Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 1931: Arrived!

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However, despite Yun Qingyan’s words, he resolutely flew towards the space storm group.

With the known entrance closed, Yun Qingyan can only go through this place if he wants to go to the world of chaos.

“I just hope you don’t waste my time…” Yun Qingyan said in a low voice.

With his current level of cultivation, there is almost no possibility of dying in a space storm.

But not dying is one thing, being lost in a space storm is another.

And if the world Jiuduan Mountain leads to is not the world of chaos.

Then it is very likely that Yun Qingyan will be taken to other worlds by the space storm.

At that time, he will have to find another way to go to the world of chaos.

The time spent in the process is all wasted.

This is why Yun Qingyan would say that the risk is too great!

There is not much time left for him, he can only race against time, every minute is wasted…

Chi Yao will have one more variable.

“Don’t worry, brother. If you can… help me bring Lan back!” Emperor Mo hesitated and said.

The purpose of Yun Qingyan’s trip was to prevent Chi Yao from marrying the heir of the Beihe family.

Based on Emperor Mo’s understanding of Yun Qingyan, what Yun Qingyan did was definitely more than just stopping him.

If Yun Qingyan succeeds, the Beihe family… will definitely be restless, or even no longer able to survive.

At that time, the Beihe family was unable to do so, and Bi Lan went to marry someone else.

So as long as Yun Qingyan succeeds, Lan will not be forced to marry someone else.

But Emperor Mo’s request to ask Yun Qingyan to help bring Lan back… was an additional request.

“If it’s convenient, fine!” Yun Qingyan glanced at Emperor Mo and said.

Hearing what Yun Qingyan said, Emperor Mo breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you so much, brother!”

After a pause, Emperor Mo continued: “If my sister-in-law encounters something that cannot be solved, I will help her even if I risk my life.”

Emperor Mo is reciprocating the favor.

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared into the space storm.

The space storm in Jiuduan Mountain is many times more violent than the space storm over the God Burial Abyss in the Tianxing Continent.

Facing the space storm above the Burial God Abyss, Yun Qingyan did not have much ability to act independently, let alone facing the space storm in Jiuduan Mountain.

After entering the space storm, Yun Qingyan was like a helpless child, letting the space storm roll…

In less than a few breaths, Yun Qingyan clearly felt that he was out of the realm of immortality.

In the unknown space, all Yun Qingyan can do is to protect his body with all his strength.


Yun Qingyan’s body hit an endless mountain.

This mountain is a special mineral vein, it is extremely hard, even if it is Yunqingyan, it will vomit blood after being hit.

Fortunately, the mountains formed by special mineral veins were also swept into the space storm.

Space storms are constantly disintegrating it.

After Yunqingyan collided more than a thousand times in succession, the mountain was finally completely disintegrated by the space storm.

“The mineral vein formed by the star core…” Yun Qingyan’s eyes flashed with shock.

It was only then that he realized that the mine that knocked him into vomiting blood… was actually a star core vein!

Star core is one of the most precious minerals in the universe!

A star like the sun in the mortal world can only produce a dozen kilograms of star core ore.

Yun Qingyan almost did not hesitate, and used the Natian Ring to continuously contain the star core veins that were disintegrated by the space storm.

In less than half a breath, Yun Qingyan had already loaded about one million catties.

This number sounds like a lot, but compared to the endless mountains just now, it’s not even a drop in the bucket.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time, so I can only pretend so much…” Yun Qingyan muttered in his heart.

He felt regretful and excited at the same time.

A million pounds of star core!

Even if placed in the realm of chaos, it would cause a **** battle.

And it’s a competition for the strong ones above the imperial realm!

After half a breath, Yun Qingyan has been swept up by the space storm, who knows how many billions of miles away.


The space storm was so terrifying that even Yun Qingyan’s body was scratched and stung.

After the star core was installed into the Natian Ring, Yun Qingyan no longer cared about it.

The first thing he has to do now is to move forward with the space storm…

Only in this way can the damage he suffers be minimized.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Qingyan has been drifting in the space storm for a month.

After a month, Yun Qingyan has gradually adapted to the space storm.

Many times, Yun Qingyan can even take time out to heal his injuries.

Three months later, Yun Qingyan was able to stand up straight in the space storm.

To the naked eye, the whole person seems to be flying along the space storm.

Yun Qingyan couldn’t help but think of praying.

On his way back to the mortal world, he met the praying spirit in a similar illusion.

“I don’t know what Qi Ling is doing now…” Yun Qingyan said in a low voice.

Before Yun Qingyan’s wedding, he searched the entire fairy world.

However, there is still no trace of the prayer.

Based on Yun Qingyan’s understanding of spiritual praying, he should have found a hiding place… and gone into seclusion!

After Yun Qingyan died, Qi Ling was definitely one of the people who wanted to avenge him the most!

According to Yun Qingyan’s guess, Qiling should have found a place to retreat…

Assault on the Imperial Realm!

Only by stepping into the imperial realm, can Qi Ling be able to avenge Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan has always remembered the passage of time.

In the blink of an eye, he has been drifting with the tide in the space storm for nine months.

Faintly, Yun Qingyan could already feel an extremely powerful and terrifying world.

As he got closer to that world, Yun Qingyan’s feeling became stronger.

The rules and providence of that world were so terrifying that Yun Qingyan felt trembling.

Uncontrollable, trembling from the soul.

This feeling is like a mortal facing the high heaven.

Another three months have passed!

At this time, one year has passed since Yun Qingyan entered the space storm.

Yun Qingyan had a premonition that the world that made him feel trembling… was already close to his eyes.

But the strange thing is that even though he is so close to his eyes, he still can’t see the existence of that world.

In the blink of an eye, another half year has passed.

It has been more than a year and a half since Yun Qingyan entered the space storm, which is eighteen months!

Yun Qingyan’s perception of that world became increasingly clear.

It was so clear that he was almost certain that it was the realm of chaos…

However, he continues to drift!

“I see…” It was another three months before Yun Qingyan discovered the reason.

“So close to the end of the world, so close to the end of the world, the Chaos Realm itself has become a spirit, and its self-protection methods contain countless formations…”

“The world is so close, so close is just one of its countless ways to protect itself!”


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