Return To 1977 Chapter 71: affection

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

In the east wing of the Hong family.

Hong Yanwu sat on the stool with his head lowered. Now he could only see a pair of feet wearing black leather shoes and holding Erlang’s legs.

The man sitting on the bed in front of him had navy blue pants, a big shell hat and a red collar badge. He was the policeman who came to the door with his neighbor’s aunt.

At first, when Aunt Bian led the policeman into the house, everyone in the Hong family was shocked. Hong Yanwu’s mother even chased after her from the kitchen wiping tears.

Everyone in the family thought that the police came to arrest Hong Yanwu because he beat someone up. Everyone, including his father and eldest brother, were worried about Hong Yanwu.

To be honest, Hong Yanwu himself was not afraid at the time, because he was very accurate and knew that neither the salesman nor the neighbor’s water master should be injured.

As for Mao Yuanfang’s lawsuit against him, he has nothing to fear, because the words he used to scold that “stinky hut” today were all limited to personal attacks and had nothing to do with politics.

So he felt that even if the police came to retaliate for those people and wanted to arrest him on a charge, at most they would just send him to a “cell” for a few days, which was no big deal.

He even made a plan. If the police were going to do this, he would dare to use political topics to get the police involved, leaving this kid with nothing to eat. With his understanding of the future direction, this should not be difficult to do.

But he never expected that instead of arresting him, the police actually helped him.

Because according to Aunt Bian, when she was holding a security meeting at the police station today, the salesperson who was beaten did go to the police station to find the boss. However, after the police comrade asked about it, he came forward to do the salesperson’s job. He successfully persuaded the recalcitrant boy to go back, and now he comes to the house just to criticize and educate Hong Yanwu. At the same time, there is another meaning, that is, as a film police officer, we need to visit the “two workers” who have recently returned home in the film.

So immediately afterwards, Hong Yanwu was taken to this room alone by the police.

Hong Yanwu had the consciousness to be punished, so he consciously sat in a standard posture for prisoners.

“Are you back drinking?” the police finally began to ask.


“You didn’t drink, so why did you act drunkenly? Did you say that you changed your shopping list? Shouldn’t you apologize to others and ask them to fine you? What are you trying to do! There is really something wrong with what he did, okay? Be reasonable, why are you still beating people? Dogs can’t change their habits…”

“Yes, what you said is that I made a mistake, learn a lesson and promise not to do it again.”

Hong Yanwu was annoyed by the police’s official tone, but he didn’t want to offend easily, so he could only answer according to the words.

“Pull it down. It’s weird if I believe you. It depends on the action. Master Shui, you think about going to apologize to others. The salesperson’s matter is easy to talk about. You can write a copy and give it to me for inspection later. Forget it. Don’t be too nervous. It’s complicated. I know you are not very educated, so just write things clearly. Check the dictionary more and write less typos. By the way, I have already paid the fine for you at the grocery store. It’s 10,120 sesame paste, fine. Three times, thirty-three cents. I heard that you took the initiative to ask for a fine of ten times. With your family’s conditions, you should not take advantage of me in the future…”

I didn’t expect it. I never expected it. This policeman actually didn’t tell me the truth, but he spoke truthfully.

Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but look up at the policeman’s face. It didn’t look like he was teasing him, let alone joking.

With confusion, he subconsciously put his hand into his trouser pocket, but only took out half a pack of cigarettes. When he put the cigarette aside, he reached into another trouser pocket and took out the money.

“I will give you a fine…”

“Hey, it’s a piece of cake, and you can’t find it. I’m telling you, if Aunt Bian and I hadn’t spoken kindly to people for you today, you wouldn’t have been able to get off even if it was ten times the amount. You kid is not up to par. You just came out. Get into trouble. You said you haven’t had a home for a year, and you just came back for a few days of vacation. It’s not worth it if you really go in for this matter!”

“Yes, you are saying that I am confused…”

Hong Yanwu didn’t understand what the police meant now, but he didn’t dare to ask. He responded while still digging in his pocket, trying to get some thirty-three cents.

