Return To 1977 Chapter 107: Find the back account

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

As the saying goes, every injustice has its owner, and its debtor has its owner. Hong Yanwu’s primary target of revenge is naturally the “Bacha” and the “small landlord” himself.

It’s just that those two “old guns” are extremely skilled masters, and “Gongzi” knows how to hide, so how can they wait for revenge?

So just as Hong Yanwu expected, when they came to look for the accountant, both of them had completely disappeared. Even the “Four King Kongs” under the command of “Bacha” and “Ciermei”, the sidekick of the “little landlord”, have also disappeared.

So Hong Yanwu could only turn his target to the rest of their men.

The first reason for doing this is to try to see if I can force out the information about their hiding place.

Second, we must also demonstrate our own methods and determination, and create an illusion that we are willing to die together, so that all enemies hiding in the dark can take a good look.

San Lai has completely turned his back. Don’t forget, the “Buddhas” also have money on them. They can make up for the losses inside the **** and make up for the losses outside the dike. Whatever they can “wash out” is better than nothing. As long as it falls into their pocket, it is theirs.

At seven o’clock in the evening, as usual, the “Big Buddha” and “Er Baldy” under the “Donkey Kong” seat were hungry after riding all day with a few little brothers.

So they got off the No. 5 bus and walked quickly towards Langfang Toutiao. They had to go to the “Hurricane Restaurant” in “Menzha Hutong” before closing time (that is, the time-honored “Ruibin Restaurant” in the Forty-Nine Cities, which was famous for its “Huoshao”, “Hurricane” was the temporary name at the end of the “movement”) to eat “Huoshao” . (It is said that “衡裢火烧” is a Beijing snack created by Yao Chunxuan and his wife from Shunyi in 1876. Because of its long shape, sometimes folded in half, it resembles the old 衡袣 carried on the shoulders, so it is named “衡裢火烧”. Its taste is similar to pot stickers, but Different shapes)

Perhaps because they were anxious, they didn’t pay attention to what was behind them. They didn’t even expect that they had been targeted since they got off the bus. As a result, as soon as they turned into this 100-meter-long narrow alley, they were chased from behind and surrounded by a group of eight people.

From the gloomy eyes of the first two men, “Two Baldy Guys” knew that something was going on. He quietly reached into his lower back, where a three-edged scraper was tucked.

“Say! In which gutter is the ‘Eight Cross’ hidden?”

“Ah…are you the ‘Red Boy’?” “Er Baldy” finally saw a face in the darkness clearly. He was so frightened that he loosened his hand from drawing the knife. He knew how powerful this master was and he couldn’t afford to offend him.

“Master Hong… I’m just a worker, how do I know where the ‘bangzi’ is going?”

“Where’s ‘Donkey Kong’? Your elder brother knows about it, right?”

“I…I really don’t know, I haven’t met him today. If something happened, he would definitely be hiding. You also know that people at the level of ‘eldest brother’ often change their living quarters. …”

The words of “Er Baldy” were not deceitful, Hong Yanwu could tell. So he was silent for a while before giving another order.

“Where’s the money you have? Take it all out!”

“Master Hong? Are you trying to ‘wash’ me? We are all acquaintances. If you are short of money, just talk to our ‘big brother’, why bother…”

Before he finished speaking, “Er Baldy” saw Hong Yanwu wave his hand, and a life master rushed directly behind him. He came up and grabbed his neck, punched his head several times, and hit him so hard that he fell to the ground.

That ferocious face is a “war criminal” and a “jar”!

“What nonsense! Pay for it!”

Just like this scene and a loud shout, Er Baldy’s little brothers were all trembling with fright, and no one dared to resist.

The eyes were sealed, the head was buzzing, and the “two bald men” were swaying and unable to stand. Now he has become a fish on the chopping board and has to be “washed” obediently.

Fortunately, I just paid my dues at the end of last month. Their brothers’ harvests in the past few days were average. He only had about seventy yuan in his pocket, so the loss was not too big.

Unexpectedly, after the money was handed to Hong Yanwu in the “jar”, Hong Yanwu only accepted six large bills, and the remaining dozens of pieces of scattered bills were thrown on the ground.

