Return To 1977 Chapter 105: hidden spring

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Saturday, April 3, 1977.

Hong Yanwu had a great time today.

Because it was approaching noon, “Daminzi” sent someone to bring him a message, saying that the money had been collected. Then at two o’clock in the afternoon, the people from “Gongzi” also delivered the same good news. In the end, both parties made an appointment with him to pay the money as scheduled tomorrow.

For this big happy event, which happened to be on the weekend, Hong Yanwu decided to go out with Chen Liquan in the evening and have a drink to celebrate.

It happened that in the afternoon, “Xiao Baizi” hit a few sparrows with his slingshot and came to him. He even called “Xiao Baizi” and said that he would take him to the coal factory to wait for Chen Liquan to get off work. Let’s go out to get some dinner together in the evening.

So when it was almost five o’clock, Hong Yanwu informed his family in advance that he would not be eating at home that evening. Then he cleaned the aluminum lunch box used by his father and put it in a net bag before leaving the house. For no other reason, he couldn’t forget about home when he was eating and drinking, and he had to bring back some meat and vegetables no matter what.

That’s it, after I went to Qiuzi’s house in Xiyuan, I called Chen Liquan and made an appointment to meet after get off work. Hong Yanwu and “Xiaobaizi” happily chatted and walked straight to the coal factory. Along the way, his heart was filled with a sense of relief that his work was about to be accomplished.

But at this time, he just ignored one of the most important things – when people are happy, they are also the most careless!

There will be a price to pay for carelessness. This is the same for everyone, so reality soon gave Hong Yanwu a hard time. Just when he and “Xiao Baizi” turned into Xiaochuan Dian’er Hutong, an astonishing incident occurred.

At that time, two people who looked like young workers came towards Hong Yanwu, both of whom had league emblems on their chests. They all look like the most outstanding and promising young people of our time.

But who would have thought that they were specifically targeting Hong Yanwu. Just as they were passing by, the two “workers” suddenly revealed their weapons and stabbed Hong Yanwu without hesitation.

It’s just a fluke!

First of all, because the two “workers” wore masks to hide their faces, Hong Yanwu felt particularly awkward. When they were close to each other, he subconsciously glanced at the other person’s face twice, and then he immediately noticed the murderous intent in the other person’s eyes.

Secondly, people with kung fu are far more agile than ordinary people. Hong Yanwu’s hard work for several years was not in vain. After the opponent launched his attack, his instincts were very fast and he narrowly avoided the critical point.

But even so, it does not mean that he will be unscathed. As a result, the knife that stabbed Hong Yanwu’s shoulder was pierced on his arm, and the other knife that stabbed his lower abdomen cut his lower back. .

In just the blink of an eye, Hong Yanwu’s upper body clothes were completely torn, and he also had two minor wounds on his body. What’s even worse is that he immediately realized that these two people were extremely dangerous, and their purpose was to at least completely destroy him.

Why do you say that?

This is because the “Diajia” in the “player owner” circle is also divided into levels and has particular requirements.

The lowest level, of course, refers to conflicts with words, fists and kicks. At most, you can use bricks to scare people, but they don’t really use them.

The main purpose is to gain a sense of victory or defeat. As long as one party flees or surrenders, it will end. This kind of situation causes the least harm, and most of them are nosebleeds, black eyes, and the like.

As for the second level, it is to point the guy to blood. But even so, there is still some deliberation on what to use, because the purpose is still to frighten and subdue the opponent, not to kill the opponent.

For example, Banerzhuan shoots the top of his head, which can destroy his own momentum and make his opponent more powerful. Secondly, it can knock the opponent unconscious, making him feel frightened and lose his fighting spirit. The third is that the damage is controllable, and at most it is a concussion.

For example, spring locks, plate straps, etc. are also specially greeted at the head wearing a cotton hat, or violently swung at the chest and back.

What if it is a knife?

Generally, in order to build momentum and control danger, a kitchen knife is often used. Because as long as you don’t hit your head, the risk of being cut through clothes is minimal. The big thing looks majestic when you hold it in your hand, and it can have a great deterrent effect.

On the contrary, knives such as scrapers and switchblade knives are the most dangerous and must be used accurately.

When veterans use straight-piercing knives, they usually scratch the arms, buttocks, and thighs. The worst fear is that of a novice who doesn’t know the ropes and just wants to look presumptuous. When he is anxious, he will impulsively stab someone in the chest and abdomen with a knife. Then something big will happen.

Finally, let’s talk about the third level, which is the highest. The only definition is to choose the most destructive weapon with purpose and premeditation with the intention of killing someone or completely maiming someone. As long as they meet on a narrow road, the shot is aimed at killing someone. Wherever you go, never be vague!

What Hong Yanwu encountered today is undoubtedly the third situation. Not to mention that the other party was ruthless and went straight to the vital point. Even the guys they used were anything but ordinary.

Because one of them is holding a Finnish dagger known as the “King of Attacks”, and the other is holding a three-edged bayonet equipped with a Type 56 semi-automatic rifle.

With these two weapons, they can easily pierce flesh and bones. If they pierce the hands, feet, and limbs, serious injuries and disabilities are common. If they pierce the stomach, chest, head, etc., death will be certain. Obviously there is a sense of deep hatred and sworn hatred!

So as soon as Hong Yanwu’s mind flashed, he realized that he might have to kill him. So he shouted “Get aside”, first pushed away “Xiaobaizi” beside him, and then pounced on the two opponents.

The one closest to Hong Yanwu was the “Finnish Dagger”. Hong Yanwu faced the kid’s stabbing knife without dodging. He just picked up the net bag in his hand and hit the kid’s head first. Then he raised his leg and kicked **** the chest of the second “Army Spur” who rushed towards him.