“Forget it, do you still have cigarettes? If you don’t take the money, these half packs of ‘Xiangshan’ will be mine. Speaking of which, you still made a profit, are you still interested…”

Hong Yanwu took out the matchbox, but when he opened it, there was only one match left inside. The head was still broken and could not be rubbed.

The police had to search all over his body before finally taking out a box of matches, but there were not many matches left in it. He sighed, took one in his mouth, and actually handed one to Hong Yanwu, and then struck the match.

“Hurry, it will be out in a while… I said, you smoke better than the police?”

“I met an acquaintance in the bathhouse, and they gave it to me.”

Hong Yanwu now feels that this policeman is quite funny, a bit nagging, but not annoying at all.

In fact, he is quite good-looking, young, with sharp eyebrows, handsome appearance, shiny leather shoes, no oil spots on his trousers, and very clean nails. He seems to be a fastidious person. But he just doesn’t have the masculinity of Xing Zhengyi, a bit like a niche in Peking Opera…

Huh? By the way, Xing Zhengyi, and Zhao Zhenmin…

Could this policeman be the person Zhao Zhenmin mentioned when sending him out of the police station who could take care of him? What’s that person’s last name?

As soon as this idea popped into Hong Yanwu’s mind, he quickly stood up and poured a glass of hot water for the policeman.

“What’s your last name?”

The policeman’s eyes were dull.

“My surname is Zhang. My name is Zhang Baocheng in the household registration book. Others call me Xiao Zhang. You… you can call me Lao Zhang from now on.”

Sure enough, Hong Yanwu remembered everything at once.

“I’ve heard of you, you are…Zhao…”

“That’s right. You understand, why should I care about your nonsense? As soon as you left, Zhao Zhenmin and Xing Zhengyi called me one by one, asking me to take care of you. You are quite good. , I heard that one person can fight several people, and even helped them arrest a gang. I am not an ordinary classmate, but I didn’t expect that you would do it before I got off work. I caused trouble…”

“Oh, I am even more shameless… I have caused you trouble.”

“Okay, don’t cause trouble in the future, just live a good life, and don’t let them down. Fululi and Zixinlu are both under my control. From now on, we will It’s inevitable to deal with it. Don’t tell anyone about this relationship. I will take care of you when you need it. If you have any problems, come to me. I will never let you go if I can help you. But you have to pay attention in the future. I really don’t want to be a human being. , I also want to be a ghost, and I don’t recognize my relatives…”

Speaking of this, Zhang Baocheng took a puff of cigarette and took the opportunity to soften his tone.

“You have just come back. How many days have you been on leave? How do you plan to live your life? Can you talk to me? Don’t be afraid. I am a policeman wearing this suit, but if I take it off, I am also your brother. I know your family situation. We all understand. I also know a little bit about you. As long as it’s not too much, you can tell me whatever you want.”

“Fifteen days. I…I haven’t planned yet.”

“It won’t work if you don’t have a plan, you have to think about it. It’s not okay to just wander around every day! You are different from Chen Liquan. He saved an extra instructor during the earthquake, had someone to help with the job, and his father can take his place. , Now those are people who have jobs. I’m not afraid you don’t like to hear it, but you people all have a bad habit. You will definitely get into trouble when you have nothing to do. You are so bored that you can’t even make a new journey. Do you know Xiao Chuliuer? His mother often picks up rags on these streets…”

“I know the little gangster from the work-study school, who is older than me, but I don’t pay attention to him at all!”

“This kid just came in during the Spring Festival this year. He didn’t stay at home to celebrate the New Year. He went shopping on the street every day. As a result, he had nothing to do and had nothing to do. He stole three bicycles in one go. , there are still three rounds, and the household registration is just handed over! What’s the use of asking me for the next year? If you let me go, why don’t you ask me? Live, stop living as soon as possible, find a cesspit and plunge into it, right?”

