Return To 1977 Chapter 2: Couple Housekeeper

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Dark brown mansions are hidden among the branches hung with white frost. The gardens of these mansions, without exception, are surrounded by cast-aluminum fences covered with floral arabesques. Behind those fences, in addition to many flower branches that will dry up in winter, there are also many evergreen shrubs planted all year round, so there is some greenness under the pure white. And on this snowy day, the birdsong has completely disappeared. If there is anything else that can be heard, it is the barking of dogs caused by the occasional car driving through these courtyards.

This is “Red County”. They are all British-style single-family villas, and the owners are all wealthy people. Living here symbolizes the status of the richest class in the capital.

However, even among rich people, there are classes and differences. For example, in the central area of ​​”Red County”, there are several more special houses.

The special thing about these houses is that compared with other buildings in the villa area, they are not only significantly larger in scale, but most importantly, they also have a swimming pool in the backyard and a swimming pool in the front. Each courtyard also has a private fountain of different shapes.

It was close to 16:00 in the afternoon, and Lawyer Wu was standing in the living room of such a house, silently admiring the fountain in the yard through the six-meter-high floor-to-ceiling window.

Due to the cold weather, the curtains of water that should have spewed out from the mouth of the nine carp statues that jumped out of the pool were half frozen, with only sporadic water dripping from the ice flowers, looking like extremely miserable tears.

To be honest, Lawyer Wu really liked this house and the courtyard, and he was equally impressed by the gorgeous and exquisite decoration and furnishings in the house. This big house can almost become a sample of his extravagant hopes for future life. But if he was asked to live here now, he really didn’t want to.

There are two reasons for this. First, he cannot afford to enjoy this kind of life with his current income. Living here, the monthly property fee alone costs 20,000. Second, he knew very well that if he lived here, he would probably be disturbed by some of the things he had done, and he would definitely have nightmares when he slept…

“Lawyer Wu, the car has been parked.”

A flattering southern accent sounded, causing Lawyer Wu to stop his imagination. He turned around, and behind him was a groveling middle-aged man with a hunched and thin body with a natural wretchedness, handing over the car keys of the “Yinben”.

Beside the man stood a chubby middle-aged woman with makeup like a pastel jar and a fat face covered with foundation with a flattering smile. She was this man’s wife.

“Is it hard to walk on the snowy road? What’s wrong with your car…” The woman also spoke with a southern accent, and she obviously noticed the extent of the car’s damage in the garage.

Lawyer Wu is still worried about what happened on the road, but he doesn’t want to talk about it at all. But this woman reminded him of the wolf again, so his face twitched uncontrollably.

The woman immediately saw something was wrong and quickly shut up.

Lawyer Wu snorted coldly at the woman, and then took the key from the man’s hand without giving the couple a good look. He didn’t care if they minded, he didn’t need to, and he despised them even more.

Actually, this couple were distant relatives brought by Mr. Gao from his hometown. The reason why they are here is because this house needs to be kept as original as possible, and it must be looked after by someone they can trust. But what people didn’t expect was that the couple was surprisingly lazy. At first they were cleaning, but soon after they almost stopped doing any work.

Managing the couple was one of the tasks assigned to him by Mr. Gao. But at that time, the couple relied on their kinship with Mr. Gao and did not take him seriously. All his words fell on deaf ears, so the house suffered, and the level of damage was simply outrageous. situation.

Take the main living room on the right side of the stairs as an example. There is a large fireplace as high as a person on the wall, and the large and square furnace mouth takes up almost half of the wall. After the couple took over the house, it was always filled with ashes. The soft and thick Persian carpet in front of the fireplace always looks like a garbage dump, with countless beer cans, paper scraps and fruit peels scattered on it. Even the pure yellow seat cushions on the red sandalwood Arhat bed next to it changed color soon and became a huge oily black. This was only the least affected area, and the other rooms were even more miserable.

The most egregious thing is that the couple not only often complained about the low salary, but also asked him to find three more people to serve them. It was a pretty good idea, asking one to cook, one to look after the door, and one to clean. The couple kept complaining, saying that the house was too big to fit in, and that these were all things the nanny did, and they were housekeepers, so they only needed to be responsible for the management. It really made people angry to death. What he didn’t expect was that after being scolded by him, the couple actually called Mr. Gao to file a complaint against him. It seemed that he always saved money for Mr. Gao and deliberately deducted and abused them.

Fortunately, Mr. Gao scolded the couple in the end, which taught them a lesson. But the side effects were equally obvious. Mr. Gao was obviously dissatisfied with him because of this, thinking that he couldn’t handle even the smallest things well.

Nothing is a greater disaster than losing the trust of his master, and as an excellent dog, he understands this deeply. So he tried his best to find a way to make the couple obey.

