Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 1: Return from the Fairyland

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Chapter 0001 Return from the Immortal Realm

Tianyuan Dynasty, Tianyu City.

The autumn breeze adds a sense of comfort to Tianyu City.

At this time, a young man wearing a red robe was walking on the bustling street.

He looks about seventeen or eighteen years old. He is not very handsome, but his face is very delicate and clean, like a piece of spotless white jade. His body exuded an aura of vicissitudes of life, not like what a person of his age should have, but more like a weather-beaten old man. The eyes also have an indescribable taste, as deep as the stars at night, as if they can understand everything in the world.

On his back was an empty scabbard without a sword. The empty scabbard was engraved with mysterious patterns, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

“There is a gap between heaven and earth in life, just like a white horse passing by.”

“Perhaps, the only thing that comforts me is that the speed of time in the fairy world is different from that in the mortal world. The difference is a thousand times. Three thousand years have passed in the fairy world, but only three years have passed in the Tianxing Continent.” Looking at the streets in memory , reappeared in front of him, Yun Qingyan suddenly sighed in his heart.

“Father, mother, sister, I have been in the fairy world for three thousand years, and you…have you been okay in the past three years?”

Yun Qingyan couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of seeing his relatives soon. To his relatives, they had only been separated for three years, but to Yun Qingyan, he had been away from his family for three thousand years.

No one knows how Yun Qingyan survived these three thousand years. Countless days and nights, he woke up because of dreams about his parents and his sister.

Tears wet his face.

Three years ago in Tianxing Continent, Yun Qingyan went to the wild for training and encountered a space storm that might not occur once in billions of years. When he woke up from his coma, he had left Tianxing Continent and came to the legendary of fairyland.

The Immortal World is a completely different world from the Star Continent.

Legend has it that warriors from the Star Continent can break through space and ascend to the fairy world only after they have reached the pinnacle of martial arts.

In the legend of Tianxing Continent, the fairy world is a paradise and a paradise for warriors. But Yun Qingyan knows that the fairy world is not a paradise. In many cases, the fairy world is even more cruel than hell.

There is no king’s law in the fairy world, only strength and inferiority, the weak and the strong. As long as the cultivation level is strong enough, one can do whatever they want, including murder, arson, rape, robbery… taking natural selection and survival of the fittest to the extreme.

Some immortals will kill people to vent their anger because they are in a bad mood.

The alchemy family will randomly capture weak people to serve as medicine slaves, and use them as guinea pigs to experiment with various elixirs.

Most of the miners in the Immortal Mine were also taken captive to mine. Not only did they not get paid, they were not even guaranteed three meals a day.


Yun Qingyan even saw an evil immortal who slaughtered a city with millions of creatures in order to refine a magic weapon.

In the fairy world, the least valuable thing is life.

In order to one day return to the Star Continent, and to survive in the fairy world of natural selection, Yun Qingyan began his self-improvement career.

This process is full of thorns and ups and downs, and even one mistake will lead to catastrophe… However, Yun Qingyan still grew up!

After going through countless life and death difficulties, he became one of the ten most powerful Immortal Emperors in the Immortal World.

The Immortal Emperor is already the top figure in the pyramid of the Immortal World. Stamping his feet can cause the Immortal World to tremble three times, and can decide the fate of tens of billions of creatures with just one sentence.

Despite his immense cultivation and overwhelming power, Yun Qingyan still cannot integrate into the immortal world.

It’s hard to leave the homeland, and it’s hard to leave the homeland. In Yun Qingyan’s heart, Tianxing Continent is his real hometown, and the people he cares about most are still in Tianxing Continent.

After becoming the Immortal Emperor, Yun Qingyan began to look for a way to return to Tianxing Continent.

He mobilized all the resources in his hands and finally found the space sword ‘Zhantian’ left over from the Immortal Ancient Period.

The space in the Immortal Realm is extremely stable. Even the Immortal Emperor’s full blow cannot shake it even one point. But with the ‘Heaven-Destroying Divine Sword’, Yun Qingyan finally tore a hole in the fairy world space.

