Return To 1977 Chapter 103: Day and night dining hall

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Qianmen is famous not only for the Qianmen Building and Wengcheng, but also for the “Dashilan Street”, “Jewelry Street”, “Xianyukou”, and of course the “Eight Hutongs”.

Due to the solid business foundation inherited from the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, from before liberation to 1977, this area has always been the main business district that people in the capital used to patronize.

Everyone in the old Beijing at this time knew that as long as they went to Qianmen, visited “Dashilar”, and walked around a few nearby streets, eating, drinking, having fun, and buying take-out clothes, everything was settled.

The level of prosperity here is no less than that of Xidan and Wangfujing, let alone the later “foreigners were confused by the one-stop service”.

Therefore, it is not an ordinary person to be able to hold such a good ground and the “knob” and “eight points” of the front door.

Speaking of which, every industry pays attention to inheritance from generation to generation. If the “player” circle starts from this point of view, I am afraid that no one’s qualifications can surpass the “eight crosses”.

Before liberation, the uncle of the “Bacha” was the “tuantou” of the “poor families” in the Qianmen area, and he always took care of the fattest piece of meat. Not only has he never let other people’s chopsticks stick into his pot, but every shop inevitably gives him a share of the income, even the Hong family of the “Yan” brand, the Yue family of Qirentang, and the Meng family of Ruifuxiang. Business names are no exception.

From this we can see where the ability of “Bacha”, who is nearly thirty years old, fat and not outstanding in martial arts, to command and control an entire party comes from.

Although the “eight-cha” man never had children in his life, and was killed during the “movement” when his old accounts were uncovered, this lonely old man in his sixties has lived a life of good fortune and sex, and has slept with countless women. , Life is really not a loss.

And even the last few years of his life were not wasted. All his skills and unique skills were left to his nephew “Bacha”, making this boy the best successor to inherit his legacy. This also makes “Bacha” succeed him and still be able to control the wind and rain on the ground at the front door and eat everywhere.

Thursday, April 1, 1977.

It’s almost nine o’clock in the evening. In the “Qianmen Day and Night Canteen” of the West Polishing Factory, there are not many people on the second floor that specializes in cooking. Only “Bacha”, a table of seven or eight people, is still chatting enthusiastically, and they can’t stop pushing. Cup for cup.

This can’t help but make the waitress who yawns frequently very troubled. Because they were all close acquaintances, she naturally knew that these **** would probably not leave until early in the morning without drinking.

“Basha” is very fat, and gets angry when he drinks. He is shirtless in the room that is not too hot, with a handkerchief on his head for wiping sweat, and there are two bottles of 65 degrees on the table. The pot of Erguotou has bottomed out, and the dishes on the dining table are almost empty, with only a few plates of “peanuts”, “mustard dumplings” and “fried sesame tofu” left.

“Sister, two more bottles.”

“Bacha” just took the last sip of wine and waved to the waitress for a second round.

“Drink, drink, drink! I’ll drink you to death sooner or later.”

The waitress made two “bang, bang” sounds and angrily put two bottles of Erguotou on the table, making the plates on the table rattle.

She is an old woman in her forties, with a fleshy face and eyes almost embedded in her flesh. His temperament and service attitude are definitely a benchmark among state-owned restaurants.

But “Bacha” didn’t care at all and even patted the eldest sister’s fat ass.

“It’s not like we don’t pay, and you work the night shift too. Why don’t you just come over and join us to relieve your boredom? What a great thing!”

“Stop teasing me, I’m older than your mother!”

Following that, the waiter gave me another sideways glance.

“I said to you kid, how come God brings people here to cause trouble? Why don’t you go to the ‘Judequan’ and ‘Duyichu’ next to it? I thank you, don’t go here just to take advantage of it. Also give me Can I take a few days off? You can’t make me work the night shift every day…”

“Look what you said.”

Bacha” a subordinate couldn’t help but interjected.

“‘Judequan’ and ‘Duyichu’ get off work at 8:30, and not many of your places are open all night. Where else would we go if we didn’t go here? Besides, your place isn’t cheap either. An inch plate of braised pork slices costs 15 cents, and Kung Pao chicken costs 50 cents, but the taste is far worse than others…”

Of course the eldest sister didn’t like hearing this, so she started talking about it.

