Return To 1977 Chapter 73: Jue’an

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After dinner, Hong Yanwu made arrangements to wash the dishes.

But Wang Yunlin insisted on washing the dishes with her daughter-in-law Xu Manli. The two of them boiled a pot of alkaline water, saying that it would be more effective in removing oil so that the bowls could be washed clean. Otherwise, the bowls that cannot be washed would smell after being left for a long time. .

Hong Yanwu had no choice but to give up, then turned back to the house and took the initiative to take his father to the small bed in the suite to rest.

The weight of Hong Lucheng’s whole body was very light. Even though he was wearing thick cotton clothes, Hong Yanwu could still feel the texture of his father’s bones, which was quite harsh.

When he carried his father to the crib, although he put it down very gently, when his father’s legs touched the bed, he was still in pain and sweating all over his body.

Hong Yanwu was really worried about what he saw, and knew that if he allowed it to continue, his father would only die. Then he said, “We have to find a big hospital to see your leg as soon as possible. Go to Xiehe, go to Tongren, go to Youyi, go to Xuanwu, go to Jishuitan, and try them one by one. We can’t delay any longer…”

But Hong Lucheng said, “Our family has to deal with it. It’s useless to go there. How else can we wait until now? What’s more, Shou Jingfang has already shown it to me, but he treats He is sick but cannot cure his life. Even he shakes his head, so…”

At this point, Hong Lucheng suddenly stopped, sighed, closed his eyes and lay down.

When Hong Yanwu saw this, he knew that his father didn’t want to talk anymore. Although he didn’t understand the details clearly, and he didn’t know who Shou Jingfang was, he thought about his father’s situation that he could ask his mother in detail when he had time. So he shut up knowingly and quietly left the room.

Then he went back to the kitchen. Wang Yunlin and Xu Manli had almost finished washing the dishes. Hong Yanwu couldn’t get involved, but he refused to leave.

Wang Yunlin saw that something was wrong with him, so she asked her son to speak directly.

Hong Yanwu hesitated for a moment, then said to Xu Manli with embarrassment, “Sister-in-law, I would like to lend you a bottle of wine and two cans for use. I accidentally injured Master Shui today, and now I want to apologize to you. But wouldn’t it be a bad idea to come in empty-handed? It would appear that we are not sincere. Besides, Master Shui has a good temper, but Aunt Shui and Sister Shui Lan are both better at teasing people than the other. I can’t even get through the door…”

“You are quite thoughtful, why did you go there earlier…”

Xu Manli was happy when she heard this. She made a joke first and then continued, “You’re welcome. The family can borrow anything. When you bring it back, it belongs to the family. As long as mom agrees, you can use whatever you want. Sister-in-law doesn’t agree.” Stingy.”

Wang Yunlin also supports Hong Yanwu’s idea. But she said that there was never an odd number of wines given, so she said she had to bring two bottles of wine with her. At the same time, she was also afraid that Hong Yanwu would not be able to hear other people’s bad words, so she asked him to stay at home and apologize on her behalf.

But Hong Yanwu firmly disagreed and looked solemn instead.

“I have to solve the problems I caused by myself. You can protect me for a while, but you can’t protect me for a lifetime. What’s more, how can I bear to have you smile for me? Don’t worry, I’m going to solve the problem. Yes, I will not cause any new troubles. Even if Master Shui and the others beat me and scold me, or spit on my face, I will never be angry. Please believe me again…”

After hearing these words, Wang Yunlin and Xu Manli were stunned.

Especially Wang Yunlin, she realized that life passed by really fast, and her son was indeed not the son he used to be. He had grown up…

Soon, Hong Yanwu left the house with the wine and cans, groped into the west courtyard in the dark, and found Shui Gengsheng’s home.

He was lucky today. The girl Shui Lan was not at home. Apart from Shui Geng and his two children, the Shui family only had a third girl, Shui Lian, who was still in elementary school.

So although Aunt Shui’s nose is not a nose and her eyes are not eyes, her attitude is not very kind and approachable. But after all, the Shui family’s combat effectiveness was reduced by half, and Shui Gengsheng himself was a reasonable person, so Hong Yanwu didn’t feel that his scalp was numb.

In short, after a self-examination apology, Shui Gengsheng had already forgiven Hong Yanwu, and even restrained his wife from making any more unpleasant remarks. They are all useless, do not touch on the point, and have the intention of deliberately avoiding the topic. They are irrelevant. What they said is almost the same as what they did not say, which is equivalent to nonsense.) The only difficult thing is that Shui Gengsheng can’t say anything. Willing to accept things.

