Return To 1977 Chapter 102: The dog is anxious to jump over the wall

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“Damn it, I was so smart this time that I was misled by my cleverness!”

“Er Tou” cursed as if he still couldn’t understand his hatred, and picked up a half-empty wine bottle on the table. “Gudongdong” he took a deep drink first, and then slammed the empty bottle. go out.

With a “boom”, the bottle hit the wall and shattered into pieces!

This is an old warehouse of a hardware store located in the pine forest of Yongwai – a shelter that “Er Tou” has found in advance for emergencies. The time was two o’clock in the morning on March 28, 1977.

In addition to “Second Head”, several of his subordinates were also present in the warehouse. But several people just looked at each other in confusion when “Two Head” lost his composure, and no one said anything.

To say that they were really excited today, they were quite happy to gather at “Er Tou”‘s house to celebrate the “change of dynasty” the next day in advance.

Unexpectedly, they had just had enough wine and food, and they were thinking about the future together and talking nonsense. In order to repay “Two Head” for saving their lives in the past, “Old Cat” actually sent someone to come to their door. After sending a letter, everything changed.

None of them expected that after wiping out all their opponents, the “Red Boy” from Xinlu would actually make peace with “Gongzi”.

That brat Hong Yanwu is simply crazy! I heard that he actually agreed to give up Route 40 to “Gongzi” on the condition that he could raise a thousand yuan a week. And in the end, he sold the “second person” who had been providing him with information.

This situation not only turned them from great joy to great sadness, but they were completely in disbelief. For their small group, it was a disaster like a thunderbolt!

No one knows what this means. Maybe tomorrow, no, right away, someone will come to the door with a knife!

For a time, “Roller”, “Door Panel” and “Zha Gun” all fell into deep fear.

Fortunately, “Er Head” and “Big Eyed Deng” are both veterans. Although they drank a lot of wine, they were still able to maintain a certain level of sobriety at critical moments.

In this critical situation, they made a prompt decision and immediately urged their dazed subordinates to quickly pack up their belongings, carry knives and some food, and set out in simple clothes for an emergency evacuation.

After they packed up their things, they didn’t even dare to go through the front door. Instead, they left through the back path that had been prepared by “Er Tou” and used a wooden ladder to climb over the backyard wall.

But fortunately, they were able to survive the desperate situation.

Because they had just walked from the back door of the courtyard to the darkness of the street, they saw from a distance from the corner of the street, illuminated by the street lights on the telephone poles, “Gong Zi” with one leg and his head bandaged. “Xie Fu”, who looked like a wounded soldier, had already led a dozen people to block the courtyard gate of their “home”.

It’s so suspenseful! It’s only ten minutes away. If you’re a step too late, something big will happen…

“Bang”, another sound!

“Two Head” kicked over another broken stool, grinning with his hands on his hips, panting heavily, and the veins on the temples of his big bald head were jumping. It was obvious that there was a feeling of depression stuck in my heart and it hadn’t come out yet.

“That’s alright, the little ones are all looking at you!” “Big Eyed Lantern” frowned and finally interjected.

Although it is just a plain sentence, “Big Eyed Deng” is a person that “Second Head” has always respected, and what he said is right, so “Second Head” had to restrain his temper and start Try your best to stay calm.

“Brother Yan’er, it’s all up to me. You advised me not to have any thoughts on him. I was the one who took ‘Red Boy’ too seriously. I originally thought he was an impulsive evil star. As long as you show respect, you can take advantage of it. But I didn’t expect that this kid would become a completely different person once he came out of the “education circle”. I also had a big dream, thinking that it was all in my own calculations… Gao, so **** high! I can’t say that his skills are too dark, I can only say that I am too shallow!”

“Big Eyed Lantern” looked at “Er Tou”‘s face twisting uncontrollably, and couldn’t help but sigh again.

“It’s useless to say this now, what will we do in the future?”

“What should we do? What else can we do? Even the people from the ‘Bacha’ will come out to look for us tomorrow, so we can only stay here as mice. After this gust of wind, let’s find a way to leave. Alas, the capital is… I can’t wait any longer. If I miss a move, I will lose everything. All my years of ups and downs have been lost in the hands of a young boy. What else can I say? “Two heads! He continued to speak angrily, with a look of “the end of the road” on his face.

But when “Menpan” heard that he was leaving the capital, he immediately panicked.

“Brother Ertou, I…I can’t leave, I have to go home…”

Opposition to “shooting” also followed closely.