While “Er Baldy” was confused, he heard Hong Yanwu say something else. “You are quite cooperative. As long as you are honest, your skills will not be completely ruined! Take it to the hospital…”

“Two Baldy” suddenly understood, he shuddered, and couldn’t help but scream.

“No, please…”

But before he could utter the words clearly, he received another heavy punch in the lower abdomen, which made him cough and bend over in pain. Immediately afterwards, his right hand was grabbed by “Jar” ​​and pressed against the wall.

Then his palm suddenly hurt! The blood stained the brick wall behind my hands red!

End! At least San Yue shouldn’t even think about practicing anymore!

This was the last thought of the “Two Bald Man” when he witnessed his own blood flowing down his arm and into his sleeve in severe pain…

Different from “Er Baldy” who considers himself to be unlucky, “Er King Kong”‘s number one “warrior” “Da Mian” fell into the hands of Hong Yanwu only because of his own fault!

When it was late today, because “Big Mian” was following “Er King Kong”, he also heard the news sent by “Bacha”.

He was surprised to learn that “Bacha” actually sent someone to “touch” “Red Boy” privately, and even missed it, so even big brothers like “Er King Kong” are not allowed to do so for the sake of safety. Do not hide temporarily to avoid its sharp edge.

In this way, before “Er King Kong” left, he specifically asked “Da Mian” to take good care of the people under him and close the team in advance. He was also told to be extra careful with “Red Boy” people and wait two days to see clearly before going out on the streets.

Actually, “Da Mian” did exactly what he said, but he didn’t expect that people would be so sad. When he came out from home to buy cigarettes, he unexpectedly met a lonely girl at the entrance of Daguanlou Cinema. As a result, he couldn’t walk anymore.

This little girl looks to be in her early twenties, “Pan’er” is quite “bright” (a slang term for good looks), and she is wearing navy blue stovepipe pants and a red scarf. Wandering back and forth in front of the Daguanlou Cinema, his “energetic” eyes couldn’t help but glance at the passers-by. People in the door would know what he was doing at a glance.

“Da Mian” looked at him for a long time, and the more he looked at it, the more itchy his heart became, so he stepped forward to strike up a conversation, and within a few words they got to know each other. Then he gave the girl a dollar, bought two more movie tickets, and they walked into the cinema together.

“Da Mian” also didn’t expect that this “La” cost quite a lot of money. In the last row of the cinema, as soon as he touched the pile of smooth and round meat **** in his clothes, his whole body felt like an electric shock.

A strong desire burned him so hard that it stuck in his throat and hardened into an iron hammer. It took him a long time to calm down.

As a result, the original intention of just picking and touching and cuddling was completely whetted, so he temporarily changed his mind and started talking to them about spending the night.

The prices charged by the ladies are quite high. They ask for two big sticks and a meal of mutton-boiled meat from the “one-stop restaurant”.

“Da Mian” spent a long time talking, but the other party also refused to give in. In the end, he had no choice but to feel the money in his pocket. It was barely enough, so he gritted his teeth and agreed.

At the time, he never imagined that this instinctive impulse would bring him not just a one-night romance, but a catastrophe. So much so that long after the incident had passed, he was still calling women a disaster.

Why do you say that?

First of all, it was because when he walked out of the cinema early with that “La” and wanted to go to the “one-stop” on Qianmen Street, by some strange combination of circumstances, he actually bumped into Hong Yanwu and his group who had just walked from the direction of Menzhang Alley.

The second thing was when he wanted to turn around and run away, but as soon as he turned around, the “La” mistakenly thought that he wanted to go back on his word, and hugged his arm tightly, refusing to let go.

So after such a delay, it will be completely too late. “San Bengzi” and “Chop Knife” caught up with them in a few steps, and then the guy showed up, forcing him and the “La” into a small alley next to them.

In the shadows beyond the reach of the street lights, the interrogation that made “Da Mian” tremble began.

“‘Da Mian’, why are you running away? You don’t want such a beautiful sister anymore?”