“You come here if it doesn’t taste good? You’re a bitch! If you don’t like it, get out as soon as possible. Our master chef still won’t serve you!”

At this time, another subordinate of “Bacha” shouted, “Sister, what you said is wrong, isn’t it? What is written on the wall? ‘Serve the people’! We are the people!”

These words made the eldest sister even more angry, so she hit him on the head.

“People? Are you **** people? You don’t even deserve to be the sons of the people! Don’t think I don’t know what you do for a living! I should chop off your claws one by one!”

“Sister, you are so cruel! No matter what, you have to show some affection to the neighbors. We didn’t steal anything from you!”

The boy who was slapped covered his head and screamed.

The waitress rolled her eyes again.

“Tch, you’re still picking on me! I’m telling you, if I hadn’t found my lost bicycle because of you, I would have reported you to the Public Security Bureau!”

Having said this in a hurry, something seemed a bit off, so “Bashi” interrupted to smooth things over.

“Sister, we all know who you are, so there’s nothing to say. But I have to say, in fact, the main reason why we are here is to improve Feng Shui. Even though we are Bai Ding’er, we also know that this boundary is The original “Zhenyang Building” was the top spot in the “Eight Buildings”. Yuan Shikai, Li Yuanhong, and Duan Qirui all ate here, and it was here that my uncle stayed for so many years. We can’t lose the old tradition, isn’t it…”

But I didn’t expect that the eldest sister would not give “Bashi” any face at all, and pointed at his nose like she was lecturing the third grandson.

“Bullshit! You kid, be careful, don’t be like your uncle and end up being shot!”

Okay, it’s not a problem at all!

When “Bacha” saw this, he refused to suffer any loss and immediately took advantage of his words.

“To tell you the truth, sister, I’m really not afraid! You don’t know that my idol is ‘Kang Ba Ye’ (Kang Tianxin, a famous gazazi Liuliqiu in the late Qing Dynasty in the capital. He relied on the Japanese revolver he purchased and has long dominated the world. He was wanted by the government for committing frequent murders, and was later captured by the government on behalf of the Xingyiquan masters Shang Yunxiang and Ma Yutang. This story was performed in the Peking Opera “Donghuangzhuang” and became the last one in the late Qing Dynasty. A prisoner who was executed by Ling Chi)? He went to the execution platform and watched as he was being stabbed one after another! What a big deal, I’ll die just once with my sister before I die. It’s a pity…”

As soon as he said these words, there was a “boom” on the table, like the lid of a pressure cooker being opened, and his brothers all slapped the table and started cheering on the spot. Everyone laughed wildly, like a group of ducks in heat

And just when the waitress was so angry that she was blushing and frowning, she heard a noise on the stairs, and five or six more people came up from downstairs, and they happened to see the scene in front of them.

“You bitches, you are teasing good women again! I owe you a label of ‘gardener’ (a slang term for a prostitute), and you will be sent to the police station to spend the night with a urine bucket in your arms.”

The leader of these people was a short, stocky man in his early thirties. He “yelled when he saw an injustice on the road” and made fun of the “Bacha” group on the spot.

Don’t mention it, “Bashi” and the others were squeezed by this person. Not only did they not get angry, but many people started calling them “big brother”.

Especially “Bacha” grinned and screamed in surprise.

“Who am I talking about? Oh, ‘Little Landlord’. You are still alive. I haven’t seen you for a while. Which ditch did you climb out of? Hey, where is ‘Ciermei’? Why didn’t you bring it out? You won’t remarry, right?”

With these few words, the waitress had already seen that they knew each other, so she didn’t bother to say hello. She just cursed angrily, “No **** good thing!” and went back to her chair to take a nap. .

Needless to say, this person is the “handsman” and “little landowner” of Tianqiao.

If you ask which area in the entire capital is the most chaotic, apart from the North City where there are “poor Desheng Gate, bad fruit market, and blind alleys”, the southern part is probably the top priority for overpasses.

Because this was the area where bullies and gangsters were most prevalent before liberation, and it was also the main place for folk artists and charlatans to make a living. Some people even think that Tianqiao is the epitome of all the sinful life in the old society.

After liberation, although the overpass was renovated and busking activities were gradually banned, most of the residents who settled here are the descendants of those who lived on the overpass in the past. This area is still the most troublesome for the government to manage. area.

