Return To 1977 Chapter 3: Negotiation

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“Ding dong”, the elevator stopped at the third floor of the villa.

The man took the key and led Lawyer Wu out of the elevator door, stepping on the creaking wooden floor until he walked to a bedroom with a security door. And when the man used the key to unlock the inner and outer doors, he stood guard outside and refused to go inside.

Lawyer Wu understood why the man was reluctant to enter. He took out a scented tissue and covered his nose before daring to push the security door. But even though he was well prepared, when he opened the door, he was almost hit by a stench.

In the dim bedroom, only one bedside lamp was on. The blackout curtains in the house are never opened, making it difficult to tell the difference between day and night. There are still marks on the wall where the LCD TV was removed. In fact, not only the TV, but also the small lamp beside the bed and the infrared monitor on the top of the room, everything that could be powered on had been removed. The purpose is to make it impossible for people in this cell to contact the outside world or know the news from the outside.

Lawyer Wu waited for his eyes to adjust to the light, then covered his mouth and nose and entered the depths of the room. He went straight to the bed.

There was a person lying on the bed, sleeping soundly and unresponsive. Because the room was too hot and stuffy, the person on the bed kicked off all the blankets covering his body, huddled his hands and feet in front of his chest, and breathed in and out. This physiological characteristic can be regarded as confirming that the person is still alive.

The person on the bed was wearing a set of white silk pajamas, which turned into mottled gray because they had not been changed for a long time. Likewise, the bed was full of messy, high-quality but filthy bedding.

No one could have imagined that the man lying in the “Jinxiu Heap” was Hong Yanwu, a well-known billionaire in the capital.

And this person is the “old guy” he has to see despite the wind and snow, and he is also the real owner of this house.

Loneliness is indeed a terrible killer. Hong Yanwu is only in his fifties, but half a year of imprisonment has turned the head of the then energetic chairman gray. On the neck and face, layers of wrinkles appeared due to rapid weight loss.

Lawyer Wu stood in front of the bed and looked around, feeling that the person in front of him had become thinner again. Thinking of the old guy’s bossy manner in the past, he shuddered and even couldn’t bear to look at it.

No doubt this is the reason why he would have nightmares if he lived in this house. Not only did it trouble his conscience, but it also made him feel extremely frightened. Because what happened to Hong Yanwu is definitely the most typical example, which fully proves that Mr. Gao cannot afford to offend him, and the “big man” behind Mr. Gao cannot even afford to offend him. They can lift people to the sky at any time, and they can also trample people into the ground with one kick.

But who is to blame? The world is originally a place where the weak eat the strong. Even the old guy made his fortune by being ruthless and ruthless. What’s more, he brought it upon himself. Who told him to deny his relatives for money? Anyone who has a warm kiss would never end up like this…

As far as Lawyer Wu knows, Hong Yanwu was once the chairman of Xinjing Group. It was Hong Yanwu and Mr. Gao who founded Xinjing Group.

In the 1990s, real estate companies became cash cows. The two Xinjing partners soon became billionaires, and over the past twenty years, they have worked together to build Xinjing into a leader in the real estate industry. But just six months ago, Hong Yanwu accidentally suffered a “stroke” while playing golf.

Hong Yanwu is a real loner with no children and has been alone since his divorce. Hong Yanwu had no real friends, and even his relatives had legally severed ties with him. Therefore, Mr. Gao naturally took over the power of the company, dismissed the original service staff of Hong Yanwu’s family, and hired this couple from his hometown to serve as housekeepers. In this way, as soon as Hong Yanwu, who was unable to speak or move, was taken home from the hospital, he was fully taken over by the couple.

Lawyer Wu who participated in the conspiracy knew very well that this “accident” was carefully planned by Mr. Gao, with the purpose of seizing 40% of the legal person shares in Hong Yanwu’s name. The purpose of coming here every Friday is to persuade Hong Yanwu to transfer his equity.

