Reincarnation Paradise Chapter 49: : overlay


Great gathering place, behind the booth rented by Su Xiao.

The hymn left with mixed feelings after expressing her willingness to help Su Xiao fight a world as a healing department. In fact, this is also understandable. Anyone who signed 15 reincarnation paradise contracts will have more complicated feelings.

Click, click…

The sound of chewing echoed each other. Su Xiao, Bubuwang, Amu, and Baha each held a small bag of crispy broad beans and sat behind the booth to eat them. It’s true that I’m a little hungry.

There are three more items [? ? ? ], [Soul of Skills·Darkness], and 【Origin Stone·Fire of Chaos] which are only exchanged but not sold.

In the past few hours of setting up the stall, many people have taken a fancy to [Origin Stone·Chaos Fire]. If you can exchange for this fire-type Origin Stone with a sword-type or technique-type Genesis Stone, it will be very easy. earn.

The former is certainly precious, but its audience is far less than that of the fire element. Several buyers have promised to get the type of origin stone Su Xiao needs as soon as possible and reach an exchange.

While Su Xiao was thinking about how to dispose of the existing soul coins, a figure in a black robe walked past the booth and took away [Soul of Technique Darkness].

【Soul of Technique Darkness has been sold. 】

【You get a soul coin. 】

Seeing this, Su Xiao is going to withdraw the stall and go back to the Reincarnation Paradise. Although he didn’t get any rare ingredients this time, he brought back some special mushrooms from the High Wall City, and let Xia cook them later.

While Boubo Wang, Benny, and Baja were arguing over whether mushrooms should be eaten roasted or stewed, a man with a short ponytail and a leather jacket stopped in front of the booth. charcoal box, said:

“4500, I want this thing.”

The ponytail man looked at the contents of the charcoal box, seeming very interested.

“5000, no price.”

Su Xiao’s tone was calm but determined. It wasn’t that he sent the 500 soul coins to sell the “father-level” utensils at the stall. There is no enmity when they meet each other, but it is really too disrespectful to treat the other party as if they are commodities.


The man with the ponytail clicked his tongue, turned to smile and continued: “It’s fine, whoever made me feel better today, I won.”

After saying that, the ponytail man paid 5000 soul coins, almost instantly, the charcoal box in his hand disappeared, and a crown fell into his hand.

The ponytail man’s expression darkened, and the smile on his face disappeared. He lowered his eyes and said, “My friend, this is not good.”


Su Xiao didn’t speak, put away the charcoal box, and hoped to sell the “father-level” utensils with this charcoal box, this is the branch produced by the black maple tree, burned at a stable temperature, while ensuring its characteristics, let It is carbonized, and then these sticks of charcoal are broken to form this box.

When encountering weird things, Su Xiao always uses this box, plus a leather cloth branded with alchemy secret patterns, and seals it up.

Even if he bid tens of thousands of soul coins, he would not sell this charcoal box. It was made from black maple branches that had been accumulated for a long time, and he failed a few times during the period. One can imagine the high cost.

The man with the ponytail is very knowledgeable, and he immediately fell in love with this charcoal box.


The man with the ponytail smiled. The reason for this is that he vaguely guessed the origin of the black crown. friend’.

The man with the ponytail was not too disappointed when he failed to pick up the charcoal box. The gloom on his face disappeared, and he left thoughtfully.

Looking at the back of the man with the ponytail, for some reason, Su Xiao had a premonition that he might meet that “father-level” artifact again, to be precise, he would also encounter the artifact called “Soul Crown” .

Although this thing is called the “Soul Crown”, it is more appropriate to call it the “Dark Crown”. Speaking of which, Su Xiao has some ties to this thing.

The “Dark Mask” he dealt with before is a lower derivative of the “Dark Crown”. , just wearing the “Dark Crown” is not perfect, he also needs to wear a mask.

There was a deviation in the creation of the “Dark Mask”, and it was simply lost later.

Compared to “Jar of the Abyss” and “Necronomicon”, “Crown of Souls” does not seem dangerous.

