Return To 1977 Chapter 64: Problem

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My son is back!

This is really a great happy event!

That afternoon, Wang Yunlin, who was working at the Beiwei Road Cloth Shoe Factory, fell into a state of extreme joy from the moment she was called to the reception room and received the call from her daughter Hong Yanru.

As the saying goes, “People feel refreshed when happy events happen.” So when Wang Yunlin returned to the sewing workshop, her whole spirit was different.

She looked extremely radiant and looked more than ten years younger. She no longer looked as haggard as she usually did because she was worried about all kinds of trivial matters and could only sleep four or five hours a day.

This strong contrast naturally made female colleagues who were familiar with Wang Yunlin come to inquire.

Because Wang Yunlin is very popular, although people at that time did not attach much importance to the “release of reform-through-labor prisoners after serving their sentences”, due to the understanding that they are both women and mothers, most people learned that After hearing the news about Hong Yanwu’s return, I was still very happy for her.

In the following time, because this incident was quickly spread throughout the factory through “small broadcasts” by some good old ladies, Wang Yunlin also continued to accept congratulations from acquaintances in other workshops.

I am happy, but there is an imminent practical problem that still faces Wang Yunlin – how should I deal with the dinner when my son returns?

According to the old saying, “the dumplings are on the horse and the noodles are on the horse.” There is nothing more appropriate than a bowl of hot braised noodles to welcome the young son who has just returned from home for a long time.

However, this is something that every household should take for granted, but for Wang Yunlin, it is currently a big problem that is very difficult to achieve.

Because not to mention skinned pork belly, eggs, yellow flowers, fungus, mushrooms (if not available, use dried shiitake mushrooms), magnolia slices, sea rice, and carrots, she didn’t have any of these indispensable ingredients, even if she wanted to It’s actually quite difficult to find a way to scrape together some white tickets.

What? Is it really so difficult to do this?

There is no doubt about this, because the financial burden on Wang Yunlin is too heavy.

At home, she not only has a bedridden husband and a daughter who is still in school, but her eldest son, Hong Yanzheng, already has a child, and a five-year-old grandchild is added to the family.

Outside, in addition to Hong Yanwu who is in jail, she also has a second son “Hong Xiangyang” who is suffering in Yanbei, SX, without food or water.

Which of these people does not mean extra fees?

So, no matter how smart and capable Wang Yunlin is, even if her eldest daughter-in-law Xu Manli is helping her wholeheartedly, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a living without rice. If she wants to successfully deal with so many things with only the salary of three adults in the family, she has to deal with everything. That is absolutely impossible.

It is precisely because of this that everyone in the Hong family will work hard to paste paper boxes whenever they have time, just to earn extra income to supplement the family’s income.

But even so, the “entry” and “exit” of the family were too far apart, and in the end they were still stretched thin due to famine and faced difficulties everywhere. As a result, Wang Yunlin was worried about money all day long. When she was anxious, her heart became clogged, she couldn’t eat, and she broke out in bouts of sweating.

To be honest, she has indeed tried every means she could think of for her family’s affairs, and she has exchanged all the money she can exchange.

But you know, this year’s Spring Festival has just passed less than a month ago. Except for matches, soap, candles and some vermicelli, everything else in my family’s shopping notebook has long been sold out.

Now, the noodle bag in her house is empty, and there are only a few stick noodles in the vat. When it comes to dry vegetables, apart from cabbage, potatoes and some eggplant skins dried in the autumn, they only have home-pickled pickles, half a bunch of green onions and a bunch of garlic taken away.

And to this day, she still owes the factory “mutual aid association” (a type of small credit loan) because of the festival. In the 1970s, every unit’s labor union established a mutual aid association. Participation was voluntary. At that time, people’s wages were only a few dozen yuan, and each person had to pay 2 to 5 yuan as a membership fee, which was managed by a dedicated person and used to borrow money when employees were in difficulty. The person in charge of the mutual aid association deposited the money in a bank near the unit. At the end of the year, each member’s membership fee paid for the year will be returned to him/her. During this year, every member who encounters temporary living difficulties can submit a written application, and he can borrow the money after writing an IOU. The next month you borrow the money, you must pay it back when your salary is paid.) The ten yuan has not been repaid.

In this case, where can she go to find the resources to make noodles for her son?

Thinking of this, Wang Yunlin, who was sitting in front of the sewing machine, hemming the uppers of her shoes, suddenly froze the smile on her face, and her brows that had just relaxed became tangled again.

After a while, she looked at the work that had stopped unconsciously and let out a long sigh…

At 5:10 pm that day.

After leaving the coal factory, Hong Yanwu, who came to take a shower alone, had just finished taking a shower and was lying on a bunk in the Zixin Road bathhouse in front of his house, covered with a bath towel.

He had a “North Sea” tree in his mouth, but his mind was still thinking about the injustice he and Quanzi had suffered today, and he could never forget it.

He hated Hu Erkui even more. Fortunately, the final “renovation surgery” on the bicycle went smoothly. Otherwise, the old boy would be punished soon.

It was really choking. I wonder if it was because there was no food in his stomach. The heat in the bathroom made Hong Yanwu feel confused.

So, he simply closed his eyes, smoked a cigarette and closed his eyes to rest.

I don’t know when, he started humming unconsciously, which unintentionally attracted the attention of many people on the pavement around him.

This was for no other reason than that Hong Yanwu was humming a song that should not have existed at this time. It was “Friends” that was once popular all over the country, and every man would shout it when he was drunk.

Although the singer of this song was arrested for breaking the law, the song is indeed good. Therefore, at this time, the people around Hong Yanwu also thought the music was very pleasant.

