Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 2050: I’m still alive, how about you?

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To convince people with reason and to convince people with virtue refers to morality!

Even in many cases, as long as it can convince people, it is Tao, virtue, and morality!

Yun Qingyan told Yao Yuan that he is the eldest and Yao Yuan is the youngest, so Yao Yuan must respect him!

Normally, Yao Yuan would definitely say, isn’t this nonsense? With our friendship, how could I not respect you.

But now, Yao Yuan’s answer is instinctive and unthinking.

That’s because Yao Yuan was influenced by the power of morality and involuntarily obeyed Yun Qingyan.

The greatest charm of moral power is to convince the public and make people obey!

In an era so far away that it cannot be traced back!

The purpose of creating a moral person is to convince the public with morality and make people obey him by following Tao and morality.

Morality is the ethics that binds people.

At the same time, it is also the most powerful weapon for the superior to restrain the inferior.

Morality kills people without blood. Many times the superior person just says a word, and the inferior person has to die.

If the king wants his minister to die, he must die. This sentence is attached to morality.

Without moral restraint, why should the king be superior to his ministers?

Without moral constraints, if the king wants his subjects to die, why should they have to die?

“Prajna, do you still remember our agreement?” Yun Qingyan suddenly looked at Prajna, filled with moral power, “It seems that you haven’t called me master after all this time, right?”

“Lord…” Prajna almost blurted out, but as soon as ‘Lord’ said it, she stopped her abruptly.

“Is this…the power of morality?” Even Prajna had a flash of shock in his eyes.

Yun Qingyan saved Prajna’s life.

Yun Qingyan’s condition for saving her at that time was that Prajna would be loyal to Yun Qingyan for three years.

Within the three-year period, Panyao will obey all orders of Yun Qingyan.

“Brother Qingyan, with your ability, won’t you be victorious in quarreling with others in the future?”

Yao Yuan suddenly said with his eyes shining.

He loves to talk the most. He can silence 99% of people with his eloquence.

If you add moral power to the power of words…

Looking at the entire universe, I’m afraid no one can surpass him in the art of talking.

“Quarrel…” Yun Qingyan’s mouth twitched slightly.

Using moral power to argue with others?

Yao…Yao Yuan really dares to think! !


In a blink of an eye!

Three days have passed!

Yun Qingyan’s becoming the master of Yuanwu Realm has been completely confirmed!

After wiping out the Yan family and his entourage, Yun Qingyan will send Shangguan Bai and the six families who have surrendered to him to mobilize to seize the resources of the Yuanwu world!

All renewable resources were gathered in Anyang City in a short period of time.

Yun Qingyan now only has the power of order and the power of benevolence, which are not perfect!

As long as the power of these two rules is perfected, Yun Qingyan can step into the supreme secret realm.

Yun Qingyan, the starry sky beast of the Qing Cang Realm, also successfully won the position of the Realm Lord of the Qing Cang Realm.

A bunch of elites from Qingcang Realm’s funeral family, including the two half-step creations, were lost in Yun Qingyan’s hands.

However, Yun Qingyan, the giant beast in the starry sky, is only one step faster than a human body.

He has perfected the power of the seventeen rules!

The power of order is still not complete!

Yun Qingyan of Qingcang Realm, after becoming the Realm Lord, is a complete and slick commander.

I don’t have anyone I can use.

Yun Qingyan was able to make a decisive decision and directly went to find some powerful clans in Qingcang Realm.

In less than half a day, five large clans were already under the control of Yun Qingyan.

For a time, the resources of Qingcang Realm also began to gather towards Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan from the Yuanwu world entered the Hunyuan Tower for retreat as soon as he got the resources.

But while he was in seclusion, he also left a clone in the outside world.

He must be on guard against the ancestor of the Yan family coming to his door at any time!

It’s just that according to Yun Qingyan’s prediction, the ancestor of the Yan family… won’t come looking for him without complete preparations!

In the blink of an eye, another three days have passed!

Six days have passed since Yun Qingyan wiped out the Yan family.

Yun Qingyan, who had been in seclusion in Hunyuan Tower for thirty days, finally came out!

The resources of the entire Yuanwu world were almost refined by Yun Qingyan, and all of them were transformed into Yun Qingyan’s cultivation.

At this time, the human body Yun Qingyan also entered the supreme secret realm!

Yun Qingyan, who came out of Hunyuan Tower, did not make any noise, but immediately found Yao Yuan.

“Yao Yuan, after the emperor stepped into the supreme secret realm, did the original power of rules transform into the power of law?”

Yun Qingyan asked.

“Theoretically, the power of law is the fusion of at least two or more rules!”

Yao Yuan pondered slightly and said: “Take the last realm master Chang Hun who died in your hands as an example. When he stepped into the emperor level, he understood the power of at least three, four, and five rules!”

“But after he reached the supreme secret realm, the power of rules he understood at the emperor level was integrated into the power of one law.”

“Of course, it is not ruled out that some truly heaven-defying geniuses, how much power of rules they understood when they were at the emperor level, can transform into the power of laws at most half of the power of rules after entering the supreme secret realm. .”

Yao Yuan’s words are easy to understand. For example, if there is a heaven-defying genius who understands the power of eight rules when he is at the emperor level, then after entering the supreme secret realm, it is possible that the power of the remaining four rules can transform into the power of laws!

As for the remaining half, it was melted and used to nourish, or help the other half transform into the power of law.

“Then can I understand that an emperor who understands the power of four rules can understand the power of up to two laws after entering the supreme secret realm?”

“The emperor who understands the power of six rules, after entering the supreme secret realm, is left with the power of three laws?”

Yun Qingyan asked slightly.

“That’s right!” Yao Yuan nodded slightly.

“Of course, these are just common sense, and some people are not within common sense…”

“It’s just that such a person may not appear in several eras.”

Yao Yuan pondered slightly, “There once appeared a genius in the Panshi clan. He understood the power of twelve rules when he was at the emperor level, and when he entered the supreme secret realm, he still had the power of ten rules left!”

“And there has been only one such genius since the birth of our Panshi clan.”

When mentioning this genius, a flash of loneliness flashed in Yao Yuan’s eyes.

According to the memory he just woke up, that genius… is one of his favorite juniors!

Although he is a junior, his abilities surpass those of his ancestor.

The entire Panshi clan was wiped out, and he was the one most likely to survive!

“I’ve come back to life, Fu, are you still there?” Yao Yuan muttered in his heart.

Fu is the name of that junior Yao Yuan.

If given a choice, Yao Yuan would rather give up the chance of surviving… to Fu!


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