Return To 1977 Chapter 83: Choice barriers

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After learning about these situations, she felt a little awkward. No woman would be upset that her boyfriend was a weakling who allowed others to bully her, let alone her who was used to playing tricks with Hong Yanwu. So at that time, she did think of breaking up.

However, rationally, she still couldn’t let go of the director’s son who could give her a better life, because she thought that she couldn’t live by playing tricks.

So what if Hong Yanwu is so powerful? Didn’t he also “enter”? What’s more, even if nothing happens to him, he can’t get a Volga car or a three-bedroom apartment just by showing off his power on the street.

So when she thought of this, she couldn’t help but feel a lot more peaceful. In addition, she heard from Song Guofu not long ago that his parents had prepared a wedding room long ago, and it was the junior residence in Xuanwumen. So gradually, she completely suppressed her inner dissatisfaction.

But generally speaking, life often likes to joke with people. Whatever you want, life is not so good.

Although she has passed her own test, Song Guofu’s parents have not passed that test yet. Just two months after she dated Song Guofu, Song Guofu’s parents found out about the incident, and their relationship finally encountered a real setback.

That Sunday, she was invited to visit the Song family. The essence of this invitation was that Song Guofu’s parents and sister knew that Song Guofu had a girlfriend, and wanted to see it with their own eyes and check it for him.

Although the director and his wife were completely different from what she had imagined, they had no airs at all and were very kind and approachable, but that time she was really a little embarrassed.

Because on the day we went to the Song family for lunch, Song Guofu bought all the gifts. She could clearly feel that the director’s wife saw through this after learning about her family background.

And there is a key point, that is, Song Guofu’s sister Song Pingping said that she seemed to have seen her in a restaurant, and asked her if her family lived in the Baiguang Road area.

That was the place where she would appear frequently when she was fooling around with Hong Yanwu and Gao Ming. Especially every time they ate in a restaurant and got carried away after drinking for three rounds, they would inevitably do things like hooking up with each other and smoking a small cigarette, which made her break out in a cold sweat because of her guilty conscience.

As a result, for lunch that day, the table was filled with chicken, duck, fish and a bottle of foreign wine. But she felt extremely uncomfortable eating. She only took a few mouthfuls of food and then said she was full. After the meal, she was even extremely rude and fled the Song family in panic on the grounds that she felt unwell.

In the next few days, she never saw Song Guofu in person. Gradually, she thought that the relationship was over, and she felt disappointed and self-pitying for a long time.

This is because she suddenly discovered that once she really lost him, Song Guofu’s importance would become highlighted.

No one can give her the things she likes anymore.

No one will chase her every day to ask her questions like she is waiting for a princess.

Naturally, the Volga car and the big three-bedroom apartment were like a palace of ice and snow when exposed to the scorching summer sun. They completely turned into a puddle of water and flowed away from her life.

If you think about it calmly, what does she have? No matter how beautiful you are, you will get old one day, and it is far less affordable than living a rich and decent life.

Besides, there are actually plenty of beautiful girls, but the director’s son is a scarce resource. It doesn’t matter if a person is a bit cowardly. As long as he can finally get an official position, won’t others also rush to fawn over him?

At that time, she really regretted it…

What she didn’t expect was that life was unusually tolerant to her, and it didn’t take long for her to get another unexpected turn of events.

The director’s wife unexpectedly came to visit in person soon, and took her alone to the office of the director of internal medicine, and asked her bluntly how sincere her feelings for Song Guofu were.

She was not stupid. She quickly grasped a glimmer of hope from Song Guofu’s mother’s anxious mood, so she made a very “sincere” confession with tears in her eyes.

Sure enough, after this conversation, she realized that Song Guofu, who was always accustomed to being submissive, actually had a disagreement with his family for the first time because of her. She also claimed that if her parents did not accept her, she would rather move out of the house. After a few days, the director and his wife saw no sign of softening in their son, so they had to compromise.

It’s just that although the director’s wife agreed to her continued relationship with Song Guofu this time, when she finally left, she did not forget to remind her in a solemn tone that they could ignore her past, but hoped that she would live her life in the future. Be calm and don’t hurt your son emotionally.

For this reason, she also clearly realized that Song Guofu’s family still maintained a certain prejudice against her.

However, since Song Guofu’s family has officially recognized their relationship and regards her as their future daughter-in-law, they naturally have to pay attention to her affairs.

Not long after, through the operation of the director’s wife, she was transferred from Shunli Jiangong Hospital to Xuanwu Hospital, where she became a delivery room nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department of a tertiary hospital with a relatively easy job.

