Return To 1977 Chapter 63: Compromise

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“Quanzi, okay, please stop saying a few words!”

No one expected that just when Chen Liquan was about to get married with Hu Erkui, it was neither the foreman nor the fellow Dingxing fellows who had an old relationship with the Chen family, but Hong Yanwu, who was also targeted by Hu Erkui. , at this moment, he made a move and choked Chen Liquan, whose eyes were burning.

And when he turned around, he even made a compromise with Hu Erkui, bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

“That… Director Hu…, we were wrong in this matter. Quanzi and I are both young and ignorant. You must not be like us…”

To be honest, although Hong Yanwu already knows who Hu Erkui is, he is not dead at all now.

He knows that people sometimes have to endure even though they know they are suffering, and sometimes a certain degree of tolerance is more beneficial to themselves. This is what he gradually understood over the decades in his previous life.

However, his reaction was indeed too abnormal. Not only did Chen Liquan, who was familiar with him, stare at him blankly with an unfamiliar look, but even Hu Erkui was greatly surprised and could hardly believe it. He spoke the words.

Don’t forget, in Hu Erkui’s impression, Hong Yanwu was recognized as a wild and untamed beast when he was in elementary school.

Furthermore, Hu Erkui had read Chen Liquan’s file in the security department. He knew that Hong Yanwu was the main culprit in the fight that led them to the labor camp, so in his opinion, this kid should not have such a good temper. .

“What do you mean?”

Because he didn’t understand, Hu Erkui felt a little hairy for a moment. He couldn’t help but subconsciously loosened his grip and moved the car unnaturally back.

Fortunately, when he glanced around, he not only found a few “confidants” gathered around him, but also saw the door of the Security Department office not far away. This gave him the confidence to maintain his strength. Calm.

Hong Yanwu was still very obedient, as if he had completely changed his temper. He still lowered his eyebrows and tried his best to say nice things.

“Hey, what can I mean? I just want to ask you to be noble and stop blaming Quanzi. I know Quanzi best. He is a conscientious person and he works absolutely hard and without complaint. Just now he was impulsive. In the future, I won’t cause you any more trouble. Just don’t punish him for working overtime today. Why don’t I sue you for him? I promise that I will never come to the factory to look for him next time. Do you think that’s okay? ?”

At this time, Hu Erkui seemed to believe that Hong Yanwu was really showing weakness and begging for mercy. However, he naturally started to “tremble” again.

Not only did the old boy squint his eyes arrogantly and aimed at Hong Yanwu in a deliberately irritating way, but he also spoke sarcastically without any hint of magnanimity.

“Oh, wow, it’s really new. You, a stubborn donkey who fights against everyone, will give in. But what if I say no?”

“How is that possible? After all, you are the leader, a dignified chief director. As the saying goes, ‘the prime minister’s stomach can support a boat’, how can you be as incompetent as us ordinary people with flat heads?”

Hong Yanwu reluctantly caught up the conversation with compliments, but the embarrassment and frustration made Chen Liquan, who was watching, feel bitter. He really couldn’t stand Hong Yanwu being humiliated for him, so he couldn’t help but want to stop it.

“Xiao Wu! Don’t…”

But Hong Yanwu did not wait for Chen Liquan to say the following words, and raised his hand to stop him again.

What Chen Liquan didn’t expect, and what he didn’t understand, was that Hong Yanwu actually came up to Hu Erkui, took out a whole pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and stuffed it respectfully into Hu Erkui’s hand. in hand.

“I understand that since it is an apology, it must be somewhat sincere. This pack of cigarettes is not a sign of respect, so I’ll give you some relief. How about I just wait for your chief director to say a word, how about some face-saving?”

“Two-stroke beards!” (Because the pattern on the cigarette stick at the front door resembles two exaggerated beards, it was vividly called ‘two-stroke Hu’ cigarettes by many people at that time)

“Boss, it’s okay, it’s a good smoke!”

The moment he saw the “Daqianmen” cigarettes that Hong Yanwu took out, before Hu Erkui could say anything, the eyes of the workers surrounding him lit up, especially those of his “confidants”, some of whom were already excited The ground screamed.

In fact, this is not surprising. As long as there are adult men these days, there may be a few who are not good at drinking, but those who do not smoke are really rare.

Especially among manual workers, there is no formality among them. Generally, as long as someone brings a good cigarette, it will inevitably lead to robbery among acquaintances. This is because the cigarette was held in Hu Erkui’s hand, so a similar situation did not happen.

Hong Yanwu has now completely laid the groundwork for Hu Erkui, and he has all the dignity and respect, so he thinks that Hu Erkui should just “get off the slope”.

What made Hong Yanwu a little miscalculated was that although the old boy weighed the cigarette in his hand and smiled tacitly, what he said next was a bit pretentious.

“Okay, I guess you still know something. Since you said so, I will accept the cigarettes. However, with your box of ‘Big Qianmen’, I just want to get rid of this matter. It’s all over, but it’s still not that interesting. Let’s leave it at that, Chen Liquan will just have to work less overtime and make 250 pieces of briquettes.”

What is this called?

