Return To 1977 Chapter 66: Erbajiang

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

“Hey, what are you doing! I’m talking about you, stop!”

Hong Yanwu rushed over in a few steps, grabbed the “dark blue coat” and pulled Hong Yanru’s wrist.

The “dark blue coat” was startled by the suddenness, and immediately shook his hand with all his strength, trying to shake Hong Yanwu’s hand away.

“What are you doing? What are you doing?”

But how can his strength compete with Hong Yanwu? He only jumped a few times and was completely restrained by Hong Yanwu.

“She is a girl. It’s not good for you to treat her like this on the street…”

The red-eyed Hong Yanwu is trying to restrain himself, which means that his soul is different now, and he understands the principle of “find it first before taking action”, otherwise the opponent’s wrist will be broken long ago.

But obviously, the “Dark Blue Coat” didn’t know him well enough, and he thought that this “Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway” was nosy, so he actually rolled his eyes at him with dissatisfaction.

“Who are you? You have nothing to do here!”

Before Hong Yanwu could answer, Hong Yanru had already called out “Third Brother…” as if asking for help, which explained his identity appropriately.

“You heard me, I am her brother.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are her brother, I want to find an adult of yours.”

“Didn’t you see that you hurt her just now? You almost broke her little arm! If you have something to say, say it now, don’t force it!”

Hong Yanwu’s voice naturally rose a little higher, but he didn’t expect that the “dark blue coat” would be equally powerful.

“Your sister privately modified her shopping book and bought ‘Erbajiang’ this month. The sesame paste is thick and has a slight peanut aroma. The reason for blending it is that pure sesame paste is bitter, so it is not only less bitter but also sweet. Hey, she dared to use an eraser and wanted to buy a double portion. ”

Sure enough, this guy was a salesperson at a grocery store, but this justifiable accusation did surprise Hong Yanwu, and he couldn’t help but look at Hong Yanru in confusion.

“Dad asked you to buy it?”

Hong Yanru suddenly blushed and burst into tears. She whispered to Hong Yanwu that her father did not know about this and that she had made her own decision. Because there was nothing at home, she actually wanted Hong Yanwu to have sesame sauce noodles at night…

Stop saying anything! My silly sister!

Hong Yanwu understood all the causes and consequences of this. Something bitter and hot rushed out immediately, causing his nose to feel sore.

While being moved, he also understood that there were indeed several mistakes in this matter. So after he pondered for a while, he let go of his hand and started to change his attitude. He explained the reason to the salesperson in a nice way, hoping to make the big deal smaller by admitting his mistake and apologizing, and then let it go.

But who knows that the salesperson can’t be ignored. Before he could finish his words, he showed a proud and arrogant look, and even started to teach him a lesson.

“You guys were having fun with me just now, but now you have nothing to say! Let me tell you, if you want to take it easy, just forget it, no way! You are changing your book just to have a mouth, to eat and occupy more ! What the **** is sesame paste? It’s a dispensable luxury. Your family can’t live without it…”

You know, the fight that happened on the road just now made several people stop in their tracks. Now when the salesperson said these words, it undoubtedly attracted these people closer and made them want to see Lively curiosity.

At the same time, Hong Yanru also completely lowered his head out of a feeling of extreme shame and guilt.

Hong Yanwu knew that his sister had always been thin-skinned, not to mention that there were many people after get off work now, and this was in front of his home, so in order to resolve the matter as soon as possible, he quickly took out his cigarette and offered a cigarette to the salesperson while continuing Work toward reconciliation.

“It’s not all because of me. If you have any questions, just come to me. In fact, my sister is a good child…”

Unexpectedly, even though the salesperson started smoking, she still held on to Hong Yanru’s hand and had no intention of stopping there.

“Good child? A good child should be honest first! Didn’t the school teach her that?”

I saw more and more people pointing and pointing around me, and many of the familiar people seemed to be neighbors living in Furuli. Hong Yanwu really lost his temper and quickly took out two dollars from his pocket, hoping to cut through the mess and solve the problem in one fell swoop.

“Don’t say anything else. It’s not enough to punish us ten times! You’d better let my sister go. Do you want to keep showing off like this? How can a girl’s thin skin not be able to resist such a shave?”

But I don’t know if this salesperson is stubborn, or if he encountered something bad today. This guy was so disrespectful. Not only did he flatly refuse, but he even made a sarcastic remark. .

