Return To 1977 Chapter 12: Awake

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“Get up, get up quickly…”

A woman’s urging became louder and louder amid the buzzing noise. At the same time, there was another hand pushing him, which was arrogant and unreasonable and lacked basic respect for people.

Hong Yanwu frowned, closed his eyes and pushed away the hand that was pulling on his shoulder.

“What about you, don’t sleep, get up!”

The impatient voice became more anxious, and then a hard object roughly poked his waist.

What the hell?

Hong Yanwu trembled and opened his eyes.

A pair of angry eyes looked down at him, glaring at him eagerly.

Hong Yanwu was completely unprepared and jumped up from his seat. He turned over like a lively carp with its tail swung, and landed firmly on the ground with a “croak” sound.

The person who stared at him seemed to be more unexpected than to be frightened by him. He was “shocked” and took a few steps back.

“Hey, you jumped quite high. Do you think you are a grasshopper with croaking wings?”

The words were hurtful, but the accent sounded really friendly, a standard “Beijing movie” that Hong Yanwu had not heard for a long time.

He was really confused about the situation and squinted hard to see clearly.

In front of him was a woman in her thirties or forties. She was holding a cloth in her hand, using the cloth stick as a weapon and pointing it at him. He was probably stabbed by this thing just now.

Before he had time to think about it, the **** spoke again, as if she had captured a spy.

“Hands up.”

Hong Yanwu quickly raised his hands like a prisoner, with a confused look on his face.

The woman continued to scold her, not politely at all. “Why are you sleeping here? Why don’t you get up when I ask you to? Why are you pretending to be a big clown?”

Hong Yanwu still didn’t respond because he was attracted by the woman’s blue gabardine uniform. He stared intently at the woman who was wearing a large-brimmed hat. The hat emblem was actually a red five-pointed star with a road emblem in the middle.

What year is this railway uniform from? Where’s the acting?

Hong Yanwu began to look around again with doubts.

The light in the greenhouse-like room was dim, and several old-fashioned ceiling fans on the roof were covered with dust. In the middle of the house is a row of square cement pillars. The pillars and the four walls are surrounded by walls painted with green paint. There are many people dressed as farmers beside the wall, with luggage beside them. Most of these people were sitting on it, smoking low-quality cigarettes, looking around, or talking. In addition, there are more people carrying luggage and packages everywhere, walking in a hurry, shuttling back and forth.

This theater is so lifelike, it’s not an ordinary nostalgic drama.

Hong Yanwu looked carefully and saw that even the seat he had just been lying on was made of old-fashioned wood, and the mottled paint was almost gone. Moreover, the clothes of the surrounding extras were all patched and patched, making them absolutely seamless.

What about filming a blockbuster film? How come the film quality of Chinese people has suddenly improved? Have you turned to realism?

But…why is the air so dirty? Is there still buzzing noise everywhere? …No, where is this? This studio is too big… Could it be… But I did… have a car accident… How is this…

Hong Yanwu already felt that something was wrong. Because in his mind, he was already dead. But if he was dead, why could he feel like he was breathing now? Can you even feel the smell, temperature, sound, and images around you?

While wiping away the chaotic thoughts in his mind, he subconsciously touched his face. But immediately, he seemed to have been bitten by something and quickly opened his palms.

These are not the hands that a billionaire should have. The palms are not only rough but also have a thick layer of calluses, which means that he must have been engaged in very heavy manual labor recently.

Hong Yanwu stared blankly at first, and then anxiously touched various parts of his body as if he was stimulated.

It’s okay, okay, it’s all here. And this body is… powerful. Full of energy.

The same goes for the surroundings, the air is still there, the temperature is still there, and time is still flowing.

Not dead? I’m not dead! I am indeed not dead!

Hong Yanwu almost jumped for joy. But just when he was ecstatic about life, his surging emotions were suddenly interrupted by the fierce eyes in front of him. Because there was not only anger in those eyes, but resentment that wanted to tear him apart.

“What are you doing? What’s wrong with you?” The woman in railway uniform gritted her teeth and looked really angry.

In horror, Hong Yanwu felt guilty for a while, “I, what’s wrong?”

“I just asked you a question, but you ignored me and kept looking around, pretending to be stupid.”

“I…I, I, I, I, I…” Hong Yanwu kept talking nonsense, staring blankly like a goose, only saying “I” all the time.

