Return To 1977 Chapter 70: Migraine without coloring

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After getting angry in front of her children, Wang Yunlin felt increasingly uncomfortable.

After entering the kitchen, her tears kept flowing down uncontrollably and she couldn’t cook at all, so she claimed that she was blinded by the gray and took her daughter out.

To be honest, she couldn’t help crying, because she couldn’t express the pain in her heart to anyone, not even her husband or her own daughter.

Wang Yunlin was actually born in a family of bannermen nobles. The elders of the family started their careers in martial arts, and their emphasis is on “bravery, diligence, and tireless ambition.”

The spirit of the ancestors naturally hopes to be passed down from generation to generation without losing shape or degeneration. It is best to carry it forward forever, so her family motto has always been to cultivate people with martial arts and use the word “strict” Establish people.

Her father passed away early, and her mother took care of the family since she was a child. Due to the turmoil in the late Qing Dynasty, the status of the bannermen plummeted. Her mother once focused on maintaining her livelihood, which also made her brother Yuntai lose his Due to discipline, he became extremely stubborn.

But her mother is also a rigid wife of the Banner clan. She believes in educating children strictly and according to the rules. She is a firm executor of family disciplines.

So when the time came, this Banner clan wife still used all kinds of means to force her son to wrestle, practice martial arts, and study like his ancestors. She even spent a lot of money to hire famous teachers for her, and she even enlightened him. Sent to a foreign school.

These are not useless efforts. In the end, Yuntai was cultivated into a man who was versatile in civil and military affairs and capable of doing things. He did not let him degenerate into a man who only knew how to carry a cage with the decline of the Qing Dynasty. Zhuo Daying is a drunken and dissatisfied man.

Someone once said that the kind of education a person received when he was young will determine the method he will use to educate his children.

At the same time, logically speaking, the values ​​​​and temperament of parents will inevitably be passed on to their children in part, completely, or even intensified.

So after she became a mother, this educational concept that had been subtly integrated into her blood made her follow the same example when it came to treating her children.

She never coddled her children, “You must be strict with your children when they are young, and love them without mercy when you are strong.” Even when the Hong family was prosperous, she paid great attention to cultivating her children’s tenacious endurance and hard-working spirit, and did not Give children too much enjoyment in material life.

For example, her eldest son and her second son both wore children’s clothes made from old servants’ clothes of the Hong family after they were born. Apart from New Year’s Eve, there were few extra satisfactions in food and drink. Once you have a headache or brain fever, apart from taking medicine and seeing a doctor, the only other special care you need is to make a bowl of lotus root starch.

After drinking lotus root powder, the children will know that their illness should be cured and there is no need to lie down anymore. Otherwise, if they continue to act coquettishly, they will be severely blamed and punished.

In this way, she has been strictly adhering to the same strict discipline methods as her mother, believing that the less indulgent and less important she is to her children, the more likely they will be strong and live long lives with good character.

It’s a pity that she couldn’t stick to this plan consistently, and she couldn’t apply it to her third son Hong Yanwu.

Hong Yanwu loved to fool around outside since she was a child, and all kinds of anecdotes were constantly introduced to her home. However, she was extremely partial to this trouble-loving third child, and she regarded him as the top of her heart.

Unlike her previous two sons, since she was a child, no matter how much trouble Hong Yanwu got into, she had never investigated it to the end. But in the end, he acted as a kind of mediator like a protector, so the husband had no choice but to accommodate him.

And afterwards, she would often hold Hong Yanwu in her arms, pat and coax him, and make love with him sweetly and sweetly. This kind of overly affectionate behavior is really another one-sided thing that is completely different from the harshness she treats her two sons, Hong Yanzheng and Hong Yanwen.

For this reason, not only did her two sons have some grudges in their hearts, but her husband also asked her doubtfully, “Why do you treat the third son differently from the other two sons?”

She remembers answering like this.

“How is the third child the same as the two of them? I was so desperate when I gave birth to him. The little man almost lost his life, not to mention that it was the beginning of the year of great disaster as soon as he was born. The child was missing. Eat less and drink less. How can I, as a mother, not be a little more cautious?”

Yes, this is the main reason why she prefers Hong Yanwu.

In her opinion, compared with the eldest and second child, the third child was born at a really bad time and was really unlucky.

Before the full moon, her husband often cried at night because of the child, complaining that the third child had a bad temper and was difficult to feed, but she knew in her heart that her son’s crying was entirely because he didn’t have enough to eat.

In fact, no matter what aspect you look at later, this has been fully proved. Her third child is a child with congenital deficiencies and acquired disorders.

Almost one year old, he still can’t crawl. He has a thin neck, a big head, and two small bow legs. He grabs everything and stuffs it into his mouth, and even chews a cabbage leaf with relish. Compared with his two brothers who grew up at normal ages, his body is at least one size smaller. It is said that it is due to calcium deficiency.

So she could only make up for her losses internally, and loved her thin little son very much.

Besides this, there are actually more reasons, but they are not convenient for her to tell even in front of her family.

For example, most of the children in the Hong family have their own unique characteristics.

The boss loves learning and research. The second child is talented and ambitious. My daughter is gentle, considerate and clever.

But only Hong Yanwu not only has no merits, but also has an appearance like an old Japanese melon. His facial features move out of place when he speaks, and he jumps up and down without a moment of peace.

As a result, he became the child least favored by his father.

As a mother, she saw this and inevitably felt sorry for her son for being born like this, and she also wanted to make up for it emotionally.

Also, even if Hong Yanwu acts unscrupulously, it’s not that he doesn’t care about his eyebrows and his close relatives. When he was a child, he had to fight with the wild boys in this street many times to protect his sister. Even in a certain aspect, he is the one who understands people’s hearts best and knows how to feel pain and warmth.