“Me too, it’s okay to hide here for a few days, but leaving the capital is impossible…”

“Second Head”‘s anger immediately jumped up again, and he couldn’t help scolding his two subordinates for being stupid.

“You two little **** want to rebel! Don’t leave? If you don’t leave, you will at least be disabled! Would you rather be a **** for the rest of your life, or lose one hand?”

When I heard “shooting”, I burst into tears.

“Brother, is there no other way to go? No! There is only one mother in my family. If I leave, my mother will die of panic…”

After hearing this, the “Second Head”, who knew the situation of “Zha Gun”‘s family, could no longer get angry. Instead, he sighed and felt ashamed.

“Brother, it’s all my brother’s fault for dragging you down! If there is some way, I… don’t want to…”

At this moment, “Big Eyed Lantern” spoke again.

“‘Er Tou’, if you can listen to my advice, we might as well hand over the method of making money. You also know that ‘Gongzi’ is overwhelmed by ‘Eight Cross’, If he has this extra money every month that he can hide from ‘Bacha’, he will have hope of turning around, so he will definitely not kill us all, and at most he will be kicked out…”

“You mean…train tickets? But that’s me…”

“I know, then you want to keep it for yourself when you come to power. But look at our current situation? You’d better stop thinking about fighting with Gongzi. Wake up, we have already lost! ”

“Er Tou” didn’t say anything for a long time. He just lit a cigarette with a sullen face and started to smoke it in big gulps.

As he was thinking about it, his expression gradually turned sinister, as if he wanted to ignore it and break the jar. But then he looked at the pitiful faces of a few of his subordinates, and his hopeless heart softened, and he even showed some pity.

So then, he slammed the cigarette **** on the ground and finally made up his mind.

“Hand it over! For the safety of our brothers! I won’t fight anymore!”


After hearing the words “Er Head”, several of his subordinates shouted in gratitude. Even the “big-eyed lamp” let out a long breath.

But they didn’t expect that it was too early for them to worry. Because “Two Head”‘s next words lifted their hearts again.

“It doesn’t matter if you give it to me or not, you have to give it to whoever you are! The dog bites people when they are anxious. They make me spin around and force me to have no way out. No one can think about it!”

“Big Eyed Lantern” was so surprised that he couldn’t help asking. “‘Two heads’, what do you want to do?”

The two heads stared straight out of the window, with a scheming energy, and at the same time, they gritted their molars and said something.

“I want to surrender to the ‘little landowner’ of Tianqiao! As long as he protects us, no one can touch us! If things don’t change, maybe we can even get revenge…”

“Er Head” is missing!

“Gongzi” and his people rushed to the empty place, and then they searched for several days but couldn’t find anyone. At the same time, “Bacha” also began to send people to help and put a message on the street. If anyone wants to know the whereabouts of “Erhead”, just let them know and they will be friends. If you help hide him, be careful of “unfavorable travels” in the future.

So everyone in the world knew that “Two Heads” had become the “most wanted criminals” of both parties.

But what surprised most people was that neither the “Daminzi” of Tianning Temple nor the “Gongzi” of Yongdingmen had any conflict with Hong Yanwu, which made them have inexplicable expectations and thought it was inevitable. What would have been a **** battle also came to nothing.

On the contrary, the entire bus line 40 has become a “three-nothing”, and surprisingly fell into a strange situation where no one dared to “step off the bus and unload the goods.”

This situation has even surprised the police stations along Route 40, because no one has reported the theft on the Route 40 bus line in the past few days.

However, even though it looks so tempting, all the princes are also the masters of “Xingchan’er”, and no one dares to reach out and grab a handful.

Because judging from the fact that the “Vise” no longer falls and the leg of “Gongzi” is injured, many people are guessing that they may have suffered a loss from Hong Yanwu. Aren’t there baits on the mouse traps? There must be something going on here, and anyone who touches it will definitely get bombarded.

As a result, people from all parties stopped a lot and paid more attention to the relevant disturbances. Those who have some ideas can only continue to sharpen their teeth and prepare in secret. Therefore, this extremely abnormal tranquility has continued.

Other than that, the only new thing in the world is that I heard that Hong Yanwu beat up the “big dragon” of the “little landlord” in order to fight for a low-ranking “little Buddha”. I also heard that the “little landowner” was very angry about this and said that the “red boy” was too disrespectful and would sooner or later want his good looks.