“Is it disgusting? A man twisting his **** and touching himself? Are you acting like a monkey or a gangster…”

The woman wouldn’t stop scolding her, but halfway through the scolding, she suddenly stopped. For some reason, there was some panic on her face. It wasn’t until she looked at Hong Yanwu up and down several times that she blurted out again. “You? You’re not crazy, are you?”

As soon as Hong Yanwu heard this, his body stiffened instantly. But it’s no wonder, his posture just now was too ambiguous, and he kept touching his whole body like a resentful woman who lacked love.

He wiped the sweat from his head and denied it again and again.

Ruling out the possibility of a mental patient, the woman’s expression softened slightly, and then her expression changed again as if she were flipping through a book, and she asked impatiently, “Do you have a ticket? Take it out.”

Hong Yanwu took out his pockets obediently while secretly observing the surrounding environment.

…Well, this seems to be a train station waiting room. The girl in front of me should be a staff member. Yes, she is the attendant at the train station.

In a moment, he had rummaged through all his pockets and took out a large pile, which was as big as a grocery store.

He held everything in his hands, including steel bungees, banknotes, food stamps, half a box of matches, two cigarette butts without filters, an old key, and two sheets folded together. paper. Fortunately, I finally found the ticket stub.

The attendant glanced at the ticket stub, then snatched the two folded pieces of paper from his hand, glanced at them twice, and then half-thrown, half-tugged them back to him. The only change was that her face became longer, almost like a donkey face.

“Huh, I’ve already seen that you are not a good person. It turns out you are really from Chadian.”

Chadian? Coming back from Chadian?

Hong Yanwu’s heart pounded again as he listened. The only time in his life that he was sent to a forced labor camp was at Qinghe Farm in Chadian. But…but how many years ago was that?

“You can’t sleep here. Quickly, get out of here.”

The loud voice of the attendant attracted many passengers to poke their heads in this direction, and many people began to come over with fresh faces.

Hong Yanwu still didn’t respond. He just wanted to take a good look at the ticket stub.

But the attendant was fed up and refused to give him any time. She ignored it and kicked a round bedroll beside the seat to urge her. “Take your luggage…hurry up!”

Hong Yanwu was really not impressed by this bedding, but he couldn’t resist the waiter chasing him away like a chicken, so he had to pick it up hesitantly.

The staff on duty thought he was slow, so they grabbed him and pulled him out. However, they just pulled his clothes and walked for a while, but suddenly stopped again.

She sniffed for a while and couldn’t help but ask. “Why do you smell so bad?”

Without allowing Hong Yanwu to reply, the officer on duty took another look at him, and immediately made another important discovery. She immediately let go of her hand as if she had touched something dirty and jumped up with a yelp. “Oh, God, look at the soles of your shoes…”

Just as Hong Yanwu was about to lower his head, the attendant immediately raised the mop in his hand and pushed him out of the greenhouse as if sweeping away garbage. At the same time, she screamed as if she had been kissed by a pig, “What did I say it tastes like? I stepped on **** and killed you! Get out of here! My land is all white!”

The crowd around him burst into laughter. Hong Yanwu was dizzy, and was scolded and kicked out by the attendant.

“Hurry up, don’t waste time here if you have nothing to do. If I see you again, I will call the police.”

The duty officer is wearing a blue uniform and looks very authoritative in the patchy environment. She gave Hong Yanwu the sternest warning with disdain on her face, and after rolling out a big white eyeball as a farewell gift, she snorted again, turned over and opened the cotton curtain at the entrance of the greenhouse and went back.

At the entrance of the greenhouse, many people who were about to come in stopped when they saw this scene. These people watching the excitement whispered one after another.

“Isn’t this kid a thief…”

“If he had been caught earlier, could he be released? But you have to be careful, there are many thieves here…”

“This person was just kicked out by the guard on duty. Is he probably a prisoner in the labor camp?”

“It’s almost the same. Look at his droopy eyes and his aggressive nature. This kid must not be a good bird…”

The buzzing sound was chaotic, and people kept coming to join in the fun.

Hong Yanwu couldn’t care less about other people’s gossip and quickly looked carefully at the ticket stub that the attendant returned to him.

A very narrow piece of cardboard with a notch on the side. This is a mark from the exit ticket check. This kind of ticket had only been used at least a few decades ago and had almost faded from his memory.