This is so cheap and so good!

Hong Yanwu naturally gave up and continued to fight.

“Don’t bother me. This two hundred and fifty yuan is a lot, so just give it to me for free…”

Unexpectedly, Hu Erkui insisted on his truth.

“Don’t be unhappy. No matter what, I, the director, can’t be too selfish. If my words don’t count, how can I care about others in the future?”

Hey! Seeing that Hu Erkui was not doing anything, he proudly put the cigarette in his pocket, and Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but feel angry.

He understood now that this old boy was ignorant and was deliberately teasing them. It seemed that just talking softly was not enough, so he “noticed” Hu Erkui a few more words with a gun and a stick.

“Director Hu, I’m still waiting for Quanzi to get off work. According to what you said, it won’t be night after he finishes working? I’m not afraid of anything else. I’m just afraid that my family will be thinking and worrying. Maybe my family will be happy. They thought we were going to fight again. They all know that I have a bad temper, and they are afraid that I will make the same mistake in the past when I encounter a disrespectful master, and then defeat the two of them, and then get back in again…”

Hu Erkui is a human sperm, so what does he mean by this and he can’t understand it?

Unexpectedly, this old boy was not afraid of the hidden threat. Instead, he sneered and “pouted” Hong Yanwu back on the spot.

“Okay, okay, you still want to give me eye drops? I know you guys can’t change your ****, but the security department of our factory is not a vegetarian! I also tell you, you are bluffing I’m looking in the wrong place. I have to make these two hundred and fifty pieces of briquettes for me even if I go to Chen Liquan today! You have to learn how to save your face. It’s good for you to wait for him here. Don’t talk nonsense anymore. Get out of here right now! If you have any objections, go home and talk to your mother!”

At this point, what else can Hong Yanwu say? He immediately felt it in his heart. Even though he was restless and wanted to beat Hu Erkui up on the spot, he understood the consequences of doing so.

He can’t try to trick Chen Liquan again like he did when he made a big fuss at Xuanwu Sports School, right? So he had no choice but to remain silent, trying his best to hide the dissatisfaction and hatred in his heart.

What’s even more outrageous is that Hu Erkui is still a man who presses his nose and faces. Just because he saw that Hong Yanwu was speechless, he became even more enthusiastic and even said, “You people just lack labor and have the urge to commit crimes.” and ideas. Not to mention that labor is the duty of workers, just to reform you, we have to make you work more.” They ridiculed Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan for a long time, doing their best to belittle them, without showing any mercy. Face, let alone do not know how to restrain.

However, during the whole process, Hong Yanwu had been very restrained. Although Hu Erkui’s words caused many workers to laugh, his face remained calm. At the same time, he held down Chen Liquan, who was about to have an attack. No one could tell that he was keeping an account of the changes in his mind.

Finally, the bell rang after get off work. At this moment, Hu Erkui, an old boy, let go of Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan without hesitation, and called the foreman and a few “confidants” to go into his office to spray clouds. Vomiting fog.

As for the bicycle that Hu Erkui was riding, someone took the initiative to store it on his behalf. The owner was probably a flattering “professional” and claimed that he had to park the leader’s car in a safe area at the innermost part of the factory to prevent it from being scratched by a coal truck later.

As a result, Hu Erkui was so happy that he opened the cigarette pack on the spot and threw a “big front door” to him. Otherwise, why are there people like this everywhere who love to lick the boss’s buttocks? Like a cat or a dog, he can get some leftovers left by his master, right?

As for the rest of the timid workers who were drifting with the crowd, seeing that there was no excitement to see and they were not qualified to smoke cigarettes in front of Hu Erkui, they abandoned Chen Liquan and Hong Yanwu and went to take a shower and change clothes on their own. .

So soon, these workers went into the office and into the lounge. Only Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan were left in the entire production department.

“Xiao Wu, what are you doing today? Why do you feel so wronged for me…”

Finally, there was a real chance to talk. Chen Liquan immediately stared and asked questions. His sweaty face was full of confusion, but it was obvious that he felt very sorry.

But Hong Yanwu pretended not to care, and instead stuffed another box of “Big Qianmen” into the jacket pocket of Chen Liquan’s work clothes.

“Don’t say that, we are not like ‘people are under the roof and have to bow their heads’. That boy is no longer what he used to be. He has become your boss. If we can’t bear it, how can we do it? He will definitely be more serious in the future. I have to put some shoes on for you. Fortunately, we still have a box of them, so the dogs don’t take advantage of them all.”

Some aspects of Chen Liquan’s character are actually the same as his father Chen Deyuan. He is not afraid of hard things at all, but he just can’t stand being moved. As long as someone touches him even slightly, he will immediately melt like a popsicle dripping with water.

What’s more, in his understanding, this was almost the first time that Hong Yanwu was clearly thinking about him.

So he immediately became excited, but because he was not good at words, he hesitated and couldn’t say anything in this situation.

“Thank you…thank you…”

“Look what you said, are you thanking me for giving you a cigarette, or something else? Who of us is following whom? Don’t be so polite. In fact, what happened today was caused by me coming to you, if not Because of me, you won’t conflict with him, so he won’t punish you for working overtime. It’s a pity that you ended up with a pack of cigarettes in vain and let the old boy fool you.”

