Return To 1977 Chapter 7: Prisoner

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Hong Yanwu grew up among the crowded people of the Republic.

People of his generation have never left the group since they were born. Families, schools, work units, even in labor camps or squatting on a fence, all lead a collective life. They are always surrounded by noisy high-density crowds and are tired of the small living space.

Therefore, in the past, his understanding of loneliness and loneliness was superficial. He didn’t expect that compared with a life of hunger, poverty, and discrimination, the real feeling of loneliness and loneliness was so terrible.

The first time he experienced this feeling was when he was “locked in a small cell” in prison (referring to a small cell that is three meters high and about 80 centimeters wide, with a length of about 1.4 meters) used to confine prisoners. Before entering the “single cell” in prison, he had never tried to be alone and live in a fixed environment without communication.

The reason why he was placed in solitary confinement was because the cell space was small, and he was squeezed by the prisoners around him and became anxious and frantic. This pain caused him to yell and curse loudly in public. “I’m so annoyed! Let me clean up for a while!”

I don’t know which **** was at work. As soon as he heard his wish, he immediately fulfilled his wish. As a result, he was taken to a separate “single room” to be “clean” and “at ease”.

You won’t see a single person there for a day. Five days later, he experienced the feeling of going crazy for the first time. At that time, he thought, if Lord Ma outside (slang, referring to the police as “Lord Ma’s Three Eyes”) had the right to lock up a suspect like this for a month at any time, he would be punished by anyone.

But at this time, even with all his brains, he could not imagine that at the age of fifty-two, he would actually get worse and taste this feeling again.

In the first month after returning from the hospital, Hong Yanwu could not even turn over in bed. I don’t know what kind of medicine Gao Ming injected into him, which caused his body to weaken rapidly. It was completely a symptom of a stroke.

There is no TV, no books or newspapers here, and no outsiders can be seen except the couple who are guarding him. The couple was also very rude to him, saying nothing but scolding and insulting him. They only fed him gruel and often slacked off or forgot. Since being imprisoned here, he has never had a serious meal, so that he often suffers from insomnia due to hunger. When he had insomnia, the empty bedroom was so quiet that he could only hear his own heartbeat, and he was in a daze like a vegetative state.

In this way, he was tortured by hunger, loneliness, and loneliness at the same time every day. It was not until a month later that he initially recovered his mobility. But at that time, his body had been ruined and turned into a useless person, and it was difficult to even get up and get off the ground.

From this time on, Lawyer Wu would come here every week to persuade him. Although he was tortured and wanted to agree, his reason told him that wealth was the guarantee of his life. If he agreed, his life would be gone.

He is not stupid, and simply responded with a line from “Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom”, “Want money? None! Want food? You guys have already robbed them all! Want your life? One!” So, he still stayed Take your life and continue to live in this room day and night.

In the days that followed, he was so bored that he went crazy. He lost weight day by day, and his spirit deteriorated day by day. He tried every means to hold on, reminding himself that he couldn’t go along with what these people wanted. He began to recall the movies and TV shows he had watched and the books he had read to make himself feel better.

“Torture is the enemy’s weapon. Cowardly people lose their spines under the torture tools, but strong party members must break this superstition…”

“I know the names of superiors, and I also know the names of subordinates, but the party stipulates that you are not allowed to tell the enemy…”

Allowing his thoughts to fly, he remembered the lines that were so familiar. The images of Xu Yunfeng and Sister Jiang jumped out of his mind. They were the heroes in the movie “Eternal Life in Fire” that he had watched countless times as a child.

Soon, in his imagination, the SS major “Sweat, Madness, Death” from the Albanian movie “Better Die Than Surrender” also appeared.

“Shan Die Mad Die Duo Die” said to the little girl Mira who was in prison: “Life is beautiful, girl. Life is only once for us. The sun is shining outside and people are enjoying the endless fun of life, but what about you? , but suffer in the female cell, you will die.”