But for the strong, the “Crown of Soul” is extremely dangerous. The moment you touch it, the stronger the person, the easier it is to be bewitched by it. The body is like a balloon that is continuously blown up until the end , The balloon exploded with a bang, and at that time, the person who wears the crown will become a servant of the crown and be controlled by the crown.

This is the terrible thing about the “Crown of Soul”, or “Dark Crown”. all of**.

It is not that no one has tried to destroy the “Dark Crown”, and the result is that without exception, after obtaining the “Dark Crown”, they all become its slaves.

Su Xiao never thought that he was a chosen person or a special existence, so he never thought that he could ignore or overcome the situation that others would be bewitched after touching it, so he stayed away from this thing Point, is the best countermeasure.

Looking at the 390,000 soul coins displayed in the imprint list, Su Xiao began to consider how to spend this wealth in the future to achieve the greatest strength improvement.

Su Xiao is going to use 800 ounces of space-time power to build a “hunting list”, and the intensity of the battle in the next world can be imagined.

Based on the current number of soul coins, Su Xiao has three promotion strategies:

1. Both Sword Master and Melee Master have been upgraded to Lv.70, which has brought about a qualitative change in these two core abilities, and also improved the ability of “breathing out”.

2. Only upgrade the knife skill to Lv.70, and the remaining soul coins are used to upgrade the dragon flash to the origin level, and increase the “Basic Passive Blood Awakening” by a large margin.

3. Only upgrade the sword skill to Lv.70, try to use the remaining soul coins to increase the “Basic Passive·Spiritual Toughness” to the full level, if there is any remaining, increase the “Basic Passive·Blood Awakening”.

First rule out the third type. The current level of “Basic Passive · Resilience” is enough for the time being. When you have enough money later, you can fill up this ability.

In the second case, if Zhanlong Flash is promoted to the origin level, there will definitely be an exaggerated improvement in terms of slashing power, but the problem is that now the immortal level is +14, and the damage level of knives is +5. It is enough to kill enemies with the strength of the God of Immortality.

This also means that with Su Xiao’s current comprehensive strength, the sharpness of Dragon Flash is enough for the time being. His current focus is to be able to cut it first before considering other things. Encountering an enemy with strong defense , with the double sharpness bonus of “Silver Moon Blade” + “Spiritual Blade”, it is enough to deal with it.

Close the booth, and the 12 soul coins refund notice for the booth rental appears. Su Xiao walks to the building with ф printed in the distance, and returns to the Reincarnation Paradise through the teleportation device.

With a flash of light in front of his eyes, Su Xiao had already returned to the building at the end of the trading street. After leaving the trading street, he returned to the exclusive room, and Benny brought [Dark Matter Absorption (Skill Scroll · Abyss Feature)] to the The agreed place is to trade with the black devil little fat man. The price has been negotiated in advance, and the other side is willing to pay a soul coin.

The price is already very high. In Dajudi, no one cares about this item for 6,000.

In addition, Boubo Wang is responsible for strengthening the hall and selling 24 [refined immortal stones] to the merchants there. Judging from the current situation, it is not possible to strengthen the immortal level weapons for the time being. Or Immortal Class · special equipment.

After returning to the exclusive room, Su Xiao sat on the sofa. He estimated that a total of one soul coin would be enough to improve the sword master + melee master.

In addition to this expenditure, he still has a surplus of soul coins in his hand, which is not enough for Dragon Flash’s promotion. If it is used to upgrade “Basic Passive Blood Awakening”, the risk is higher.

The reason why it is said that the risk of improving “Basic Passive Blood Awakening” in the near future is high because Su Xiao is going to be ruthless. He has used various “Basic Passives” to improve his physical fitness. Imagine, finally got a chance to try.

Except for the double masters, it is safest not to improve other abilities for the time being. In this way, the surplus money of more than 70,000 can be used to open a certain item obtained before.

For this thing, Su Xiao has long wanted to open it, that is [Steel Box], this is the secret treasure that Sunbird Taiha Kak once guarded, and it was because of this that Sunbird chased and killed Su Xiao to the bottom of the sea. 【Steel box】.

