Return To 1977 Chapter 68: Impulse

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

To be honest, Hong Yanwu was a veteran, and he understood quite well that although the four notorious historical sinners had already stepped down in October 1976, it would actually take until 1977 for the “righting of chaos” to be set. The Third Plenary Session of the 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will be held in July, and the announcement will only be made when the great man returns.

The specific work of cleaning up the “three types of people” and punishing the accomplices in the “movement” will start from August 4, 1979, when the National “Two Cases” Trial Work Symposium was held, and the trial work was established at the highest level. After the Steering Committee, the Special Prosecution Office and the Special Court, it will be gradually launched.

What’s more, he also knows that the scope of the “three types of people” does not include small shrimps like Mao Yuanfang at all.

A master like her who gained some power due to speculation in the “movement”, causing her dark nature to lose control, and engaged in some self-interested activities at the expense of others in an arrogant and reckless manner, can at best be regarded as a coercion of the “three They are little minions who do evil things.

If the government pursues the case one by one, I am afraid that even if the prison capacity across the country is expanded ten or a hundred times, it will not be enough.

In fact, Mao Yuanfang’s end was really not that good.

As far as Hong Yanwu knew, when it came time for the “Great Liquidation”, this old lady just resigned from the “Revolutionary Committee”, wrote a few more inspections, and finally organized a street organization to criticize the four-person gang. At the meeting, I cried and told how I was poisoned by those four people and took the wrong path, so I did not receive any more serious punishment.

So, his words were purely false threats to Mao Yuanfang.

However, from the perspective of the overall social situation, his words cannot but be believed by the “stinky latrines” and are deeply frightened.

Because since the end of last year, activities and meetings to expose and criticize the evil deeds committed by the four sinners have been held in various cities across the country. Almost everyone feels that the world is going to be very different.

Coupled with the fact that the masses are extremely enthusiastic to participate out of hatred, this undoubtedly has a deterrent effect of “killing the chicken and frightening the monkey”, making people who have done immoral things have many associations, and it is inevitable that My heart was filled with anxiety and uneasiness.

As the saying goes, “If you don’t do bad things, you won’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.” And the “stinky hut” is exactly what “a mute eats dumplings – he knows what he knows.”

How could she not be clear about the dirty things she had done?

So these words hit her most sensitive nerve at once, causing her to turn pale with fright, and she couldn’t hide her panic and screamed.

“You are so audacious! You spread nonsense about your superiors! You… dare to threaten me… you… if you keep spouting **** and spreading rumors… I… I… I will…”

“Okay! Stop playing with me! It’s all nonsense. Please write down the word ‘person’ for me first. Who are you? I’m sorry. My skin is cramped, I know you too! Don’t think that the evil things you have done can be concealed, and you still shout “revolution” and “proletariat” at all costs. You deserve to shout these words! If you have a bad stomach, what kind of soup is this?”

Mao Yuanfang’s appearance was fierce but he could not hide his bluff from Hong Yanwu. Naturally, he became more and more lively and his voice became louder and louder.

“You…you…are talking nonsense…”

Mao Yuanfang was so angry that she stamped her big feet. But out of a guilty conscience, she was completely unable to make a strong rebuttal, so she turned against Hong Yanwu.

“Director, your soft background is really unexplored. In front of so many people, you said it yourself, how many families in these streets have not been bullied by you! Don’t mention our family’s affairs. Well, let’s not talk about your bullying and taking advantage of others over the years. Let’s talk about Old Mrs. Liu of No. 5 Qian Street Courtyard. She is a ‘Red Five’ with good roots. She is seventy years old. She has small feet, so she has to use a cane when walking. But you had better force her to dance the “loyalty dance”, otherwise she would be accused of being unfaithful. As a result, the old lady broke her leg and it took her more than a year to get out of bed. There is also the Xiao family in No. 7 Courtyard. Their eldest son is getting married. Just because the house was being painted and the leader’s portrait was temporarily placed on the ground, you falsely accused him of standing taller than the leader by standing on the stool. Not only did he get raped The “Revolutionary Committee” has approved it for two years, and even the person you have been talking to for several years has been rejected. This is really a “stumping pile”. Regardless of your stature, there is really no one better than you. Wicked! ”

When it comes to this, Hong Yanwu did talk about sex. His tongue was bald, which made the normally arrogant Director Mao lose his dignity and make him feel ashamed.

For a moment, he scolded this “stinky hut” so much that he couldn’t find anything to say, and he froze on the spot in extreme fear.

Those people who have been bullied by this director in daily life will naturally feel enlightened and happy after hearing Hong Yanwu’s words, and secretly take selfies and applaud.

But then again, since “Mao Yuanfang” has been domineering in Furu for a long time, her “authority” is a little difficult to shake in the minds of many neighbors.

What’s more, policies these days are always ups and downs. Therefore, most of the people present just watched helplessly and did not dare to express any preference.

Especially there are some people who are extraordinarily kind-hearted. They still think that you, Hong Yanwu, are just trying to talk freely for a while, and it is not worth a penny to damage the “stinky hut”. But after today, there is still tomorrow. If the situation changes, aren’t you just waiting for someone to deal with it? She will spare you!

Furthermore, the trouble your kid caused outside might end up dragging your parents into trouble.

So, in this situation, someone wanted to intervene.

Soon, a middle-aged man about fifty years old emerged from the crowd. He took a few steps over to grab Hong Yanwu’s wrist, and kept scolding him.

“You bastard, I think it’s time to **** your tongue out? What nonsense are you talking about! Let go now!”

Why is this person so bold and dares to interfere in Hong Yanwu’s business? Because he lives in the west courtyard of Guanyin Yuan, he is an old neighbor who often meets the Hong family.