Hong Yanwu had to nod his head. Although these words were not pleasant to listen to, they were true.

At the same time, he also felt that Zhang Baocheng was not so easy to fool. Although he didn’t sound alienated by just a few words, he didn’t need to think about it to know that people were actually guarding against him causing trouble.

So after thinking about it for a while, he felt that he had to at least say something to reassure Zhang Baocheng, otherwise the policeman would be thinking about him every day, but it would be troublesome because he would have an extra pair of eyes behind him, and he would be able to do anything at that time. Can’t let go.

“Let me tell you the truth, I am thinking about one thing right now. I want to return my household registration to the capital. Look at the situation at my home. My parents are old and there is no one to take care of me at home. . I can’t find a job in Chadian.”

“I can understand what you are saying, but according to regulations, detainees in labor camps are employed locally after their release. This is your problem…”

Seeing Zhang Baocheng shaking his head, Hong Yanwu quickly explained.

“To tell you the truth, I actually heard that there was a policy when I was on the farm. Because although the public security system has always been about catching people and not letting them go, it is also a heavy burden to find employment in correctional education. Now it seems that the higher authorities are trying to clean up the accumulated abuses and are determined to get rid of this burden. I heard that those employed people who can make a living on their own or have children to support will be allowed to return to the No. 5 Public Security Bureau of Liren Street in the capital in batches. It seems like this is what I want to try.”

“Hey, you are well-informed, but I don’t know yet. But what you said seems to be a bit confusing. I seem to have heard someone in the institute mention it recently…”

Zhang Baocheng was really surprised.

Why is Hong Yanwu so well-connected? That was not because he had gone to the fifth place to get his household registration in his previous life, but it was already after 1980. It was also at that time that he knew that in early 1977, there were already people who could get their household registration back.

Hong Yanwu’s words seemed to have a certain effect. Zhang Baocheng’s eyes no longer contained so much speculation when he looked at him.

And he pondered for a while and expressed his position quite happily. It’s a serious matter, but it’s probably not easy to handle. It is estimated that Hong Yanwu’s vacation is not enough, but as long as the farm does not send people to the capital to find Hong Yanwu, he will help Hong Yanwu look carefree and will not take the initiative to send Hong Yanwu back to Chadian. But if someone really comes to press, it will have to be a matter of business.

Speaking of this, it was already a huge honor. Hong Yanwu was not a person who did not know good things, so he sincerely expressed his gratitude.

At this point, almost everything that needs to be said has been said. I finished smoking the cigarette and drank the water. Zhang Baocheng stood up on his own initiative and was ready to leave.

“The last sentence, I’ve read your file, and the crime is fighting. In fact, it’s nothing special. It’s not stealing or robbing. If you don’t fight in the future, it will be over. If you really can’t change it, it’s easy to hit someone again. You Find me, hit me.”

What Zhang Baocheng said seemed like a joke, but Hong Yanwu would never dare to take it as a joke, so he quickly nodded and said “I don’t dare.”

But Zhang Baocheng said, “Don’t be so modest. The one you beat was the teacher’s son. Who am I? But if you beat someone else again, it means you’ve beaten me. We’re not done!… Oh, I almost forgot, there are also twenty yuan and ten pounds of food stamps that Xing Zhengyi and others entrusted me to deliver to you, but I can’t give this money to you, I have to give it to your parents.”

Another surprise. Something warm surged up in Hong Yanwu’s heart, and he stuttered immediately.

“Don’t… don’t… that thing… I can’t take this money…”

“Come on, don’t be polite. What you are eating now is not a burden on the family. You can pay it back later when you have money. Don’t give it to me, just return it to Xing Zhengyi. I bought this last year I borrowed money from him for the watch…”

“No need, I’m really sorry…”

“Let’s go, don’t be such a girl. Go to the main room, give the money to your parents and I’ll leave. You have to have dinner, it’s getting late.”

Zhang Baocheng patted Hong Yanwu on the shoulder for the last time, and he went out of the house first.


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