Return To 1977 Chapter 108: Three giants

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“Da Mian” is right, not only the “Bashi” people are well hidden. When we arrived at the Tianqiao area, even the “small landowners” were nowhere to be seen. Hong Yanwu took the people for a walk for a full hour and found no unlucky person.

However, this did not trouble Hong Yanwu. Because of the “Xiaobaizi”, it is actually much easier to find people who are “small landlords” than people who are “Bacha”.

Don’t forget, “Xiao Baizi” has been with “Da Long” for several years and is quite familiar with some of the internal situations of the “Little Landlord” gang. Therefore, with him as a “traitor” as a guiding light, it is useless for many people to hide in rat holes.

Under the hands of the “little landowner”, in addition to the “big dragon” who had just received eleven stitches on his head and was lying at home recovering from his injuries, there were also three powerful generals. They all came here shoulder to shoulder with the “small landowners” when they started their business, and each has their own specialties.

“Mangzi” is quick to strike. The two three-edged spatulas in his left and right hands can create flowers and pierce countless tricks.

“Dunzi” is a professional weightlifter who was expelled. He can often defuse the opponent’s courage by showing off his strength. He relied on his big arms and waist and strength to fight three or four of them as if for fun.

But the most difficult one is “Xiao Youfei”. He is a lunatic who fights without his life. Even though he has not practiced much kung fu, he is so ruthless that he would rather hurt himself by 800 in order to hurt the enemy a thousand times. A naughty spirit that stalks, **** and scoundrels. If anyone wants to fight against him, he will risk his life and bite off a piece of his opponent’s flesh. He would never rest until the other party was admitted to the hospital.

“Xiaobaizi” took Hong Yanwu to find “Mangzi” first.

This kid usually doesn’t like to go back to his own home. He always likes to spend the night at the house of a “little Buddha” whose parents have been sent back to his hometown.

This day was no exception. At around eight o’clock in the evening, “Mang Zi” and several of his brothers were drinking at “Little Buddha’s” house.

“Little Buddha” lives in a simple building in Shazikou. At that time, a table was set up with liquor, loose beer, preserved eggs, peanuts, deboned meat, rice sausage and so on. These people were sitting in a circle. They didn’t know where they found the film of Three Girls, and they were punching each other.

But just when “Mang Zi” was touching the face of a small “circle” with one hand and holding a wine glass with the other hand and was about to take a sip of beer, the door of Little Buddha’s locked house suddenly made a soft “click” sound and was opened by someone. .

Outside the door, stood the “little wife” holding a wire in her hand. His face was full of pride, “When the mountain flowers bloom, I will laugh in the bushes.”

Subsequently, seven people rushed in one after another, it was Hong Yanwu and the others.

On hearing the words “Do it!” these men broke in, like wolves and tigers, and launched a stormy attack on the “Mang Zi” group who were already stunned on the spot.

The table was overturned, and plates and bowls were broken all over the place. The three girls huddled aside in panic and screamed.

“Mangzi” was the first to react, but he was also the first target of attack. Therefore, as soon as he pulled out the two scrapers, his hands were grabbed by “Three Bouncers” and “Chop Knife”.

Then, two rays of cold light pinned his left and right hands to the ground almost at the same time. The excruciating pain made “Mangzi” tremble all over his body.

His subordinates were not very good either. They took turns with big mouths, fierce punches from left and right, all fell on the face, and kicked them with flying feet. After countless kicks, their faces were swollen and deformed. , not only the nose was bleeding, but the eyes were also bleeding.

This group of boys were all beaten silly. After playing for so long, they have never encountered such a sudden and cruel encirclement and suppression. Soon, no one dared to move anymore. They all bent down and held their heads, lying on the ground obediently, acting as a human sandbag that was forbidden to be pulled, pulled, kicked or stepped on.

The violence lasted for twenty minutes. When Hong Yanwu waved his hand, the brothers finally stopped. After this, the usual interrogation began.

As expected, I still didn’t get any useful information.

But when Hong Yanwu and his men turned around and walked away slowly and squarely, he had another hundred or so dollars in his pocket.

After all, the “big brother” level is different, and the foundation is thicker.

The second person “Xiao Baizi” led Hong Yanwu to find was “Dunzi”.

“Dunzi” has a fixed activity pattern. Almost every night, he goes to an old warehouse of Yongwai Auto Repair Company to exercise and play with barbells.

The reason for this is that his experience in weightlifting made him make friends with several young workers from Yongwai Auto Repair Company who loved to do weight training.

At that time, because there was no specific concept of bodybuilding in China, there were no gyms. But out of instinct, these young workers all have an obsessive pursuit of the powerful male body. So they spontaneously established an amateur weightlifting club using homemade training equipment and the company’s scrap warehouse.

But what troubles them is that due to the lack of professional coaching guidance, people often suffer from improper training, slow progress or accidental injuries. So after meeting “Dunzi” unexpectedly in a pub, out of admiration for his physical fitness and professional experience, they were eager for talents and decided to let “Dunzi” serve as the club’s coach.

As for “Dunzi”, in fact, since he left the weightlifting team, he has been worried about not having a suitable place for strength training, so they hit it off immediately, and “Dunzi” quickly became passionate with these workers.

At 9:30 pm, when Hong Yanwu and his team suddenly appeared in the old warehouse of the auto repair shop, a dozen sweaty auto repair shop workers who were exercising vigorously were all surprised. Everyone stopped and looked at them in a daze.

This scene also made Hong Yanwu’s five subordinates feel terrified. They couldn’t help but look at each other, feeling that it was quite a mistake to come here. They were even more afraid that if a fight broke out, these big men as strong as cattle would come to help.