Before purchasing two souls of skills from the Goblin Chamber of Commerce, Su Xiao is going to open the [Steel Box] first. I bought it at a high price.

Take out the [steel box], it is about 1 meter high and 70 cm wide. It is divided into three layers as a whole, and it looks old and strong.

【Whether to open the steel box, this item has a three-layer structure, and it can be opened three times in total. Each time you open it, you need to purify the power of destiny on it, and you need to consume some soul coins each time. 】

【This item was left by the God King Os Tobias, and it was sealed by a strong fate. There may be a secret treasure left by the God King in it, or it is empty. 】

Su Xiao chose to open it, and his soul coin holdings dropped rapidly. After 20,000 pieces were consumed, there was a crisp sound of the mechanism closing, and the mechanism lock on the first layer of the steel box was released, and it unfolded by itself.


Su Xiao put his hand into the steel box, knocked on the bottom of the box, and confirmed that the first layer of [Steel Box] was empty.

Fortunately, it was not opened before. At the end of the eighth stage, if the 20,000 soul coins are empty, life will be difficult for a long time to come.

Su Xiao didn’t believe that the second floor was still empty, so he opened it, and…


Su Xiao lit a cigarette, while Baha and Amu on the side pretended nothing happened, and the atmosphere was still there, and Boubo Wang who just came back came forward.

Su Xiao knocked on the bottom of the second floor. This floor was actually empty. He was a little puzzled. The third floor was empty and the second floor was empty. What exactly was Sunbird Taiha Kak guarding? He opened the last floor with 20,000 soul coins.

【You get the Blood of Destiny (world-class item). 】

【You get the drive core Stormlord (origin level item). 】

【You get winemaking method (ancient knowledge). 】

【You get the blood of the gods (world ink). 】

【Blood of Destiny】

Origin: World of Painting

Quality: World Class

Type: Rare Item.

Effect of use: In the original world (non-transcendence), this item can be implanted in the body of the plot character, and the plot character has a certain chance to become the child of the world in this world.

Introduction: This is the continuation of the world tinder used for painting left by God King Ostobaia.

Selling Price: Power of the World 150 oz.

[Drive Core·Storm Lord]

Place of Origin: The Second Era of the World of Painting·Era of Alchemy.

Quality: Origin Level

Category: Driver Core.

Durability: points.

Effect: This is the driving core of the giant wings of the sky and the storm lord.

Score: 2359 points (the score of origin level equipment is 1500~3000 points).

Tip: If the driver core is successfully repaired, the score of the driver core will be restored to 3000 points.

Introduction: In the Second Epoch Alchemy Era, the alchemists were so demanding on the drive cores that they were almost paranoid. They were not allowed to sell or transfer the drive cores unless they were perfect. This also caused the rare drive cores to be left behind. , It is a miracle that this precious drive core can be left to this day. If you want to use it, you must first repair it. Even if you are an alchemist, it is very difficult to repair it. It took too many ‘repairs’ to get this damaged.

Price: 5700 soul coins.

【Wine making method】

Place of Origin: The World of Painting.

Category: knowledge records (cannot be used directly, only through interpretation to grasp the recorded content).

Learning pre-requisites: elemental affinity of 20 points or more.

Recorded content: The wonderful secret method of brewing wine. After processing the raw materials of wine making through the secret method, let the natural elements participate in the process of fermentation and brewing. This secret method cannot force the power of the elements, so it needs a high enough affinity for the elements to allow the power of the elements to participate on their own During the brewing process, the higher the elemental affinity, the more elemental strength will be gathered, and the more mellow the brewed wine will be.

Tips: brewing in this way for a long time will gradually increase the affinity of the elements.

Warning: After mastering this method, please do not control, manipulate, seal up, or interfere with natural elements in any way, otherwise the affinity of the elements will be reduced.

Introduction: A secret technique once approved by the Extermination Law, but unfortunately, God King Os Tobias regards this as a treasure that will not be passed on to the outside world, and only wishes to leave this technique to those who inherit his power.

