Return To 1977 Chapter 120: Travel to Xiangshan

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After sending “Xiao Leizi” away, Hong Yanwu had nothing to do and thoroughly sorted out the accounts for all the wealth currently in his possession.

Calculate the income first.

At first, he combined the 100 yuan from “You San”, the 400 yuan from “Zou Toad”, and the 500 yuan from Chen Liquan into a round sum of 1,000 yuan and gave it to his mother.

Next, it was the “two heads” who sent one hundred yuan of “mountain worship money”, and during the two days of “standing sticks” at Caishikou, the princes from all walks of life successively gave nearly five hundred yuan of wedding money. .

Immediately afterwards, when he was retaliating against the “washer” people, he got another hundred yuan from “Er Baldy” and “Da Mian”, and more than two hundred yuan from the three powerful men of “Little Landlord”.

Then, there are the 1,400 yuan in cash that was knocked out of the five “handles” on the day of the negotiation, and the 500 yuan that the “old ghost” gave in return.

Finally, on the basis of these, we will add the 1,400 yuan that “Bacha” will pay, so after returning to Baodui, the total income will be 5,200 yuan.

Then do the math.

He first gave “Xiaobaizi” 50 yuan for medicine, then 600 yuan for the hard work of his five subordinates, and then 350 yuan for the visit to the “old ghost”, and finally added the recent expenses. The total cost of eating horse chews for my group of people totaled twelve hundred yuan.

So if the two are offset, the total that will fall into his hands is about four thousand.

Needless to say, the expenses for his father’s medical treatment were soon enough. As long as the mother gets the next 1,400 yuan and sells the “Emerald Flat Square”, the father will definitely be saved.

Looking at the accounts written in front of him, Hong Yanwu suddenly burst into laughter.

He couldn’t control it. Because the deliberate efforts, overt and covert fights, dangers, and fears in the recent period are not only completely over, but they have also received such rich rewards. This made him feel an incomprehensible bitter taste, and at the same time, he finally let go of the heavy burden in his heart.

It’s not easy, but it’s not in vain! The merits are finally complete!

Up to this point, an unprecedented sense of relaxation and joy finally returned to him. Along with the happiness and hope that filled his heart, he became cheerful and couldn’t help humming a ditty.

“In the autumn wind in August, the eldest girl went to the market. Passing by a sorghum field, she met a soldier. This soldier was not a good thing…”

When people are happy, they feel refreshed. When they feel refreshed, they want to sing. When they sing, they feel interested. When they feel interested, they want to celebrate. The purpose of celebrating is to share joy and joy with others. So Hong Yanwu was no exception. That night he discussed the matter with Chen Liquan.

In this day and age, because there are not many choices for consumption and entertainment, the way to celebrate is actually quite simple. In most cases, it’s nothing more than going out to a restaurant for a meal or a drink.

According to Hong Yanwu’s original idea, he and Chen Liquan originally wanted to take “Xiao Baizi” with them to the “Jingcheng Roast Duck Restaurant” (i.e. “Judequan”) that they both longed for most. During the movement, it was renamed “Jingcheng Roast Duck Restaurant” ) eating roast duck.

But the problem is that the source of the money in his hand cannot be explained yet. If I go out to eat and drink behind my family’s back, no matter what I let him do, I will feel a lingering sense of guilt.

It’s not that he is being pretentious. If it is to cope with the situation, he still has a reason that can convince him. But if it is just for a feast, even if others are sitting in the restaurant, the thought of everyone in the family eating steamed buns and pickles , I’m afraid all the interest will be gone. No matter how sumptuous the delicacies are, they cannot be put down with chopsticks!

Chen Liquan can understand Hong Yanwu’s ambivalence. So he thought for a while and quickly came up with another idea. He suggested that it would be better to go out for a spring outing. It would not cost much and was more interesting than having a big meal.

As for where to travel, there aren’t many choices. Because these days, except for a few parks such as the Zoo, Taoranting, Zizhuyuan, Xuanwu Art Garden, and Wanshou West Palace, most of the royal gardens with historical sites have suffered extremely serious damage during the “movement” and are now basically closed. garden status. As for the most interesting place to go, besides climbing the Great Wall, it is Fragrant Mountain.

Not to mention, this was really a good idea. Hong Yanwu was elated at the time and strongly agreed. He was so happy not for anything else, but mainly because he thought that he could bring his sister Hong Yanru with him.

To be honest, the only thing he did for his sister when he came back this time was to give her ten dollars, but later he asked her to take the initiative to hand over the money to her mother. This made him feel in his heart that he had wronged his sister, but for a moment he didn’t know how to care for her in another way. Now having such an opportunity to make his sister happy is naturally his dream.

