Return To 1977 Chapter 67: Pretending to be crazy

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The reinforcement of Mao Yuanfang appeared at the critical moment, which made the salesperson feel more at ease.

Although his shoulder was still hurting, he was a little surprised that Hong Yanwu was a master who had been “dictated”. But now that the matter had reached this level, it was too late to talk about fear or regret.

To be honest, it was Mao Yuanfang who gave him another hope of saving face, which forced him to go all the way to the dark side and cooperate with the chief director of the “National Revolutionary Committee” to suppress Hong Yanwu and make him bow his head and submit.

As for Hong Yanru, she saw that the matter was getting serious. Not only was the reputation of the family involved, but it seemed that Hong Yanwu would lose his newly gained freedom. How could she remain calm? Naturally, she was worried about herself today. I regret my mistakes so much.

So in desperation, she didn’t care about being thin-skinned. She had red eyes, gritted her teeth, and took the initiative to take charge of the crime in front of everyone and exonerate Hong Yanwu.

“Director Mao, please don’t blame my third brother. This has nothing to do with my parents. It’s all my own fault. ‘A private word flashes in a flash’… You… you have to punish me” Punish me, whether you criticize me in front of everyone, or ask me to write a review, but you…but you must return the shopping book to me, I beg you…”

Then she turned back and begged Hong Yanwu.

“Third brother, you should listen to Director Mao and let him go. I will bear the responsibility for my mistakes myself. Don’t be impulsive again. This… is not good for you…”

Looking at Hong Yanru’s pitiful eyes, Hong Yanwu felt a stabbing pain in his heart, and with this pain, many past events came to his mind.

Only then did he realize how familiar and deja vu the sister in front of him was, trying to be strong with tears in her eyes!

When he was a child, he ate oranges and threw orange peels in the yard. As a result, he threw the neighbor’s aunt. At that time, Aunt Bian came to the house to ask questions, and her sister took the initiative to take responsibility for him with tears in her eyes.

Also, that time he stood up for his younger sister, and her mother came to the house to cause trouble. The younger sister was also so frightened, and insisted on standing up to break up with her father and help him speak. .

Especially the time when his sister was five years old was even more profound in his memory.

Because everyone in the family was busy at that time, the task of picking up his sister from kindergarten that day fell on his head. But he didn’t take it to heart at all. He was messing around with Zhao Huolu and the others until late at night, and he only remembered it when he was tired.

When he ran into the kindergarten feeling something bad, he didn’t expect his sister to be sitting quietly behind the door of the senior class, waiting for him. It turned out that the aunt handed her over to the janitor and left work, but the old man forgot about it.

When he saw his lonely little sister huddled in a corner because of fear, he felt very guilty for his carelessness. He kept asking her, “Why don’t you cry loudly? If you cry, the old man will come…”

But at that time, my sister just replied with tears in her eyes, “You will pick me up.”

That day, in order to make up for it, he specifically asked his sister to lie on his back and carry her home. He carried her through the streets and alleys. His sister wanted to get down and walk on her own several times, but he would not allow her. .

But this made his sister even more uneasy than him, and in order to please him, she sang him the newly learned children’s song that day.

“The musical doll and the little bear danced, danced, danced, one two one. They were dancing in a circle, danced, danced, one two one. The little bear nodded, nodded, one two one. Little The doll started laughing, laughing, laughing, one, two, one…”

The sky was getting dark, and there were fewer and fewer people in the alleys they passed. As the aroma of green onion boiled in pots overflowed from every house, more and more lights lit up in the doors and windows. .

Those orange lights reflected their shadows on the road, sometimes long and sometimes short.

Along the way, my sister’s milky singing never stopped, and I don’t know how many times she repeated it!

That was a song for him, sung specifically for him!

He still remembered that before they reached home, they met his parents who were anxious to find him on the way. As a result, it was his younger sister who came forward to deal with the angry “Thunder God and Lightning Girl” for him.

After this incident, he secretly swore that he would never see his sister shed a tear for him again in this life, because as long as he thought of his sister’s tearful and strong expression in kindergarten, his heart would shrink. , followed by trembling.

Of course, he later forgot his vow and failed to do so at all.

But this time, this time it happened right now, right now!

Could it be that now that he has a chance to abide by his oath, can he let this kind of thing happen again under his nose?

No, he must not!

Otherwise, he is not worthy of being a brother, and he will die in “a prisoner” (idiom, useless, depressed, depressed and ill), and even he himself will look down on himself!

In fact, it didn’t take long, but these thoughts passed through Hong Yanwu’s mind one by one, and when he raised his eyes to look at the people around him, his eyes were already red.

What happened next was completely different from what the onlookers thought. Not only did Hong Yanwu not soften, but he laughed wildly.