After entering the space rift, Yun Qingyan began to use the ‘Sword of Heaven-Slashing’ to open a passage to the Tianxing Continent.

The process was full of dangers, because while opening up the space channel, he had to always be on guard against external attacks. He encountered at least a hundred of the giant gluttonous beasts alone, and even the ancient chaotic beasts that had long since disappeared from the fairy world. Encountered.

When Yun Qingyan successfully returned to Tianxing Continent, his cultivation was almost exhausted, and even the ‘Sword of Heaven-Severing’ was missing, leaving only the empty scabbard.

“When your cultivation is exhausted, you can still recover slowly. If you lose the Heaven-Destroying Divine Sword, you still have a chance to find it back. Only the storage ring…” Thinking of the storage ring, Yun Qingyan couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pain.

In the storage ring, all his belongings are placed, including exercises, elixirs, magic weapons… and mountains of fairy stones!

It is worth mentioning that fairy stones are the universal currency of the fairy world.

Although the Divine Sword of Cutting Heaven is lost, the scabbard is still left. As long as Yun Qingyan’s cultivation level recovers to a certain level, he can use the scabbard to retrieve the Divine Sword.

But there is no chance of getting the storage ring back!

“Fortunately, the speed of time in the fairy world and the Star Continent is a thousand times different. Although I have spent three thousand years in the fairy world, my parents and sister in the Star Continent are still alive.”

Thinking of his relatives, Yun Qingyan suddenly became happy again.

“I wonder if dad has been promoted to the Moon Realm? If not, I will give him some advice and let him become the number one master in Tianxing Continent within ten years!”

“Mom has no desires and desires. Her only wish is that the whole family can be safe. Now that I’m back, no one can bully us!”

“As for my sister… Cai’er, if nothing unexpected happens, her so-called cold syndrome is not a disease, but the innate spirit body ‘Nine Yin Cold Veins’. As long as the spirit body wakes up, she will be successful in her cultivation and will make great progress with each passing day. ! ”

“I’m really looking forward to meeting them again! I just don’t know if my father’s serious face will burst into tears when he sees me coming back?” Yun Qingyan’s face showed a bit of bad taste.

Since childhood, Yun Qingyan’s father has played the role of a strict father. In front of Yun Qingyan, his father has always been unsmiling and cold as an iceberg.

Of course, Yan Guiyan is strict, but Yun Qingyan knows that his father’s love for him is no less than that of his mother.

Half an hour later.

Yun Qingyan’s figure stopped at the door of a large family.

“The decorations are still the same as three years ago, but the guards guarding the door have changed…” Yun Qingyan looked at the door of the big family and murmured in a low voice.

“Clan leader!”

At this moment, a middle-aged man in his forties with a calm but imposing manner suddenly walked out of the door. The ten guards with swords guarding the door quickly bent over to say hello.

“Isn’t this uncle? When did he become the clan leader?” There was surprise in Yun Qingyan’s eyes. His father had been the clan leader of the Yun family since he was born.

“You…are you Yan’er?” The middle-aged man quickly discovered Yun Qingyan.

The next moment, the middle-aged man rushed over, hugged Yun Qingyan tightly, and said with excitement: “Yan’er, you are finally back. After missing for three years, we almost thought you had…”

Uncle Yunhan’s voice became choked before he finished speaking. He was crying with joy. He had watched Yun Qingyan grow up. In his heart, he almost regarded Yun Qingyan as his own child.

“I’m sorry, uncle, for making you worry!” Yun Qingyan couldn’t help but feel a sore nose. He could feel the deep concern on his uncle’s body.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. It’s the greatest comfort to my uncle that you can come back alive!” Uncle Yunhan said, and he touched Yun Qingyan’s forehead out of habit.

Fortunately, no one in the fairy world saw this scene, otherwise they would have been scared to death. There are people who are so brave that they dare to touch the forehead of Immortal Emperor Yun Qingyan!

“It would be great if your parents were still here. They would be very happy to know that you are back!” Uncle Yunhan sighed.