In this way, early the next morning, before Hong Yanru went to school, Hong Yanwu told her about his planned trip on the weekend. Not only did he promise his sister that he could take his neighbor’s Su Xiu with him, he also gave her the right to choose the final destination.

The reason for this is that Hong Yanwu knows very well that for some good things that are certain to happen, the anticipation before they officially arrive is also a kind of happiness. If my sister can still make the decision on some things, her happiness will be doubled.

This feeling, if we want to draw an analogy, is actually roughly similar to what children of this era feel a few days before the Spring Festival. He just wanted his sister to have more happiness.

Sure enough, Hong Yanru was happier than ever on Friday and Saturday. She was full of energy and was particularly diligent in doing housework.

However, this made Hong Yanwu lament that his sister was too easily satisfied. At the same time, it inevitably made him reflect on the situation and feel that he had neglected his sister for a long time, which was really inappropriate.

Because he suddenly thought that maybe it was because his sister had lacked love and had little contact with the opposite **** for a long time. In her previous life, she was deceived easily by her petty brother-in-law from Shanghai, who used a few tricks of false concern and asking for help.

In fact, this is probably the main reason why she has been treated unfairly in her marriage and has been a hard-working wife and loving mother without any regrets for a long time.

So regarding this point, Hong Yanwu made a decision while fully conducting self-examination mentally.

This time he will not only do his best to care for and protect his sister, but also make her gain knowledge. Only in this way can she not be confused when it comes to marriage choices and find a good match that can truly make her happy.

Sunday, April 17, 1977.

The weather is good, and we have a beautiful day with clear skies.

Preparations for the trip were made as early as last night. Rich food, roast chicken, canned food, rice rolls, bread, Erguotou, soda… everything was available, and Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan stuffed two big bags.

So on this day, Hong Yanwu, Chen Liquan, “Xiao Baizi”, as well as Hong Yanru and Su Xiu, after getting up early and simply washing up, set out from home at six o’clock in the morning.

As for the destination for their spring outing, Hong Yanru and Su Xiu chose to go to Xiangshan. So the group of them first went to Caishikou and took bus 105 to the zoo, and then took bus 360. It took more than two hours and arrived at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain at about 8:30 in the morning.

Not to mention, although Xiangshan is most famous for its red leaves in autumn, this season is still beautiful. Because although it is not yet the time to “recognize that the east wind is facing the east wind, and it is always spring with a variety of colors,” the scene of early spring, “the grass on the ground is like grass, and the willows on both sides are like eyebrows” has already arrived.

Looking at the “eight or nine o’clock sun” from a distance, the Fragrant Mountain is full of vibrant green. The rapeseed flowers in the fields at the foot of the mountain and the peach blossoms on the mountain are also in full bloom. With two bright colors as a foil, the vast green on the mountain does not look boring at all, but makes people feel extra cute.

However, there are also many extremely disharmonious things in this peaceful and quiet scenery.

Because during this period, the “movement” had just ended, the mood that every family was in danger and everyone was in danger had not been fundamentally reversed. Most people were still focusing on the new trends of the upper class. Ordinary people Who wants to go hiking in the mountains?

So it is similar to the special period. In addition to some local villagers who live nearby, most of the people who come here are junior high school and high school students, or they are “players” and “players” and “players” from all walks of life who are not afraid of anything. “Academy”, in short, there are not many fuel-efficient lamps.

The purpose of these people going to Xiangshan is not just for fun, but also for many other “impure” purposes. For example, they can stretch their muscles, socialize with each other, and pat the “mother-in-law”. To put it bluntly, they have nothing to do, they just want to cause trouble and fool around.

Just take a look at this. On the road, there are groups on the east and west, young men and young girls, just like crucian carp crossing the river. These people are either chasing and fighting, or they are making fun of the poor. Anyway, Not a moment to stop.

And as long as you pay a little attention, you can find that the faces with protruding pimples are full of bohemian expressions, and the pairs of shining eyes are all flashing with provocative glances. There is always an aggressive smell all over his body.

Once strangers dare to approach, they will act fiercely like “either you eat me, or I eat you” at any time. It seems that these people are born with electricity and ignite fire. If they look at each other or collide with each other carelessly, they may cause trouble and conflict with them.

This situation naturally made the two girls, Hong Yanru and Su Xiu, extremely uncomfortable.

They had never seen much of the world, and they all had a vague sense of terror. Even if Hong Yanwu comforted them again and again, guaranteeing that as long as he was around, no one could bully them. They were also nervous for a while unconsciously, but they still lowered their heads, held each other’s hands tightly, and hurried forward fearfully.

But despite being so cautious, when they were approaching the main gate of Xiangshan, a small incident happened.


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