Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 2316: Unparalleled fate!

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“Before the advent of the era of openness, all major worlds are still dormant!”

“Although they have begun to lay out the fairyland, they will not send out real masters!”

“People from the fate world can’t capture your little lover, so they resorted to the hands of black and white purgatory.”

“Similarly, facing your little lover and joining forces with that Emperor Mo, Black and White Purgatory can also do nothing to Biyun Immortal Realm.”

“So these two forces have come together!”

When the first-generation Phoenix said this, his eyes suddenly became solemn, “But the fate world lowered its body and cooperated with the Black and White Purgatory, which is quite surprising.”

The three realms of Tao, Buddha, and destiny are the three most powerful worlds in the world!

In terms of pure area, these three worlds are not even one ten thousandth of the Chaos World!

But in terms of overall strength, any one of these three has the ability to challenge the world of chaos!

“Senior Phoenix, I seem to have heard my boss say that when creatures in the destiny world introduce their birth, they will bring the Taoist and Buddhist realms?”

Qi Ling suddenly asked.

“Not bad!” The first-generation Phoenix nodded.

“Compared to the Taoist and Buddhist realms, the fate realm should be inferior, right?” Qi Ling said again.

When creatures in the Tao Realm introduce themselves, they often say: Our Tao Realm is the strongest world in all the worlds!

Beings in the Buddhist world like to say: Our Buddha world and the Tao world are the strongest worlds in all the heavens and worlds!

When the creatures in the fate world are introduced, both Tao and Buddha realms are brought in at the same time: our fate realm, together with the Tao realm and the Buddha realm, are the strongest worlds in the world.

At this time, a figure suddenly jumped out of the Biyun Immortal Realm!

He is a Taoist ancestor!

His fate has been swallowed up by the ‘Death Array’ to the point where nothing remains. If he continues to sit still and wait for death, he will eventually face destruction.

In any case, he would die, so he simply took the risk and flew out of the Biyun Fairyland.

But the moment he left the Biyun Immortal Realm, two killers from the Black and White Purgatory who were both Dao Ancestors came to hunt him down.

Yun Qingyan recognized this Taoist ancestor, named Li Yuan, and had followed Yun Qingyan when he was still the Half-Step Immortal Emperor.

Yun Qingyan did not take action directly, but with a thought, two killers from black and white purgatory hundreds of thousands of miles away…

The flesh body exploded into flesh and blood with a loud bang.



Inside Biyun Fairyland.

Inside a luxurious and solemn hall.

Chi Yao and Emperor Mo stood side by side, with two illusory projections opposite them.

A man’s whole body was shrouded in black mist, and even his figure was looming.

A Fengshen is handsome and has a noble temperament. His whole person, including his appearance, is exposed in a vacuum.

“Fairy Jiang, even if you are far away in the world of life, I have admired your reputation for a long time!”

“I didn’t expect that today, I would finally get what I wanted and see with my own eyes Fairy Jiang’s peerless beauty!”

Feng Shen, a handsome young man with noble temperament, spoke.

“By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Wushuang, from the underworld of Taoism and Buddhism, the same three high worlds!”

Mo Huang, who was standing next to Jiang Ruoxian, laughed out loud, “Mr. Ming, I have heard a joke about your destiny world. I am lucky enough to meet you today, and I want to confirm it with you!”

“I don’t know if it’s convenient or not to order the young master!”

In Ming Wushuang’s heart, there was inexplicable hostility towards Emperor Mo.

Perhaps it was because Emperor Mo’s appearance and temperament were vaguely superior to him.

“I’d like to hear the details.” Although Ming Wushuang didn’t want to answer, he naturally had to maintain his grace in front of the beautiful woman.

“I heard that people from the Taoist world only mention one Taoist world when introducing it!”

“People from the Buddhist world like to introduce it together with the Taoist world. For example, our Buddhist world and Taoism are both the strongest worlds in the world.”

“As for the destiny realm, I like to bring the Taoist and Buddhist realms together. I wonder if there is such a thing?”

Huang Mo’s words were full of ridicule, but he said them in a serious tone.

Jiang Ruoxian on the side burst out laughing, “Master Ming, Emperor Mo is asking you something, aren’t you going to answer it?”

For a moment, a chill flashed across Mingwu’s eyes, but he soon returned to normal.

“The world of destiny is supreme. If some people look up to it, some will naturally be jealous.”

“Jealous people will often go to any lengths to spread rumors and smear the world of fate.”

“But one thing can never be changed. No matter how jealous people slander and spread rumors, the destiny world is still the supreme destiny world!”

Ming Wushuang said, looking at Emperor Mo, a murderous intention flashed through his eyes that could not be noticed by outsiders.

“Master Ming, your answer is a little off topic!”

Huang Mo said quietly: “I have not denied the power of the Fate Realm. What I am curious about is whether the creatures in the Fate Realm will bring both Taoism and Buddhism with them when they introduce the Fate Realm.”

The expression on Ming Wushuang’s face still showed no change, but the murderous intention in his heart became extremely strong.

Huang Mo is slapping him in the face naked!

When Ming Wushuang introduced the world of life just now, he habitually compared the two realms of Taoism and Buddhism!

Huang Mo asked him one after another whether the creatures in the destiny world would bring Taoism and Buddhism with them when introducing the destiny world. Wasn’t this a deliberate attempt to slap him in the face?

“Emperor Mo, Mr. Gu and Ming, I am here today to give you an ultimatum!”

“Instead of accepting your boring questions!” the figure shrouded in black mist suddenly said.

“Ultimatum?” Emperor Mo looked at the clone of Black Wind Old Ghost.

“I don’t know what this ultimatum is, exactly what it is!”

The figure shrouded in black mist said bluntly, “One, the Biyun Immortal Realm surrendered to the black and white purgatory.”

“Second, Fairy Jiang will marry… Mr. Ming Wushuang!”

Huang Mo was slightly startled, unable to believe his ears, especially… the second request!

“Ming Wushuang, is this what you mean?” Emperor Mo did not mention the first point, but directly addressed the second question.

Ming Wushuang said nothing, but looked at Jiang Ruoxian.

The figure shrouded in black mist hummed softly at this time: “Fairy Jiang has an unparalleled destiny. She is a strange woman throughout the ages. Looking at the entire fairy world, except for Master Ming, who is worthy of Fairy Jiang?”

“Fairy Jiang, this is a rare opportunity. As long as you agree, you can marry Mr. Ming immediately!”

“This indicates that you will become a master and a member of the supreme destiny world!”

“I didn’t let you speak!” Emperor Mo looked solemnly and glanced at the figure shrouded in black mist, “You and the Black and White Purgatory are destined to be destroyed!”

“Ming Wushuang, is this what you mean?” Emperor Mo asked again.

“Who do you think you are? How dare you talk to me like this!” Ming Wushuang finally showed a trace of ferocious look on his face.

“I’m asking you, is this what you mean?” Mo Huang’s eyes suddenly narrowed into a thin line. He suddenly struck out and grabbed Ming Wushuang’s neck.


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