Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 312: Happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, hate, desire

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Chapter 0312 Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Love, Hate, Desire

Not only the human race, but all living beings in the world have seven souls.

The seven souls are: joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, and desire.

Only the soul that gathers all seven souls is a complete soul.

The Cai’er that Yun Qingyan discovered in the Holy Land of the Vampire Bat Tribe was Cai’er who represented the ‘Xi Soul’, so she looked at Yun Qingyan with a smile from beginning to end.

The Cai’er that Yun Qingyan found in the bamboo house was Cai’er who represented the ‘sad soul’, so even when she saw Yun Qingyan, there were tears on her face.

“How could this happen, how could this happen…”

Yun Qingyan shouted almost silently, with anger and distress in his eyes.

There is only one possibility that a person’s soul will disintegrate into seven souls. Before death… he suffered a severe fright, or fear!

Only when the fright (fear) reaches the extreme, the soul composed of seven souls will collapse.

After Yun Qingyan injected Cai’er’s ‘Ai Po’ into her body, he continued to search for the Tianjian Sect.

“Damn Ding Zhijia, how dare you provoke my brother Qingyan to go to the execution platform with you, I will kill you!”

After a few breaths, Yun Qingyan found an angry Cai’er on the Tianxing Platform.

At this time, Cai’er was using all her strength to attack the vacuum of the Heavenly Punishment Platform, as if there was really an enemy in front of her.


Yun Qingyan’s heart twitched, any one of the seven souls could only act based on instinct.

Cai’er’s ‘angry soul’ was actually angry for Yun Qingyan.

“Return to the body!”

Yun Qingyan used the black flag to pull Cai’er’s ‘Nu Po’ back, and then drove it into his physical body.

“There are still four souls left: fear, love, hate, and desire!”

Yun Qingyan muttered, his consciousness running at high speed, “No, no, please don’t…”

Yun Qingyan’s consciousness discovered Cai’er’s fear-filled voice in a teleportation array in the Holy City.

This is Cai’er’s ‘fear’, which represents fear.

“Don’t be afraid Cai’er, it’s me, brother Qingyan…” Yun Qingyan wanted to speak calmly, but found that his voice was choked uncontrollably.

“Brother Qingyan…”

Cai’er was extremely frightened and threw herself into Yun Qingyan’s arms.

“Don’t be afraid Cai’er, brother Qingyan will take you home!”

Yun Qingyan comforted Cai’er’s ‘fear’, then waved the black flag and returned to Cai’er’s body.

Inject the ‘fear soul’ into Cai’er’s body.


Yun Qingyan suddenly raised his head and looked ten thousand meters into the sky.

He discovered Cai’er’s ‘desire’ from above.

Yun Qingyan quickly waved the black flag and teleported himself in front of Cai’er’s ‘Yupo’.

At this time, Cai’er was naked and fell into confusion and infatuation.

Her whole body exudes a faint refreshing fragrance.

Yun Qingyan’s breath stagnated, and he used his spiritual consciousness to transform into a wisp of gauze and wrap it around Cai’er’s body.

“Brother Qingyan…”

Cai’er’s face flushed, and she rushed over after seeing Yun Qingyan.

“Brother Qingyan, Cai’er loves you, you…can you take Cai’er?”

Cai’er’s arm hooked around Yun Qingyan’s neck.

The body is only close to Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan didn’t have any thoughts, but felt distressed. He comforted Cai’er.

Said softly: “Cai’er, let’s go home, brother Qingyan will take you home!”

After injecting Cai’er’s ‘desire soul’ into his body.

Yun Qingyan continues to search.

Only this time, he searched through the entire Tianjian Sect and still couldn’t find the words “Ai Po” and “Hate Po”.

The seven souls of happiness, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate and desire, Yun Qingyan has now found the five souls.

The remaining ‘love’ and ‘hate’ are the two most important souls.

It is the foundation of a living being.

Only when the “love soul” is complete, one will know how to love, and love is not only the instinct of human beings, but also the instinct of all living things.

Being unable to love, strictly speaking, is not an intelligent life at all.

The importance of ‘hating soul’ is the same as ‘loving soul’.

‘Henpo’ represents hatred, and hatred is also the instinct of an intelligent life.

“There is still that place that I haven’t looked for in depth…”

Yun Qingyan waved the black flag and suddenly arrived at the Three Realms Cave.

Yun Qingyan released his spiritual consciousness to the extreme.

There was no one in the Three Realms Cave, but Yun Qingyan found the remaining auras of ‘Love Soul’ and ‘Hate Soul’ in the vacuum.

“Love soul and hate soul… fell into the netherworld!”

The surface of Yunqingyan is ashen as death, and the end of the Three Realms Cave is the place leading to the netherworld.

Yun Qingyan didn’t hesitate at all.

He suddenly left his body and sent his soul into the netherworld.

This is Yun Qingyan’s second visit to the Netherworld.

The sky is gray and the earth is dark.

Yun Qingyan’s consciousness swept over and found countless ghosts below.

“Hahaha, the Nether Fire has finally been conquered!”

“That woman from the mortal world is so terrifying. Not only did she conquer the fire of the underworld, she also forcibly opened the passage to the real underworld!”

“The woman from the mortal world said that she would help all of us ghosts enslaved by the fire of the underworld to go up to the underworld!”

“Well, there have been hundreds of batches of ghosts sent by her to the underworld, and there are hundreds of thousands of ghosts in one batch!”

“In a few days at most, it will be our turn!”


“Li Ranzhu has recovered the Fire of the Netherworld?”

Yun Qingyan muttered, but his attention was not here at this time. He stretched out his hand to grab, and hundreds of ghosts were caught by him.

“Have you ever seen two very beautiful and identical ghosts?” Yun Qingyan asked directly.

“Two hours ago, it seemed like a pair of twin ghosts passed by here.”

“Well, I saw it too. She is very beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life. And they are indeed exactly the same.”

“But before they died, they seemed to have been severely frightened. They seemed to be in a daze, and they shouted a person’s name repeatedly…”

Another ghost said: “I heard it too. They passed by me at that time. They called the same person’s name. What was his name, Brother Yiyan…”

When Yun Qingyan heard this, he was immediately sure that they were Cai’er’s ‘love soul’ and ‘hate soul’.

‘Brother Yiyan’ cannot be heard clearly by the listener.

The correct pronunciation is ‘Brother Qingyan’.

“In which direction are they going?” Yun Qingyan asked impatiently.

“The entrance to the underworld!”

“Humph, we are all waiting in line to go to the underworld, but they openly jumped in line!”

“However, because they were pitiful, frightened and in a daze before death, most of the ghosts automatically made way for them to jump in line!”

Yun Qingyan let go of these ghosts.

Let go of full speed and fly towards the entrance to the underworld.

Hundreds of thousands of miles ahead, Yun Qingyan sensed Li Ranzhu’s aura.

“With Li Ranzhu’s eyesight, he must be able to tell that Cai’er is a ‘po’ existence, not an ordinary ghost…”

Yun Qingyan put all his hope in Li Ranzhu, “I only hope she can help me stop Cai’er…”


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