The turning point came after he silently observed the couple’s daily behavior. Soon after, he discovered that the couple had another, even more despicable problem, unclean hands and feet.

I don’t know when it started, but every time he came, he would find something abnormal in the house. To say that the couple is not too stupid, at least they know how to swap the next best thing. If they take something away, they will always buy a similar one and put it back. But the problem is that these two couples have no cultural connotation at all, and the things they buy are full of flaws. There is even a farce of replacing fine porcelain with plastic products, and replacing the original works of famous artists on the wall with spray-painted photos. In this way, if he doesn’t understand what the two of them are doing, he is simply an idiot.

The time he chose to reveal his trump card was after the couple went to Panjiayuan to sell stolen goods. After he told the couple face to face the fact of the theft and made a list of all the lost items, his wife tried to deny and make excuses. But when he threw all the photos he had taken secretly in front of the couple, they suddenly became wilted eggplants. He had only one condition for the couple, either they would be obedient and work hard, or he would report their “great achievements” to Mr. Gao and then send them to jail.

It was not difficult for the couple to do the multiple-choice questions, especially after he gave the couple a free legal education class and heard that they might be imprisoned for more than ten years. The couple immediately expressed their willingness to change their past mistakes. Become a new person. As a result, routine cleaning of the house quickly resumed.

However, he had no intention of strengthening supervision of the property in the house afterwards. He knew very well that from the perspective of General Manager Gao, he didn’t care at all about these little things. Besides, this is not Mr. Gao’s home. In order to arrange for poor relatives from his hometown to come here, in addition to peace of mind, perhaps it was intended to make the couple make a little fortune. Therefore, his threats were just a bluff, and as long as the couple could do as they were told, he didn’t care about giving them any sweeteners. In this way, under the mode of big stick and carrot, after adjusting it several times, the couple has become a dough that he can knead at will, without any capital for arrogance.

Now if he wants to say what he is dissatisfied with the couple, I’m afraid it’s the old saying – nature is hard to change. This couple’s habit of being lazy about food and cooking can never be cured. Although he is more obedient now and can do some work, he still has to deal with errands. Take the fountain in the yard now, for example. In such cold weather, the valve should be turned off. However, the man was obviously afraid of the cold and wanted to be lazy, so he pretended not to see it.

Ignoring details often leads to terrible consequences. Lawyer Wu will never tolerate this kind of thing. He began to question the man. “What’s going on with the fountain in the yard?”.

“It’s not too late… Come on, let’s smoke a cigarette first.” The man sneered and took out a box of Zhonghua cigarettes to lighten the atmosphere.

Lawyer Wu rolled his eyes and looked at him before taking out a cigarette and putting it in his mouth.

“Play dumb with me, right? How many times have I told you that the most important thing here is not to attract other people’s attention. The fountain in the courtyard has frozen, what if the gardener and security guard become suspicious? Besides, the water pipes You have to find someone to repair the frost cracks, which would easily reveal the situation here.”

The man blushed, agreed repeatedly, and ran to turn off the fountain valve.

Lawyer Wu did not let women go either. “And you, the glass is not wiped and the floor is dirty. Look around you, is there any house like this?”

The woman also hurriedly ran to clean up the living room, but she secretly rolled her eyes at him. And when the man turned off the water valve and came back from outside, the woman was still working hard and couldn’t even finish wiping a few tabletops.

Looking at his luck, Lawyer Wu put out his cigarette butt. “Who are you fooling? If you don’t do it well, get out. Don’t tell me that the tiger skin on the Taishi’s chair flew away again. If you do this, you will be slow!”

“Then…tiger skin…” the woman faltered, then rolled her eyes and immediately had another excuse. “Oh, it’s all my husband’s fault. I smoked too carelessly, and the cigarette **** fell on the tiger skin…”

The men also dressed up in a pitiful manner, “I blame me, please forgive me. Country people are used to rough hands and feet…”

But Lawyer Wu had no expression on his face, and he didn’t believe a word the couple said.

“How much did it cost?”

One sentence made the couple stop performing.

At this time, the woman gritted her teeth and nodded to the man.

The man quickly took out a large envelope and handed it over, “It’s a small thing, please take care of me.”

Based on the thickness, there were probably tens of thousands of dollars in the envelope. It looked like it was well prepared. It can be said that the couple has made progress and has begun to learn how to bribe. However, Lawyer Wu does not want to have anything to do with this matter. First, he felt that the amount of money was too little. Secondly, he was also afraid that when Mr. Gao found out, he would think that he was greedy for small profits and could not be used for big things. He pushed away decisively. “How much did it cost?”

The woman suddenly became unhappy and sounded aggrieved. “Oh, that leather is worthless anymore, a big piece is burned…”

Lawyer Wu couldn’t stand the philistine’s fat face and immediately interrupted. “Okay, it’s not your first time. If you don’t tell the truth…”

The man next to him was frightened and surrendered simply. “No. One hundred thousand. Sold for one hundred thousand.”

