Return To 1977 Chapter 82: Pretty face

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

“…I’m on duty, don’t mess around…I’m on duty for Xiao He, didn’t you tell me?…No, I can’t leave even if you come…Okay, okay, in a few days God, just wait for me to rest…”

In the duty room of the obstetrics and gynecology department of Xuanwu Hospital, Fang Ting, wearing a white nurse uniform, spoke to the other end of the phone in a coaxing tone, then frowned and hung up the phone.

Although she looked very troubled, this outside call still caused her to be teased by her colleague Liu Jia.

“It’s that ‘Beige Coat’ again. We’ve only known each other for a few days, and we’re constantly on the phone every day. You’re not really having second thoughts, are you? What about ‘Big Preserved Fruit’? Have you thought about it clearly…”

Liu Jia is a young nurse who has been working with Fang Ting. The two are similar in age, and they can confide some secrets of their “bestie” relationship to each other. At this time, there is no one else in the duty room, so she Dare to talk about such a “sensitive” topic.

Fang Ting did not shy away from Liu Jia, and naturally revealed some real situations.

“Tch, what’s the ‘beige coat’? He has a name, Liu Xinyang. He lives in the courtyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and his father is also a deputy minister…”

“I see, the main reason is that he is handsome, right?”

“I’m quite considerate.”

Although Fang Ting rolled her eyes, it could be seen that she was actually quite proud inside.

But what Liu Jia said below was too straightforward, and it touched her heart a little.

“If it were me, I would also consider this rice…ah, Liu Xinyang, that ‘Big Preserved Fruit’ is really too modest.”

“What did you say?” Fang Ting raised her eyebrows. This time she really didn’t want to hear it.

But this also made Liu Jia open her eyes wide.

“Hey, which one are you protecting?”…

It was three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun was still bright.

There is a small garden behind the inpatient department of Xuanwu Hospital. There is a dilapidated small pavilion in the small garden.

This year’s magnolia has not bloomed yet, and all the branches of the trees are still as dry as in winter, which makes the small pavilion even more lonely.

After Fang Ting came out of the delivery room, she came to this small pavilion alone. She really wanted to sit here for a while, be quiet, and sort out the clutter in her heart.

In fact, she has been an official nurse since September last year.

But at the beginning, she was assigned to a small construction hospital under the Ministry of Construction, and most of the patients served were construction workers.

At that time, the people she came into contact with the most every day were those rough guys who came and went in the construction site all day long. The thing she did the most every day was to smell the stench of sweat and cigarette smoke all over her body. Changing topicals and tetanus shots for construction workers covered in lime and dirt.

This kind of life made her miserable, and made her even more resentful that she was too naive in the past and fell into the trap of bad people so easily.

No, she did not refer to Hong Yanwu.

Although everything happened because of something happened to Hong Yanwu, the person who made her deeply resentful was Gao Ming.

Since Hong Yanwu entered the “bureau”, Gao Ming’s original promise to her was ruined. Not only did this kid tell her lies all day long and excuse the matter, he also began to become a coward. God, I always want to take advantage of her.

This made her deeply suspicious. Perhaps Gao Ming was boasting from the beginning. He was just trying to use her to curry favor with Hong Yanwu, so he was just making fun of it and bragging.

So in a rage, she completely fell out with the kids from the Third General Staff Office, and even stopped interacting with Geng Xiaohui. In the bitter days that followed, she even became angry with Hong Yanwu.

She always thought that if she had never seen how good Hong Yanwu was, then she would not have mistakenly believed Gao Ming’s words, nor would she have wasted more than a year of her youth on Hong Yanwu. Maybe she has already climbed onto another high branch? Who can say for sure about this kind of thing?

For her vision, fate confirmed it to a certain extent, and the turn of events came from a chance encounter.

That time, the director of the internal medicine department of Jiangong Hospital came to the emergency department to temporarily second her because of the shortage of manpower in the undergraduate department. He asked her to go to the director’s office to give a sling to a patient with pneumonia.

At first, she thought that the guest received by the director of internal medicine was someone from some related department. Unexpectedly, she found out that the person enjoying this special treatment this time was only a person who was only a year or two older than her and was described as slightly fat. young people.

What’s even more strange is that the director, who has always been fierce, is doubly kind to this young man, even much better than he is to those with whom he has connections. This obvious abnormality soon made her realize that perhaps this young man had a lot to say.

Unwilling to succumb to fate, she is actually always looking for new opportunities.

To be honest, in her young age, although she has only experienced a few half-joking relationships, her emotional intelligence is not low, and she has already learned various temptations and dealing with them. boy means. So under her deliberate probing, the unsuspecting young man was soon exposed.

I didn’t expect that he was the only son of the deputy director of the municipal grain bureau! Because my family lives in a unit building in Pingyuan Hutong, which is very close to Jiangong Hospital, I came here for infusion.

Although this young man’s appearance and conversation are mediocre, he can even be said to be a bit bloated, clumsy, and naive. But he had a leisurely job in an office, and his father’s official position was undoubtedly the highest among the people she had ever come into contact with in her life.

Thinking about this, a slight change occurred in her heart. It seems that the chubby faces of young people have become cute, and their childish language patterns have become interesting.

In short, the appearance of the deputy director’s son allowed her to discover a new goal that corresponded to her own value standards. So with a different purpose in mind, she took care of the deputy director’s son with unprecedented care and affection.

She even found an opportunity when the director of internal medicine was not present, and pretended to take off the mask on her face accidentally, but in fact it was intentional.

