Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 2611: Yun Qingyan died without a complete body!

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The immortal monster’s face is ashen!

Yun Qingyan’s speed is too fast. With the blessing of the power of the avenue, even he… can’t intercept it in time!

“Yun Qingyan, I advise you not to make mistakes!” The immortal demon’s voice was extremely cold.

Yun Qingyan turned a deaf ear and continued non-stop, finally sending Ninth Yiqing to the foot of Yunmeng Mountain.

“Ninth Yiqing, you can leave. I will cut off the queen for you next!” Yun Qingyan said.

Looking in the direction of Yunmeng Mountain.

Ninth Yiqing flew away in the opposite direction of Yunmeng Mountain without looking back.

Ninth Yiqing dare not stop now. In his opinion, Yun Qingyan has already been under great pressure if the immortal monster takes action alone. If others also take action…

Even ten Yun Qingyan is not enough to die.

“Elder Feng, we have finally contacted you!” Ninth Yi Qing flew quickly for about an hour without stopping, and the jade slip finally responded.

It is the **** general elder who was sent to the land of Yanshan by their Ninth Yi family, who cultivated himself through self-cultivation.

“You suffered a loss?”

Elder Feng said through the message slip.

“Suffering a loss.” Ninth Yi Qing did not dare to hide it from the elder.

“Not only me, but also the Crow Clan, the Inhuman Clan, the Peacock Clan, and the Sibo family all suffered great losses!”



At this time, the immortal monster finally caught up to the foot of the mountain and looked at Yun Qingyan with blazing eyes.

“Hand over the elixir and leave your body intact!” the undead monster said in a deep voice.

At this time, it was impossible for him to let Yun Qingyan go.

Leaving Yun Qingyan’s whole corpse is already the biggest bottom line for the undead monster.

“It’s already this time, and you still talk nonsense like this…” Yun Qingyan shook his head speechlessly, looking at the immortal monster as if he were looking at a mentally retarded person.

“Then go to hell!” The undead monster blasted towards Yun Qingyan with the terrifying power of the avenue.


The two forces of the avenue collided on the way, creating a terrifying fire.

The figure of the undead monster broke through the blast group at once, and continued to blast Yun Qingyan with his killing moves.

Yun Qingyan used the new power of the avenue, but was suddenly knocked away by the undead monster.

On Yunmeng Mountain, Dragon Emperor, Shenyi, Immortal Emperor Xuyuan, Water God… these people have arrived one after another to watch the battle.

“In terms of pure power, Emperor Yun is barely a semi-taboo, but the undead monster is a real taboo! In this battle, Emperor Yun can at most protect himself!”

Immortal Emperor Xu Yuan muttered in a low voice.

The people next to him nodded in agreement.

“Of course, Emperor Yun also has advantages that the immortal monster does not have. After all, he has understood the tenth-ranked Yin-Yang Avenue and the fourth-ranked Avenue of Reincarnation!”

“I just don’t know if these two great powers can give Yun Qingyan…the capital to leapfrog and defeat the enemy.”

Yun Qingyan defeated the Xuan Shen of the God Realm, even though he had crossed several great realms.

But the gold content is not very high.

Because the mysterious gods in the divine world have not understood the power of the great road.

The immortal monster is different. Not only is he in a realm above Yun Qingyan, but he also understands the power of the great avenue.

It’s just one less type than Yun Qingyan.

Boom, boom, boom…

The foot of Yunmeng Mountain was riddled with holes and devastation due to the battle between the two.

Behind the immortal monster, two wings transformed by the power of the avenue appeared.

With a hiss, his wings flapped, causing the figure of the undead monster to turn into a phantom and rush toward Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan held the Heaven-Destroying Divine Sword, and a sword energy swept out. However, the immortal monster was too fast, faster than the sword energy…


Yun Qingyan received a punch and his figure flew backwards. The undead monster followed immediately, boom boom boom…

A series of heavy punches all landed on Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan was finally injured, and suffered severe trauma.

