Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 1405: See you! ! !

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In the secret room, the head of the Jiang family frowned!

He already knew that Jiang Yuanfeng forced his way into his residence and injured his bodyguard.

If it were in the past, Jiang Yuanfeng would have died long ago.

“Why do you want to see the patron saint?” In the secret room, the head of the Jiang family came out with an unhappy voice.

No surprise!

If Jiang Yuanfeng’s next answer does not satisfy him, Jiang Yuanfeng will definitely lose his head and body.

“About the old friend of the patron saint!” Jiang Yuanfeng said calmly.

Although, his back was already wet.

As soon as Jiang Yuanfeng’s voice fell, the figure of the head of the Jiang family teleported out of the secret room.

“Follow me to the study.” The head of the Jiang family walked in front.

“Yes, clan leader!” Facing the clan leader, Jiang Yuanfeng did not dare to be presumptuous.

However, Jiang Yuanfeng can ignore anyone in the Jiang family under the patriarch from now on.

Even the patriarch’s own son is no exception!

“Jiang Lan needs to see the patron saint!”

When Jiang Lan, the head of the Jiang family, brought Jiang Yuanfeng outside the study, he suddenly saluted slightly towards the door of the study.

A strange color flashed through Jiang Yuanfeng’s eyes. The patron saint was now… actually in the patriarch’s study.

“Come in!” As Konggu Youlan’s voice sounded, the study door opened with a bang.

“Meet the patron saint!”

“Meet the patron saint!”

The patriarchs Jiang Lan and Jiang Yuanfeng both paid homage to Qianying, who was sitting on a wooden chair in the study room, her face unclear.

“Tell me something.” Qianying’s indifferent voice sounded.

“Reporting to the patron saint, I have found out where your old friend ended up!”

Jiang Yuanfeng bowed quickly and said.

While reporting, Jiang Yuanfeng’s body was shaking uncontrollably.

He knew that reporting this matter would definitely bring him great credit.

On the side, Jiang Lan’s eyes flashed after hearing Jiang Yuanfeng’s words.

The gaze he looked at Jiang Yuanfeng suddenly became much gentler.

Even if Jiang Yuanfeng and his subordinates commit crimes and deviate from the orthodoxy… this news alone is enough for Jiang Yuanfeng to offset the blame and make great achievements at the same time!

Last time!

It was because of the news that Jiang Yuanfeng brought about the old friend of the Patron Saint… that the Patron Saint gave the Jiang family three jade slips again!

Give the Jiang family three more opportunities to summon their patron saint.

And originally, this time… there was only one left!

“Where, where…” Qianying’s voice trembled slightly.

Even through a layer of fog.

Clan leaders Jiang Lan and Jiang Yuanfeng could both feel… Jiang Ruoxian’s mood swings.

“Just half an hour ago, Meng Shentong, the dean of Tianxuan College in the Guanghan Immortal Domain, went to the main campus of Tianxuan College to register Mr. Zhang Yichen’s qualification to participate in the finals tomorrow.”

“Then, I secretly followed Meng Shentong and saw him enter the Wuyun Inn!”

As Jiang Yuanfeng spoke, he suddenly took out a memory crystal from the space ring.

“This is the memory crystal placed in the lobby of Wuyun Inn. It records the check-in process of Mr. Zhang Yichen and his party yesterday.”

Jiang Yuanfeng came to report, naturally after confirming that everything was correct.

Speaking of which, he spent a lot of money to get this memory crystal!

Without attracting Yun Qingyan’s attention, Jiang Yuanfeng secretly made a deal with the shopkeeper of Wuyun Inn to get the memory crystal.

Jiang Ruoxian took the memory crystal, and then through the memory crystal, he saw Yun Qingyan in a red robe and carrying a black sword on his back.

Suddenly, Jiang Ruoxian’s body trembled again.

“It’s him, he’s finally here, and…and he’s in Ningcheng!” Jiang Ruoxian said with great excitement.

“Guardian Saint, I also found something related to Mr. Zhang Yichen.”

Jiang Yuanfeng suddenly said again.

“Zhang Yichen, Mr. Zhang, left Wuyun Inn last night and wandered outside for a while.”

“However, he seemed to be interested in the Sky Dome Tower, and even grabbed a Daluo Jinxian on the way to ask how to get to the Sky Dome Tower.”

When Jiang Yuanfeng spoke, his big hand was already waving, creating a scene in the vacuum of the study.

This picture is constructed based on the memory of the Great Luo Jinxian who was questioned by Yun Qingyan.

“Tian Qiong Tower, he…he went to Tian Qiong Tower last night!”

Jiang Ruoxian’s body trembled again. Last night, because she missed Yun Qingyan too much, she went to the Sky Tower to play the “Fireworks and Mist Shadow Song”.

“If he goes to the Sky Dome Tower, he will definitely know that I am the one who plays the music through “Fireworks and Mist Shadows”…”

“But why didn’t he show up to see me?”

Jiang Ruoxian muttered in his heart.

An inexplicable desolation came from the bottom of her heart.

“Seventeen hundred years have passed, don’t you want to see me…”

“You know it’s me, why don’t you come out to meet me…”

While Jiang Ruoxian felt desolate, there was also a bit of anger in her heart.


Jiang Ruoxian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly another flash of expectation flashed in his eyes.

“Jiang Yuanfeng, when did Zhang Yichen ask someone to question him? Give me the specific hourglass! I want the specific and precise time!”

Jiang Ruoxian looked at Jiang Yuanfeng and said.

She thought of a possibility. When Yun Qingyan learned that she was in the Sky Tower, she might have been halfway through the song, or she might have finished the song.

If this is the case, it would be normal for the two not to meet…

Because, after she finished playing a song, she left the Sky Dome Tower.

“Specific time…” Jiang Yuanfeng nodded immediately.

Then in front of Jiang Ruoxian, he took out the messenger jade and immediately contacted Daluo Jinxian who was questioned by Yun Qingyan last night.

After a while, Jiang Yuanfeng took out the hourglass from the space ring and fixed it at… the time when Yun Qingyan asked Daluo Jinxian last night!

“At this point in time, I have finished the song and am about to set off the fireworks…”

“Based on the flying speed of Daluo Jinxian, it would take three cups of tea at the fastest to fly from this place to the Sky Dome Tower!”

“Judging from the aura left behind by the Evil Dragon Roaring Fist used by Emperor Yun in the Tianyin Mountains… Yun Qingyan’s current combat effectiveness should be no less than that of ordinary immortals!”

“His speed is equivalent to that of an ordinary immortal…”

“Based on the speed of the gods, even if Emperor Yun flies at full speed, he can only see brilliant fireworks…”

“And I left at the moment when the fireworks were set off.”

Jiang Ruoxian calculated all the time points directly in his mind.

In other words, even if Yun Qingyan arrived at the fastest speed, it would at most coincide with the time she left the Sky Dome Tower.

If during this period, Emperor Yun was even delayed for one breath, he would miss the time for her to leave.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ruoxian breathed a sigh of relief.

Emperor Yun, it’s not that he didn’t miss her on purpose, it’s that he couldn’t catch up with her!

“Since I’m at Wuyun Inn, it’s time for me to leave…” Jiang Ruoxian muttered in a low voice. The entire figure disappeared into the study room out of thin air.


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