So in the next period of time, she was quite satisfied with life. After this setback, she cherished this lost opportunity.

She is very realistic and thinks much further than girls of the same age. She understands that youth is easy to age, and she also knows that she will soon face the practical problem of starting a family and raising children.

Fortunately, the problems that worry most people can be easily solved for Song Guofu’s family.

And she also knew that as Song Guofu was the only boy in the family, his family would inevitably tilt most of their resources towards him, paving a shortcut to a bright future for him. Therefore, their happy life after marriage is fully guaranteed.

What’s more, her family’s attitude towards this matter is also very supportive. Even her picky mother said that she has found a good partner and hopes that she will reach the marriageable age as soon as possible and get married.

Then what reason does she have to hesitate? She can no longer worry about her life-long events like other girls.

According to her thinking at the time, she could actually plan the material conditions required for marriage, so as not to have to ask for them at the last moment, prepare for the moment, and regret later. Anyway, the Song family is very wealthy, so don’t waste it. And wait until you are old enough to register for marriage.

God has favored her, and in less than a year, her future has taken on a perfect aura. The word “marriage” seems to be specially prepared for people like her…

But just when she was thinking about happy things like getting married, having children, asking for betrothal gifts, living in a junior college, and living a small life all day long, life happened to arrange another choice for her.

Still in the hospital, still inadvertently. Liu Xinyang appeared in front of her so suddenly.

He has a very pale face, is a very handsome man, and is very fashionably dressed. In addition to wearing a very distinctive “beige coat”, he also has a black scarf around his neck. He looks very cultured at first glance. His family background should be pretty good too.

His appearance is also very masculine, and he is indeed the kind that every girl will be attracted to.

Then he took the initiative to ask her for directions, and she answered, but before she could walk away, he asked her name again. She didn’t answer this time, but asked his name instead. He had a crush on her, and she had a crush on her. He also has a good impression…

That day, they stood in the corner of the hospital hall and chatted. She found out that he was a son of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, his father was the deputy director, and he himself would soon go to work in the Foreign Trade Bureau.

To sum up, although this Liu Xinyang is not as good as Song Guofu’s family in terms of some rigid conditions, there is no doubt that his humorous and elegant conversation and outstanding appearance are much better than Song Guofu’s. She scored high in her mind.

So something went wrong that day, and she didn’t know what she was thinking. Not only did she not tell Liu Xinyang that she had a boyfriend, but she also gave him the phone number of the hospital duty room, and Song Guofu’s mother was extremely serious about it. The warning was completely forgotten.

After that, Liu Xinyang often came to see her at noon. Sometimes they had dinner together, and sometimes they went for a walk on the road together.

The first time was 20 minutes, the second time was 40 minutes, and the third time was an hour.

When Liu Xinyang talks, his tone is always soft and his expression is always smiling.

Her heart often beats wildly because of this, and it feels like her first love back then – a date with the boy from the Xinhua News Agency compound in the air-raid shelter. The two of them often didn’t end it until she was late for work.

In short, the feeling of being with Liu Xinyang is completely different from that of Song Guofu, and Liu Xinyang himself can play a role similar to that of the Volga sedan. So on the way to walking, many girls passing by would look at her with envy, as if they wished they could be her instead.

But after the first few days of happiness passed, and when she calmed down, she suddenly realized that a “triangular relationship” was embarrassing and dangerous, which completely messed up her heart.

She doesn’t know what to do. Should she grasp that she has got everything? Or should we do whatever it takes and ask for more and better things from life?

Life, life, are you treating me well or torturing me? What kind of life do you want to give me?

If Liu Xinyang is not as good as Song Guofu, then why do you let him appear?

If Song Guofu is really the best choice, why did you let me meet Liu Xinyang again?

What is the most correct choice?

Just when Fang Ting frowned and rubbed the corners of her clothes with all her strength. Before she could think this issue through clearly, another unexpected situation disturbed her state of mind.

Liu Jia actually ran to the small garden to look for her.

“Fang Ting, someone is looking for you outside.”

Fang Ting was startled and stood up.

“Liu Xinyang! Why is he here again? I just told him that he couldn’t do it today…”

Liu Jia hurriedly explained.

“No, here comes a man I have never seen before. He said his name is Hong Wuwu…”

Fang Ting’s eyes widened instantly.

“Huh? No! I don’t see him, tell him I’m not here!”

But Liu Jia stamped her foot but pointed again.

“How can that happen? I told him that you went to the small garden. No, look, he has already come to find you!”


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