The woman couldn’t help but glare at the man.

Although Lawyer Wu had known that the couple was not smart, when he heard this number now, he still couldn’t help but want to call them idiots.

One hundred thousand yuan? That is the real South China tiger, the fur of an adult male tiger. Flawless, the paws are complete from head to tail. Trading on the international black market, if you don’t have $200,000, don’t even think about buying it.

To be honest, he really felt sorry for the couple because of this. Because although they know that the things in the house are valuable, they have never been able to figure out the specific value of each item. This couple is destined to live in poverty for the rest of their lives, and they have done more than one stupid thing. An antique clock from the Ming Dynasty that was originally placed on the bill was sold by them for RMB 50,000. A set of Vatican silverware in the dining room cabinet only sold for 15,000. Just because of this, the second-rate dealers in Panjiayuan went crazy with joy. This couple is now very popular in the industry and is known as the “big colander”. They are doing stupid business.

“One hundred thousand, really only one hundred thousand.” The man was afraid that Lawyer Wu wouldn’t believe it, so he still swore.

Lawyer Wu suppressed his laughter and scolded him with a straight face. “Humph, you are motivated to make money, but you are tired of working. Where do you think this is? A supermarket where you can take money for free? If anything here is leaked, you will have to go to jail!”

“Prison? Us?” The man became even more frightened, his voice trembling.

“How does this have anything to do with us? It’s obviously you…” The woman gave up and tried to act like a shrew. But before she could finish her words, she was frightened by the ferocious look on Lawyer Wu’s face and was shut up. .

A cold arc of light flashed across Lawyer Wu’s lenses, and he said word by word, “Who? Me? Or Mr. Gao? You won’t get any good results if you bite randomly.”

The woman was completely frightened and had no reaction.

The man’s legs were trembling, “Yes, yes. We are confused.”

Lawyer Wu was still staring hard at the woman. “Confused? You are very smart about tiger skins.”

The man gave his wife a hard tug, and the woman came to her senses and quickly expressed her stance. “Yes, yes. Got it, keep it secret. Whatever you do, I’ll listen to you.”

It is said that after three days of not being beaten, the couple who needed to be scolded finally understood their own rights and became submissive.

Lawyer Wu saw that he had finished scolding him, and felt that it was time for Tianzao to eat, so he softened his tone again. “Actually, it doesn’t matter if you two make money. Let’s be clear, I don’t want any of your money. I still say what I said, as long as you do what you are supposed to do well. How about it?”

Using advantage to lure him, he hit Qicun again. These words made the woman happy again, and she patted her chest continuously to express her loyalty. She had to work hard to restore the house to its old tidiness, and never let him worry about it again.

The man was still hesitating, as if he was not sure whether Lawyer Wu’s refusal to accept money was true.

The woman soon realized that she was afraid that the man would hand over money again, so she quickly stood in front of him and stared at his face. “Lawyer Wu makes a lot of money. He’s not as miserable as us. He relies on this little money to support his family. Put it away quickly!” The last four words were almost gritted.

The man was frightened by his wife and put away the envelope. The woman then beamed.

Lawyer Wu didn’t care at all about the couple’s little tricks. His face became serious and he began to ask about the most important things.

“How’s the old guy doing?”

The man thought for a while. “I’m very weak and coughing. I scold everyone I see and my temper is even worse.”

The woman also added. “He also likes to curse when he is alone recently. Although you can’t hear it outside, the house is haunted every night, which can scare people to death.”

Lawyer Wu is not surprised at all that the old guy still has a tough, stinking, tough attitude. This stubborn confrontation has been giving him a headache for a long time. However, now he is confident that he can solve this matter quickly.

He pondered again and felt it was time to announce Mr. Gao’s new order.

“President Gao wants you to stop abusing him from now on. Instead, you must take good care of his food and daily life, give him some milk and eggs, and ensure that he lives for at least a month. Don’t let him die within this month. .”

The man listened, confused and worried. He rubbed his hands for a long time before he mustered up the courage to speak. “This is going to be hard to do. The old guy has suffered so much, how can he be willing to cooperate? What if…? How can we end this?”

The woman also showed concern. “Yeah. That old guy has a bad temper. Now every day when I bring him porridge or help him go to the toilet, he curses me. I’m even afraid that he will bite me…”

Lawyer Wu naturally knew what they were afraid of. It was a human life that had been tortured, and it was not an ordinary person. But when things got to this point, there was no room for turning around, and it was impossible to stop.

He had to reiterate categorically. “This is an order, not a consultation with you. Just follow it and don’t worry about the rest.”

The couple looked tense, feeling the weight of these words, and nodded silently.


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