However, things went badly. Hong Yanwu has matured with age and is extremely stubborn. He would rather endure all kinds of abuse than agree to it. After all kinds of coercion failed, Mr. Gao even planned to use drugs, but the doctor who was bribed said that because the “stroke” was caused by the use of some special neurological drugs, Hong Yanwu would die if he was exposed to drugs. This one thing makes everyone helpless. Because according to the current law, once the unrelated Hong Yanwu dies, all his property will be transferred to the state, and all their plans will be in vain.

Forged will or forged contract?

Nope either.

Although documents and signatures can be forged, Xinjing Group has become a public company after several rounds of external capital injections. The fundamental purpose of seizing Hong Yanwu’s legal person shares is to enable Xinjing Group to raise funds by listing in Hong Kong when the A-share IPO is suspended. The H-share declaration process is far more standardized and strict than that in the Mainland. Not only is it beyond the control of the forces behind Xinjing, but also a series of changes in legal persons, shareholder changes, debt audits, industrial and commercial registration changes must be dealt with before filing. The legal procedures and the degree of supervision are not generally large. If Hong Yanwu refuses to cooperate, it will be completely impossible for Xinjing to be listed in Hong Kong.

When he thought of this, Lawyer Wu couldn’t help but curse Hong Yanwu in his heart. The old guy was almost dead, and he still clung to the equity, which added too much trouble to them.

Fortunately, he and Mr. Gao finally came up with a new solution. If the old guy still refuses to cooperate, he will arrange for a candidate to “marry” the old guy. As soon as the marriage formalities are completed, this old guy will live to an end.

The smell in the room was so bad that Lawyer Wu really wanted to leave as soon as possible. He stopped sighing and was about to wake up Hong Yanwu. Unexpectedly, Hong Yanwu woke up on his own.

“I’m here to see you again.” Lawyer Wu quickly put on a smile as if by magic, but his face was still covered by a tissue, covering most of his false feelings.

Hong Yanwu raised his eyelids slightly and used his dull eyes to identify his surroundings. He clucked for a long time, panting like a dying old dog. It sounded like phlegm was stuck in the throat.

In order to prevent the old guy from suffocating to death, Lawyer Wu had to endure the filth and stench to help Hong Yanwu beat his back. Fortunately, the phlegm came out after only two pats, but unexpectedly, he coughed on his left sleeve.

Lawyer Wu felt nauseated and hurriedly wiped it with a tissue. But unintentionally, he discovered that Hong Yanwu was snickering.

Huh? on purpose? A true grandson.

“Barrister, are you teaching me again? I haven’t eaten yet. You…you ask them to bring food first.” As soon as Hong Yanwu said this, he covered his chest and coughed.

Hmph, do you still want to eat? I owe it to you to starve to death.

Lawyer Wu, who was still angry, curled his lips and ignored this issue at all. When Hong Yanwu’s cough improved, he raised the briefcase in his hand. “Let’s talk business first.”

“How could I agree?” Hong Yanwu shook his head and smiled bitterly, lying down again as if his energy was exhausted.

“Mr. Gao asked me to tell you that you have only two choices. One is to cooperate well and sign the transfer contract immediately. The other is, congratulations, I’m afraid I have to arrange for you to get married again.”

Lawyer Wu tried to speak calmly, but paid special attention to Hong Yanwu’s expression. Now he especially wants to see if this old boy can still maintain his stubbornness to the end.

Sure enough, Hong Yanwu sat up as if he had been burned by fire, his eyes widened. “You… want to find an heir?”

“Smart man.” Lawyer Wu truly admired him. He didn’t expect that after being imprisoned for such a long time, the old guy’s thinking was still clear and sharp.

Hong Yanwu’s body went limp, he swayed as if dizzy, and almost fell down.

Seeing this scene, Lawyer Wu was so happy that he laughed sarcastically. “I just can’t figure it out. People, why do you have to suffer to save face? Just sign, it will save us all…”

“Son of a bitch! Who shot down Xinjing? Me! It’s me!”

At this moment, Hong Yanwu’s bones were filled with hatred. His rage gave him strength, and he supported him to sit up again, stretching out his fingers and yelling curses.