“Now that you know how to be ashamed, what have you done? If you know how to save your face, don’t do such a thing! Looking at you like this, even if I punish you a hundred times, you won’t be able to remember. I tell you, I will definitely have a child. You can’t teach her like this. A girl with just two ounces of ‘Erba Jiang’ can actually do such a thing. From now on, she…”

It’s over! Today, I unexpectedly met another loser with a dead father and a crying mother! (In local dialect, there is a legend in old Beijing that “Sangzhong” is the son of Bao Gong. Bao Gong was upright and daring all his life, but “Sangzhong” was mediocre and stubborn in his life. As long as he got angry, eight horses could not pull him back. After Bao Gong’s death, he felt that he had no hope of living without the support of the family, so he cried loudly in front of his father’s soul. While crying, he shouted: “Oh my god! What will I do in the future!” The people around covered their noses and sneered. : “He cries for his mother even though his father is dead!” Since then, this saying has been spread, “A dead father cries for his mother to twist the death knell!” It is used to describe some people who are paranoid and do not listen to others’ advice even if they make mistakes. , complete the wrong line)

Seeing that the salesperson was still exhausted, Hong Yanwu had completely given up on resolving the matter peacefully. And since there was no use in saying nice things or making smiles, and he wanted to end his sister’s embarrassment as soon as possible, he had no choice but to forcefully end the matter by being mean.

“What’s wrong with us? Why don’t we just change the shopping list? We didn’t steal or rob, why are you so stubborn? Let me go! Let me go quickly!”

Hong Yanwu suddenly turned his face, glared, and pointed his hand. Because there was no warning, the salesman was so frightened that he even dropped the cigarette in his mouth.

However, this kid was not ambiguous. He probably felt that Hong Yanwu had exposed his cowardice in public and was embarrassed, so he quit and started arguing impulsively.

“What is this other than stealing? This is stealing, clever stealing! Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao. If you succeed, the goods planned to be supplied will be messed up! Aren’t you being arrogant? I still I won’t talk nonsense to you, let’s go to the National Revolutionary Committee and talk to them. If they don’t care about this, I’ll go back to your sister’s school…”

After saying that, the salesperson simply picked up Hong Yanru and left. For a moment, Hong Yanru was so frightened that her face turned pale. Whether from embarrassment or anxiety, tears fell down her face.

How could Hong Yanwu let him leave like this? He blocked the way, then grabbed the salesman on the shoulder, and with just a little force, the boy winced in pain.

“If you don’t eat the toast, you’ll have to drink the wine as a penalty, right? Why don’t you listen to me? A very grown-up guy just competes with a girl, okay? Don’t you let go!”

Although this salesperson is quite a steel fork who “can’t lose face if he drops anything, and can’t be ashamed of anything if he throws it”, after all, Hong Yanwu’s hands are too strong, not to mention that he is a person who specializes in causing pain to people. Expert, it really hurts.

So under Hong Yanwu’s repeated efforts, the salesman was finally forced to let go and screamed in pain.

Seeing that Hong Yanwu had achieved his goal, he did not pursue him fiercely, so he loosened the button first, allowing the salesperson to relax, and only focused on urging Hong Yanru to go home quickly. In order to ease his sister’s heart, he leaned over and whispered, “Don’t worry, you go back first, I will take care of everything. You are a girl, you can’t be poked at by others. I am thick-skinned and don’t care. I am a bit sneaky. It’s actually glorious.”

Unexpectedly, Hong Yanru still stood there with tears in her eyes and refused to leave. Then she told him that the shopping book was still in the hands of the salesperson.

Hong Yanwu immediately turned to the salesperson and asked for the shopping book. But just when he continued to threaten the salesperson with force to hand over the things, things suddenly changed again.

Only hearing a cry of “Stop! Don’t give it to him!”, from the crowd that had gathered, another troublemaker appeared. It was none other than a middle-aged woman in her forties wearing a red sleeve band. , Mao Yuanfang.

As mentioned before, this “stinky hut” is the director of the Furuli Residents’ Revolutionary Committee, and she is in charge of these alleys. Moreover, she had quite a feud with the Hong family. During the “movement”, she not only led people to raid the Hong family home, but also posted big-character posters for Hong Lucheng and his wife, and paraded through the streets to show off to the public.

It was because Hong Yanwu smashed the glass at home last time that she beat Wei’er out of fear. However, since Hong Yanwu was arrested, she has regained her spirit, and behind her back, she often makes sarcastic remarks about Hong Yanwu’s forced labor camp.

Obviously, this old woman holds a grudge against Hong Yanwu, so if she intervenes at this time, she will naturally not stand on the side of the Hong family.

“Comrade, I am the director of the Revolutionary Committee of the People’s Republic of China. I have seen what happened just now. You are right. We have to fight against those who do not follow the right path and specialize in crooked ways. There is no such thing as shopping. Return it to him, I confiscated it. Today I have to criticize and educate them in public! Let the neighbors see what kind of people his old Hong family is, and see who will call them good people in the future. Don’t worry. If this kid dares to do evil things, we have a place to punish him.”

Sure enough, as soon as Mao Yuanfang answered the question, he clearly gave the salesperson some peace of mind pills first. Then, she glared again and shouted at Hong Yanwu.

“Hong Yanwu, I have long heard that you will come back after the Spring Festival. The government released you in advance, which was to give you a chance to start a new life. But when you came back, you did not report to the “Revolutionary Committee” and instead caused trouble. Fei, I think you don’t want this opportunity anymore! Don’t let me go!”


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