Return To 1977 Chapter 90: Calculation

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

After exiting the door of the west courtyard, the energetic Er Tou disappeared into the night blowing with the cold wind, and went to work on the tasks assigned by Hong Yanwu.

But he never expected that less than five minutes after he left, the following conversation would take place in the main room of the Chen family.

Chen Liquan asked first.

“Xiao Wu, I didn’t expect that these grandsons actually dare to attack you!”

Hong Yanwu, however, remained completely calm. He saw the problem clearly.

“It’s normal. Even though it’s only half a line, it’s really a big temptation because Route 40 has many stations and many lines and passes through several hospitals. Not to mention hooking up with a few brothers, you just need a ‘gongzi’ If you charge into battle with ‘Bacha’ yourself, they will be like drinking honey.”

“Then what should we do? Should we make peace with them and tell them that we are not interested in Route 40, or should we use the ‘two heads’ as a handle and completely confront them?”

“What do you think?” Hong Yanwu asked.

“Anyway, I feel that fighting for the ‘two heads’ is a bit outweighed by the losses. I’m not afraid of fighting, it’s just that our affairs are small, and fighting for the ‘handle’ will definitely require a lot of blood. After all, it’s so hard. It’s not a big deal, the police will definitely intervene, it’s too risky, but you have to be sure, I will definitely do it with you, no matter what.”

Chen Liquan definitely told the truth, especially the last sentence he said, which moved Hong Yanwu very much. But Hong Yanwu thought about it and still made a choice that didn’t seem smart.

“Quanzi, you are really my best brother. In fact, I didn’t want to drag you into trouble again. But this time, I’m afraid I have to do something serious, and I really can’t do without your help.”

Chen Liquan couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then immediately returned to his calm state.

“You mean…fight?”

Hong Yanwu smiled helplessly before explaining his difficulties.

“Yes, I have no choice. You know, my father’s illness requires 5,000 yuan, but I guess my mother won’t be able to get enough even if she sells the real thing. So no matter what, I want to give 40 yuan first The two bus lines, Route 19 and Route 19, have been wiped out and will be taken back to me. At present, it seems that I can only get back the rest of the money…”

Hearing this, Chen Liquan said nothing and his attitude was quite refreshing.

“No problem! Just fight, we’re not afraid of them anyway! Do we have to ask the ‘Second Head’ to help? We can’t let him sit back and enjoy the results…”

But Hong Yanwu still had his own little plan, and then explained it in detail to Chen Liquan.

“…No, you haven’t understood yet. We only stand up for our own affairs, not to support the ‘two heads’. So next, not only do we have to do it ourselves, but we also have to leave some room for negotiation. In addition, I think there is something fishy about this matter. What ‘Er Tou’ said is not entirely true, and at least one thing makes me confused.”

Chen Liquan suddenly became curious. “What do you mean?”

“If ‘Er Tou’ says that someone else did it, I’m afraid I won’t believe it. But the problem is, ‘Gongzi’ and ‘Bashi’ both know us clearly. The ‘Paizhuan’ thing doesn’t hurt. Itching’s dirty tricks can’t hurt my roots, they will only anger me. So why would they really want to target me? They should use their utmost strength to kill me. If they don’t have this determination, it would be better to remain silent.

At this point, Hong Yanwu paused and carefully considered his words before continuing.

“Whoever says that gangsters are thoughtless is dead wrong. Gangsters are very particular about dividing people into threes, sixes and nines. It is actually very easy to do it, but once they fall into killing each other, it will be very difficult for both parties. It’s no good for anyone, and they will definitely have to pay the price with their blood. Gongzi and Basha are not stupid. For this kind of thing, both their big and small heads must be turned around. The stakes are so high. Weigh, so I dare to conclude that there is something going on here.”

Chen Liquan was a little dazed after hearing this, as if he was still digesting. “What do you mean?”

Hong Yanwu simply expressed his judgment directly.

“This **** ‘Er Head’ is just trying to find an advantage here! In order to get ahead, he doesn’t overestimate his own abilities and is planning to take advantage of us!”

Chen Liquan almost jumped out of his chair.

“Huh? Then he’s not a good guy either!”

Hong Yanwu had completely looked at “Second Head”, and he just smiled contemptuously.

“You can be considered a smart-alecked ‘laughing tiger’. However, those who regard others as fools are themselves fools! Sooner or later, he will understand that if he dares to have bad ideas about us, he will have to skin him even if he doesn’t die! As for now… He still has some use, so let’s fool him first and let him have a good dream for two days.”

To put it aside, Hong Yanwu’s conclusion is quite accurate.

Because almost at the same time, in the small room in No. 2 Courtyard of Jingtai Xili outside Yongding Gate, after learning that Hong Yanwu was slapped with a black brick, “Gongzi” was also talking to the culprit in the matter. The culprit “Xie Fu” was blowing his beard and staring.

“What the hell! Who told you to act rashly!” “Gongzi” punched the table, shaking the wine bottle.

“Xie Fu” didn’t expect “Gongzi” to be so angry, so he quickly explained.

