Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 2052: The real owner is here!

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Yao Yuan was shocked after hearing this!

It doesn’t take time to rush through the space storm? Doesn’t that mean that time in the space storm is stationary?

Suppose you are not rushing in the space storm, but are in retreat, wouldn’t there be endless time?

Yao Yuan tried hard to recall this memory, but the memory related to the space storm still failed to revive despite the inherited memory.

“Here it comes!” Yun Qingyan said suddenly.

“What’s coming?” Yao Yuan looked at Yun Qingyan subconsciously.

Almost at the same time, the space next to Yun Qingyan was torn open, and a black-robed figure stepped out of it.

It is Yun Qingyan of the starry sky beast.

At this time, the body of the starry sky beast also entered the supreme secret realm.

“Brother Qingyan, your body has grown so fast!” Yao Yuan said.

After a pause, he asked again: “Did your body also come here through a space storm?”

Black-robed Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, “Not bad!”

“But rushing through the space storm requires clear coordinates. As a human, I can rush from the Yuanwu Realm to the Qingcang Realm with the help of my body.”

“Like this…” Yao Yuan suddenly realized.

Originally, he was still wondering in his heart how Yun Qingyan could distinguish the direction in the space storm.

If it is through sensing another body, then the problem will be solved.

“It seems that something big happened in the Sixth Middle Realm and the Three Inner Realms!” Black-robed Yun Qingyan suddenly said again.

“What’s the big deal?” Yao Yuan asked.

“The whole family of the Mian family has moved away!” Black-robed Yun Qingyan said. Finally, he added: “It’s not because they are afraid of me. The Mian family has at least two beings at the level of creation!”

“The reason why they moved away was because they received an order from the Mian Family clan to go to the Middle Sixth Realm to fight for something.”

Yao Yuan immediately shined with his eyes and said: “Things that can cause competition in the Sixth Middle Realm and the Three Inner Realms must not be ordinary things! Brother Qingyan, you have now entered the supreme secret realm with both your bodies. How about we Are you going to join the fun in the Sixth Form?”

Black-robed Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, “I happen to be going to Beihe World!”

“But before we go to the sixth realm, we still need to wait for someone to come to our door!”

“Yuan Hai?” Yao Yuan almost blurted out.

“He has already been to the funeral home and heard that he extorted a lot of good things. His next target must be me!” Black-robed Yun Qingyan said.

Yun Qingyan is now almost 90% sure that Yuan Hai is not from the Orc tribe at all!

However, it doesn’t matter whether Yuan Hai is from the orc tribe!

As long as Yuan Hai comes from the Sixth Middle Realm or the Three Inner Realms, that’s enough!

Yun Qingyan just wants to know what happened in the Sixth Middle Realm and the Three Inner Realms… now!

“Let’s go to my residence in Qingcang Realm first!” Black-robed Yun Qingyan said.

Then he waved his hand and took Yao Yuan and the other body away through the air.

Black-robed Yun Qingyan controls the shopkeeper of the Qingcang Realm as much as a human being controls the Yuanwu Realm.

And the black-robed Yun Qingyan can use many more people in the Qingcang Realm than the human body!

The only force that Yun Qingyan can trust is Shangguan Bai!

But the black-robed Yun Qingyan had many cronies, and each one of them swore an oath not to betray him for the rest of his life.

“Qingcang Palace!”

Yao Yuan widened his eyes slightly, looking dumbfounded at the suspended palace in front of him.

One palace after another, suspended in mid-air, occupying tens of millions of meters in radius!

“This is my current residence!” Black-robed Yun Qingyan said.

“It makes me want to be a realm lord…” Yao Yuan said in a low voice.

“Hahaha, if you really want it, I will give it to you.” Black-robed Yun Qingyan laughed.

“Don’t…” Yao Yuan said quickly: “Rather than being a realm master, I want to go to the Middle Sixth Realm with you!”

“That’s good. After you get to the Sixth Realm, you can make me the leader of the Sixth Realm!”

Yao Yuan likes to be high-profile!

There is nothing more high-profile than being the master of a realm!

If Yun Qingyan wants to stay in Qingcang Realm for a period of time, he will definitely take over Yun Qingyan’s position as the Realm Lord without any ceremony.

Since I can’t stay in the Qingcang Realm for a long time, I can only settle for the next best thing and go to the Middle Sixth Realm to become a Realm Master.

“The Realm Lords of the Middle Sixth Realm seem to be more popular than the Realm Lords of the Outer Ninth Realm…” Yao Yuan’s eyes suddenly glowed.

Yun Qingyan rolled his eyes!

This is no nonsense. Any big force from the Sixth Middle Realm can sweep across the Outer Nine Realms!

What’s more, he is the master of the Sixth Middle Realm!

“Well, the real master is here!” Yao Yuan and Yun Qingyan both looked at the sky outside the palace.

The sky suddenly distorted, and then three figures stepped out of it.

“Where is the new world leader Lin Qingyan? Why don’t you come out and pay homage to my young master!”

The voices of Yuan Hai’s two followers, Ah Da and Ah Er from the beast tribe, resounded throughout the world.

Black-robed Yun Qingyan, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, established himself in the Qingcang Realm under the name “Lin Qingyan”.

“It seems that a lot of good things were extorted from the funeral home…” Yao Yuan said immediately.

“If it weren’t for this, my tone wouldn’t be so arrogant!”

When Yuan Hai went to the Yuanwu Realm to find Yun Qingyan, his attitude was high, but he was not as arrogant as he is now.

Only when they have tasted the sweetness of being in the funeral home, will they take their posture to a point… that can be described as arrogant.

“Bold, who is this person? How dare you call our Realm Master by his name!”

All the patrolling guards of the palace flew over and surrounded Yuan Hai and the other three.

These guards are in a team of one hundred and eight people, and each team forms a Star Sword Formation.

Even if you face the supreme secret realm, you can still compete with one person!

“Inform Lin Qingyan that Yuan Hai, the royal family of the beast clan, is coming to visit!” Ada and Aer said again.

Then they both took action and destroyed the Xingluo Sword Formation in an instant.

“This is not an ordinary supreme secret realm!”

“The royal family of the beast clan? It seems that the other party has a lot of background, let’s go… let’s inform the world leader first!”

After these guards met each other, some of them stayed behind to guard Yuan Hai and the others.

Then he flew deep into the palace…that is, where Yun Qingyan is now.

“Report to the Realm Lord, there are people outside who claim to be the beast tribe…”

As soon as these guards opened their mouths to report, they were interrupted by Yun Qingyan with a wave of his hand, “Invite them in and tell them that the Realm Master of the Yuanwu Realm is also waiting for his arrival.”

“The master of Yuanwu Realm?”

The reporting guard then looked at Yun Qingyan in red robe.

Hesitation Yun Qingyan’s face was covered by a layer of fog, and they could not see Yun Qingyan’s specific appearance.

“Yes, Realm Lord!” The guard immediately resigned.

After a while, they had returned to the outside of Qingcang Palace.

“Three guests, our realm master invites you!” these guards said.


Ada and Aer’s expressions suddenly darkened, “Don’t you understand human language? What we want is for Lin Qingyan to come out in person to greet our young master!”

These guards were not annoyed, but said: “In addition to our realm masters, the realm masters of the Yuanwu realm are also waiting for Mr. Yuan’s arrival.”


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