He didn’t leave any room at all. In these two times, he rushed to the head with bleeding, broken muscles and broken bones.

Sure enough, the effect is also in place. The “aluminum lunch box” was smashed with a muffled sound, and the “Finnish Dagger”‘s head was “opened” instantly, and his body tilted and hit the brick wall of the alley.

The “Army Thorn” who took his kick also took a few steps back, then fell to the ground with a “gudong”, clutching his ribs and “clanged”.

However, just when “Hong Yanwu” was about to use his indomitable momentum to pursue the victory, he did not expect that the two injured boys actually had a more vicious back-up plan. Each of them hurriedly took out a small glass bottle from his pocket, unscrewed the cap one after another, and threw it at Hong Yanwu.

It would be weird if this was something good!

Hong Yanwu immediately bowed his head and let the two glass bottles pass over his head.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of glass bottles breaking and a strange hissing sound coming from the wall behind him.

He turned around uncontrollably, and his face immediately turned pale.

It turns out that on the wall, pungent smoke is rising from the place where the liquid was splashed, and it is also sizzling and gnawing at the ancient masonry!

In the glass bottle… is concentrated sulfuric acid!

“Grandson, you won’t survive today!”

Hearing a cruel and wild cry, Hong Yanwu turned around again, and his eyes were splitting again!

Because he suddenly saw that “Finnish Dagger” and “Army Spur” were holding four open glass bottles at this time, and they were preparing to throw them at him again!

Before he could react, there were two “swish” sounds, and two more glass bottles came out of his hands!

It’s over!

Hong Yanwu felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on his head, and he was completely chilled from head to toe. He knew that if he could dodge the first two, it would be difficult to dodge the two they had prepared in their hands. I’m afraid he would have to deal with it here today!

But at this moment, the most shocking change happened!

Only two soft “chunk” sounds were heard. Before the two glass bottles flew out of one meter, they were hit by something at the same time and exploded into pieces. Sulfuric acid also splashed in the air!

Hong Yanwu was far away, turned his back and covered his head, only a few drops were sprinkled on the sleeve of his left arm.

But the two culprits were miserable, their clothes and masks were all splattered!

As the clothes and masks were quickly corroded by sulfuric acid and turned black, they panicked and threw the bottles of sulfuric acid at Hong Yanwu before taking off their masks and shirts.

I didn’t expect that this time it would be over, they would not repent, and they were all trapped in a cocoon!

Because just like last time, the last two sulfuric acid bottles exploded in the air as soon as they were released. As a result, a lot of sulfuric acid was splashed on them again.

Now, it’s hard not to touch the flesh!

Smoke curled up on their heads, faces, and hands, and they felt burning pain. In extreme fear, they couldn’t care about anything and turned around and ran away. After just a few steps, he completely disappeared from the alley.

In this regard, Hong Yanwu had no intention of stopping them, nor did he pursue them. Because as soon as he came, he knew that these two boys would be fine if they didn’t disfigure their faces or burn their stomachs. There was nothing more he needed to do. Secondly, he was also completely attracted by another thing at this time!

That was “Xiaobaizi” who was behind him, seven or eight meters away. Although his face was extremely pale and his breathing was extremely rapid, he was holding a fully-strung string in his hand. slingshot.

The four sulfuric acid bottles just now were all broken by him!

“Master Hong, I hurt someone, I won’t go to jail for this, right?”

“Little Baizi” was still young after all. As soon as he was sure that the crisis was over, he immediately gave up. As soon as the slingshot dropped, I was about to shed tears.

“Don’t worry, it’s their own fault. If anything happens, I’ll take care of it. Besides, if we really need to investigate carefully, you’d better act bravely.”

Hong Yanwu knew that this child had never seen the world, so he quickly comforted him with a few words. Seeing “Xiao Baizi”‘s expression gradually softening, he couldn’t help but curiously asked the question he was most concerned about.

“‘Xiaobaizi’, what you just did was two ‘double-shot cannons’! This skill… was practiced by beating a sparrow?”

“My dad is the ‘Slingshot’ in Tianqiao’s ‘Little Eight Monsters’. I haven’t learned any other skills, but I’m pretty good at this one. What about ‘Swan Lays Eggs’, ‘Water Drops from the Eaves’, ‘Prodigal Son Plays Football'” ‘, ‘Swallow pecking at the mud’ I’ve been able to do since I was a child, ‘double-shot cannon’ is nothing…”

“Xiaobaizi” tells the whole story in just a few sentences. But only halfway through, he discovered that Hong Yanwu’s sleeves had been burned with several big holes. Immediately I started to cry again and began to feel sorry for myself.

“Master Hong, your hand is injured, is it because I broke the bottle and it splashed on it? It’s all my fault…”

“Don’t be stupid, thanks to you today, otherwise I would have become Yang Zaixing in “Little Shanghe”…”

Having said that, at this time Hong Yanwu not only felt a few drops of sulfuric acid corroded from his clothes, but also burned his arms to the point of severe pain. And at the same time, his shoulders and lower back were still bleeding.

But the feeling of pain also has a benefit, that is, it can make people regain their composure. Therefore, Hong Yanwu immediately became aware of a more fatal problem.

“No! I have to find Quanzi…”

Hong Yanwu suddenly shouted and was about to leave. But then he remembered that “Little Baizi” was still frightened, so he hesitated and made another arrangement for “Little Baizi”.

“Brother, you go home first, I can’t take care of you anymore…”

Unexpectedly, “Xiao Baizi” wiped away her tears and turned out to be extremely stubborn and determined.

“No, Mr. Hong, I’ll go with you!”

Humans are such strange creatures! Even though some people are as soft as noodles on weekdays, at critical moments, they are definitely the most reliable helpers!


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