So the “small landowner” who can control one side in such a complicated territory all year round is also not a good person.

The “little landowner” has martial arts skills, and three or four ordinary people can’t beat him. He also has qualifications. He joined the “Pao’er Bureau” in the past five years and lived in the “circle” for five or six years before returning to society. Even more prestigious, he never looks back on things he is determined to do. As long as he respects him, he will respond to every request and will do everything possible. In this way, you can not only ruin your reputation but also gain popularity.

Of course, people like this also have bad tempers. So the “little landlord” had no interest in continuing to be poor with “Bacha”. He just waved his hand and pointed to a table for four in the corner.

“‘Bacha’, if you have something to talk about, let’s sit down and talk.”

“Hey, are you so serious? It’s not like you. When did you become so human?”

“Bashi” does not change his playful and smiling character, but he also knows that the “little landowner” “does not go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything”. So with his mouth teasing and his body not idle, he still moved his nest. He only asked his subordinates to invite the brothers of the “little landlord” to drink at the big table.

Then after the two of them sat down at a small table, they both lit up a cigarette, and the words “little landowner” followed.

“Don’t mention whether I have any human appearance or not. But you, brother, are completely inhumane!”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Don’t pretend to be like me. I know about Gongzi raising money for Red Boy. Has the world changed? A man who has just returned to the capital will let one of the two dignified ones.” Hong Hai’er is pressing hard, how many people are there, you two are already here!”

“Basha” rolled his eyes after hearing this, but instead of getting angry, he blew out a smoke ring, showing a cynical look.

“Speak wherever you go. No one can do anything if you encounter a crazy person who doesn’t know whether to live or die. You also know what kind of humanity ‘Red Boy’ is. He is a small person, but together with ‘Chen Da Bangchui’, he is It would be a big mistake to start a war with them if they can resist dozens of people. If you don’t play well, you will be in trouble. Besides, if Gongzi is willing to live in peace, why do he have to use swords and guns? “

The “little landowner” raised his voice and said, “You are a fool, the more you live, the more you become irritated!”

The “eight forked” remains in its original state.

“Nothing. It’s a good thing to be bold, but it also depends on the scoring situation and against whom. We have just had two good days, and now it is time to make money. The original is the same, and the ‘Red Boy’ is also barefoot He is not afraid of wearing shoes, and his eyes are green before he wants to slap him again. Don’t worry, man, once you have money and live a comfortable life for a few days, I think he will lose his temper. It’s okay, in the end, we just don’t interfere with each other. Take a step back, hello, hello, everyone. After all, if others can tolerate it, why can’t I learn from you and ‘Dalong’?”

Hearing the last sentence, the “little landowner” blushed and couldn’t help grinning “hehe” and laughed a few times. “Bacha” is definitely a sensible person and has long seen his deliberate instigation.

“Running on me? Let’s be honest, I just can’t stand this tone today, so I came to you to join forces. ‘Red Boy’, this kid came back this time, he was so ignorant. On the day of ‘Li Stick’, ‘Ciermei’ gave him a try. Hey, he beat me up like a mad dog the next day. If he doesn’t bite anyone, he’ll be punished the next day. But it turned over.”

“No, I think the ‘Red Boy’ has never seen any good things, so he will take the risk of fighting for a ‘mother-in-law’. Haven’t we all been young? Old man, I think you did it for ‘ Ci’ermei, have you forgotten about beating seven and eight Jing’er? It’s all about coaxing children. Besides, we can’t just rely on us to clean up everything about the people below. This is just like fighting with children. Same thing, if you want to sue your parents after being beaten, you have to get slapped in the face first. To put it bluntly, is it worth it?”

After spending a long time talking, “Bacha” just dodged left and right without taking any moves. The “little landowner” was a little impatient. He threw his cigarette **** on the ground and complained half-angryly.

“I really don’t like hearing what you say. If you want to be the eldest brother, you have to be able to suppress your brothers, stand out when things happen, and suppress things when you are in a hurry. If you don’t care about anything, who will provide for us… Besides, it’s not worth it, but what about money and territory?”

This last sentence really worked. As soon as he said it, the “little landowner” saw the “eight-pointed” eyes sneaking towards him unconsciously.


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