Su Xiao flipped through the brochure in his hand. After a while, he roughly understood why this wine-making method was recognized by the ancestors. This wine-making method has nothing to do with abusing or devouring the power of elements. Everything has the participation of elemental power, but people can’t see the elemental power and don’t know it.

Combining with the elements, and even absorbing a small amount of elemental power under natural circumstances, the law destroyers will not interfere. The natural law is like this, so there is no need to intervene. To be precise, this is called the element cycle. People After absorbing natural elements, they are not digested. After a while, these elemental forces will leave the human body and return to nature.

This winemaking method is to attract more natural elements through its own element affinity, and then seal the wine tank. After brewing for a period of time, as the wine tank is opened, the elemental power inside will leave, not only is it not consuming elements Power will also increase the elemental power. After the elemental power leaves, what is obtained is a fine wine brewed with the participation of many elemental powers.

The abuse and devouring of elemental power is a non-renewable consumption of elemental power. Once this happens, natural elements will become less and less, the environment of that world will become worse and worse, and the output of resources will decrease. The fresh water became turbid, and so on, until the abyss invaded.

The amazing thing is that this winemaking method can enhance the affinity of elements. It can be seen that the process has a considerable increase in the power of the elements. The world brewing, and perhaps depleting the elements there, came later.

Although I am interested, but the matter of robbing, the previous generations of exterminators can’t do it. Of course, except for the enemy, it is not clear robbing of the enemy, but beheading first, and then counting the spoils. The simple formula is: enemy’s = mine.

Su Xiao is very interested in this wine-making method. Although he himself only drinks occasionally, he has wine-making conditions that others cannot match.

First of all, there is this secret brewing method. From the explanation, the higher the elemental affinity of the brewer, the better the brewed wine. With his elemental affinity of 983 points, the bonus in this aspect will It will be unbelievably high.

Usually those elemental powers often come to him, and once almost singed his hair, this time there is a place for them to go.

In addition to the advantages of the brewing method, the most important thing in brewing is water. Regarding this point, Su Xiao can’t think of anything better than the eternal spring water.

There is already a black maple tree more than 7 meters high, which often falls off its branches. Some of the branches are not up to the standard. They should be used as materials for wine barrels, which should be quite good.

The main materials needed for wine making can be exchanged for shares with the materials, and soul coins can be exchanged in the Samsara Paradise, which is definitely not bad.

If there are no accidents, the quality of the final wine is absolutely astonishingly high, which is a way to make money.

In addition to this brewing method, the value of [Blood of Destiny (world-class item)] and [Blood of the Gods] need not be said. The latter Su Xiao obtained it in the world of painting. This is a miracle used in the world of painting things.

As for [Driver Core Storm Lord (Original Item)], this thing alone means that opening the [Steel Box] this time is blood earning.

Put away all the obtained items, Su Xiao entered the single room used as a study, and activated the [Goblin Universal Trading Device].

[Goblin Universal Trading Device] turned into a cylinder less than 1 meter high, at the top, a toad-like creature drilled out, it had more than ten legs, grabbed the top of the cylinder below, and the big toad All kinds of coins are pasted, some are paper money, some are gold coins, and some are soul coins.

The big toad said enthusiastically: “Welcome to use the No. 18 replacement machine, honorable customer of the law destroyer.”

“The skill soul I ordered last time, is it ready?”

“Blade Soul, Body Soul, Curry has them all, honored guest, to tell you the truth, someone wanted to buy a Blade Soul before, but we didn’t sell it for 160,000. Look…”

The big toad laughed more and more enthusiastically. As for what it said, someone wanted to buy “Soul of Technique Blade” before, and it was nothing more than wanting to raise the price.

“Forget it, I will contact other vendors later.”

“Don’t, dear guest, I’m just talking casually.”

The big toad changed the subject, and began to talk about how excellent the “soul of technique blade” they stored.

After some negotiations, the price of “Soul of Technique Blade” remains unchanged, while the price of “Soul of Technique Body” is 140,000 soul coins. Although the price is not cheap, the big toad took out a piece The gift is the “Smoke Bomb” produced by Goblin Company, and the price is 3000 soul coins.