After laughing enough, he comforted Hong Yanru with a gentle tone.

“Sister, don’t worry about this. What mistake do you admit! As long as I’m here, no one dares to do anything to you. If someone wants to kick your nose in your face or bite you like a mad dog, I’ll kill you. All their teeth were taken out. You go home first, don’t worry, girls, I’ll take the shopping book back soon…”

Hong Yanwu actually knew what his sister was most worried about and worried about.

In those days, the full name of the shopping book was the non-staple food shopping book, also called the non-staple food shopping book. It is linked to the household registration package and serves as the only certificate for urban residents to receive consumable non-staple food and industrial products every quarter.

Without it, all non-staple food, seasonings, and even matches, candles, and soap would be gone. Its importance is even more important than food stamps, meat stamps, and oil stamps. It can be said that it is a vital resource for the common people. The real lifeblood of.

So in order to persuade his sister to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible, he naturally had to guarantee everything in this matter.

And just in the middle of what he said, Mao Yuanfang was already furious. She put her hands on her hips and her tone became extremely stern.

“Hey Hong Yanwu, you don’t take the government or the organization seriously! You are going to fight to the end and seek death! You still want a shopping book? You are so beautiful! Believe it or not, I am with this Comrade salesmen, let’s send you to the ‘bureau’ together and lock you up for the rest of your life…”

Hong Yanru became anxious again when she heard this, but just as she was about to speak, Hong Yanwu had already pushed Mao Yuanfang back hard.

“Hey, you are very loud. You want to seize our shopping book and send me to the ‘bureau’! What are you charging with? Changing the shopping book? Who said it was changed with an eraser? You have to show evidence Come on, you can’t accuse a good person unjustly!”

When Mao Yuanfang saw Hong Yanwu’s retort, he was so angry that he glared.

“I’m the proof. Every house sells two taels of sesame paste. Who didn’t buy it during the Spring Festival and use it for the holidays? Your sister bought it for you. I saw it with my own eyes. I can’t be wrong!”

Unexpectedly, Hong Yanwu sneered, “That’s because the grocery store didn’t record it in the book. We can’t rely on us to change it.”

As soon as the salesperson heard this, her nose almost went out of breath and she quickly helped to testify.

“You kid, don’t try to deny it. The marks erased with an eraser are still on the book…”

Hong Yanwu was actually happy now.

“I almost forgot about this. Where is the shopping book? Hand it over to me quickly!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Hong Yanwu gritted his teeth ferociously,

As soon as he tightened his hand like this, the salesperson immediately felt as if the bones of his shoulder were about to break apart, and he shrank his neck and said “ouch” again.

Needless to say, “Stinky Thatch”‘s expression immediately changed.

In front of so many onlookers in the alley, most of whom were neighbors, Hong Yanwu’s unscrupulous behavior was simply equivalent to slapping her in the face with a big ear sticker in broad daylight! Can she still stop rubbing the flames?

“Hong Yanwu, if you continue to be so presumptuous, continue to act like a bastard, and bully the revolutionary masses, on behalf of the organization, I will really implement a ‘dictatorship’ on you! Don’t take any chances, as the saying goes.’ A monk can run away but he can’t run away from the temple. I’ll go to the police station and report it. Be careful that you end up in jail, and your parents won’t be able to run away with you either!”

Normally speaking, Mao Yuanfang’s words were just a desperate move to dig into the graves of ancestors. This is undoubtedly the fate of most people, and it can’t be said that it is not cruel.

But no one expected that Hong Yanwu would still be so promiscuous, and the slanderer would start criticizing Mao Yuanfang.

“”Dictatorship’? Don’t you **** say ‘dictatorship’ and shut up ‘dictatorship’! Is this ‘dictatorship’ run by your family? Grandma! You You’re a stinky hut, don’t use a golden bell to numb people, I’m waiting for you!”

As soon as these scoldings were uttered, many of the neighbors in Furuli couldn’t help but sweat for the old Hong family.

For no other reason, it is obvious that everyone thinks that Hong Lucheng and his wife are unlucky. They have raised such an ignorant thing, and they may have to eat melons again, and they will be unlucky!

However, amidst the unprepared astonishment of many onlookers and even Mao Yuanfang himself, they did not expect that what Hong Yanwu said next was even more shocking.

“Director Wang, do you still think that five of you and six of you are a ‘character’? Let me tell you, this is not what it used to be. Your four biggest masters are all unlucky, and you still want to take it easy. There’s no way to mess with people! You have to know that people like you are going to be punished for their crimes. You’d better think about how to get through it first! If you’re not honest, I’ll come forward when the investigation comes. ‘(slang, expose) you, then it will be up to the ‘bureau’ to arrest me or you…”


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