Finally, until Hong Yanwu said again, “If you don’t accept it, you have a grudge in your heart. My parents will feel guilty for me, and they will no longer be able to deal with the neighbors in the future. Even if you give my parents face, , can you go after them?” Shui Gengsheng had no choice but to obey.

Perhaps it’s because the two bottles of wine are expensive, and the two large bottles of canned lychees also look mellow and cute. When Hong Yanwu was about to leave, Aunt Shui’s anger had calmed down a lot. As she sent him out, she said, “Don’t you understand the truth? Why do you act like that when you’re in a hurry?”

In the end, Hong Yanwu replied with a shy face, “It’s not because you don’t want to see me. You are the only one in our alley who can discipline the children, and the three girls can all succeed. In the past, you had to be willing to take care of me. , How could I be like this? I might become an intellectual like your Shui Lan.”

That’s it, a joke and a compliment. Aunt Shui’s face, which was full of lawsuits, was completely smoothed out.

When Hong Yanwu walked out of the west courtyard, there was no one on the street, only the street lights were shining with a dim white light.

The environment and location he is currently in are quite wonderful. Behind him is the west courtyard where he just apologized, and in front of him is the east courtyard, which is his home. The left hand direction to the north leads to the coal factory where Chen Liquan worked, and the right hand direction to the south leads to the first prison of Banbu Bridge.

It was as if he was at a fork in the road with an unknown destiny, with each direction representing a completely different fate.

As he looked at the deserted streets to the left and right, he suddenly had a very strange feeling. He couldn’t help but stop, and he couldn’t help but start to think about his situation.

It’s really interesting. After he came back, everything around him felt so familiar and yet so strange.

What he was familiar with was the environment, neighbors, and family members in Furuli. It seemed as if he had never left here before, and it was exactly the same as in his memory.

What is unfamiliar to him is the ideology, value standards and behavioral norms of this era. With his current mentality and cognition, it is undoubtedly incompatible with the current situation.

Also, after he came back, he had obviously touched some things that had never happened before and met some people he had never met before. If it weren’t for him, Yousan would never have been arrested. For the same reason, the two policemen would not have been rewarded for their meritorious service. Is this what people often call the butterfly effect?

What about his father’s illness? What about Quanzi’s life? What about the tragedy that befell the mother and sister? And the relationship between the eldest brother and the second brother? Will their original destiny also undergo some changes under his intervention, and will they end up with a completely different result from what he has experienced?

Don’t know.

But no matter what, these are at least the things he desperately wants to change.

The cold wind blew against his face, which reminded Hong Yanwu of the specific problems he faced.

Back in 1977, I returned to myself with bare hands. Not only did I have no social background, no job, I didn’t even have a resident status in the capital. Can you make your way in society with just a little bit of size and two bare fists?

Yes, he has a full understanding of historical trends, forward-looking insights into social changes, and rich business experience.

But we must also know that 1977 was still an era of confinement. Everything was governed by rigid rules and regulations and political forms. Even the legal system needed to be re-established. Business was not allowed at all. Without a job, people had nothing. No, you have to go hungry.

Can these skills of his be put to use now? How can he change his family’s predicament as soon as possible? What’s more, there are only two years at most before his father’s illness occurs. Can he find a way to cure his father in such a short period of time?

A feeling of loneliness and powerlessness suddenly emerged, and Hong Yanwu’s heart was filled with uncertainty about the fate of his family. He couldn’t help but look up at the stars and took a deep breath.

As a result, when he raised his eyes, he saw the dark crossing building again, spanning the east and west yards. The word “Jue’an” engraved on the south side of the street building actually glowed with a silvery halo under the moonlight.

He still remembered that when he was a child, he heard old people talking on the street mention that in the early years this was the only way to the first prison in the capital.

When the prisoners were being escorted, the “golden rope” on the north side of the crossing building came towards them, symbolizing that the principles of the law were unshakable. When the prisoners came back after serving their sentences, what they saw was the word “Jue’an” on the south side, which means to regain consciousness and return to shore.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but become obsessed…

I am afraid that no one can answer the doubts and uneasiness in Hong Yanwu’s heart for a while, but some things originated and changed because of him. Because at the same time, scenes that were deeply influenced by him and deviated from the original historical direction were happening in various places in the capital.

In a small room in No. 2 Courtyard of Jingtai Xili outside Yongding Gate, next to a round table piled with peanut shells and empty wine bottles, there was a “Xie Fu” with a look of mourning, and he was boiling with blood. Challenge a man with a scar on his neck.