“Uncle, what happened to my parents?” Yun Qingyan’s expression suddenly changed. Thinking that the patriarch of the family had been replaced by an uncle, he subconsciously thought of something bad.

“Ahem, Yan’er, it’s not what you think!” The uncle coughed quickly and said apologetically: “It’s a long story, let me tell you the general story first.”

“Two years ago, Cai’er’s cold syndrome suddenly healed without medicine, and her cultivation talent became extremely evil overnight. In just one year, her talent skyrocketed from the first level of the Star Realm to the third level of the Moon Realm. Becoming the number one master in Tianyu City… This incident not only caused a sensation in Tianyu City, but also caused great waves in the entire Tianyuan Dynasty.”

“But a year ago, the same thing happened to Cai’er and your parents. They disappeared overnight. But what’s different from you is that the three of them left behind before disappearing. I got a mysterious waist badge.” The uncle said and took out a waist badge from his arms.

Yun Qingyan recognized at first glance that the material for this waistband was ‘earth core meteorite’, which was taken from the depths of 10,000 meters deep underground. In the fairy world, meteorite iron is usually used to make pendants, bracelets and other wearable items. Geocentric iron has the effect of calming people’s hearts. Carrying it for a long time can reduce the risk of going crazy.

“Heaven? Sword?” Yun Qingyan took the waistband and saw the words “Heaven” and “Sword” on the front and back of the waistband.

“Could it be the Tianjian Sect?” Yun Qingyan immediately thought of a force.

“Yan’er also thought of Tianjian Sect?” Uncle Yunhan’s eyes showed surprise, “After I showed my waist card to the elder Taishang, the elder Taishang also thought of Tianjian Sect.”

“After all, Cai’er’s incident has been widely spread at that time, and his miraculous skills… After the Tianjian Sect learns about it, it is very likely that Cai’er will be admitted as a disciple! And your parents will be taken to the Tianjian Sect. Take care of Cai’er’s daily life.”

“Of course, all this is just speculation after all, so anyone who knows about this matter only needs me to follow the Taishang Elder.”

The Tianjian Sect is a very famous training sect throughout the Tianxing Continent, and it rules dozens of human dynasties.

The Tianyuan Dynasty where Tianyu City is located is one of the dynasties under the rule of Tianjian Sect.

A flash of disappointment flashed in Yun Qingyan’s eyes.

What he wanted to see most now was his parents and Cai’er. Unexpectedly, they all went to Tianjian Sect.

Yes, Yun Qingyan has confirmed that they went to Tianjian Sect. Because there is also the Heavenly Sword Sect in the Immortal World, and the waistband of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the Immortal World is exactly the same as the waistband in front of you, except that the production materials are replaced by higher-grade materials.

“Uncle, how far is the distance from Tianyu City to Tianjian Sect? If you ride on a blood-maned horse that travels five thousand miles a day, how many days will it take to get there?” Yun Qingyan was thinking about going to Tianjian Sect. .

“Yan’er, I’m afraid you will be disappointed. Except for the disciples of Tianjian Sect, no outsider knows the location of Tianjian Sect. Otherwise, the uncle would have gone to Tianjian Sect to confirm their traces.” The uncle said with a look on his face. Said with a wry smile.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Tianjian Sect for pretending to be mysterious. The main reason is that there are too many people who want to join Tianjian Sect. If Tianjian Sect did not hide the mountain gate, the mountain gate would have been broken through by others.

After all, Tianjian Sect is a righteous sect, no matter how deep down it is, on the surface, it is not convenient for Tianjian Sect to attack ordinary people.

After hearing what his uncle said, Yun Qingyan became even more disappointed.

His cultivation level has been almost exhausted, and his spiritual consciousness has also been depleted to less than one ten thousandth of what it was in its heyday. He can no longer use his spiritual consciousness to find people. Otherwise, with his heaven-defying divine consciousness, a person Thoughts can cover the entire Tianxing Continent.

“For the present plan, we can only recover our cultivation first, and then reunite with my parents and Cai’er!”


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