Return To 1977 Chapter 87: Liangye

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On the way home, Hong Yanwu was still shaking his head when he remembered his experience in the hospital. Because it was really unimaginable to him that his request for medicine for his father would be solved in this most unimaginable way.

Needless to say, what he usually dislikes the most is the children of cadres.

Precisely because they are red and professional, and have an innate sense of superiority that “the great cause of the revolution is better than mine,” most of these people are proud, complacent, arrogant, and looked down upon by everyone.

But today, he met an unusual figure among the children of cadres.

This “Big Preserved Fruit” is really a warm-hearted and down-to-earth person. Once he loses his guard against you, he will be able to show his heart to you. It can be said that his character has become so simple that it is quite “cute”.

And he is obviously the son of the director, but he is actually a “grain master” who admires him very much. This made Hong Yanwu sincerely lament the wonderful arrangement of fate!

But what is going on? What is “Grain Master” again?

Is it just because of this reason that the attitude of “Big Preserved Fruit” has changed so much? Will he spontaneously show such respect to Hong Yanwu?

In fact, if we analyze this matter, there are two reasons.

First of all, it must be attributed to the fact that people in those days generally had a mentality of hero worship from childhood. This is both fashion and nature.

It’s a pity that “Lei Feng” and “Qiu Shaoyun” are too orthodox, too unexciting, and have been promoted too “excessively”. And the heroes such as “Yue Fei”, “Yang Family General” and “Water Margin” are all too old, and many of them have been criticized by “above”.

So in a society where fighting was common at that time, those real “players” who made their way with their fists and knives naturally became the most down-to-earth heroes in the minds of that generation of teenagers. emerging idol.

Of course, most masters who are good at fighting are still classified as rogues and villains without hesitation in the public value standards. However, these people’s boldness, courage to fight, and even domineering and rebellious characteristics were deeply envied by many people in the social environment where oppression was everywhere.

Especially the civilian children in the alleys, because these “reckless heroes” often come from among them, so even if most people think that they are not heroes, they are worthy of their admiration.

So, whether it is in various middle schools or alleys, as long as half-grown children gather together, it is like telling a story, there will always be a few latest “rumors”, and then a large number of listeners will be added. evaluation and interpretation.

It seems that in this way, these communicators have gained status, knowledge, extraordinary experience, and even the capital to attract girls…

So since Song Guofu lived in this era, he also lived in a relatively civilian area. This kind of hobby will naturally be cultivated by other children.

Especially since he was bullied since he was a child, he admires and longs for those “heroes” who can change their situation and become powerful just by fighting alone. In a few nearby alleys, the “Red Boy” who relied on his own fists to take revenge and rise to the point of defeating invincible opponents in the surrounding areas, of course became the brightest and most worthy idol in his mind.

In today’s terms, Hong Yanwu used his own experience of making a comeback from salted fish to create a strong sense of empathy and resonance with “Big Preserved Fruit”, and thus he unintentionally gained one of the most loyal “iron fans”.

Song Guofu even had the idea of ​​secretly waiting at the gate of the east courtyard of Guanyin Yuan to see what the idol looked like. But after all, this kind of worship belongs to the category of “Ye Gong loves dragons”, and there is also a kind of both. He was afraid from the bottom of his heart, so he never dared to take action, so he had to give up the idea.

Having said that, Song Guofu’s “cowardice” is actually a kind of luck. Because Hong Yanwu back then, regardless of whether he was a “fan” or not, would definitely squeeze the “big preserved fruit” that came to his door into a “dried fruit” without any oil or water left.

As for the other reason, we have to talk about the word “Grain Master”.

Everyone has to eat whole grains. People like to eat well, drink well, dress well, and smoke well.

Especially in the arena in the capital, from the famous “players”, “yuan sect”, to the “circle” (slang, referring to female gangsters), “Buddha”, down to the gazazi Liuli Qiu’er, villains The scoundrels may have different styles of behavior, but they all have the same preferences and pursuit of money and material enjoyment.

But in this case, a problem arises.