“Master Cheng, please let me take people there. Although Ya has been brilliant in the past, the people who came back are weak and weak. He has already surpassed Jing’er. Who will treat him as a dish… ”

“Master Cheng” was silent for a long time, but did not speak. He raised his eyes and asked other people. “What about you? What do you mean?”

The “old cat” who always loves to take a nap smiled first.

“It is said that we should fight to the death, but after all, ‘Red Boy’ has a relationship with our old master ‘Da De He’, De Ye. We have asked others for help in the past, so we are going to turn our backs and deny them, okay?” ?”

“Xie Fu” became anxious and glared. “Fuck! He was the one who ‘carried’ You San in, okay! This kid has already gotten involved with ‘Leizi’, so what’s the point of friendship?”

“Pizi”, who always likes to blink frequently, immediately retorted.

“That’s not the case. I’ve figured it out clearly. People’s feet are wet and they ask You San for advice. But this stupid thing doesn’t know the depth and can do it on his own. Who can stop him unless he seeks death… …”

I don’t like hearing this anymore and want to shout. But “Master Cheng” raised his chin to stop him. Then “Master Cheng” turned his head and stared at “Er Tou” who had not yet spoken, and asked quite meaningfully.

“What do you mean?”

The “Second Head” who had been silent had to speak. He thought for a while before speaking carefully.

“There is no doubt that there will be a hard fight, and no one wants to touch it. If you want to ****, you have to prepare for ‘hemorrhaging’. It is impossible without a **** storm… However, I’m afraid it’s not possible to settle the matter. Don’t talk about it yet. If you don’t come forward, you can’t explain it in front of me. I just say that you still occupy half of the 40 Road, so you have to think about it now.”

“Master Cheng” couldn’t help but fell silent again.

“Er Tou” also smoked as usual, but in his eyes, there was an unknown and cold smile…

In a simple building in Dongertiao on the right, in Captain Tian’s dormitory, Deputy Director Sun of the Dongzhuang Police Station is also making a report to the military representative.

“…That’s it, if you go to the meeting and are not at home, Qin Wen will completely seize the class and seize power. It’s useless for me to strongly object.”

“Damn it, they still had a hard time, but they didn’t expect to catch him.”

Seeing that Captain Tian was not talking about the topic, Deputy Director Sun was a little anxious.

“Leader, what happened after I called you? What did you tell your superiors this afternoon? Qin Wen dared to support Xing Zhengyi and Zhao Zhenmin, two thorny suspects, in the private release. How should the superiors deal with them?”

“How to deal with it? Catching a thief is rewarded for meritorious service, and it should be commended. Let me tell you, I just found out today that I can’t afford to offend Xing Zhengyi, but the superiors actually asked him about it, knowing that he caught the thief. I am quite satisfied with the matter. Let me tell you, there is someone behind this kid…”

“Who is behind him? Are you even afraid of him?”

“It’s not clear yet, but the energy is quite high. I heard that he is a newly resurrected cadre…”

“Ah! Then, what should I do?”

“What can you do? Just continue to be your deputy director. Don’t worry, this won’t change. But you have to wait for the director’s job.”

“Is this point just lost?”

“If you lose it, just lose it. The mountains and rivers will change, and the days are long. I am not in a hurry. Why are you anxious? You need to use more brains in what you do in the future, especially towards Xing Zhengyi. Be more tolerant and gentle. Let’s talk about the relationship. By the way, don’t be too explicit in everything from now on…”

A large courtyard in Nanxiange Street. Xing Zhengyi, wearing a navy blue police uniform, happily walked into the courtyard pushing his bicycle. After pushing it to the door of his home, he just put the bike up and then walked happily into his home.

“Mom, Mom, I’m back.”

A kind-faced, silver-haired old lady heard his call and walked out of the house in response.

“You came back very early today, why didn’t you work overtime? Are you tired? Take a good shower first, and I’ll heat up a meal for you. Just wait. You’ll be fine in a while.”

“No, please stop making food first.” Xing Zhengyi looked excited. “Mom, I caught the thieves with my own hands today, six. No… one… Anyway, please take out the wine for me first. I want to give Dad a toast.”

“Okay, your dad loves to drink, and he will be happy to know this…” The old lady agreed happily, and quickly brought a bottle of Erguotou and a wine cup from the back room.

When it was filled, Xing Zhengyi eagerly took it, carried it with his own hands, and placed it on a small altar table on the cabinet on the west wall of the main room.