Many people were originally quite puzzled by Hong Yanwu’s behavior of causing trouble in the face of a powerful enemy, but later they were relieved when they heard that the sister of this “little Buddha” was a “flower” near the Tianqiao Theater. .

The hero has a hard time with the beauty. In the circle of “player masters”, there is a saying that “love comes from the knife”, and fighting for the “mother-in-law” leads to “big troubles”. This is too common.

Like “Zhenbeihai”, “Seqi” and “Seba” in the north, and “Shaguoer”, “Chuan’erhong” and “Xiaoliuer” in the south, which one of them is not charming the city with a smile and moving the survey? The beauty disaster that triggered large-scale armed fighting? Thinking about it, it’s not so strange that this “flower” can charm the “red boy” who has never seen many women.

Just because of this, everyone generally lowered their evaluation of Hong Yanwu a bit, thinking that he was lustful, stupid, and just a reckless man who followed his temper and didn’t understand priorities.

But for Hong Yanwu, he didn’t care much about all this.

It doesn’t matter whether “Two Head” lives or dies, I don’t dare to settle the score with him anyway.

As for the No. 40 bus line, as soon as he gets the money, he no longer needs to worry about it.

As for the “small landowners”, there is no fundamental conflict of interest, and it is a joke to be able to live a “bad life”.

You know with your buttocks that at such a sensitive time, the “little landowner” who knows his depth will never casually mobilize troops to “charge” him. Then the people on the other side must die of joy?

Reputation? That would be even more of a joke. As long as he knows what kind of person he is, after all, if others tell the truth, he will not lose a piece of flesh. In this broken circle, the more others misunderstand you, the safer you will be.

So after finishing the work that night, Hong Yanwu didn’t keep any of his five subordinates: “Little Wife”, “Janzi”, “Xiao Shunzi”, “San Bengzi” and “Chop Knife”, and handed them all over. I got Route 19 for “Red Leaf” and let them go hunting for “wild food” on their own.

As a reward for helping him do things, he not only told them that they would not have to “split leaves” with him for their income in the past few days, but also promised each of them that as long as something happened, he would definitely arrange a good way out for them.

In fact, from Hong Yanwu’s point of view, these matters are basically settled and can be grasped. Or the news that “Da Minzi” and “Gongzi” are working hard to raise money and when it will be available is more valuable to him.

So since “Da Minzi” and “Gongzi” brought him letters respectively, saying that the money had almost been raised, he had already begun to figure out how to follow up on what his family had told him after he got the money. On. If there is no reasonable explanation, I’m afraid the whole family will be frightened.

In addition, there was another thing that made him dumbfounded. For a few days, “Xiaobaizi” ran to his door and waited for him every day.

At the beginning, “Xiaobaizi” took the initiative to ask him to help him do this and that. Later, he slapped her twice and scared her away.

Unexpectedly, “Xiaobaizi” is really a bit persistent and stubborn, and also a bit cunning. From the next day onwards, this boy came as usual. He just watched him from a distance, ran away if he chased him, and ran back if he didn’t chase him.

Later, when the boy figured out the location of his home and his daily activities, he even had ulterior motives and tried every means to repay him.

Didn’t they sweep the streets around his home while he wasn’t getting up? They just got dozens of sparrows from somewhere, placed them at the door of Chen’s house, and gave them to him and Chen Liquan as a snack.

Sometimes when he is away, this kid will go to his house to “imitate Lei Feng” and do good deeds in the name of his “god brother”. He set up the stove, cooked some more food, and helped bake a lot of paper boxes.

This inevitably made his father, mother, and even his sister very confused. They all came to ask him where he recognized his younger brother “Xiao Baizi”? It took him a lot of effort to cover it up.

Another day, when he returned to Chen Liquan’s house from outside, he even discovered that “Xiao Baizi” had actually entered the Chen family’s house by himself by “moving the gate” (a slang term for opening doors, picking locks, and burglarizing). .

Not only did he help sweep the floor in the house, but he and Chen Liquan’s dirty clothes and quilts were also washed and hung to dry in the yard. The neighbors in the west courtyard all thought that this boy was a relative of him or Chen Liquan.

At this point, he was really at his wits end. I simply kept “Xiao Baizi” with me all day long, so as not to have to think of new tricks someday. Make it difficult for him to explain to others.

However, looking at Xiao Baizi’s expression of joy from the bottom of his heart, he felt that this brat could repay his kindness and his humanity was quite good.


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