The ticket has a red background and a red official seal with the characters “Jin Jie” on it. It is clearly written on the face of the ticket, Chadian Expressway/to Yongdingmen Railway Station/hard-seat ordinary car/full price 3.20 yuan/. Next to the price number, there is the word “half” and the word “child”. There is a cross between the two words, indicating that it is neither a half-price ticket nor a children’s ticket. The words “Take the designated bus on the designated day, valid within two days” are printed at the bottom of the ticket.

Turn over the ticket again. The departure date and train number are clearly printed on the back: 4420/March 21, 1977.


I’m going!

Hong Yanwu’s eyes widened. Something hit him violently in his head. His eyes were a little blurry and his feet were weak. With trembling hands, he hurriedly opened the two pieces of paper in his hands.

The first piece of paper is a thin translucent letter paper with a leave application certificate written in blue pen and ink.

The content is: This person left the labor camp after completing his term in the labor camp and is now an employee of our Qinghe Farm. He is specially granted a fifteen-day leave to visit relatives (March 21, 1977 to April 4, 1977) and is allowed to return to Beijing. Hereby prove. Below is the signature and red official seal of the farm director.

The second piece of paper is a formal printed document, with shocking black characters in Song font printed on the top: Certificate of Discharge from Reeducation through Labor.

Look carefully at the following content: Jiezi No. 166/This is Hong Yanwu, a male, 17 years old, who was sent to a labor camp on February 28, 1976. He was admitted to a labor camp for fighting. If he has performed well during the period of reeducation through labor and has made significant meritorious service, he will be released from reeducation through labor. This is hereby certified/date: March 20, 1977. The date is still stamped with the large red stamp of Qinghe Labor Camp.

Hong Yanwu clearly felt the weight of the seal, as if it was suddenly covering his heart, and it was given to him heavily. His whole body seemed to be electrified, his limbs and brain were numb, and all the sounds around him suddenly disappeared.

Chading Qinghe Farm? No wonder the face on duty just now…

In the eyes of people in the capital, Chadian is synonymous with gangsters and bad guys, because it has been a place of exile for criminals in history. People in the capital know this place as long as they have been to detention centers and prisons. Those forced laborers who were sent to Chadian for causing trouble, petty theft, or fighting were often habitually called “re-education through labor prisoners.”

But in fact, forced labor reeducation is not considered a criminal punishment, but can only be regarded as an administrative sanction. But because most people can’t tell the difference between prisoners and labor camps, they simply equate labor camps with prisoners. Therefore, although prisoners in reeducation through labor are not considered prisoners, in fact they have been treated like prisoners, and they suffer the same discrimination as prisoners in society.

Hong Yanwu was stunned as he held the paper in his hand.

He actually? Back? past?

Real or fake? This is too…

Obviously it is impossible, but everything around me is so real.

Hong Yanwu stood stunned for a long time before he woke up from his confusion, but then he raised his hand and gave himself a mouthful.


The slap was loud and clear.

He bared his teeth and burst into tears.

There was sudden chaos all around, and the commotion in the crowd became louder and louder.

“It was so hard. I slapped myself to tears. These five big fingerprints…” Some people looked at it very happily.

“Come on, this man is sick. Don’t recruit him…” Some people also made fearful sounds.

“What’s going on? What’s going on? Is it fun?” Some people rushed over to join in the fun and inquire.

“Look, this lunatic probably ran away from Anding (referring to Anding Hospital, Beijing Psychiatric Hospital.). Look, he just slaps himself for fun…” More people used their imaginations, Describing it to others.

“Shh. Stop talking. He’s looking over…”

After hearing this last sentence, Hong Yanwu had completely come to his senses. Only then did he realize that the shed was actually a waiting room, with the exits being two doors next to each other. The door where he stood was tightly blocked, and many people who were anxious to get out were shouting “Excuse me” and “Give way” and were struggling to squeeze out. At the other door next to it, many people came in and were attracted by the excitement here. Once someone stops, they will be unable to move.

Let me go, there is a big traffic jam. Don’t call the police…

Hong Yanwu suddenly woke up, picked up the bedding roll on the ground and squeezed out. Wherever he went, people backed away and some people shouted in horror, “The madman is coming!”

This voice immediately caused chaos in the scene, with many people screaming and running around. Those who didn’t know thought it was Mr. Niu Erye from Bianliang in Tokyo who had come back to life and came here for a walk.

Hong Yanwu’s sharp eyes grasped a gap that flashed across the crowd and fled. After a fierce rush of squeezing and rushing, he finally broke through the layers of siege and escaped from the people who were paying attention to him, leaving only chaos behind him.