Beautiful Mira chose to die. The theme song sounded at this time, “Hurry up the mountain, warriors, we join the guerrillas in the spring, the enemy’s doom is coming, and our motherland will win freedom and liberation…”

Just like this, it seemed to have become an inertia, and several familiar Chinese and foreign heroes were reminded of him one by one. The heroes also told him countless times that the enemies wanted to isolate him and kill him. Just hope that he will collapse, hope that he will beg for mercy, so that you can control his destiny at will. The temperament of a martyr is to always firmly believe that the darkness will eventually pass!

But… can he do it? How long can it last?

The method of confinement is indeed much gentler than torture, but it also tests people’s mental limits more. And in his sleep, he failed to escape being arrested by the enemy and executed to extract a confession.

The enemy first killed one of his companions before executing him, and then executed him. Chili pepper water, tiger stool, leather whip, soldering iron… a series of tasks were all the same, but he resisted them all and didn’t feel much fear. But in the end, a beautiful female officer appeared among the enemies, and she seemed to have a great liking for him.

He knew it was a “sugar-coated cannonball”, and he had planned to peel off the sugar-coating and eat it, and then hit the cannonball back. But the female officer was charming, sweet, and extremely seductive, and the methods she used were so in line with his wishes.

The lights were bright, the wine was green, and the moonlight was alluring. In the end, he lost control and told everything he knew. Then there was a sound of glass shattering, and the enemies who rushed in frantically wanted to drag him out and shoot him…

When he woke up completely, he was very glad that this had not really happened. But the fear of surviving the disaster and the panic when facing death made him unable to let go for a long time.

Then he remembered the rebellion in his dream and wanted to slap himself.

For a bitch, she actually lost her chain. No matter what, she has no future, it’s so obvious!

But then he couldn’t help but wonder, if this really happened, would he rebel and surrender to the enemy?

“Gulu gulu”, a burst of gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Don’t think about it, the answer is yes.

He is not a martyr. Not everyone can become a hero if they want to. If there is no hope of survival, a roast duck can make him lose his armor.

The days of being imprisoned continued for a long time, and all the things that could not be hit with eight poles were remembered.

Originally, I was trapped in this bed, unable to move my hands and feet at all. In this case, the only thing that can still be used is the brain, and only memories and fantasies are unrestricted.

When Hong Yanwu played “Swordsman” in his mind, he was surprised to find that his experience was a replica of Ren Woxing. The difference is that Ren Woxing was interested in the star-attracting method and the position of leader, while Gao Ming asked him for equity and legal person status. What’s more, he was also missing the sun, but Ren Woxing and his good friend Xiang Wentian came to rescue him, but he didn’t even have anyone he could count on.

If Quanzi was here…

As soon as he thought of this name, a voice immediately sounded in his heart.

Dead! Quanzi is dead! Long dead!

But it was useless to deny it. A face similar to that of a suburban farmer still appeared in his mind. Cheekbones are clear, lips are dark and thick. The two wide, bulging eyes were large and lifeless, and their expressions were always numb and dull.

Chen Liquan is not good-looking, but Chen Liquan is the only good buddy who doesn’t care about his family background and has always been with him. They are Ciqi (a native language that refers to close buddies), Faxiao (a native language that refers to friends who have grown up together), or senior brothers. They kowtowed together and worshiped Master Yu as their teacher, learned wrestling together, and were arrested for fighting together and sent to a labor camp together.

On the day of the accident, he asked Chen Liquan to go to Chengdong District to start a fight with him (a slang term for fighting for superiority), in order to help Gao Ming break out (a slang term for standing up for others) and kill someone. Beicheng’s Lao Pao’er (a slang term referring to an experienced old gangster) “holds Dongdan”.

At that time, he took this job entirely because Gao Ming, who was born in the General Staff House, promised to help him find a job. Chen Liquan, who was already working at the coal station, had long been worried about his lack of work, so he followed him without any hesitation.

“Zhendongdan” is famous for his shady skills. He became famous for his almost crazy ruthlessness. But a group of four of them took action together, and they were still no match for him and Chen Liquan. In the end, the group was beaten to pieces and ran around, then strayed into a dead end, and were blocked in a side passage under a simple building in Dongsi.