“Brother, don’t be angry. You don’t know that that kid actually went to participate in the public trial of You San and the others. You said, whoever sees Ya’s proud beating will be able to swallow this breath…”

“Gongzi” didn’t listen at all, he cared most about another thing.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Tell me quickly, who gave you the evil idea! Is it ‘Two Heads’?”

“Xie Fu” rolled his eyes and thought for a while, but finally shook his head.

“No, it’s really not the case. ‘Er Tou’ just discovered that kid, and the idea was definitely my own. Don’t worry, although I didn’t pat him this time, I still shocked him. I guess he will be more honest. Oh my god. Moreover, our faces were all covered with masks, and the bikes were all withdrawn without leaving any trace…”

At this point, “Xie Fu” was still beautiful, but “Gongzi” unexpectedly slapped him in the face.

“You stupid thing, how proud are you? Let me tell you, you have done all the **** things to the left. I don’t object to your kid being arrogant, but you have to know when you die and whether you have done enough. Make! ”

“Xie Fu” is originally a fool, but he still refuses to accept this.

“Brother, you have ruined our prestige. No matter how awesome he is, he is still a meathead. I don’t believe it…”

“Gongzi” became even more angry when he saw this. He glared without hesitation and shouted at him again.

“Shut up! You know nothing! To tell you the truth, although Red Boy is young, he is a qualified gangster. Unless you kill him, you will never be able to convince him! Let alone He said that there was a “Chen Da Bangchui” beside him. In order to deal with them, even “Bacha” had to be very cautious and kept thinking about how to start with me, but now you are the one to scare the snake! Mom ruined our big deal!”

“Huh?” “Xie Fu” covered his face, completely speechless now.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but have a somewhat suspicious possibility in his mind – today, “Second Head” couldn’t have pointed out the target for me on purpose, right? Could it be…are you really asking this grandson to play with me?

Things in the world are often like this, just like playing “tiger, stick, chicken”, one thing is defeated.

For example, even though he is just a side dish in Hong Yanwu’s eyes, for the impulsive “Xie Fu”, “Two Head” seems to always be able to fool him around.

For another example, although Mao Yuanfang can blatantly point fingers at Hong Yanwu under certain circumstances, on the other hand, the “two heads” who were instructed by Hong Yanwu can still bring unforgettable memories to Mao Yuanfang. A nightmare.

Don’t believe it, the “Second Head” handled this matter very neatly and brilliantly. If you think about it, the specific situation at that time was like this…

In those days before television became popular, around ten o’clock in the evening was supposed to be the time for everyone to go to sleep. But at this time of day, something incredible happened in Furuli No. 6 Courtyard. The entire courtyard completely broke its previous calm and became noisy.

The family of Mao Yuanfang, director of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, who lived in the west room at the entrance of the courtyard, was actually awakened by thick smoke in their sleep. And when they fled in panic and finally found their way to the door of their house, they found that the door could not be opened.

At that time, there was smoke everywhere in the room, and people’s eyes were so smoked that they could not open their eyes. Moreover, it was dark and midnight, and it was impossible to see anything clearly. As a last resort, this disheveled family had no choice but to smash the glass of their own door and jump out on stools in great embarrassment.

In the end, this movement not only alarmed all the neighbors in the hospital, but Mao Yuanfang’s arm was also accidentally cut open by broken glass.

After all of Mao Yuanfangyi’s family members escaped, all the neighbors in the hospital checked with flashlights and discovered that “Director Mao” was still inside the smoke billowing door, and someone had locked it out with a padlock. The outside was locked, and the chimney under the eaves was also blocked.

This trick is too damaging!

Frightened and angry, Mao Yuanfang naturally listed Hong Yanwu, a criminal with a “criminal record,” as the first subject of suspicion.

But when she ignored the soot on her face and the wound that couldn’t stop bleeding, and angrily led people to Chen Liquan’s house on a cold day, hoping to launch an attack to hold him accountable, what she saw in the end was quite… Strange.

Because Mao Yuanfang and others unexpectedly discovered that “Qiu Zi” from the west courtyard and Bian Baoguo, the second son of Lao Bian’s family in the east courtyard, were all gathered here. They were holding cigarettes, drinking strong tea, and eating toasted steamed buns. movie, playing poker with Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan.

Especially according to what “Qiuzi” and Bian Baoguo said, the four of them have been playing together for more than an hour, and the four of them have never even gone out to the latrine. In this way, Hong Yanwu’s suspicion was not only completely eliminated, but the matter also became an eternal unsolved case in Fulu.

As for what happened next, Mao Yuanfang was sent to the emergency room of the nearby Construction Engineering Hospital that night. His injured arm required nine stitches and he also caught a cold.

Coupled with the fact that she had done too many bad things, she couldn’t figure out who had done it. The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Afterwards, she simply used her arm injury to rest at home, not even going to the street.

For this matter, in the early morning of the next day, the “ghosts and ghosts” who swept the streets privately began an extremely excited “*** series”.

Everyone thought that the person who did this must be a knight who understands the suffering of the people very well.

Everyone also silently wishes this person from the bottom of his heart that he can get rid of violence and be healthy now, and that he will be blessed in the future!


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