As expected, things tend to develop in the worst direction.

When Hong Yanwu stood still in the field, pointed at “Dunzi” who was sitting aside and resting, and ordered him to come over, “Dunzi” not only snorted, but also sneered contemptuously. There were also several workers who picked up some wrenches, hammers and other tools and gathered around them.

But an even more surprising situation occurred when the five subordinates took a few steps back with some guilt. At the critical moment, Chen Liquan actually stepped forward and rushed towards the “Dunzi” alone.

Due to the sudden incident, “Dunzi” didn’t have time to react. Chen Liquan rushed over and grabbed “Dunzi” by his collar.

“Dunzi” naturally wanted to break away, but it was strange that no matter how hard he tried, he could not move Chen Liquan’s hand at all. Only then did “Dunzi” realize that he was the frog in the well, “Chen Liquan” “Big Bang Chui” deserves its reputation. But it was too late for him to regret it.

At this time, Chen Liquan did not hesitate at all, and twisted his body directly, and with a “Lengbiezi”, he threw the “Dunzi” on his back, and he was in a mess.

Following that, Chen Liquan used his hand again and grabbed one of “Dunzi’s” arms.

He twisted it very decisively, and the sound of broken joints and sharp screams sounded at the same time!

In fact, this night became not only a nightmare for “Dunzi”, but also a night of frustration for all auto repair shop workers. Even after the incident, many people have wavered on whether they should continue weight training.

Because at that time, more than a dozen men risked their lives to attack, but not only could no one touch Chen Liquan, but they were all thrown to the ground by his three moves.

They still tried and failed again and again. After a while, they figured out that they were still giving in to them. From then on, no one dared to act rashly or seek humiliation.

Just think about it, how can these self-proclaimed majestic and mighty men accept this kind of performance and gap in strength?

The confidence they gained through perseverance and sweat every day suffered a devastating blow the moment Hong Yanwu and his gang walked away.

At this point, the final target is “Xiao Youfei”.

Speaking of which, this kid is not only brave and fierce, but also quite scheming.

Because that night, for the sake of safety, “Little Youfei” had been wandering around outside after getting the message to join the team. After eating and drinking, we not only went to watch a movie, but also took a nap at the Beijing Railway Station.

It wasn’t until midnight that he felt there was no danger, so he returned to his lone house on Jinyuchi West Street.

It’s just that his cleverness is still a little bit behind, because on this day, he really shouldn’t go home again.

At around one o’clock in the morning, “Little Youfei” opened the door of his house. When he reached out to pull the light cord, he unexpectedly found that the light cord was broken.

This abnormality failed to wake him up in time. He just cursed angrily and slammed the door.

After that, he continued to walk in the dark towards the bed, but when he got closer, he suddenly discovered that there was another person in the room.

The man was sitting on the stool beside the bed. At this moment, he suddenly lit a match, lit a cigarette, and started smoking by himself.

It was very dark in the room and I couldn’t see anything clearly. But at the moment when the match was lit, “Little Youfei” finally saw the man’s face clearly, and the eyes that made him pierce his back.

“Little Youfei” was shocked, “Damn, we are really here!”

He is no stranger to this person. Frankly speaking, he is even quite jealous and quite afraid.

In fact, a large part of the reason why he can persist in his ruthlessness is because he is angry with this master. He couldn’t tolerate someone being more feared than himself in terms of “ruthless”, so he had always regarded this person as his biggest competitor in the future.

But he also knew very well in his heart that although Dao Erwan was not aware of this person, he was far superior to him in terms of reputation and strength. If they really matched up, it would probably not be good. This was why he had to compromise today and avoid it for a while, but he never expected that he would not be able to escape no matter how hard he tried to hide.

“‘Red Boy’, why are you here?”

“Waiting for you.”

“You…what are you going to do?”

“I want information about the ‘small landowner’ from you. If you say you don’t know, I will ask you to pay off the debt of the ‘small landowner’.”

“I (fuck) your mother, ‘Red Boy’!”

“Xiao Youfei” suddenly threw the door key at Hong Yanwu’s head, then turned around and ran out the door. Unfortunately, in his panic, he forgot to open the door, and his head hit the door frame.

He has no chance to escape! A strong force pushed his arms behind his back, and his face was pressed against the cold door panel. Then, a hot cigarette **** pressed against his neck.

“I don’t tolerate others scolding my hometown. You have violated a taboo!”

With the smell of burnt flesh, Hong Yanwu’s voice sounded cold and arrogant from behind, and he spoke more like a moral role model.

“(Fuck) your mother! I have never done anything I regret! As long as I don’t die, I will kill your little brat sooner or later!”

“Xiao Youfei” really deserves the word “cruel”. He risked breaking his arm and lowered his head with all his strength. Then he endured the severe pain and suddenly turned around, desperately hitting Hong Yanwu behind him. past.

He fought hard! The movements are strong, swift and fierce, like an enraged mad dog!

However, he is obviously not Hong Yanwu’s opponent.

In the darkness, he first felt a hard blow on his chest, and then his body shrank into a ball completely out of control.

Immediately afterwards, he received another more violent blow on the head, and stars flashed in front of his eyes, as if he had fallen into a bottomless pit, falling rapidly and effortlessly.

Half confused and half confused, he felt that his leg seemed to be stepped on by Hong Yanwu

Then there was a sudden “click”, and the severe pain woke him up in an instant. But he only yelled heartbreakingly, and then he didn’t know anything else…

Early the next morning, neighbors found “Xiao Youfei” still lying on the ground in a comatose state through the open door.

After everyone sent him to the hospital, they learned from the doctor that not only did “Little Youfei” have a broken leg, but he also developed pneumonia due to the cold wind overnight.


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