Return To 1977 Chapter 61: Reunion

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

The layout inside the Nanheng Street Coal Factory is square. As soon as you enter the gate, you will first see two rows of inverted houses, one on the west and one on the east.

In the east side room next to the door, there is a small window with a sliding door on the wide window sill. This is the invoicing room, where invoicing and payment are all done.

If you count from the billing room to the east, it is the workers’ rest room, storage room, shower room, boiler room and toilet.

As for the row of empty houses on the west side of the gate, they are liquefied gas stations. Opposite the houses is a waist-high cement platform with countless gas tanks neatly placed on it.

When changing cans, workers have to stand on it and rely on iron hooks to assist in the operation, in order to facilitate the entry and exit of transport vehicles and loading and unloading.

However, gas tanks are not yet popular these days, and only three to four hundred households in the area responsible for the coal plant use it, so few people come.

Finally, across from the factory area in the empty field, the entire row of houses is an office area.

The office of the factory leader, financial office, logistics, and labor insurance are basically close to the east side, because the row of houses against the wall on the east side is regarded as a mechanical production workshop, a coal shaker for machine-made briquettes, a briquette machine for transporting caterpillars, and semi-manual The relevant operations of the briquette mold machine are all carried out in the workshop, which does not cause serious environmental pollution and the air is relatively cleaner.

On the west side of the office area are the offices of the Production Section and the Security Section. This is because the coal that is transported and the cinders that are recycled or lost are collected here. However, this place is much dirtier than other places. This is Soil and smoke are often exposed during loading, unloading and transportation.

In addition, there is a large coal storage shed near the west wall of the factory area for storing finished coal. The coal shed is made of a wooden frame, and the roof supported by wooden pillars is a linoleum layer made of wooden strips. Made.

There are stacks of briquettes as high as two people in the coal shed all year round, and the ground inside the shed is covered with thick accumulations of coal ash. Due to the dim light, several incandescent lamps are turned on all year round in the shed, emitting a light that seems to be awake but not awake.

There is a fence wall made of leather boards at the far end of the coal shed. Several fence houses enclosed within the wall store chopped firewood, various stoves, stove tiles, and furnace materials for sale.

Hong Yanwu walked around the liquefied gas station from the gate until he found this place. Only then did he find Chen Liquan, waving a shovel and sweating hard, among the crowd of people gathering scraps of coal.

Maybe it’s because Hong Yanwu has already locked Chen Liquan’s appearance deeply in his memory, or maybe it’s because Chen Liquan’s tall stature of over 1.8 meters is rare in this era, even though the dozen or so workers shoveling coal have dark faces. The hair was just like coal, and it was impossible to see the facial features clearly, but Hong Yanwu still recognized Chen Liquan just by looking at him.

For this reason, Hong Yanwu’s heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly couldn’t walk.

This is not surprising. The reason why humans are different from other primates is that humans have extremely complex and subtle emotions, and this complexity is beyond the control, control, and even control of humans. Sometimes I just can’t figure it out.

However, Chen Liquan did not recognize Hong Yanwu at first and was still immersed in shoveling coal.

However, as Hong Yanwu stood for a longer time, he gradually attracted the attention of other workers. Chen Liquan was also affected and looked over. As a result, when he recognized Hong Yanwu, he immediately became a “gypsum statue” .

The two people looking at each other at this moment, scenes of their childhood, childhood, and adolescence, all suddenly came to mind, vividly in mind, as if it were yesterday.

Chen Liquan has lost all his teachers and relatives. In this world, he only has Hong Yanwu as his closest person

So although they are not biological brothers, their fates have been linked together since childhood, even during the labor reform period. It can be said that for Chen Liquan, the relationship between him and Hong Yanwu has long since evolved into A kind of deep affection that is closer than that of real brothers.

Hong Yanwu’s experience was even more amazing. Not only had he personally experienced the entire process of Chen Liquan’s death to protect himself, but he also returned from 2012 with deep guilt for his past actions!

Those were thirty-five years that were separated by yin and yang, that I regretted and could not forget even if I wanted to!

So, although on the surface he has not changed, in fact, in his heart, he has already changed, and everything has changed.

Since he is no longer the same person as he was in the past, the meaning of Quanzi to him is no longer what it was because he was released from prison two months earlier than him and found a job earlier than him. A fountain of jealousy arises.

But as close as brothers and sisters, and as close as flesh and blood!

Having mixed feelings, Chen Liquan was the first to react. He woke up from his daze, rushed over in a few steps, held Hong Yanwu’s arm and shook it vigorously.

He shouted excitedly, “Xiao Wu, you are back, you are finally back!”

At this moment, tears were shining in Hong Yanwu’s eyes.

Quanzi is very energetic, his Beijing accent remains unchanged, and his straightforward and straightforward temperament is still exactly the same as in his memory.

Thirty-five years have been compressed into this sentence, and everything has returned to the past.

Quanzi, you are really safe and sound!

Perhaps he was too happy. Before Hong Yanwu could react, Chen Liquan went on to say that he and Hong Yanwu were going to have a big meal after get off work to catch up with Hong Yanwu.

He also said that the only thing they missed was “Judequan”, and now that he came out early and had already received his salary, he could just make up for it.

But Hong Yanwu thought for a while and said that he couldn’t do it today because he hadn’t seen his mother yet. He asked Chen Liquan to take a shower with him after work, and then go back to his house for dinner together.

After hearing this, Chen Liquan didn’t speak for a long time, and his eyes were a little dim.

Hong Yanwu later realized that it was his casual words that reminded Chen Liquan of his own mother.

He couldn’t help but apologized quickly, full of guilt, “Quanzi, this is all my fault. If I hadn’t harmed you, Aunt Chen wouldn’t have… Don’t be too sad, it’s me who is sorry for you. Aunt Chen is pure in nature. , be kind, I believe the spirit in heaven will understand and will bless you.”

Chen Liquan then forced out a smile and said, “Don’t say that, I can’t rely on you…”

Hong Yanwu, who knows Chen Liquan best, knows that this is Quanzi’s superficially light-hearted yet more serious performance. He can’t help but resent him for being too clumsy and ill-considered. In fact, as long as Quanzi can be better off, , let him do whatever he wants.

But at this time, there was no time for him to say anything more and make amends, because an older worker who looked like a foreman had already walked over from the coal pile and urged him unceremoniously, “You have something to do.” Let’s talk about work again, this pile of coal is still waiting to be put into the workshop.”

Under this situation, Chen Liquan had to go back to work, but he stopped for a moment before leaving and turned around to agree to Hong Yanwu.

“Xiao Wu, please wait for me. In fact, we don’t have to spend money to go to a bathhouse outside. We can just take a shower in our unit. We can shower here.”

This finally gave Hong Yanwu some comfort. He was actually quite annoyed with the foreman who came to disrupt the situation, but he knew there was no point in annoying him because there were people coming and going here and everyone was busy working. It was really not reminiscing about the past. When talking freely.

So soon, Hong Yanwu found a relatively unobstructed corner to sit down not far from the coal pile. He decided to wait here until Chen Liquan finished his work.

Unexpectedly, just when the coal pile was about to be transported, things took another twist. An unexpected old enemy of Hong Yanwu appeared, and all their original plans were ruined in one fell swoop. .

Who is this person?

Hey, it’s none other than the one who had a falling out with Chen Deyuan because of framing Chang Xianzhang in the past. In the end, because he was afraid of Chen Deyuan’s punishment, he paid bribes and hid in the workers’ propaganda team in an emergency. Hu Erkui. (Participate in the second volume of “Chapter 91: Face-Taking”)


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