Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 2131: Complicated human hearts!

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At this moment, Yun Qingyan’s voice suddenly rang in the second prince’s ears.

“If nothing unexpected happens, you are the second prince, right?” Yun Qingyan said quietly.

A look of surprise flashed through the eyes of the second prince. Yun Qingyan could actually detect his prying eyes!

In particular, the second prince noticed that Yun Qingyan addressed him as ‘Your Excellency’!

Without any honorific!

“Is it because the prince doesn’t take me seriously, so that all his subordinates treat me with contempt? Or does this messenger himself have no respect for the imperial power?”

The second prince could not help but have doubts in his heart.

Whether the former or the latter, they are both people that the second prince likes.

No one will like someone who doesn’t take themselves seriously!

As a prince, the most annoying thing is people who don’t know how to respect the imperial power.

If everyone in the world does not respect the imperial power, what dignity does the royal family have?

“You have good eyesight!”

The second prince said coldly, and his figure teleported before Yun Qingyan.

“The prince asked you to come to see me. What is the important matter?”

After the second prince appeared, he looked down at Yun Qingyan Road.

With his status, he is indeed qualified to overlook the entire world.

“Meet you?”

Yun Qingyan touched his nose and said, “You seem to have made a mistake. I came to you because I have something to ask you.”

Yun Qingyan did not show any dignity on his body, nor did he show any disdain in his gaze towards the second prince.

But Yun Qingyan gave people the feeling of being innately superior at this moment.

It seemed that even the second prince, the prince, could not enter his vision.

In particular, Yun Qingyan’s words, ‘I came to you because I have something to ask you,’ gave people an unquestionable feeling.

As if as long as he asked a question, the second prince would definitely answer it.

The second prince frowned slightly.

Yun Qingyan’s words did not make him feel disgusted.

On the contrary, he felt that Yun Qingyan had a great background and ordinary people could not develop such a temperament.

“Aren’t you a subordinate of the prince?” the second prince couldn’t help but ask.


Yun Qingyan shook his head directly.

“Then why do you hold the prince’s token?” the second prince asked again.

“I won’t bother you anymore!” Yun Qingyan said slowly.

When Yun Qingyan said that he was not a subordinate of the prince, the second prince already believed it in his heart!

Yun Qingyan didn’t feel like a subordinate to Qu Zhi.

“What do you want to ask me?” the second prince asked again.

His ‘self-promotion’ in front of Yun Qingyan changed directly from ‘this king’ to ‘me’!

Perhaps even he himself did not realize that he had regarded Yun Qingyan as someone who could talk to him on an equal footing.

“These seven people are your subordinates?” As Yun Qingyan spoke, he handed the roster in his hand to the second prince.

The second prince took the roster and saw the seven people inside, his expression changed slightly.

“They are indeed under my command, but they are not my subordinates.” The second prince said.

“Can you take me to see them? I have something to ask them face to face.” Yun Qingyan said again.

“I’m afraid this is inconvenient…” The second prince hesitated and said, “You may not believe it, but I can’t give orders to any of them.”

“The people of the Yuanlan Ancient Kingdom are under the command of the second prince like you, how can they not be ordered by the second prince like you?”

Yun Qingyan couldn’t help but wonder.

The current situation between the two of them is very strange. It is obviously the first time they have met, and neither of them knows much about each other.

But their conversation at this time was quite candid.

“They are not from the Yuanlan Ancient Kingdom.” The second prince said.

Yun Qingyan was not surprised at all by the second prince’s answer.

Prince Yuanlong has said before that these seven people are either from the Japanese tribe or from the Beihe family.

“I heard that the seven of them once did something outrageous and resentful to the Crown Princess. Afterwards, the Crown Prince held them accountable, but you, the second prince, still tried to shirk the blame in every possible way.”

When Yun Qingyan spoke, he looked directly at the second prince, “I wonder if this is the case?”

The second prince was stunned for a moment and looked at Yun Qingyan with a puzzled look on his face, “Who did you hear this from?”

The second prince’s doubts gave people the feeling that he didn’t know anything about this matter.

In addition to not knowing, I also find it a bit unbelievable, even a bit nonsense.

“What is your relationship with the prince?” The second prince seemed to have thought of something and couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s not a superior-subordinate relationship.” Yun Qingyan said.

“Did the Crown Prince tell you personally about the Crown Princess?” the second prince asked again.

“Yes!” Yun Qingyan nodded.

“Friend, I don’t know why the prince is telling you this, but I can tell you for sure that this is nonsense!”

“Although the seven people in the portrait are not my subordinates, based on my understanding of them, it is impossible for them to do such unreasonable things!”

“And the one who really did such beastly things to the Crown Princess… was the subordinate of the Seventeenth Prince!”

“He is also the seventeenth prince, protecting his subordinates!” The second prince said firmly.

After a pause, he added: “You should know that in my capacity, there is no need to lie to you on this matter!”

“And this matter is not a secret among the high-level circles of the Imperial City!”

“You can ask around and you will know if I have lied to you!”

The words of the second prince made Yun Qingyan slightly stunned!

His first reaction was that the person he saw before was not Prince Yuanlong!

But then I thought about it and rejected this guess.

The fact that Yuan Hai saved Yuan Long is a private matter, and Yuan Long should not tell anyone.

And recalling the conversation at that time, Yuan Long initially thought that Yun Qingyan wanted to exchange the token for the key to enter the secret realm of chaos.

It wasn’t until Yun Qingyan said that he wanted to cooperate with the prince and needed to take advantage of the Yuanlan Ancient Kingdom that there was a series of subsequent events.

In other words, if Yuan Long is not Yuan Long, there is no need to pretend to be Yuan Long to see him in the first place.

“The Crown Princess was indeed insulted, but the person who insulted the Crown Princess was not your subordinate, but a subordinate of the Seventeenth Prince?”

Yun Qingyan couldn’t help but ask again.

“Not bad!” The second prince nodded slightly.

“I understand!” Yun Qingyan said, “I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first!”

After Yun Qingyan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

The moment he turned around, a biting cold light flashed in Yun Qingyan’s eyes.

Before meeting the second prince, Yun Qingyan knew that Yuanlong regarded him as a gun!

But at that time, Yun Qingyan had no objection to Yuan Long.

But now…

Full of murderous intent flashed through Yun Qingyan’s heart.

The second prince did not stop Yun Qingyan and allowed him to leave the prince’s residence.

After Yun Qingyan left, the second prince received a report from his subordinates.

“Second Prince, the matter you want to investigate has been found…”


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