Return To 1977 Chapter 117: Some are happy and some are sad

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Since the difference between the superior and the inferior in this battle has been very clear, and there is a highly respected “old ghost” mediating in it, the progress has been quite smooth this time after Hong Yanwu and the “Bacha” side returned to the negotiation table.

Without much effort, they reached a settlement acceptable to both parties.

The specific content mainly includes three items.

First of all, “Bacha”, “Small Landlord” and “Gongzi” agreed to exchange the ownership of the entire No. 40 line for a price of 2,400 yuan. They took one thousand yuan with them and delivered it on the spot, and promised to pay the remaining one thousand four hundred yuan ten days later.

On the surface, this seems to be quite different from Hong Yanwu’s initial economic demands, but he actually understands that “players” do not pay attention to “money”, and no matter how big the “handle” is, the cash in their hands will not be enough. Not much.

Besides, during this period of time, not only have “Bacha” and the others made no progress, but their injured subordinates have also had to pay for the aftermath. What’s more, there is still a sum of money to hire a broker and a helper. Therefore, this is basically a number that “Eight Branches” can bear by gritting their molars. I’m afraid that no matter how hard I squeeze, there won’t be much oil or water left.

In this case, Hong Yanwu agreed quite rationally and did not ask for more unrealistically.

Secondly, “Big Lao Fart” and “Lao Bao Shou” also paid two hundred yuan each at the scene, even if they apologized for pulling out a gun on Hong Yanwu today.

This point is completely made by the “old ghost”. His purpose was to get “Big Old Fart” and “Lao Fang” to pay part of the expenses to cover part of Hong Yanwu’s request for money for “Bacha” and the others. He also wanted to use the favor they owed him to make them completely give up their plans for revenge in the future.

Speaking of which, this is really not an “old ghost” just worrying. The main thing is that these masters have guns in their hands. If they really want to do it again, big trouble will happen if they don’t do it. Don’t forget, once firearms are involved, it is always a major case in the Public Security Bureau. He also considered this for the overall peace of the “player” circle in Nancheng.

In this regard, neither Hong Yanwu nor the frightened “Big Old Fart” and “Old Man” had any objections. They both expressed their willingness to reconcile and not find fault with each other again.

As for the last one, that is the punishment for Hong Yanwu’s “promoting” behavior.

The “Old Ghost” is a person who strives to be fair in everything he does. He knows that there is absolutely nothing in the world that anyone can take advantage of. So since the “Bashi” side has already paid a huge price in terms of money, he must not cover up Hong Yanwu’s violation of the rules, so he can give an explanation to everyone.

Originally, according to the rules, the punishment of “three swords and six holes” should be given in public. The purpose was to serve as a warning to other people in the circle who did not respect the rules. But what surprised everyone was that at this point, Hong Yanwu also proposed another solution. He actually expressed his willingness to “wash hands in a golden basin” with Chen Liquan and completely disband Shantou and withdraw from the world, instead of “three “Six holes in the knife” punishment.

To be honest, everyone here is full of cunning old Jianghu, but no one really thinks that Hong Yanwu is deeply repentant and wants to set an example for the younger generation. Everyone actually knew that this kid just wanted to escape the pain of physical punishment and live a comfortable life with the money he had collected.

But the important thing is that on the one hand, the lingering power of Hong Yanwu holding a gun to fill the stove has been deeply engraved in the minds of these people. Everyone knows that this is a **** who cannot be messed with. If he is held in a grudge, he may have endless troubles in the future

On the other hand, everyone knows that if Hong Yanwu takes this step, it means that in the future, he will no longer be able to have any disputes with others over issues of interest such as pickpocketing territory and “robbing the Buddha.”

In contrast, insisting on severe punishment will only increase the hatred between each other, harming others and not benefiting oneself. But if there is no such a **** who is not afraid of death as an opponent, then for everyone, it is equivalent to missing a time bomb that can detonate at any time. How to choose, and why should there be any hesitation?