“I tell you, because of me, Xinjing has never had a headache for a nail shop! Because of me, the construction contractor does not dare to make trouble with Xinjing! Because of me, Xinjing does not have any rivals who dare to steal food! Because I, Xinjing, can get the target land at the lowest price! I tried my best to get Xinjing, but you are openly robbing me, this is unfair!”

“Don’t get excited, there is never any ‘fairness’ in the world.”

Lawyer Wu waved his hand lightly, and Hong Yanwu was stunned by just one sentence.

Lawyer Wu then raised his eyebrows and continued to sneer. “Also, make no mistake, you are only Xinjing’s boss in name. You are just too greedy and that’s why you angered the boss.”

Hearing this second sentence, the violence in Hong Yanwu’s eyes began to quiet down, and something called loneliness emerged.

Lawyer Wu became even happier when he saw this, and a mocking curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he went all out to dig out Hong Yanwu’s heart.

“People, you need to be self-aware and don’t take yourself too seriously. You are obviously a buddy, but you have wild dreams. If you don’t have that fate, you will naturally shoot yourself in the foot.”

The third sentence completely hits the mark. Hong Yanwu gritted his teeth and trembled. His expression looked like he was about to eat someone, and his face turned gray.

“Okay, that’s good. I always treat others as fools, but actually I am a fool.”

Lawyer Wu was undoubtedly very satisfied with the effect of the psychological battle, and he smiled and shrugged.

At this time, the psychological battle seemed to determine the winner. But suddenly, Hong Yanwu seemed to have thought of something extremely funny, and started laughing without any warning. I laughed until I cried, laughed until I coughed, and rolled on the bed with laughter.

Exaggerated, loud, crazy.

This sudden change made Lawyer Wu open his mouth. He simply thought that the old guy had gone crazy. He couldn’t help but ask. “What are you laughing at? Tell me.”

Hong Yanwu grinned and shook his head, his laughter still pouring out like it couldn’t be stopped. It wasn’t until he started coughing again that he lay on the bed and stopped wheezing.

“Gao, Gao Ming, this grandson… also knows how to do tricks in the gutter. Want me to get married?… He is so heartless…”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” Lawyer Wu was unhappy. As a loyal dog, it is the duty of the dog to uphold the dignity of its owner.

“Humph, you will definitely reveal your secrets during the wedding.”

“Not necessarily. We just need a legal formality, and you won’t see your wife at all.”

“There are too many loopholes in not having a wedding.”

“A kind-hearted personal nurse marrying a terminally ill patient does not require a complicated wedding. At most, you can declare to the outside world that you are holding the ceremony here, and no one will force it.”

Hong Yanwu’s eyes showed a hint of joking. “Who am I? A billionaire marrying an angel in white? A modern version of Cinderella? You can imagine it. All the media will follow me like flies.”

Lawyer Wu hates this kind of look, which is provocative, arrogant and arrogant. But the old guy was indeed right. Nowadays, tidbits about billionaires are even more sought after by the media than celebrities. If the news leaks…

Damn, troublesome, omission.

Hong Yanwu’s eyes were still looking at Lawyer Wu without blinking, and he seemed to be getting more and more confident.

Lawyer Wu couldn’t help but become irritated. In order not to make Hong Yanwu too proud, he forced himself to smile. “It’s nothing, it can be solved with a little technical operation.”

Hong Yanwu’s vision suddenly became sharp, “What about the mysterious death of the billionaire?”

Lawyer Wu blurted out as if being pricked by an invisible needle. “You… committed suicide? No way…”

Hong Yanwu’s smile was unmistakable. “You will die, but it will be sooner or later. Rather than forcing you to die, it is better to fight vigorously and not be unjust.”

Wu Lu didn’t pay attention, and his tone showed anxiety. “What do you mean? No one is forcing you to die, and we are not afraid of your death!”

Hong Yanwu squinted his eyes at this time and kept looking around, seeming to catch something on Lawyer Wu’s face.

Lawyer Wu was still trying to stay calm, but his smile gradually became stiff. Naturally, he knew in his heart that this was the worst case scenario. If the old guy came for real, not only would they cause trouble, but the equity issue would be ruined.

