Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 1266: Go to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

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Qin Wudao’s expression changed, and his subconscious reaction was to dodge, but before he could recover, Yun Qingyan choked him around the neck.

“The art of extracting soul——”

Yun Qingyan shouted loudly and instantly pulled Qin Wudao’s soul out alive!

“Answer me, surrender or die!”

Yun Qingyan’s cold voice sounded directly in Qin Wudao’s ears.

“How… how is it possible, you, you took out my soul so easily!”

Qin Wudao was both surprised and frightened.

Under normal circumstances, the soul can only be extracted at the moment of death of the physical body.

With Qin Wudao’s second-level cultivation as a Xuanxian, if he were to extract his soul without killing him, at least the Earth Immortal would have to take action!

But Qin Wudao can be 100% sure that Yun Qingyan is definitely not an earthly immortal!

Because even in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, Earth Immortals are among the few super masters and are qualified to be crowned with the title of ‘The Strongest One’!

“Is it important?”

Yun Qingyan said quietly, with a coldness gradually growing on his body, “My patience is limited. Within three breaths, if you haven’t made a choice, then I can only make you disappear physically and mentally!”


“I surrender, I…I am willing to surrender!”

Qin Wudao’s soul was full of fear, and he immediately took the form of his soul and swore an oath of heaven, “I… I, Qin Wudao, swore an oath of heaven. From today on, I will surrender to you within a hundred years…”

Qin Wudao suddenly stopped again and looked at Yun Qingyan, “You…is your name really Zhang Yichen?”

“Yun Qingyan!”

Yun Qingyan slowly spat out three words.

Qin Wudao nodded slightly and vowed again: “I, Qin Wudao, swear by the oath of heaven, starting from today, I will surrender to Yun within a hundred years… Wait, what did you say your name was?”

Qin Wudao stopped midway through his oath, and looked at Yun Qingyan with horror in his eyes!

Incredible horror!

Yun Qingyan is the name of Emperor Yun who dominates the immortal world!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Wudao immediately thought that Yun Qingyan had shown special interest in the news about Emperor Yun and Empress Chi Yao!

Originally, Qin Wudao regarded Yun Qingyan as an admirer of Emperor Yun!

But now it seems that Yun Qingyan is not worshiped by Emperor Yun at all, he… he is Emperor Yun himself!

“You, are you Emperor Yun who has been missing for thousands of years?” Qin Wudao looked at Yun Qingyan with fear.

“It’s guaranteed to be replaced if it’s fake!” Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

Although he had already guessed the answer, Qin Wudao was still extremely shocked when he heard Yun Qingyan nodded and admitted.

Yun Emperor!

The aloof Emperor Yun!

It actually appears in a small place like Jiehai Xianyu!

“Your Excellency, Emperor Yun, please accept the Immortal’s obeisance!”

The first time Qin Wudao came back to his senses, he respectfully saluted Yun Qingyan!

His entire soul crept to the ground, like a devout believer worshiping a god!

Yun Qingyan didn’t say anything and calmly accepted Qin Wudao’s prostrations.

“I, Qin Wudao, swear by the oath of heaven that I will surrender to Emperor Yun forever and serve Emperor Yun as hard as a dog or horse!”

Qin Wudao’s soul crawled on the ground and made an oath of heaven!

Original Yun Qingyan only asked him to surrender for a hundred years!

Qin Wudao now takes the initiative to extend the period of loyalty indefinitely, turning it into eternity!

I have to say that Qin Wudao is very scheming!

Under normal circumstances, with his cultivation and status, he would not even be qualified to meet Yun Qingyan!

Not to mention loyal to Yun Qingyan!

For Qin Wudao, surrendering to Yun Qingyan will not only not give in, but it will be a great honor!

Moreover, this surrender will bring him unimaginable benefits!

Even if Emperor Yun’s cultivation level drops, even if he is no longer in his prime, he is still the body of an Immortal Emperor, and it is only a matter of time before he recovers his cultivation level as an Immortal Emperor!

For Qin Wudao, Yun Qingyan just rewards him with a few exercises, which will benefit him for the rest of his life!

“You are smart!” Yun Qingyan glanced at Qin Wudao thoughtfully.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, Qin Wudao’s soul returned to his body.

“Meet Yun Emperor!”

After his soul returned to his body, Qin Wudao knelt in front of Yun Qingyan again.

“Get up!” Yun Qingyan waved his hand.

“Just call me Young Master from now on! Also, don’t kneel down all the time!”

“Yes, Young Master!” Qin Wudao said, and then stood up.

“Sir, I have designated Zhang Yuanfeng as the supervisor, and I need to go to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom to report. It will take about three days to go back and forth!”

Qin Wudao immediately got down to business.

He knows very well that for a person of Yun Qingyan’s status, normal flattery will not only not win Yun Qingyan’s favor, but will actually make Yun Qingyan disgusted!

The only way to win Yun Qingyan’s favor is to do everything Yun Qingyan arranges!

“I happen to be going to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, let’s set off together!” Yun Qingyan said slowly.

Yun Qingyan’s short-term goal is to join the Tianxuan Academy of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

Then, participate in the Tianxuan Battle of Tianxuan Academy, and finally get the qualification to go to the Imperial City to participate in the finals!

Only in the Emperor’s City can Yun Qingyan contact Empress Chi Yao!

“Young Master wants to use the Battle of Tianxuan as a springboard to meet Empress Chi Yao?”

Qin Wudao was not stupid and immediately guessed what Yun Qingyan was doing.

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly and did not hide anything from Qin Wudao.

“Bai Yunquan, please settle down for me!” Yun Qingyan said again.

As for Lin Wan’er and Gongsun Fei, Yun Qingyan plans to take them with him!

Yun Qingyan is busy with cultivation and needs someone to take care of his daily life!

Lin Wan’er is the most suitable!

As for Gongsun Fei, he is already half a disciple of the Yuanshi Demon Emperor!

Yun Qingyan plans to find an opportunity to send Gongsun Fei to the Demonic Sea to the Yuanshi Demon Emperor!

Before that, Gongsun Fei could only stay with him!

As for Mo Yuan (Zhang Yuanfeng), for a short period of time, he will be the supervisor of the Jiehaixian Territory.

After Yun Qingyan meets Empress Chi Yao, he will take Zhang Yuanfeng to his side to take care of him!

“Sir, the great elder and sect advocate Chu Xuan of Leiyun Sect, do you want your subordinates to deal with it?”

Qin Wudao asked for instructions again.

When Qin Wudao said this, he did not hide his voice and deliberately spread it throughout the audience.

“Young Master? Qin Wudao is also called Young Master Zhang Yichen?”

“Could Qin Wudao also surrender to Zhang Yichen?”

“Oh my god, has this world gone crazy? Not only did the old sect leader submit to Zhang Yichen, but now… even the supervisor has surrendered to Zhang Yichen!”

The crowd was in an uproar, and everyone was surprised to surrender to Qin Wudao.

Only Zhang Yuanfeng could not see any surprise on his face!

Because Zhang Yuanfeng knew that Qin Wudao surrendered to Yun Qingyan, not only was it not humiliation, but it was a great honor!

The expressions of the great elder and Zhang Chuxuan changed drastically! Qin Wudao not only surrendered to Yun Qingyan, but also asked Yun Qingyan in public whether he should deal with them…


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