After the transaction was over, the big toad didn’t leave immediately, but asked Su Xiao if he had met Caesar recently, and when he knew that he hadn’t, he left unwillingly.

After leaving the study room, Su Xiao sat cross-legged on the carpet, and took out the two souls of skills that he had just obtained, one was faintly blue, and the other was light red.

【If you want to upgrade the sword master Lv.69, you need to consume “Soul of Technique Blade” and 1 soul coin. 】

Su Xiao chose to ascend, and in the next moment, he was shrouded in brilliance. When his sight recovered, he had arrived at a misty place, as if he was on the top of the cloud.

Su Xiao stepped forward. At the beginning, he could roughly distinguish the direction. After walking for a long time, the sense of direction began to be unclear, and the surrounding clouds and mists began to thin. He arrived at a barren place.

I don’t know how long it will take to keep going, it seems to be just a few minutes, it seems like a few years, or even longer, he seems to have passed through ice fields, wastelands, deserts, and underground molten caves. The surrounding scenes are constantly changing. The sky was clear, the next moment it was the setting sun, and the next moment it was raining cats and dogs.

Suddenly, everything around is still, raindrops are still in the air, and the fresh smell of the soil when it rains still stays in the sense of smell, so that the sound of earthworms pushing out the wet soil is like that Clear and distinct.

Su Xiao looked at the sky, he seemed to have realized something, but it was the same as before, he continued to move forward, and all the raindrops that were still around the surrounding area receded to the surrounding area.

Three stone tablets stand in front of them. These three stone tablets are several meters high. The first one is blood-colored, and there are traces of blood smoke floating out. The second one is blue with cut marks all over it, and the third one is pitch-black. , A feeling of abyss came oncoming.

Su Xiao knows that this is the choice he will face after his sword master reaches Lv.70. The first choice is to develop into a pure blood system, and all sword skills will be transformed into the blood system.

The second type is the sharp tendency, which is the style that Su Xiao has been insisting on.

The third is the abyss tendency. After choosing this tendency, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, even if he fails to obtain resources later, it will be the same, but the relative price is too great to bear .

Without any hesitation, Su Xiao raised his hand and pressed on the second stone tablet. With a bang, the surrounding world shattered, and the blue stone tablet with cut marks all over it also shattered. Akatsuki’s chest.

In the exclusive room, Su Xiao opened his eyes. He was still sitting cross-legged on the carpet. Everything just now seemed to be illusory. He raised his hand, and water dripped from his cuff soaked by the rain.

【The sword master has been promoted to Lv.70. 】

[Sword Master: Lv.70 (Passive)]

Skill effect: Knife weapon attack power increased by 969% (increased by 20%), basic nerve reflex speed +175 points (increased by 20 points), and the damage level of knives weapons +1.

Lv.10 Ultimate Ability: Mind Blade (Passive)…

Lv.20 Ultimate Ability: Soul Blade (Passive)…

Lv.30 Ultimate Ability: Ultimate Blade (Passive)…

Lv.40 Ultimate Ability: Heart Soul Blade (Passive)…

Lv.50 Ultimate Ability: Soul Blade (Passive)…

Lv.60 Ultimate Ability: Blade Domain (Profound Truth Level · Active), forming a blade domain within 100 meters, when you are in this domain, you will get 10% full damage reduction, and you can parry After successfully parrying a strong attack that is 25 points higher than its own strength attribute, the characteristics of resistance to knockback and resistance to flying can be temporarily and greatly improved.

Tips: After opening this field, it consumes 1500 mana per second.

Reminder: When you are in the domain of the blade, your slash damage will increase by 20%.

Reminder: When you are in the domain of the blade, the activation speed of your Dragon Shadow Flash ability will be increased by 35%.

Reminder: When you are in the domain of blades, all your sword skills will be strengthened by the domain of blades.

Lv.70 ultimate ability: blade · world (esoteric level · passive), the damage level of knife weapons is +4.