He has always been arrogant and arrogant. In this case, he will naturally be killed unless Zhendongdan and the others are willing to kneel down and call him grandpa.

The world of martial arts places a high value on winning without losing face. As long as the veteran bows his head, he will no longer be praised. “Zhen Dongdan” was so anxious that he took out a snake-brand oar from his waist, pointed the gun at him, and asked him to give way.

At that time, there was no law prohibiting guns in the Republic, and cold weapons were worshiped in the world, and very few people used guns. Even if they were occasionally used, they were mostly five-shot shotguns and homemade powder guns. Exquisite pocket pistols like the German Sauer are really rare.

Therefore, he took it for granted that “Zhen Dongdan” was just threatening him with a toy gun, and he would continue to attack if he stepped forward.

“Zhendongdan” suddenly got mad and pulled the trigger with a sinister smile.

At this critical moment, someone suddenly bumped into him.

With a strong force, he fell to the ground instantly. Then, in his daze, he heard a few crackles like firecrackers.

When he got up again, everyone was gone. Only Chen Liquan was seen lying crookedly under the dim light, with three **** holes in his chest and abdomen. Only then did he realize that it was Chen Liquan who saved him.

When he picked up Chen Liquan, Chen Liquan was speechless and blood spurted out when he opened his mouth. The bullet holes in his body slowly stopped bleeding and started to foam. “Pu Chi” “Pu Chi”! Like three more stomata!

He began to slap Chen Liquan, fearing that he would not wake up again after falling asleep, but the person in his arms still inevitably had straight eyes and was in a trance.

Chen Liquan’s bulging eyes would shed tears, so he shed them.

What man bleeds but doesn’t shed tears? It’s all **** bullshit!

Full of regret, he slapped himself hard in the mouth.

“Quanzi! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault!”

Why is he sorry for Quanzi? Should I ask Quanzi to help? Or should we not be careless?

Should people like them be born? Or is it simply impossible to live well?

Shouldn’t he hope for a job? Shouldn’t it?

What exactly is wrong?

He doesn’t understand either!

Izumi may understand!

The side intersection is the road. When a car occasionally passes by, the cold light cuts across his face like a razor, and also across Chen Liquan’s face.

He had no choice but to hold Chen Liquan tightly in his arms and cry. Tears poured onto Chen Liquan’s cold body what he knew, what he didn’t understand, what he was confused about, what he feared, what was right and what was wrong. His cries echoed in the side passage, and soon the residents upstairs couldn’t bear it anymore and opened their windows one after another to curse…

After Chen Liquan was pushed into the emergency room, the police came and took him away from the hospital.

The next day, in the detention center, he saw the **** clothes that made his spine tingle. After hearing the bad news, he suddenly realized that he couldn’t afford to fight.

The nature of this shooting case is egregious. For the capital police, gun-related cases are an important case that must be solved. Therefore, only half a month after the incident, the “Zhendong Dan” who was hiding in Mentougou was caught by the law, and the snake-branded roller was also seized from the bird’s nest in the woods. During the interrogation, “Zhen Dongdan” revealed the source of the gun. It turned out that it was the personal belongings of this guy who ransacked his home during the “Ten Years’ Movement”. Two months later, “Zhen Dongdan” was executed by firing squad.

The matter was over now, but he still had nightmares for a long time. In his dreams, Chen Liquan was lying in his arms and gushing blood, which often made him break into cold sweats and wake him up screaming. Therefore, he began to try his best to drive Chen Liquan out of his mind and did not dare to think about it again. He doesn’t even want to see people with the same bulging eyes, and he never interacts with them and keeps them at a distance.

Although I feel sorry for Chen Liquan, a dead person will not care about his brother’s loyalty.

It’s better to just forget about it.

After that, he had no real friends.

In the future, more and more guns will be freely bought and sold, and the era of cold weapons in the world will come to an end.


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