Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 1263: See Chi Yao in five months

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“Whether or not the recommendation will be accepted depends on the candidate’s own conditions and whether he or she agrees with Tianxuan College’s admissions standards!”

“Tianxuan Academy’s enrollment criteria are Daluo Jinxian who is under a thousand years old, or a third-level genius!”

The measure of a third-level genius is that you must enter the true fairyland before the age of twenty!

Compared to Daluo Jinxian who is under a thousand years old, third-level geniuses are obviously rarer.

At least in the Jiehai Immortal Domain, Yun Qingyan has never seen a third-level genius!

Of course, if Gongsun Fei starts practicing self-improvement since he was a child, with his talent, he will definitely be able to enter the true fairyland before he is twenty years old.

However, Gongsun Fei is only talented enough, and his lazy character is destined to prevent him from becoming a third-level genius.

When Qin Wudao said this, he glanced at Yun Qingyan helplessly and said:

“There are several Daluo Golden Immortals under a thousand years old in the Jiehai Immortal Realm. However, these Daluo Golden Immortals are all leaders of big forces. It is impossible for them to put down their family (sect) foundation and go to Tianxuan Academy to become a A student! ”

“As for the third-level geniuses, if you look at the entire Jiehai Immortal Realm, you can’t even see a ghost!”

“So, although I have a recommendation quota, there is no difference at all whether I have this recommendation quota or not!”

When Qin Wudao said this, he seemed to have thought of something again, and suddenly looked at Yun Qingyan, “I think your bone age is less than twenty years old. You… you meet the enrollment standards of Tianxuan Academy!”

Qin Wudao felt that Yun Qingyan was not only a third-level genius, he might even be a fourth-level genius, or even… the legendary fifth-level genius!

Hearing the word ‘bone age’, Yun Qingyan smiled bitterly to himself.

There are few uncertainties in Yunqingyan, and bone age is exactly one of them!

If calculated according to the age of Tianxing Continent, he is only nineteen years old now!

He lived in the Tianxing Continent for fifteen years, and then accidentally fell into the fairy world and crawled and wallowed in the fairy world for three thousand years!

But these three thousand years are only equivalent to three years in Tianxing Continent!

In addition, Yun Qingyan returned to Tianxing Continent from the fairy world for more than a year!

In other words, Yun Qingyan is only nineteen years old now!

But if according to the calculation of the fairy world, he is at least more than 3,000 years old!

But don’t think that three thousand years old is considered old. Compared with the other nine immortal emperors, Yun Qingyan is many times younger!

Not even compared to the Immortal Emperor, three thousand years old is considered a young existence even among the Xuan Immortals!

Take Qin Wudao in front of you as an example. He has lived for more than five thousand years!

“When will the next Tianxuan Battle be held?” Yun Qingyan suddenly asked again.

The Battle of Tianxuan will be held every once in a while!

But this every once in a while, there is no specific time limit, everything… is based on Chi Yao’s mood!

In Yun Qingyan’s impression, Chi Yao would sometimes hold a new Tianxuan battle after five or ten years.

Sometimes, a new battle of Tianxuan will be held after hundreds of years.

“If there is no accident, it should be three months later!” Qin Wudao said for a while in a guessing tone.

“Not long ago, Tianxuan College sent someone to invite me to be a guest at Tianxuan College in three months!”

“I guess I should be asked to serve as the referee for the Tianxuan battle!”

“Otherwise, I, the supervisor of the Jiehai Immortal Territory, should not be qualified to be taken into consideration by Tianxuan Academy!”

Hearing this, Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

Empress Chi Yao cannot tolerate sand in her eyes, and she will ensure the utmost fairness in any Tianxuan battle she holds!

And fairness often means transparency!

Yun Qingyan accompanied Empress Chi Yao to watch two Tianxuan battles. Countless referees were invited to both Tianxuan battles!

There is a leader of a big force, and there is also a supervisor of the fairyland!

The more referees there are, the less likely it is that something fishy will happen!

A strong look of anticipation flashed through Yun Qingyan’s heart!

He has already planned to use the Battle of Tianxuan as a springboard to meet Empress Chi Yao!

As long as he defends his title all the way and continues to defeat his opponents, he will be able to participate in the final battle!

The final decisive battle will be held in the Imperial City!

The Imperial City is the city where Empress Chi Yao lives, and is one of the most prosperous cities in the entire fairy world!

“Even if Chi Yao does not attend the viewing ceremony of the finals, I will still have a way to contact Empress Chi Yao after I arrive at the Empress City!”

Yun Qingyan muttered in his heart.

Moreover, it won’t be too long before Yun Qingyan sees Chi Yao!

Three months later, it will be the time for the Tianxuan Battle of Tianxuan Academy in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom to be held!

The first thing Yun Qingyan should do is to win the first place in the Tianxuan Battle of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

Then, you will advance to the next round!

If there is no surprise, the next round will be held under the command of Chi Yao, who will enter the fairyland ranking among the top 100,000 in the fairyland!

As long as Yun Qingyan wins the top spot in this round, he can go to the Imperial City to participate in the final battle!

“If I remember correctly, the qualifying rounds of the Tianxuan Battle last for one month!”

“Whether it is the battle of Tianxuan in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, or the battle of Tianxuan in the Immortal Realm above the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, they are all qualifying matches!”

“That is to say, I will be able to go to the Imperial City in five months at most! By then, I will be able to contact Chi Yao…”

Full expectations flashed through Yun Qingyan’s heart, “For Chi Yao, she hasn’t seen me for a thousand years. When the time comes… I will definitely give her a surprise!”

Actually, surprising Chi Yao is secondary. Yun Qingyan’s most important thing is… he still doesn’t want Chi Yao to worry about him!

If there is no accident, after these thousand years, Chi Yao not only misses him, but also worries about something happening to him!

At the same time, Yun Qingyan also wanted to ask Chi Yao about the inside story of Emperor Mo’s betrayal!

Emperor Mo once invited Empress Chi Yao to an appointment in the name of Yun Qingyan!

Then at the meeting place, he teamed up with other immortal emperors to set up a killing trap to ambush Chi Yao!

“Five months, five months at most, Chi Yao, you must wait for me…” Yun Qingyan muttered in his heart.

Five months from now, starting from today!

Three months later, the Battle of Tianxuan in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was held, and it ended one month later!

Immediately afterwards, the Battle of Tianxuan in the Immortal Domain above the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom continued! It will also end in a month!

After the fifth month, it will be the finals held in the Imperial City!

“Over the past thousand years, how have the forces to which Emperor Yun belongs developed? Is there any news about Emperor Yun spreading throughout the fairy world?”

Yun Qingyan suddenly asked again.

And his divine consciousness completely enveloped Qin Wudao.

As long as Qin Wudao’s answer contains even one word of lies, Yun Qingyan will immediately detect it.

Qin Wudao’s eyes first flashed with doubts, and he was a little confused as to why Zhang Yichen asked about Emperor Yun.

But doubts remain doubts, Qin Wudao answered immediately:

“Although I am the supervisor of the Jiehai Immortal Territory and have channels to understand news from the outside world, the Jiehai Immortal Territory is, after all, a force under Empress Chi Yao, so I don’t know much about the forces of other Immortal Emperors!” “I don’t know much about the forces under Emperor Yun. Based on the fragmented information I got, I can infer that Emperor Yun and his forces are in a very bad situation!”


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