bullshit. You are powerful, and they will follow you around. Once you lie down, no one will follow you to share the hardships. You Never trust others in the future, don’t trust anyone!”

But Chen Liquan didn’t see it that way, and instead smiled and said to Hong Yanwu. “What you said is so absolute. It is difficult for people to work together in difficult times. But don’t you still have me?”

Hong Yanwu smiled softly, “Our relationship is a special case, no better than ordinary people.”

“What about ‘little wife’ and ‘jar’?”

After hearing this, Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but glance behind him.

The “little wife” and “jar” looked obviously embarrassed at this time.

Only then did Hong Yanwu realize that he had unintentionally “killed a boatload of people with one shot.” Out of guilt, he smiled and patted the “little wife” and “jar” on the shoulders, and even offered them a cigarette.

But in the end, he said to Chen Liquan sincerely, “Quanzi, people like you are really rare!”

Everyone has two sides, especially those in the world.

Don’t look at the princes from all walks of life. In front of Hong Yanwu, there were five or six of them, and they competed with each other for their “situation” and “elaboration”. But in fact, “treating others as humans and carrying others as ghosts” is the true temperament of most people.

So as soon as they entered the restaurant and downed a few liters of beer and bottles of Laobai, the true nature of this group of people was fully exposed. There are quite a few people who are actively gossiping about this matter behind their backs.

The most common ones are those who are weak in strength and want to do their own thing.

“Brother Pao, is it too easy to ‘set up a stick’? Just poke it there, everyone will give you some face, and also put a bag of money, which will at least cover our two months’ harvest…”

“Are you envious? That’s useless! If you want to go, you don’t have any money, and your head will be poured with **** and urine. You are not a bad person at all.”

“Yes, of course I know how much I weigh. But Brother Pao, your share is quite big, how about you instead?”

“Fuck you uncle, why do you think I have a long life! You think this is a good thing? You know what? Look, the world is about to be in chaos, and we can’t afford to offend any gods. You all listen Okay, I’ve learned a lot these days, and if anything happens, I’ll pretend to be a fool and act like a grandchild. Don’t blame me for being stupid.”

“I understand you.”

There are also those who gloat and simply wait to see the joke.

“Brother, isn’t ‘Red Boy’ a ‘Grand Slam’? Why is it back now?”

“Don’t waste your **** time, you ask me who to ask! Is it okay if the Public Security Bureau is his brother-in-law?”

“Brother, it’s nothing else. I just said that you have been in the circle for too short a time. You must be very angry when you come back. You have such a bad temper. If you really want to inflame it again, who can stop it? What if you miss me? Let’s…”

“It won’t be a problem for the time being. I haven’t seen him. Don’t many of the “old men” from his past come back? Let me tell you, someone has to do something first, and nothing can be done without anyone. Even if he and ‘Chen No matter how awesome Da Bang Chui is, two people can take back the bus line, but someone still has to “seize the points” and “deliver the goods”. This is called unjust and helpless, wait and see the joke, it will happen again tomorrow! Well, according to this calculation, it’s guaranteed to be a disaster. What’s more, such a big movement may attract bombs…”

There are even those who are afraid of causing chaos in the world and stir up trouble behind their backs.

“Old man, are you feeling aggrieved when you see your enemy standing up for a stick, and you have to pretend to be a good grandson and shovel money?”

“Pretend to be big, you **** is thinking about harming me again!”

“Why do you say that? I think with your strength, if you fight in tandem, you don’t have to save face for Xiaoya.”

“Hey, pull me down. People are cowardly but weak. A good man is not brave enough. Besides, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. I am standing on the cusp of the storm. I have to follow the waves.”

“Ginger is still old and spicy. In fact, if you really want to do something, it will definitely be in line with the people’s wishes. Small things really have no chance.”

“‘Golden Ass’, if you want to make blind moves for me again, don’t blame me for falling out. Isn’t it just because you let ‘Red Boy’ beat him out of the bathhouse that you want to kill someone with a borrowed knife? Pretend I don’t know.”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no one knows this nickname, but this scandal… should be covered up a little bit.”

“You’ve already seen the light of day, are you still deceiving yourself?”

“Look what you said, don’t we, a bunch of people, all want face? No one wants to lose status.”

“It’s true, you have to save face and suffer the consequences! I advise you, if you really can’t forget this revenge, report the news to ‘Bashi’ and ‘Gongzi’ at night.”

“Are you the old gunner who has given me some guidance? You are just waiting for the mantis to catch the cicada!”

“Fuck, don’t pretend to be a grandson. I’m definitely not the only one who thinks like this now. Don’t look at it just now. It was all iron-clad, talking about brothers, and rushing to stuff money into people’s pockets. Bullshit. Damn, I don’t know how many people want to bite the Red Boy to death. They all want to suffer less and take advantage of it. Do you dare to say that you don’t think so?”…

Another hour passed, and just when the discussion in the restaurant was at its most lively and lively, it was completely dark outside and the number of passers-by was gradually decreasing, so Hong Yanwu quickly left with his people.

However, although he knew nothing about everything in the restaurant. But on this night, word of mouth spread through the mouths of these stinking people, and the news about him had spread to every corner of the two districts of Nancheng.

The “Red Boy” on Zixin Road has reopened its doors!


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