Chen Liquan was undoubtedly infected again, which made him even more confused about how to deal with himself.

With Hong Yanwu’s words, he even thought that he could take this job or not, so a hot thing surged in his heart, prompting him to express his position clumsily, saying that today’s class Without further ado, he immediately took Hong Yanwu to take a bath and then went back together.

But Hong Yanwu resolutely interrupted Chen Liquan and clearly expressed his opposition. He did not want to see Chen Liquan cause more trouble for himself because of these things.

For this reason, he said, “Unless you don’t care about this job, then of course we can do it casually, but as long as you don’t think about leaving here and want to stay in the coal factory where your father worked, there are some things Son, you have to endure it.”

Then, Hong Yanwu also told Chen Liquan that they would definitely meet more people like Hu Erkui in the future, looking down on them, looking down on them, and deliberately making things difficult for them just because of their special experiences.

However, they can no longer use the old methods to deal with them, because their past practice of punching anyone they disliked and being tough on anyone who was hostile was actually wrong.

Many things in this world cannot be solved by this simple and crude method, and because there are many people and things that are beyond their ability, they cannot solve them by this method.

The reason why they were arrested and sent to forced labor camps in the past was because they did not understand this truth in the past, so they hit hard nails and hurt themselves.

As the saying goes, “A good man never suffers immediate losses.” In some things, one must know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. If they can recognize the situation clearly, change the opportunity and do it in another way, it may be more beneficial to themselves and it will be easier to achieve their goals.

So even if they encounter a “hard nail” that has to be removed in the future, if they adopt the correct method, it will be easier and safer to remove it, and they will definitely not waste a long time and end up hurting themselves. hands up.

Hong Yanwu’s eloquent words were so emotional later on when he said them. He also mentioned that he used to get into fights and behave randomly. It was a completely wrong behavior. He was very selfish and ignorant. In the end, it harmed Chen Liquan and himself.

So he felt particularly sorry for Uncle Deyuan and Aunt Chen, sorry for his master Yu Ye, and even more sorry for Quanzi, who had always trusted him. From now on, he doesn’t want to fool around like before. He wants to start his life again and make up for everything he can.

Hong Yanwu kept talking until he felt his mouth was dry and couldn’t help but stop. Chen Liquan responded calmly and only with one sentence.

“Xiao Wu, I know you, I know everything. You are the person I trust the most, the best buddy, you are better than me, I listen to you…”

“You don’t know me. I’m by no means better than you. I actually can’t keep up with you!” Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but feel his chest burning. As soon as he took a breath, he argued seriously.

Chen Liquan remained silent. After Hong Yanwu finished his excitement, he stubbornly spoke again.

“I really know you, I have always known that, really, you are much better than me. I believe you in whatever you say, and you still have the final say in what happens in the future…”

From Chen Liquan’s very decisive tone, Hong Yanwu believed that he really meant what he said. That kind of pure friendship and trust is completely deep-rooted and will never change because of anything.

This not only made him feel lucky, but also felt a heavy responsibility, and he couldn’t help but emphasize his tone.

“Quanzi, the past is in the past, we don’t care! From now on, let’s start from the beginning and look forward!”

Chen Liquan’s eyes also became brighter, and he nodded solemnly.

Friendship is like this, it is simply wonderful, no worse than love or family ties. As long as a person has this kind of true feelings, no matter what kind of adversity he faces, no matter how unlucky he is, he can live a relaxed and happy life.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Hong Yanwu was stimulated to generate new ideas. He didn’t know why, but as soon as he had an idea, a rather sinister trick suddenly appeared in his mind.

So, he suddenly had a good idea on how to take revenge on Hu Erkui.

“It seems that we can’t take a bath together today. Let’s meet at your house tonight. You can get me a saw blade later. After all, our box of cigarettes cannot be fed to the dogs in vain. Before I leave, I have to give it to Hu Erkui. That kid is going to do some ‘Seven Steps to Chase the Soul’…”

Seeing Hong Yanwu’s familiar evil smile, Chen Liquan was unexpectedly worried.

“What do you want to do? Don’t take the risk, you won’t make it.”

“No, I saw his bike parked there. Isn’t there a lane next to the toilet? I will drag his bike in for a while and do a small operation. I will saw along the rim and **** his rear wheel. There are more than a dozen bicycle bars. As long as he rides on them again, this grandson will definitely be able to walk around without food.”

Chen Liquan slapped his head directly in praise, but he still had some scruples.

“If someone finds out, block your mouth and you won’t be able to come out. I’ll go inconspicuously, how about I come?”

Hong Yanwu is confident and has a very firm attitude.

“No, the most important thing is that you have to choose yourself out. Remember, before Hu Erkui rides home, you have to be with other people at all times to prove that you have nothing to do with this matter. Don’t worry, it only takes ten minutes. Kungfu, when we were little, we could climb out of the brick wall by stepping on the brick wall. If I were to reveal my secret, no one would be able to catch me…”


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