Return To 1977 Chapter 115: Fighting fiercely

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

In this era, street fighting in Beijing is dominated by cold weapons, and any firearm is a high-tech product.

Due to the general lack of knowledge about firearms at that time, coupled with an imaginary use of the power of firearms. Therefore, once these two “tube sprays” are revealed, the deterrent effect is extremely amazing.

Almost everyone present felt their hearts pounding for a moment!

Everyone here stood up from their chairs as if the temple had been blown up!

No matter where the princes were, they were playing fiercely again, and there was no sound for a while. They all stared at the two black holes of the muzzles, and all of them could not help but break out in cold sweat.

Even Chen Liquan and “Hongye” were stunned on the spot, and Xiao Baizi almost peeed in fear.

To say that the expressions at the scene were generally normal, only the two top “Old Paoers” in Nancheng, “Old Ghost” and Hong Yanwu.

Hong Yanwu didn’t know whether the “old ghost” could remain so calm because he was well-informed or because he was bold. But the reason why he feels confident is because in the 1990s, when gun cases were frequent in his previous life, he had played with countless home-made guns. He has a deep understanding of both the performance and origin of this weapon.

He knows that due to the many years of war before liberation, there have always been many homemade guns among the people in our country. Some of them are relics from before liberation, but they were not handed over in time after the arrival of peacetime. Others were made by mountain villagers who mastered the gun-making method during the war, and later made their own guns for hunting.

Like “Guanerjang” belongs to the latter. This kind of gun is also commonly known as the “spoiler”, and its official name should be the gunpowder shotgun. Most of the ammunition fired is iron sand. Due to the large impact area and short effective range, it is only suitable for shooting rabbits, pheasants and other small prey.

If you really want to hit someone, it will be like a sieve. Not to mention that no one could die, the probability of serious injury was also very low. However, suffering is inevitable, because the treatment is quite labor-intensive, as one has to pick out the iron sand from the body one by one. And if it hits the face, there is a huge risk of disfigurement.

In fact, if we really want to talk about more powerful shotguns, we have to talk about the most famous “five-shot” shotgun.

That kind of single-barreled shotgun has much better performance than the “Guanerjet”. Not only is it more powerful, but it can also load five rounds of bullets at a time and fire continuously. It is more suitable for hunting wild boar, roe deer and other large prey. If you shoot someone, although it is not to the point of killing someone with one shot, the possibility of death due to excessive blood loss is still common. Therefore, this kind of gun is the most popular gun among criminals in our country.

If we want to make a more appropriate description, it can be said that the status of “five consecutive rounds” in the minds of our country’s criminals is basically the same as the status of the AK47 in the hearts of the majority of gun fans. Liu Huaqiang, the protagonist of the TV series “Conquer”, uses this sawn-off shotgun.

In short, even if you are facing a gun, there is a saying that fear comes from the unknown. Since Hong Yanwu could clearly judge its power, he didn’t feel so scary.

But having said that, “Old Man” and “Big Old Fart” could think of finding this thing as a ” trump card ” against Hong Yanwu, and they obviously used their brains and made big plans. They thought that this was how to take him down in one fell swoop and take complete revenge.

Therefore, in the eyes of these two opponents, Hong Yanwu’s calmness was naturally regarded as a forced composure, and they even thought that he was scared out of his wits.

I saw “Lao Baochao” drink first in a domineering manner. “‘Red Boy’, ‘Chen Da Bangchui’, you all should be f*cking honest. If anyone dares to move again, be careful of the gun going off.”

“Big Old Fart” also yelled wildly. “You two little **** didn’t expect that, did you? Let’s see if the other one is awesome! Humans are all made of flesh. Gods are not afraid of guns!”

As for “Bacha”, “Little Landlord” and “Gongzi”, they were all immersed in an unexpected surprise. Not only did they spare no effort in praising “Big Old Fart” and “Old Man”, they couldn’t help but speak harsh words and ridiculed Hong Yanwu’s side, completely thinking that they had already won.

It should be said that this special scene is also the moment that most tests people’s hearts and humanity. As Chen Liquan stepped in front of Hong Yanwu, “Little Leizi” and “Naughty Boy” also woke up and protected their “handles” with their bodies.

On the contrary, the people around “Yaozi” and “Nail” each took a step back. It makes these two “hands-on” very difficult to get off the stage, both in their hearts and in their faces. For this reason, they couldn’t help but turn pale with anger, and turned around to glare at those boys. Probably starting from today, it will be difficult for these former confidants to gain their trust.

As for the opponents, they were undoubtedly very proud to see everyone’s nervous reaction. After “Lao Fang” and “Big Lao Fart” laughed wantonly with “Bacha” and the others for a while, they asked the big guys not to be nervous in an attitude that was forgetful and almost showing off. They also said that they were only targeting Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan, and even “Hongye” was guaranteed not to hurt him as long as they didn’t move around.

Subsequently, “Lao Fang” immediately turned his face again and began to insult Hong Yanwu. He also ordered him to deliver Xiaobaizi here in person, otherwise he would be forced to walk around without food. Not only was the tone condescending, but the words were also hard to hear. In his heart, he obviously regarded Hong Yanwu as dough in his hand, letting him knead it.

“You are bragging.”

Unexpectedly, when facing the gun, Hong Yanwu’s only answer was these three understated words. And the most astonishing thing was that he didn’t seem to be frightened at all and actually pulled Chen Liquan back behind him.