On the altar table, a large black and white photo with a glass frame hangs neatly.

The photo is of an old man wearing a white police uniform. His expression is majestic and solemn, but what the hat cannot hide is an obvious gun scar on his left forehead…

In the Dongzhuang Police Station, policeman Liu was on duty alone, bored and flipping through today’s newspapers.

In the corners of the room, six thieves led by You San were handcuffed.

The legs of these boys are so sore, but the height of the handcuffs on them is very particular. If they want to sit on the ground, the handcuffs will tighten their hands, so each of them can only keep changing their squatting posture to relieve their sore and numb hands. legs to feel better.

At this moment, the door opened and Zhao Zhenmin strolled in happily, “Da Liu, is there one person on duty?”

“You kid, what nonsense are you talking about? You’re not assigned to the job assigned by that ‘Bad Water’, why don’t you take my place?”

Zhao Zhenmin was happy to see Da Liu being upset. “Which of us brothers is following the other? If you give me a cigarette, I will smoke it for you and let you sleep for half the night. How about it?”


“No lying!”

Da Liu yawned, stretched, and quickly stood up. “Okay, you’re a righteous kid. There’s still half a box of Beihai. I’ve left the cigarettes and fire here, and the newspaper is here too. The tea has just been brewed. You can be self-sufficient. I’m going to sleep…”

“Okay! Have a good rest…”

“Be careful, kid, don’t go too far!” Da Liu actually also woke up to Chan’er (dialect, understand and understand the little tricks).

“I am an old guerrilla, comrade, please rest assured.”

Zhao Zhenmin sent Da Liu away with a joke, then took out a pair of shiny dog-tooth cuffs with a wicked smile and walked up to You San.

“Let’s not waste any time. In order to reward you for your bold whistleblower today, the government is going to change you now!”

You San’s little face immediately turned white, and when the light of the handcuffs flashed, he felt bitter water pouring out from the gall.

The other five lowered their heads together, and no one dared to look up at Zhao Zhenmin again…

… Just when Hong Yanwu was looking at the building across the street in a daze, he suddenly heard someone calling him in the darkness, “Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu! Why are you standing here? Are you waiting for me?”

This was Chen Liquan’s voice, which was like a loud bugle, making Hong Yanwu excited and energetic. Only then did he realize that Chen Liquan, riding a bicycle, had parked under the crossing building and was staring at him.

He hurriedly walked over to meet him, “Quanzi, you are back!”

“Are you waiting impatiently? I have already worked hard. Hey, I forgot to tell you that your trick is really effective. When I was riding home at night, I fell down at the gate of the factory. It’s quite serious. My leg is broken and I have been sent to Xuanwu Hospital…”

Hong Yanwu didn’t care about the ‘煳ga婳尳咰儿’ thing. All he could see in front of him was the excited face of Chen Liquan who was talking endlessly.

This is his best friend.

In his most lonely childhood, Quanzi gave him the purest trust and warmth.

When he was studying hard with Master Yu, Quanzi shared the pain and fatigue with him.

Before he returned home in his previous life, Chen Liquan, who was also released from prison in advance, had been helping him take care of his family and providing him with coal and charcoal.

When he faced life and death, Quanzi still risked his own life and sacrificed himself…

The most eternal thing in the world is not only love, but also friendship and family affection. What Quanzi gave him was the life and death friendship between men!

Quanzi values ​​loyalty and trust. For the sake of his friends, he will go through fire and water without hesitation, and he is willing to break the law.

With a buddy like this, what else should he be afraid of! What else is he afraid of!

No matter what, he must let Quanzi live well, let his family live well, and make them all the happiest people!

A fire ignited in Hong Yanwu’s heart, and the feeling of loneliness and powerlessness turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared completely.

Hong Yanwu, Hong Yanwu, God will not let you come back in vain. There must be some special reason. Perhaps, the real reason is for them! For these people who really deserve your care!

You are now going to start a new life and appear in society with a new attitude. Don’t be hesitant and sentimental! You should be as strong as iron!

“Quanzi, you haven’t eaten yet. Go to our house to eat noodles first. I’ve specially reserved them for you!” Hong Yanwu sent out the invitation.

“Let’s go, I’m hungry!” Chen Liquan agreed decisively without any politeness.

It was around 8 o’clock in the evening on March 21, 1977. The cold wind was biting and darkness surrounded Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan. But the two of them didn’t feel the cold at all, and walked together to the east courtyard of Guanyin Yuan.

Target – straight ahead!


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