This is a gap in realm. Once the immortal monster goes all out, in terms of strength…

It can almost be said that it is crushing Yun Qingyan.

“Nine Heavens Killing Immortal Killing Formation!”

Before Yun Qingyan’s figure even landed on the ground, he instantly deployed a large formation and enveloped the undead monster.

“You dare to show off your barbarian formation in front of this young master?” The immortal monster sneered disdainfully, and swung his big hand out, only to hear a rumble…

Then the Nine Heavens Killing Immortal Killing Formation was shattered!

The Immortal Family, where the Immortal Monster lives, almost monopolizes the top resources in the Eastern Universe.

In his eyes, the Nine Heavens Killing Immortal Formation originated from the Immortal Realm… is really a trivial skill.

“We must find a way to kill him with one strike!” Yun Qingyan said in his heart.

He did not underestimate the immortal monster, but the combat power displayed by the immortal monster still exceeded his imagination.

“Everyone thinks that I have only comprehended the Yin-Yang Avenue and the Reincarnation Avenue!”

“So Charming Avenue is my best trump card to win!” Yun Qingyan said in his heart.

While dealing with the undead monster, Yun Qingyan was looking for an opportunity to kill him with one strike.

“Dragon Roars Nine Heavens!” The undead monster roared violently, and a giant dragon appeared behind him.

The roar of the dragon turned into a terrifying sound wave, impacting towards Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan’s hair stood on end instinctively, feeling the terror of the ‘dragon roaring for nine days’.

He didn’t dare to be too big, so he used the heaven-blocking shield to protect his whole body.

Boom, boom, boom…

A series of tremors occurred in the shield that blocked the sky. Even through the shield, Yun Qingyan was deafened by the shock.

“Xiaguang appears in this world, suppressing all evils!” The undead demon shouted loudly again, and a terrifying golden light appeared behind him.

The golden light was extremely dazzling. Except for the Dragon Emperor and Xu Yuan Immortal Emperor, everyone else was blinded by the glare.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

The golden light turned into thin lines all over the sky, like countless drizzles, shooting towards Yun Qingyan.

Dang, Dang, Dang, Dang…

Another series of criticisms sounded.

It’s a pity that it is a shield that blocks the sky. If it were any other shield, it would have been turned into dust long ago.

“The immortal monster is really cruel!”

At this moment, even people like Dragon Emperor and Xu Yuan Immortal Emperor had solemnity flashing in their eyes.

There is no doubt that even if they face an immortal monster, the outcome may not be evenly divided.

“Although they are all from the Nine Heavenly Dao Families, compared to Zian Wushuang, the Immortal Monster is at least one level better!” This was the Dragon Emperor’s evaluation.

“This is normal. Not to mention the Immortal Family itself, it is better than the Zhan Family. The status of the Immortal Monster in the Immortal Family is also higher than that of Zhan Wushuang in the Zhan Family!”

“Zang Wushuang is only the core disciple of the Zang family, but the immortal monster is one of the heirs of the immortal family!”

One of the core disciples and heirs, making judgments.

“The great road turns into thunder, and thunder disaster appears in the world!” The immortal demon pinched his fingers, and a red lightning suddenly struck down from the sky with a ‘boom’.

The immortal monster grabbed the lightning and crumpled it into a ball of light in front of everyone.

The pupils of Xuyuan Immortal Emperor and Dragon Emperor suddenly shrank, and the undead monster actually refined lightning into thunder calamity beads on the spot.

“Die, my young master!”

The immortal monster threw the ‘Thunder Tribulation Pearl’ out, and with a bang, a sinkhole with a depth of 100 meters was formed within a radius of 10,000 meters.

The shield that blocked the sky had fallen, and Yun Qingyan was immediately killed by the explosion without any body parts. He was too dead to die.


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