Hong Yanwu quickly made a judgment, “That’s nonsense.”

Lawyer Wu wanted to tell the difference, but before he could open his mouth, he heard words that made him even more angry.

“My suicide method is guaranteed to be very exciting, and it will happen just when you go through the marriage formalities for me. My marriage and death are on the same day, and the way of death is bizarre. How much publicity will the media use? This news is definitely If you can make headlines, you can try to cover it up. The more you do, the more loopholes you will find.”

Lawyer Wu’s face suddenly turned pale. This old guy is so cruel. The Japanese ship is full of pills.

Hong Yanwu chuckled and continued talking, “Gossip is human nature, and secrets and insider information are the most popular. How many media outlets surround and follow my poor bride every day? How many people’s curiosity do you have to deal with? ? TV, newspapers, WeChat, reposts, can you block all channels? No. Maybe someone will reveal the truth in the end, maybe it will be you, maybe it will be the unscrupulous doctor, and then it will be exposed. Bring out Gao Ming or more people. I wonder how the man behind the scenes can get rid of this indelible shit?”

That ‘Master’? Get rid of it?

Lawyer Wu felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his head. His back was wet, cold and sticky.

This old guy is definitely not bluffing. People are always interested in him when it comes to the rich man’s inheritance. For example, the Chinachem case is still being discussed by some people. If such a thing really happened, he would almost certainly be “handled” by the commander-in-chief. Just like…Lawyer Cai!

Hong Yanwu still seemed to be unfinished, thinking to himself. “From ancient times to the present, how many people who play tricks on people have a good ending? I only have this ability, and I will use it until it is done. Congratulations in advance, you will all be famous soon.”

Lawyer Wu was agitated again, like a rat being grabbed by the tail. “What… do you want to do?”

Hong Yanwu said no more, but he opened his withered mouth, revealing his incomplete teeth.

This is really the ugliest smile in the world, full of malicious mockery.

Lawyer Wu concealed his disgust, rolled his eyes, and soon showed a cunning look. “You must have something in mind, right?”

“Maybe.” Hong Yanwu remained calm.

Hey! Did you get some candy? (In dialect, to put on airs, Canada.) The old guy thinks he is Kong Ming. He knows astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, he understands human relations, he understands yin and yang, he understands the Eight Diagrams, he knows the strange sects, he knows Dunjia, he is strategizing, he can win a victory thousands of miles away, he is a wise man compared to Guan Zhong and Le Yi, he sits with his knees crossed and smiles proudly at the wind and moon. Before you even emerge from the hut, decide on one-third of the world… Bah!

Lawyer Wu’s lungs were about to explode. He didn’t understand why everything had turned out the other way around. Hong Yanwu seemed to be the mastermind behind the scenes, but he himself was pitiful. But then I thought about it, it was a matter of life, death and future. Even if I was itching with hatred, I still had to complain with a smile.

Frowning, he had to use honorifics, “I’m convinced, you are the master. Please enlighten me.”

Hong Yanwu glanced at him and finally said something. “Either we’re done together, or we can discuss it.”

“What do you mean?”

“You want equity, yes, I will cooperate. But it can only be transferred in batches, and you must leave me 5% of the shares for retirement.”

Hong Yanwu’s tone sounded quite serious, a bit full of twists and turns.

Lawyer Wu’s eyes lit up, he nodded, and asked Hong Yanwu to continue.

Hong Yanwu turned his head and thought about it for a while. “My freedom must be restored immediately. Of course, you can continue to send people to ‘take care’ of me. However, you must let the couple get out. Also, when I recover, I will choose a country to immigrate to. And I will not leave the country until The final shares will be transferred.”

After hearing all the conditions, Lawyer Wu was noncommittal. He had been observing Hong Yanwu’s expression, and his heart tightened on another chord.

“Don’t you always disagree?”

Hong Yanwu said calmly, “Of course I can’t let go, Xinjing is everything to me. But if I don’t agree, you will trick me again and again. I’m scared and tired. If this continues, I won’t be able to live for a few more days.” Money is useless when people are gone.”