As a result, most people’s reaction to this matter was to secretly breathe a sigh of relief. No one took it seriously, and they all nodded in agreement. Even “Eight Cross” himself feels that the “blood” given out today is a bit like giving away the plague god, losing money and avoiding disaster. I felt somewhat better.

In short, this negotiation made Hong Yanwu’s wish come true.

And the “Old Ghost”, the middleman, was not in vain. He was able to successfully mediate such an earth-shattering “difficulty”. Not only did he sell both parties a huge favor, his prestige and reputation naturally increased to a higher level.

Only the “Bashi” side returned home in vain. Not only did they lose face, they also had to “bleed heavily”, so they ended up losing money and going to their grandma’s house.

In this way, the tense and turbulent night at “Jinghua Restaurant” finally ended in a peaceful way.

At eleven o’clock that night, in the snack bar of “Xinfeng Restaurant” opposite the Telegraph Building on Chang’an Street and next to the Capital Cinema, Hong Yanwu, Chen Liquan, “Xiaobaizi”, “Hongye”, “Naughty” and their Several little brothers were sitting on two square tables put together, holding their wine glasses high, and gathered together happily.

There was a full table in front of them, but there were not many delicacies, namely “boiled peanuts”, “tofu mixed with green onions”, “mustard dumplings”, “celery yuba”, and “cold cabbage heart” , ten plates of cold dishes for two portions, plus eight liters of beer and a bowl of wontons in front of each person.

This is not because Hong Yanwu was stingy and was playing tricks with the 1,400 yuan in his pocket. In fact, the main reason is that these days restaurants generally close at eight or nine o’clock, and there are very few places where you can drink and eat at night.

If we look at each house, the ones that are still open at night include the “Day and Night Dining Hall” in Qianmen Building, the “Qinghai Restaurant” in Dongsi, a wonton shop in Xisi, and the “Xinfeng Restaurant” Restaurant”.

In comparison, the “Day and Night Dining Hall” is located on the site of “Bacha”, the “Qinghai Restaurant” only sells steamed buns and porridge at night, and the Wonton Shop in Xisi only has one window open for business. You have to eat and drink outdoors. So no matter how you look at it, it is not as suitable as the “Xinfeng Restaurant” which is closer to Baiguang Road.

So I’m not fooling around at all. To have such a table at this time is actually a very rare and sumptuous banquet for a night owl who likes to spend the night and mess around. .

After having a few drinks, according to the general rules, the following process will begin to enter the bragging stage.

But just when “Naughty” had just lit a cigarette for Hong Yanwu and before he had a chance to compliment him, “Hongye” suddenly remembered something fatal.

He immediately became extremely anxious and shouted to Hong Yanwu in a suppressed voice.

“Wu, your ‘fire ****’ is still on you! Stop **** smoking and come out with me…”

When Hong Yanwu heard this, he not only smiled nonchalantly. And he actually reached into his arms, took out a bundle of “fire ****”, and then waved it nonchalantly and threw it towards him.

“You want it? Here it is!”

This guy made “Hongye” look so angry that he couldn’t even curse. He even felt that his hair was about to stand on end, and thought that his life might be sealed.

Because he knows that the ingredient of “fire ****” is mercury fulminate. This kind of detonating explosive is extremely sensitive to flame, needle puncture and impact. If you are not careful, it can cause an explosion.

Unexpectedly, when he hurriedly caught the thing, his nose was almost out of breath and crooked.

The amount of love is wrong, fake!

“Fuck, what the **** is this!” “Hongye” cursed angrily, pulled one out tightly, and tugged on the paper reinforced cap. Yes, the “stuffing” inside was immediately exposed.

“You’re so good, it’s full of sand!”

Seeing the sadness on “Hongye’s” face, Hong Yanwu burst out laughing on the spot.

“Hahaha! ‘Red Leaves’? Have you ever made a mistake?”

“Hongye” was even more shameless now, and half-angry and half-irritated, he raised an army to question the crime.

“Hey, our brothers are here to help you out of kindness today, but I can’t help but let your little brat act like a monkey! Do you believe I will slap you?”

Hong Yanwu quickly comforted him with a serious and respectful tone.