The “Buddha” himself has the “skill of catching points”, the “player” relies on a knife to “eat the Buddha’s offerings”, and the “yuan sect” has good family conditions, and occasionally can “wash” by relying on the strength of the crowd. “Buddha”, and the “circle” all relies on its own “plate” and “body” to make money alongside the “player” and “academy faction”.

Okay, apart from these middle and upper class people, what about the remaining marginal and lower class people?

In fact, this is called, “Chickens don’t pee, each has his own way.”

The remaining little fish and half-players, although they do not have fixed financial resources like the middle and upper class people, and can always eat meat and drink in big bowls, but with some crooked tricks they have figured out, , but I can also make some soup to relieve the famine.

For example, go to parks or school gates to “cut” students’ money, steal some scrap copper and scrap iron, and cooperate with some acquaintances who have entered the factory to steal some things from the factory, or organize small gambling games. and so on, and “raising food master” is also a relatively common behavior.

“Liang Ye” is also commonly known as “Big Wallet”. In fact, to put it bluntly, he is the master who is relatively wealthy but timid. Once this kind of person is targeted by some restless people, he becomes their “long-term meal ticket.”

Family conditions such as “Big Preserved Fruit” are second to none in Nancheng, so it is naturally the best quality “Grain Master”.

What’s more, the adults back then would never understand how difficult children’s lives were. Therefore, Song Guofu had been accustomed to being blackmailed by others and losing money to avoid disasters since he was a child. He had never thought of relying on his father’s power to end this situation. Then it becomes an inevitable result that he is targeted by someone with intentions and becomes someone else’s exclusive “grain master”.

The “Yuanbao” mentioned by Song Guofu to Hong Yanwu is actually a well-known street gangster in Pingyuan Nanli. Although Song Guofu calls him “big brother”, he actually drinks his “blood” for a long time. Parasites.

But on the other hand, becoming a “grain master” also has some advantages, that is, parasites have an obligation to protect them, so that they can avoid harassment by other people.

For example, after Song Guofu got “Yuanbao” to take care of him, other children near his home no longer dared to reach out to him casually.

And “Yuan Bao” is not a person who doesn’t know the importance. He knows the true energy of the director in his heart. For this reason, his demand for Song Guofu has always been controlled within a relatively reasonable range. On the contrary, he will often bring this “Grain Master” with him. “Go out for some “scenery” and experience the “rivers and lakes scenes” to cultivate feelings.

Sure enough, Song Guofu was quite satisfied with this “big brother” and the two of them got along quite well. But as time went by, Song Guofu gradually discovered the secret of “Yuanbao”.

The real reason why “Yuan Bao” dares to show off outside is not because of how good he is in fighting, but because whenever he encounters any situation, he can often use the banner of “Red Boy” to speak out.

To be honest, “Yuan Bao” himself and Hong Yanwu didn’t actually have a close relationship. Just because they live relatively close to each other, geographically, they are still in the same “circle”. Moreover, when Hong Yanwu first became the “leader”, his foundation was still shallow. “Yuanbao” responded to the “call” and helped him fill the stage as a make-up person, and this was considered to be a bit popular.

But don’t underestimate this kind of nodding friendship. For people who are going out on business, this is a crucial point. Because at that time, the emphasis was on “not attacking foreigners, not being rude, but only attacking stupid people.”

If your clothes are not “outrageous” and you don’t have any background, if you go out to watch a movie or buy something, you will be beaten if you don’t keep it in order. But if there is someone with a “big share” who can support you, after a sign-up and a “talking”, many bosses who were originally eyeing up and looking for trouble will probably turn their hostility into friendship, and sometimes they will even talk to each other. Let’s smoke a cigarette and walk around.

So in this way, “Yuanbao” can use the name of Hong Yanwu to travel to almost all “dangerous areas” nearby.

And his little prestige also made Song Guofu proud. “Daguo Preserved” followed “Yuanbao” to and from movie theaters, parks, and streets at will, as if he was also a person protected by Hong Yanwu.

Later, the news of Hong Yanwu’s arrest spread to the streets, and “Yuanbao” moved his family away because his father had to change his job. Song Guofu became an honest and well-behaved man again.