Lawyer Wu is thinking about it. The old guy’s words were very true, and as soon as he heard it, he knew that he must have thought about these conditions for a long time.

That’s right, who doesn’t want to live? If it were him, he would only choose this way.

“According to what I said, anyone is suitable. Otherwise, it will be a dead end.” Hong Yanwu reiterated his tone with a special emphasis, and there was a kind of passion for life in his eyes.

The conditions are reasonable, the reasons are sufficient, and it seems true.

Lawyer Wu had already raised hopes. He asked the man guarding the door to stare at the room while he walked out of the room and called Mr. Gao for instructions. Soon, I got a reply from Mr. Gao.

“First, all the equity must be handed over, but he will be given a sum of money for retirement. Second, his freedom is limited to that house and must be monitored 24 hours a day. Except for these two items, everything else can be completely Agree.”

Mr. Gao was indeed very happy, but Lawyer Wu was still a little hesitant.

“Spare him like this? Can the ‘higher-ups’ agree?”

“But for the sake of equity, let him live a good life for two days. No matter what, he must die.”

“When you can, will you…”

“It’s easy to kill him. You forgot, you will die if you get poisoned.”

Lawyer Wu was relieved, it turned out to be a delaying tactic. He knew that whoever offended “Heaven” would be doomed.

On the phone, Mr. Gao continued to encourage Lawyer Wu. “It’s up to you now. Try to get as much equity from him as possible, as much as you can, until he refuses to give any more.”


The matter was settled like that, but what Lawyer Wu didn’t expect was that before interrupting the call, Mr. Gao actually gave him another special warning.

“Be careful, Hong Yanwu is the best at playing tricks. After signing the agreement, call me immediately.”

This was the first time that Lawyer Wu heard fear in Mr. Gao’s tone. He was very puzzled by this.

Yes. Not only did he have a detailed understanding of Hong Yanwu’s legendary experiences. After personal contact, I really felt that the old guy was a very smart person. But how can an old coffin man, who has been lying in bed for half a year and whose body has been mutilated, be so powerful? Besides, the equity is about to be obtained, so what are you worried about? If the old guy is really that powerful, he would really like to see it.

However, Mr. Gao couldn’t help but ignore Mr. Gao’s serious instructions. So even though he had doubts in his heart, he still agreed. And in order to reassure Mr. Gao, he also made a special guarantee. “Don’t worry too much. I think the old guy is serious. Once a person falls into a well, he must have a life-saving straw, no matter what the cost. I have heard others say that the older a person is, the more afraid of death he is.”

These words really made Mr. Gao feel more relaxed. “It makes sense. Once a person has a place, he will cherish his life.”

The call ended. Lawyer Wu returned to the room and replied according to Mr. Gao’s wishes. Unexpectedly, Hong Yanwu was also happy and accepted it immediately.

Overjoyed, Lawyer Wu immediately took out the documents from his bag and prepared an agreement for the upfront transfer of 10% of the equity. He looked forward to seeing Hong Yanwu push the pen tip with trembling fingers and sign his name right away. No matter how twisted and ugly the font was, it would satisfy what he, a lawyer with evil intentions, had been waiting for for many months.

Unexpectedly, Hong Yanwu didn’t even look at the contract, pushed the pen, and actually asked to eat first, and he couldn’t discount it at all.

Lawyer Wu was stuck, but he remembered Mr. Gao’s instructions. He nodded, “What else do you want?”

“Help me downstairs, I’m almost suffocating here.”

“Signing after eating?”

“I will sign as soon as the food is served.”

“A word is settled.”

Lawyer Wu almost smelled the smell of success, and immediately called the man at the door to come in and help Hong Yanwu together. Both men put Hong Yanwu’s arms on their shoulders and lifted him up like a sedan.

The person was very light and it took no effort at all, and he walked out of the door smoothly. But neither Lawyer Wu nor the man noticed that Hong Yanwu’s eyes lit up the moment he left the cell. So bright!


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