“Chop Knife” pressed “Da Mian”‘s shoulders against the wall. Instead of saying anything serious, he teased “Sex” unkindly.

“Da Mian” couldn’t help but turn his head. He saw that the “La” next to him had turned pale with fright and his body was shaking. He could only force out a smile and responded.

“Brother, if you like it, I will give in.”

“I am not so lucky. This ‘La’ ‘plate’ is pretty good, isn’t it cheap?”

“Chop Knife” continued to be poor, but his hand touched “Da Mian”‘s trouser pocket.

“Da Mian” immediately “waked up” and actively pointed the “chopper” to take out all the bills and change, which was about forty yuan.

“Money is easy to talk about, brother, please treat me. But I don’t have much with me, so don’t be too little…”

While “Da Mian” was picking out his pocket, “La” probably wanted to beg for mercy. She couldn’t help but call out “Brother”, but as soon as she said so, “Sanbengzi” gestured at her with a shiny object in his hand, and immediately frightened her back.

“Okay, stop talking nonsense.”

Hong Yanwu was too lazy to go around in circles. As soon as he took the money from “Chop Knife”, he went straight to the point and asked the key questions.

“‘Da Mian’, you must know something, otherwise you wouldn’t react like this. If you want to get away with it, you’ve made the wrong idea. Tell me, where are the ‘Eight Forked’ and the ‘Er King Kong’? ?”

As soon as “Da Mian” heard this, he knew that he couldn’t hide it, so he had to tell the truth.

“Master Hong, it’s none of my business. I knew that ‘Bacha’ would send a message to the ‘Four King Kongs’ this afternoon, saying that you had failed in your plot and asked my ‘eldest brother’ and the others to hide. Now The news is very tight. They have been hiding for a long time. As for where they are hiding, ‘big brother’ won’t tell me, and I don’t know when they will come out again…”

“Really? That’s it? If you don’t tell the truth again, don’t regret it…”

Having said this, Hong Yanwu gestured to “Chop Knife”, and a sharp object immediately pressed against “Da Mian”‘s left leg.

“No more, really no more…”

“Da Mian” was sweating coldly, but he had just finished speaking. “Chop Knife” exerted force on his hand, and his trouser legs were immediately stained with blood.

But it hurt, but he didn’t dare to say a word, let alone shout. He could only hold his breath, grit his teeth and close his eyes.

“Brother, brother, this is none of my business, really…”

Unexpectedly, although “Big Mian” could hold it back, the “La” next to her couldn’t help being frightened by this scene and started begging loudly. Fortunately, “San Bengzi” covered her with his hands again. mouth, this time, she could only cry “whimpering”.

“You think about it again?”

Following an indifferent inquiry, severe pain began to penetrate into Da Mian’s flesh again, in a swirling and slow manner.

This made “Da Mian”‘s eyes black with pain, and all the muscles in his body were shaking with pain. He looked at Hong Yanwu’s unmoved face and fully believed that Hong Yanwu could do anything sinister, ruthless, or inhumane! So he desperately spoke out what was on his mind.

“I really don’t know, really… If you look on the street now, you will definitely not find an ‘eight-pointed’ person. Everyone knows to avoid you, how can they treat you like this?” Just tell us your whereabouts…”

Fortunately, these honest words finally dispelled Hong Yanwu’s suspicion. With a wave of his finger, the “kitchen knife” was suddenly pulled out, and the torture of “Da Mian” finally came to an end.

“You are unlucky today because you are a ‘Bacha’ person. Take good care of yourself at home for a few days. The world is in chaos these days. If you can, don’t go out…”

After saying these last words, Hong Yanwu gave “Da Mian” a very flat look, then turned around and left. His people also left.

The moment they disappeared from the alley, the frightened “La” also fled the alley immediately, without even looking at “Da Mian” again.

At this time, “Da Mian”‘s injured leg could no longer support himself. As he leaned his back against the brick wall and slowly and feebly collapsed to the ground, a string of tears caused by fear finally rolled down from his eyes.

Soon, he closed his eyes again, breathing heavily…


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