In addition, he is also a classmate of Hong Yanwu’s primary school, and the father of the beautiful girl Shui Lan, named Shui Gengsheng.

In fact, everyone can see that Shui Gengsheng has good intentions. He wants to “pull” Hong Yanwu and make Hong Yanwu stop as soon as he gets the chance.

But the problem is that after such a dispute, Hong Yanwu had long been “taken” by his resentment and became extremely violent. He did not understand Shui Gengsheng’s good intentions at all. Instead, he thought that he wanted to take advantage of his neighbor’s relationship. Chongda helped Director Mao and the salesperson “break out”.

As a result, Shui Gengsheng was not allowed to get close, so Hong Yanwu pushed him over and gave Shui Gengsheng a hard knock.

“I want you to mind your own business! Be patient!”

Well, Shui Gengsheng stood up with his teeth bared and his mouth rubbed, and he even yelled. He regretted it in his heart because he felt that he had been wronged.

The third child of the Hong family is a mad dog. He doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t know people. If I had known this, why bother to care about him!

For this reason, the neighbors were immediately dissatisfied. They felt that they could no longer stand by and watch the incident become like this.

You know, Shui Gengsheng is also a well-connected person in Furu, because he is a barber at a barber shop on Zixin Road. These days, most people get haircuts nearby, so everyone has to deal with him. , we naturally got to know each other quickly as soon as we chatted.

So whether it was out of past friendship or out of righteous indignation, everyone started teaching Hong Yanwu a lesson.

“You deserve to be punished for your stupidity, right? Don’t bite Lu Dongbin, you don’t know a good person’s heart!”

“I think you are too ignorant, I really should lock you up again!”

“Hey, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp. Can you save people’s worries? If you continue like this, you will not be a good bird…”

Although everyone is so rude, this was also a normal way for neighbors to get along in those days. Everyone knew each other because they lived together all year round. As long as they saw the young people on the street doing something wrong, He will always speak up and speak up for his own affairs.

As for the young people who have made mistakes, because they care about the relationship between their parents and neighbors, and because they have grown up under the eyes of these neighbors since they were young, they dare not teach them a lesson even if they are **** again. My neighbor bared his teeth in front of him.

Especially when facing elders, young people often have no choice but to admit their mistakes honestly. No matter whether it is true or false, they have to deal with it first.

Because of this, Hong Yanru also started to blush for her brother. She was a good child who knew the most etiquette. She hurriedly stepped forward for Hong Yanwu again to apologize and explain to everyone.

But as everyone knows, for Hong Yanwu, who vowed not to let his sister suffer any further grievances and was in an emotional state, Hong Yanru’s apology and everyone’s unanimous reprimand just irritated him.

Because in his heart, during this day, his sister was bullied, Chen Liquan was squeezed out, he was discriminated against, and even the unfair experience his family suffered for so many years made him depressed and depressed.

And all of this was now combined into the current situation, converging into a larger wave of anger rushing into his heart. So soon, he completely lost his mind and became confused. Before Hong Yanru could say a few words, he pulled her back, and then he yelled at everyone with even more irritability, as if he had taken gunpowder!

“What are you doing? Why are you making fun of me! You are all bastards! Do you know why? Because you don’t have the guts to do what you want to do! Why didn’t you do it when the ‘stinky hut’ was causing trouble? Now you are teaching me a lesson Don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking. You all need people like me so that you can point your fingers and say, ‘Look, the third son of the Hong family is a bad person!’ So who are you? You are not good people! You just know how to cover up and be hypocritical. I won’t learn from you, I will always tell the truth!”

For a moment, there was silence, and dozens of eyes stared at Hong Yanwu with puzzled, panicked, shocked, unfamiliar, and even pitiful eyes.

Mao Yuanfang opened his triangular eyes wide and said in a daze, “The ‘thief from home’ is crazy, he is completely crazy…”

And Hong Yanru’s tears started to flow again, and she was chanting, “Brother, don’t be like this…”

But Hong Yanwu has completely lost control, so naturally he will not give up. He grabbed the salesperson with one hand, raised his arm with the other hand, and simply pointed at the people around him one by one, threatening him without politeness.

“Since all the neighbors are here today, let me make it clear. I know all of you! After I was sent to the labor camp, who of you has bullied our family, who has made sarcastic remarks about our family, and who has taken advantage of us. I know very well how cheap our family is. I can forget about this bad debt and let it go to my stomach. But in the future, each of you must not do anything you shouldn’t do. Let me think of it again and help me. Think about it, did you hear it?”

Having said this, he grabbed the salesperson’s shoulders, dragged him in front of everyone, and shouted at him.

“Why don’t you listen to me? I asked you to hand over your shopping book, but you don’t understand! Now I’m telling you, if you don’t give it to me, you won’t want this arm anymore. It just so happens that I don’t want it either Use you to give them some memory!”

Without giving the salesperson a chance to beg for mercy, Hong Yanwu suddenly exerted his strength while grinning.

The salesperson couldn’t stand it any longer and knelt on the ground with a “gudong” sound.

Then, he was so painful that he burst into tears. He hurriedly let go of his hands with Hong Yanwu and went to take out his shopping book.

At this point, he had completely lost his will to resist and surrendered without any dignity.

But just when Hong Yanwu was about to take the shopping book from the salesperson with a victorious attitude, something unexpected happened. A voice scolding him suddenly appeared from behind Hong Yanwu.

“Hong Yanwu! You bastard!”

“Who the **** is tired of living?”

Hong Yanwu immediately became furious. He thought someone else wanted to meddle in other people’s business, so he turned around suddenly. But unexpectedly, he opened his mouth wide.

It turned out that it was no one else in the crowd who was scolding him with an angry look.

It was his eldest brother, Hong Yanzheng, who had severed ties with him in his previous life.


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