“Lao Tong” was immediately confused. He really didn’t understand what Hong Yanwu was thinking. Don’t know whether to live or die? Or insane? Then he was so angry that he shouted again more fiercely.

“Baby, are you dizzy? This is a real **** guy! If you dare to say no or make any move, you will be killed immediately!”

In order to cooperate with his “control”, “Gangtou” immediately pointed his gun at Hong Yanwu like a demonstration and raised it. But what was even more unexpected was that Hong Yanwu didn’t care at all. Instead, he approached the stove nearby and picked up the tongs to pull off the stove cover. And he even sneered contemptuously.

“Aren’t they just two ‘pipe sprays’, holding a fire stick for hunting pheasants, the muzzles of the guns are rusty, who the **** are you trying to scare! Besides, can iron sand kill someone?”

One sentence hits the mark, and “Lao Fang” and “Big Lao Fart” couldn’t help but look embarrassed at the same time. They immediately understood that Hong Yanwu knew the guy they had brought very well. If you want to make this kid completely surrender, I’m afraid it’s not even possible with these two guys.

Before they could answer the call, Hong Yanwu had more words to scare people. “Tell me the truth, were you looking for it in that village in Hebei? How much did this **** cost? Do you have twenty? Why didn’t you even get the ‘Five Continuous Shots’? Aren’t you two stupid? Confused? ”

After saying these words again, not only “Lao Fang” and “Big Lao Fart” felt embarrassed, but even Chen Liquan, “Hongye”, “Yao Zi” and “Nail” also calmed down. Many, and even more uneasy discussions began to surge around.

Nothing else. More and more people have noticed that these two guns seem to have limited power and are mostly used to scare people.

“Fuck, who are you trying to bully? You’re pretending to be big, aren’t you! Even if I can’t jump you to death, I can still make you half crippled…’Baofu’!”

Because the scene was shaken, “Big Old Fart” was completely anxious, and as he said hello in a hurry, “Baofu” also took a step forward and straightened the muzzle of his gun.

According to the “big old fart” idea, no matter what, this is a real guy who can fly sand and rocks with a blast. If he can’t kill someone, he will lose half his life. He really doesn’t believe that Hong Yanwu is not scared at all. However, what happened next left him baffled and extremely disappointed.

To be honest, Hong Yanwu really didn’t feel anything. He didn’t pay any attention to him. He even used the tongs to take out a piece of burning briquettes from the stove lid and placed it on the stove. superior.

In anger, “Big Old Fart” couldn’t help shouting at Hong Yanwu again, “You are so **** crazy, now is the time for you to draw fire! You really shot!”

This shouting was extremely powerful, coupled with the fact that “Baofu’s” veins were exposed, his eyes were red, and his hands holding the gun tightened at the same time, so no one dared not believe this threat. For a moment, except for Chen Liquan and “Xiao Baizi”, everyone who was close to Hong Yanwu, including “Hongye”, all stepped aside for fear of being accidentally injured by the gun.

Those who helped break up the fight, and those who were entrusted to break up the fight, are now completely bystanders, and the focus is only on Hong Yanwu. But to everyone’s surprise, Hong Yanwu actually made another amazing move.

I saw him unbuttoning his upper body clothes in one go, and taking off his outer jacket completely in just a few strokes. And when he revealed the three bundles of things tied between his chest and abdomen, they were really 10,000 times more terrifying than those two firearms, and shocked everyone on the spot!

Because each bundle is made of seven cylindrical cardboard tubes bundled into a ball, with gunpowder fuses attached!

“Dynamite!” “Lao Dachang” was the first to shout.

“Bomb!” “Big Old Fart” howled.

“Fire (thunder) tube!” Even “Red Leaf” couldn’t help shouting!

Hong Yanwu sneered with a distorted face, “Old man, old fart, you two are stupid, you are just uneducated. Listen to what brother Hongye said, he is the only one who has mined. A real expert! ”

But “Hongye” completely ignored Hong Yanwu’s teasing. He was frightened and just shouted anxiously. “Xiao Wu, you’re crazy! This thing is capable of blowing up mountains. One bundle can flatten this house! Get away from the stove!”

Well, just this voice can be regarded as helping Hong Yanwu solve a big problem.

It turns out that, despite seeing these bundles of **** at first sight, “Lao Fang”, “Big Lao Fart”, and even “Bacha”, “Little Landlord” and “Gongzi” are indeed very frightened. But on the other hand, due to their unfamiliarity with explosive equipment and their instinctive cunning, they must still have some suspicions.

Because they have never really seen this **** thing, and they don’t believe it in their hearts. There are really people who dare to die together with their enemies.

But “Hongye”‘s emotional reaction was so real! Considering “Hongye’s” humanity and his mining experience back then, and under such an emergency situation, no one would suspect that his reaction was fictitious or exaggerated!

So, this immediately dispelled the suspicions in the hearts of the “bosses” present, causing each of them to fall into a state of mind-numbing fear. Even the “old ghost”‘s expression changed drastically on the spot.

This is good, they are just like this, let alone others. In an instant, more people stepped back involuntarily, and many people’s backs were pressed against the wall. If the incident hadn’t happened so suddenly, and his mind couldn’t move for a while, and his legs were so frightened that he was weak, someone would have panicked and fled!


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