But for him, this time as a “grain master” was actually a relatively beautiful period of his life experience, and he often remembered it fondly.

From this, we can understand why he was so excited and excited when he actually saw Hong Yanwu.

From the bottom of his heart, he really worshiped Hong Yanwu as if he were a **** like before.

Just because Hong Yanwu had given him safety protection without knowing it, not to mention doing this small favor, just asking him to pay a hundred and eighty yuan to do something more difficult, he This “iron fan” has nothing to say!

… After Fang Ting changed her clothes, she walked out of the duty room in the dark.

The corridor of the delivery room was very dark, and several fluorescent lamps were broken. And this dark corridor environment was the most appropriate response to her mood at this time. Even the performance she was about to watch could not make her happy again.

It goes without saying what the reason was. Hong Yanwu’s visit today was like those broken light tubes, destroying all her good moods.

Hmph! That boy Hong Yanwu was so proud today, he must be laughing at himself now!

Of course, this may not be his fault, but Song Guofu was rushing to flatter him like a pug, but he still completely lost her face.

But she really couldn’t figure it out. How could a dignified bureau chief treat a stinky dog ​​as meat and sincerely worship a gangster who only knew how to fight?

No, “Da Guo Preserved” is too unreliable, he is just like a child who has not grown up yet.

I have to have a good talk with him later, and don’t stick anything dirty and smelly to him from now on! This also prevents this kid Hong Yanwu from getting entangled with him again when he sees the pole crawling…

Just when Fang Ting was pouting and about to walk to the door of the delivery room, the scene in front of her made her anger, which had just subsided, surge up again.

Because through the glass door, she saw from a distance that Song Guofu was still talking attentively with Liu Jia at the door of the delivery room, and the topic between them was still about Hong Yanwu.

“Liu Jia, don’t believe it. He was so awesome back then. He fought all over the five streets with a pair of fists. There was no time when he was outnumbered and won easily. The share is huge! Our area As long as you have a named master, you must take the initiative to surrender, and those you don’t know must ask someone to introduce you to them. Otherwise, if you don’t have a ‘red boy’ to speak to you, you won’t be able to hang out on the street…”

Song Guofu was frothing at the mouth and almost became an expert in bragging. How brave and fierce Hong Yanwu was, how many streets he fought through, and how many “fields” he walked through, these “featful feats” in those years were described in his mouth, and even he himself was excited to describe them.

“Huh? You’re so awesome at boasting! That man’s words are quite funny, but he’s not so fierce. Besides, it’s so chaotic outside. Doesn’t the police station just care about it?” Liu Jia was also full of treachery after hearing this. Stars, but there are still doubts.

“No matter what, there are only so many people in the police station, and there is nothing we can do about him! I heard that the reason why the ‘Red Boy’ was caught in the end was because more than a hundred police officers from the city bureau were deployed to surround them. Home. With guns and ammunition and layers of defense, ten people came together to knock him down. In the end, they had to hold down his limbs and put four loaded guns on his head to completely subdue him…”

Song Guofu was still boasting wildly, using hearsay and his own exaggeration to blow Hong Yanwu completely out of shape. He was about to become the most heinous and unforgivable gangster in the world!

Fang Ting couldn’t bear it anymore. She walked over angrily and threw a tantrum as soon as she opened the glass door of the delivery room.

“Song Guofu, can you be a bit promising? You work so hard, is it interesting to brag for a prisoner in the labor camp?”

But when Song Guofu was in high spirits, he actually got into an argument with his neck.

“You girls don’t understand what’s going on outside! Even though he is your elementary school classmate, I know much more about him than you do…”

“You are sick! There is no cure for you!”

Fang Ting was so angry that she couldn’t do anything. Especially when she saw the strange look on Liu Jia’s face, she felt even more ashamed and angry. She stamped her feet and walked away regardless of herself.

Liu Jia knew what was going on and quickly pushed Song Guofu, who was in a daze.

“Go and coax…”

Song Guofu, who was blushing, sighed, murmured “inexplicable” again, and then chased the sound of Fang Ting’s little leather shoes clicking.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Liu Jia couldn’t help but shook his head in confusion.

What is this? It’s all chaos!


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