This was not something she said in vain. Once, the three of them had dinner at noon. She made noodles and poached all three eggs at home.

When the noodles came out of the pot, she specially put an egg in Hong Yanwu’s bowl and two eggs in Hong Yanru’s bowl. Since she had to do other things, she temporarily put a bowl of noodles in clear soup. Place it on the table to dry.

When she came back to eat noodles, she met Hong Yanwu who had finished the last few bites of noodles and went out to play. As a result, she picked up the bowl again, only to find a whole poached egg buried at the bottom of the bowl.

Just when she was surprised, her daughter actually told her that Hong Yanwu had put his own into the poached egg in the bowl…

Another time, when I saw processed leeks being sold in a non-staple food store, my second son, Hong Yanwen, bought a huge bundle for the family. So most of the family members suggested that we just make pie for dinner, otherwise the leeks would rot.

But just when she was about to mix the dough and bake the pie, Hong Yanwu was the only one who openly objected. He said that if he couldn’t eat pie today, he would have to change the noodles to braised noodles. He also stubbornly asked for 20 cents to go to the grocery store to buy yellow flowers and sea rice, and then come back to make marinades.

The whole family thought that the child was deliberately looking for trouble and was greedy, so they scolded him one by one without listening to the reason. However, they did not expect that the third child persisted until the end, but became anxious and finally felt that he was wronged and shouted.

“You have all forgotten, today is my mother’s birthday! Every year when my mother celebrates her birthday, she has to choose a birthday!”

To be honest, she really didn’t expect that this son was the only one in the family who still remembered her birthday.

On that day, she actually forgot even herself…

In addition to the above, she also encountered a particularly strange thing the year she was pregnant with Hong Yanwu. This incident even made her feel that everything was destined, and that Hong Yanwu was a gift from God on purpose. her son.

Speaking of which, it was just a few years after the Hong family moved from their old house to Furuli. Since the entire Guanyin Temple had been gradually converted into residential buildings, some of the temple’s old items were being cleared out, and some were temporarily renovated. Stacked in the open space in the courtyard.

For example, in the empty space in the east courtyard, there is a large incense burner for burning incense, and a pair of bronze statues of a boy and a girl that were originally placed next to the Guanyin statue in the main hall.

However, one night, when she got up in the middle of the night, she accidentally discovered a red light flashing outside the window.

At that time, she lifted the curtains and looked outside. Unexpectedly, she saw a little man in red clothes walking around the bronze statue of the boy. He had two hairdos on his bald head. Like almost exactly the same.

When she rubbed her eyes again to see more clearly, she didn’t expect that the little man just smiled at her and then disappeared underground.

Less than a month later, she found out she was pregnant.

But when she told her husband about this, Hong Lucheng thought it was even ridiculous. Not only did he say it was superstitious, but he also said that because he was born on the fifth day of the first lunar month, he did not know how many people were attracted to the Hong family. Congratulations were sent to our door, not to mention that the Hong family had given birth to a “Five God of Wealth”.

Fortunately, his father was a wise man. Not only did he not believe the compliment, he also ordered his family not to talk about his birthday in the future. It was this kind of wise indifferent treatment that ensured that he could have a calm and ordinary childhood and did not let him be ruined by this incident.

What her husband said was indeed reasonable, and she didn’t understand it, so she never mentioned it again.

But on the other hand, women are born to love fantasy, and Guanyin Temple itself is a place to seek children, so this does not prevent her from believing to a certain extent that this son is the one serving beside Master Guanyin. Children.

Perhaps it was precisely because of the above reasons that she got used to Hong Yanwu’s twisted temper and became an anomaly among the children of the Hong family.

From a certain perspective, perhaps it was her doting that ruined this extremely smart child.

She knows this very well. That’s why she begged Master Yu to accept Hong Yanwu as her disciple. This was simply because she wanted to imitate what her mother had done back then, and wanted a good and stern master to correct her son.

Unexpectedly, in such a chaotic world, his son finally walked onto the door leading to the prison with a broken body, and his wrestling skills became his capital for fighting fiercely.

I think back then, her husband had already said, “Just get used to it. Sooner or later you will be the one who hurt him.” Unexpectedly, this sentence turned out to be true, and it was fully verified in the end.

This naturally made her feel really guilty. She had reflected on herself and blamed herself countless times. He also made up his mind that he would never let Hong Yanwu go again, and that he would give his son a good lesson when he came back.

Just like in the Peking Opera “Silang Visits His Mother”, Yang Yanhui’s marriage to a foreign country is tantamount to surrendering to the enemy and treason. Although he tried every means to come back to visit his mother, when the mother and son recognized each other, they still got a big slap in the face – it must not be because of this. Family affection makes all right and wrong unclear. This truth should always be remembered!

Although the principle is clear, how difficult is it to do it yourself?

Just like today, when she saw her son, her heart softened unconsciously. She could not hate him for the trouble he had caused. Not only could she not slap him, but she could not even use harsh words. exit.

Actually, she knew that in her own heart, she still recognized this third child who preferred not to have sex.

No matter how good Hong Yanwu is, no matter how incompetent he is, he is still a part of the Hong family. His aura is connected with the whole family and can never be separated.

What’s more, she never thought in her heart that the little man in red next to Guanyin would come to punish their family in this life.

She firmly believes that if this son can understand her heart as a mother, he will definitely learn from it…

Just as Wang Yunlin was wiping the tears on her face, the sound of two people’s “Teng, Teng” footsteps came from the small courtyard.

She couldn’t help but look up and looked outside the kitchen, and found that it was Lao Bian’s wife leading a police comrade in blue to her door.

This made her immediately confused. She thought the police station was coming to arrest her son, and her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

But fortunately, it’s not a bad thing this time.


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