Hong Yanwu ran from south to north. It wasn’t until he turned a corner to the west that he threw the luggage roll on the ground, stuck his head out from the corner wall and looked back.

Sure enough, he saw two policemen in blue uniforms appearing at the door of the greenhouse waiting room. Among the people who were watching him just now, there were still a few people looking in the direction where he ran away, as if they were very reluctant to leave him.

If this is too slow, it will definitely cause trouble. It’s really scary.

It’s true these days, the people’s curiosity is really great. Whoever behaves slightly abnormally will immediately become the center of attention.

Hong Yanwu was indeed frightened. He really didn’t expect that he would end up in such an embarrassing limelight by not paying attention.

After a while, he took another look. Fortunately, the crowd has returned to calm. The two policemen did not pursue them and evacuated the people in the gathering place.

His heart felt at ease and he turned around while holding on to the wall.

This side of the corner is a small square. It’s bustling and there are more people.

Hong Yanwu found himself under a tall concrete building, with several long lines lined up in front of the building. Rows of cast-iron fences separated the people at the front of the queue, and there was a huge crowd. Everyone was crowded in front of rows of wooden windows, with the three characters “Ticket Office” hanging high above the windows.

Some people in the team were also watching him, obviously they saw the way he fled in a hurry just now.

In order to dispel the curiosity of these people, Hong Yanwu tried his best to control his demeanor and stood up straight as if nothing had happened. At the same time, his heart was beating wildly.

Here? Could it be…

Hong Yanwu looked up and saw a huge slogan on both sides of the railway logo under the eaves of the cement building. On the left is “Long live the great red regime!” and on the right is “Long live the invincible red thought!” It is majestic and has white characters on a red background. The largest three-dimensional characters on the roof are too close and the **** is steep to be legible.

He ran a few more steps to the right, then turned left and looked at the building from the front again, and finally saw clearly the four big characters on the building – Yongdingmen Station.

These four words almost rushed into his eyes, causing his brain to experience another uncontrollable impact.

He looked behind him again. Behind the square was the road, and across the road was a river. The other side of the river was lush and surrounded by green-painted iron fences. It seemed to be a park.

If this is Yongdingmen Railway Station, there should be – Taoranting Park?

Although seeing is believing, Hong Yanwu still couldn’t come to a conclusion. He even once again suspected that everything he was feeling now was just an unusually realistic dream, a dream he had before waking up. Maybe his body is being rescued in the hospital, these are just conjectures in his mind. Maybe it’s all just a coincidence, maybe it’s a prank by someone, or maybe it’s some hellish experiment by aliens…

There is an easy way to check.

Hong Yanwu simply ran to the ticket window to check the train timetable for the day. Naturally, he would not find the familiar LCD screen, and the departure timetable was only written on a few hanging blackboards. However, when he stood in the crowd and looked around for a while, he finally confirmed today’s date.

That’s right, today is March 21, 1977.

Hong Yanwu stared at the numbers on the blackboard, his eyes straightened again. He really hoped to come up with a reasonable explanation, but as time passed little by little, he finally gave up because it didn’t make sense.

Suddenly, he thought again, if all this was true, what would he look like…

Hong Yanwu turned around and looked around, and suddenly noticed a lot of glass windows next to the exit. Amidst a burst of inexplicable anxiety, he was unknowingly attracted and walked over. Unexpectedly, when he stopped, a miracle actually appeared in the reflection of the glass.

It reflected a young face, thin, with short hair, and a light fluff on his upper lip. The scar on his forehead that had been with him for decades had disappeared without a trace. This dark face looked familiar yet unfamiliar, with an expression that was both sad and happy, with an expression of surprise from ear to ear.

This is indeed him when he was seventeen years old, but it is not quite the person he used to be. Because the pair of sharp eyes looking at him intently in the mirror also showed the taste of vicissitudes of life, which undoubtedly proved that the past years were still having an effect on him. But other than these eyes, the person reflected in the glass looked completely like a boy who had not been exposed to the experience of the world.

Although Hong Yanwu had been prepared in his heart, at this moment, he was still shocked.

God, he is really alive! Moreover, he miraculously returned to March 21, 1977.

This day was the day when he returned to the capital to visit relatives after he was released from Christianity, and this place was definitely the place where he had just gotten off the train, Yongdingmen Railway Station.


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