“Calm down, calm down! Brother, it’s really my fault, don’t be angry. But having said that, if it weren’t for your cooperation, professional knowledge and true reactions, how could we have such good results? I won’t hide it. You said, in fact, I specially invited you here today just to ask you to help me cooperate without knowing it…”

“Hongye” suddenly realized.

“Good boy, I’ve been part of your plan since the beginning of co-writing! From whom did you learn to be so cunning?”

After seeing “Red Ye”‘s expression softening, Hong Yanwu became poor again.

“Brother, do you still need to ask? I learned from you, and we also have a copy of Three Kingdoms. How do you think of the “Dangyang Bridge” I sang today?”

Unexpectedly, “Hongye” really cheered when he heard this.

“Hey, I have to say that this thing of yours has really been made with great effort. Just looking at the appearance, the tube shell and the reinforced cap are all right, and they can look real. There is another thing, when you were ordering **** That expression is so perfect. If you ask me, you are so good at pretending, it would be a waste if you didn’t act.”

“Thank you for your praise. I don’t know the depth and I still have to practice.”

Hong Yanwu spoke modestly and felt proud, but “Hongye” changed the subject and asked another question that left him scratching his head.

“Oh, but, you’ve never been in a mine, how do you know what a **** looks like? Where have you seen this thing?”

Hong Yanwu rolled his eyes and began to smile evilly again.

“I said, brother, can you please let me have some confidence? The older girls have already boarded the sedan, so don’t ask where the matchmaker is…”

The moon shines brightly on Kyushu. Some families are happy and some are sad.

On the same night, at the same moment, on the second floor of the “Day and Night Cafeteria”, the “Bashi” group was drinking. Every one of them is in a low mood. The high spirits and laughter in the past have all disappeared, and today they are all like shriveled eggplants.

“Two thousand four! This is two thousand four! He is not afraid of stretching himself to death! He really dares to open his teeth!”

As soon as the “little landowner” swallowed a sip of bitter wine, he slapped the table in pain again.

“Bacha” lamented.

“Okay, I almost had someone take the blame just now. How much money can buy your life is not expensive. Besides, the matter is already here, what’s the point of talking about it anymore!”

The “small landowner” is still angry and angry.

“Don’t say that. You can swallow this breath. I really don’t know how to swallow it. With this kid, he became a rich man. In the end, he became famous in one battle and escaped unscathed! Let’s What? I didn’t pay a penny less, and I almost had a falling out with ‘Big Lao Fart’ and ‘Lao Feng’, and even lost my face. Damn it, how could it be so cheap? ”

“Bacha” is still sighing.

“Then what can we do? We have already surrendered in front of the ‘old ghost’. If we go back on our word, we will be going against the two families! If we say something unpleasant, we will make the ‘old ghost’ upset. If you and I are tied together, can we lift our arms?”

The “little landowner” was immediately gagged, and then he couldn’t help but lose his momentum.

“Alas! It’s not that I’m talking about anything else. I’m just thinking about one thing right now. You say…can’t he be a lie? If it’s true…”

“Bacha” shook his head. He was deep enough in the city, and his words hit the point.

“It’s really a big trick for ‘Red Boy’, and you don’t regret it. I also tell you, as long as you soften on the spot and don’t dare to change the story, then we lose! Besides, you also Don’t think about it, with this kid’s crazy energy that he doesn’t even care about the gunpoint, and his brain that can make all five of us spin around, will you still be able to do anything if you mess with him? I really don’t think I have a long life!”

The “little landowner” was stunned for a moment and fell into a temporary silence. Then he woke up and muttered another sentence involuntarily.

“Red Boy, Red Boy, you are so capable! I can’t hold it back, I’m convinced, I’m convinced…”

“Bacha” saw that the “little landowner” seemed to have figured it out, so he comforted him from another perspective.

“Well, in the end, it’s a good thing. After all, this kid won’t argue with us anymore. And it’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Everyone has reincarnation. I believe in retribution.”

But at this time, the “little landowner” was completely bald and had no ambition.

“Okay, don’t say anything. From tomorrow on, our brothers will work hard to collect money for others…”


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