However, it is precisely because everyone has never heard of him that they think Hong Yanwu is strange, and therefore pay special attention to him.

Hong Yanwu was not aware of this at all. He was humming a tune and thinking about a very important question in his mind.

That’s it – how’s mom?

Hong Yanwu actually doesn’t really think that his mother will be in any bad condition, but until now, he has basically met all the people in his family who worry about him the most, but he has not met his mother who is the only one who treats him well. Naturally, I will think about it, and my heart will feel uneasy.

In his opinion, his mother Wang Yunlin is simply the greatest and most amazing person in the world.

Although she is just a weak woman, she faced so many difficulties at home and outside. Not only was she not knocked down by life, but she also supported the whole family and brought up all her children and even her grandchildren. To be able to achieve this step is not only difficult, it is simply a huge difficulty. In today’s terms, it is a legend.

So on the other hand, now he can also empathize with the hardships and sufferings his mother endured.

Especially at this time, the family’s financial situation was very poor, and his father’s illness could not be separated from others, so he felt that his mother would be more worried and worried about him, which made him feel sorry for him and feel sorry for him. Ashamed.

The thing that bothers him the most now is how to hand over the money and tickets in his pocket to his mother.

This will definitely alleviate the family’s embarrassment to some extent, but without a suitable reason, his mother will definitely not accept it. Instead, she will interrogate him endlessly and worry endlessly.

Well, it seems that he must solve this problem first. If he cannot solve it, his heart will not be at ease at all…

Just when Hong Yanwu was concentrating on this issue, suddenly, an extremely offensive voice sounded in his ears.

“Hey, let me tell you, after you finish washing, can you go home and lay out your body? If you have to sleep here, we guys will have no place!”

The word “postere” undoubtedly made Hong Yanwu feel disgusted. He opened his eyes slightly and took a look. It turned out to be a young worker in denim overalls. He was in his early twenties, wearing a hat on one side and holding a cigarette in his mouth. The extremely dissatisfied Virtue was standing in front of his bunk.

And when he looked around, he realized that there were a lot more people in the bathhouse, and the wall clock on the wall also showed that it was time to get off work.

It seemed that all the bunks were full. This kid probably couldn’t wait any longer. He looked around and found that he was the only one around him who was young. He thought he could be bullied, so he found the one on his head.

But generally speaking, every factory, no matter how big or small, has its own bathhouse. So Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but be a little curious despite being disgusted, so he propped up his arms and half sat up.

“Where are you from? You don’t wash in your factory, why are you here to join in the fun?”

“Nonsense! If our factory hadn’t repaired the boiler today, who the **** would have come here? It’s so crowded, it’s like dumplings… Hey, you have to finish washing and leave quickly. Move!

Seeing that this boy couldn’t speak, Hong Yanwu turned his face away and lay back down, then coldly ditched him.

“What I owe you is yours! Get out of the basket!”

What Hong Yanwu refers to as “taking off the basket” is actually a common phenomenon that began at the end of the “movement” and saw the rise of public bathhouses.

As the economic tension began to gradually ease during this period, people had a lot more money, and more and more people went to bathhouses to take a bath.

Of course, the limited beds are not enough, so all bathhouses prepare some extra large baskets to put clothes, shoes and socks for people who can’t wait.

Especially before festivals or on rest days, the bathhouse is overcrowded. At such times, the “take off the basket” method is usually very effective.

In form, it is actually equivalent to temporarily adding tables to some particularly popular restaurants today.

However, the young worker obviously couldn’t accept this kind of treatment and could not tolerate Hong Yanwu’s indifferent attitude, so he glanced at Hong Yanwu and immediately stretched out his hand to say hello from a distance.

“Brother Liu, there is a boy here who refuses to leave after washing, and even blows thorns with me! This is the door of your house. If you don’t know him, I will slap him…”

As soon as he finished speaking, another worker came over from a distance. The boy was arrogant and nonchalant, and kept mumbling, “Who is it? Such a coward! There are no children in this area who are not afraid of me. I have to Take a good look…”

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, this man felt as if his throat was being strangled, and with a “clack”, he was completely silent.

Not to mention, Hong Yanwu actually felt that the call was very familiar. As a result, when he opened his eyes and saw clearly, he snorted with disdain.

As expected, Hong Yanwu, the boy who followed me after Dare, knew him. There was a stitch mark on his upper lip. He was none other than his schoolmate, the worker of the 541 Factory, “Husband” Liu Fugen.

Now it was the turn of “Huo Zi” who had just spoken loudly and was completely dumbfounded. He stared at Hong Yanwu as if he had seen some venomous snake and beast. He was so frightened that he stuttered and stuttered for a long time before shouting out.

“Red…red, red boy…”

“Huozi, you are so awesome, you are so majestic!”

Hong Yanwu teased him jokingly, sitting up all at once, and the bath towel he was covering fell on the bed.

Naturally, his upper body was completely exposed. The muscles not only had intimidating outlines, but also obviously contained incredible explosive power.

The most astonishing thing is that his chest and ribs are covered with many hideous scars, some of which were left while practicing, and some of which were souvenirs of fights.

But in this case, it’s like a sharp mouth that can eat people alive!

Yes! Now the other boy was also shocked and stunned. The little face that was “seven dissatisfied and eight dissatisfied” just now turned completely green.

Not surprisingly, he should have heard of this name, so he naturally understands how “Huozi” feels…

If we want to use an analogy to describe this situation, in fact, in a gangster movie filmed by “Japanese”, a few gangsters who were playing in the bathhouse and running wild finally found out that they were splashed with water. After the person stood up, he actually had a gorgeous tattoo on his body, which had a different dramatic effect.


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