The reason for this is self-evident. She is quite sure of her “plate” (slang, appearance).

Because she has always been the kind of girl who is easily chased by boys whenever she goes out. As early as middle school, daring boys began to intercept her at the school gate and at the bus stop.

Sure enough, for a young man like the deputy director’s son who is new to the world and has never had a girlfriend, her careful care and natural beauty are still his fundamental Something irresistible.

So they left each other’s phone numbers, addresses and other contact information that day. From then on, she also learned that the deputy director’s son was named Song Guofu.

In the next few days, every time Song Guofu came to Jiangong Hospital for infusion, he would only look for her, and their relationship developed rapidly.

In just a few days, they went from strangers to inseparable, from talking to each other to walking together. By the time Song Guofu completely recovered from his pneumonia, they had already reached the point where they exchanged photos and clearly established their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Yes, she succeeded! Song Guofu was confused by her!

For her, the boyfriend she “caught” in this accident was also the most cost-effective. Her pretty face brought her many things that her class could not enjoy.

High-end candies, pastries, snacks, “reliable” shirts, “thread replacement” materials, beautiful nylon gauze that ordinary people have no way to get, calfskin high heels produced in Shanghai, folding parasols, and even ordinary People may not be able to buy performance tickets despite queuing up all night…

As long as she asks, Song Guofu can get everything at once and satisfy her easily.

Especially on rest days, she and Song Guofu could go out to the countryside together with their cameras in the Volga car specially assigned to his father by the bureau.

This is her most obsessed enjoyment, because where to go for fun is actually secondary. Being able to take pictures with film without feeling distressed is just a trivial matter. The key is the envious eyes of passers-by along the way, which always makes her Produce an inexplicable feeling of pleasure.

What she likes most is when people look at her like this, just like when Hong Yanwu led her on a rampage in a nearby alley, showing off his power.

And unknowingly, her colleagues in the hospital became more and more flattering to her. Some asked her to exchange for national food stamps, and some asked her to get some gas stamps. She also pestered Song Guofu to handle these small things one by one. .

As a result, she has become the object of adulation. Every day at noon, someone takes the initiative to bring her meals. Usually, if she wants to take leave or change shifts, the director of the emergency department will not deny it. There are even rumors that… He said that the dean had already planned to transfer her to work in the pharmacy.

Being among these unexpected benefits, she had no choice but to have the illusion that she was the daughter of a high-ranking cadre.

However, things are not perfect. As the contact lasted for a long time, Song Guofu’s biggest shortcoming was undoubtedly exposed.

His personality is so soft. Not only is he good-tempered towards her, he is also extremely kind to other people. He seems to say hello even when he sees a dog on the street. And once there is friction with someone, he will immediately give in and apologize, regardless of whether it is his fault or not.

For example, one time when they walked out of the cinema after watching a movie, they were clearly being squeezed by others, but the other party started yelling and scolding them as if they were deliberately looking for trouble. Song Guofu’s only way to respond was to apologize repeatedly. As a result, the other party stole the show and walked away triumphantly while shouting and scolding.

But she couldn’t help but feel extremely aggrieved, because if Hong Yanwu had been there before, I would have made that kid kneel on the ground crying for father and mother.

If Song Guofu was only afraid of strangers, it might be excusable, but he couldn’t hold his head high in front of acquaintances, which would be a bit unjustifiable.

Not long after, she discovered that when Song Guofu went out with her, he would often be called “big preserved fruit” by people who knew him well. There are even some bad boys who like to tease Song Guofu in front of her. I don’t know if they are using this method to show off their power and provocation, or they are jealous that Song Guofu has a beautiful girlfriend and are sincerely attracted to him. face.

For this reason, she once encouraged Song Guofu behind his back to teach these people a lesson, and said, “Your father is the director, why are you afraid of them?”

But Song Guofu was extremely unsatisfied, not least because his father would not let him use his power to dominate others, not to mention that they were all acquaintances who grew up together, but they were just joking. It’s really a big deal, and it’s hard for everyone to save face.

She really felt that Song Guofu was hopeless, but she was also really puzzled by this phenomenon that was extremely inconsistent with his identity and background. Later, after fully understanding it, she found out that Song Guofu had lived an extremely useless life since he was a child.

Song Guofu’s parents were not natives of the capital, but cadres who were transferred to the capital from other places with bare hands. So when the Song family lived in the dormitory of the Grain Bureau, even though Song Guofu’s father was already a director at the time, Song Guofu was very rejected by the children of local workers and was always bullied by others.

At the same time, his parents had no connections when they first arrived in the capital, so they had to show a tolerant image. Therefore, when their son is bullied, they have to adopt a calm attitude, which inevitably encourages the interest of those children who are accustomed to bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

In the end, Song Guofu hid at home crying every day and was afraid to go out. Her parents really had no choice but to find a way out and moved the family completely out of the Grain Bureau dormitory and into a unit building belonging to another unit in Pingyuan Hutong.

But even if he moved, Song Guofu couldn’t change his temper and was still a doormat. But fortunately, the children here were not from very good families, and Song Guofu was willing to take the initiative to share his snacks and toys with these children, which gave him some temporary peace and quiet.

But on the other hand, habits become natural. As a result, the children in Pingyuan developed a hatred of the rich, “Don’t take advantage of the **** when they have advantages.” Many people continued to make more and more excessive demands.

Song Guofu was helpless but did not dare to disobey, so over time, his cowardly temperament and his method of buying peace with benefits earned him the nickname “Big Preserved Fruit”.


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