Feeling the master of swordsmanship who has completed the transformation, Su Xiao is very pleased. The “Blade Field” is finally no longer the field of scraping, but has become a master’s magic skill.

After opening the Blade Domain, not to mention the 10% all-round damage reduction, the ability to parry strong attacks no higher than 25 points of its own strength attribute is the ability Su Xiao has always wanted.

Whether it was against the old knight, the Nether Emperor, or the God of Immortality before, Su Xiao was blown away by the enemy’s strong attack more than once.

Now that the “Blade Domain” has completed its transformation, this kind of thing will not happen easily again. Of course, the strength of the “Blade Domain” is needless to say, and the consumption is also high. Consumes 1500 physical energy per second.

Fortunately, Su Xiao has some mana, and he can activate the “Blade Field” for up to 40 seconds. This is a killer move that will only be activated at the end of the battle, when he is fighting with the enemy. It does not need 40 seconds, 20 seconds is enough.

The newly awakened “Lv.70 Ultimate Ability Blade World”, this ability implements Su Xiao’s long-standing knife style, simple, pure, and powerful.

It took Su Xiao so long to make the damage level of knife weapons reach +5 level, and now he suddenly +4, reaching the level of damage caused by knife weapons +9, which made him even less anxious to promote Dragon Flash.

Su Xiaodu doubts that an origin-level shield with a score of less than 2300 points can block Dragon Flash’s knife? I don’t know if there are tanks with shields at the ninth level. If you encounter a hostile contractor with a shield in the next world, you have to find the other party to try.

After meditating for a while, he took out a large number of soul crystal cores, as well as the “soul and body of techniques”, and began to upgrade the melee master.

In the past, he would definitely improve level by level, so as to seek stability, but at this time he has just been promoted to the master of swordsmanship, and his condition is unprecedentedly good, so he chose a single large increase.

A large number of soul crystal nuclei were shattered, and the “soul and body of technique” was turned into energy and submerged into Su Xiao’s body.

Half an hour later, Su Xiao’s whole body was filled with scorching white air, and the redness in his eyes faded away. During this half hour, he felt the blood in his whole body wash away in his body as if turning into hot magma.

【The melee master has been upgraded to Lv.70. 】

[Melee Grandmaster: Lv.70 (Passive)]

Skill effect: In melee combat, kick attack power increased by 790% (increased by 18%), basic nerve reflex speed +52 points (increased by 10 points), basic dynamic vision +47 points (increased by 10 points),* * Defense and ** strength increased by 42%, immune to all physical control effects derived from lower than own strength and agility attributes (such as being frozen or bound, etc., can break free instantly).

Lv.10 Ultimate Ability·Power Penetration·Basic Enhancement of Kicking Skills (Passive)…

Lv.20 Ultimate Ability · Power Penetration · Kick Skill Enhanced Once (Passive)…

Lv.30 Ultimate Ability·Strength Penetration·Secondary Enhancement of Kicking Skills (Passive)…

Lv.40 Ultimate Ability · Power Penetration · Kicking Skill Three Enhancements (Passive)…

Lv.50 Ultimate Ability · Power Penetration · Kicking Skill Four Enhancements (Passive)…

Lv.60 Ultimate Ability · Power Penetration · Kicking Skill Five Enhancements (Profound Truth Level · Passive)…

Lv.70 Ultimate Ability·Strength Penetration·Kick Skill Six-time Strengthening (Profound Truth Level·Passive): The damage level of the kick skill is +2, and the overall attack strength of the kick skill has been increased by “huge amount”, which has caused The judgment was raised to “destruction level”.

Destruction level: You use pure explosive power to pierce through and penetrate the enemy’s physical defense, so that 40% of the damage from your straight kicking skills cannot be reduced.

Before checking the effect of the skill, Su Xiao actually felt that his melee master ability is still as focused as ever, and all the bonuses are accumulated on the straight kick, the purer it is, the stronger it is.

Facts have proved that the master of close combat has never disappointed Su Xiao. The great emperor, the God of Immortality and other powerhouses were all kicked to the ground on one knee, and their bodies were numb.

Su Xiao glanced at the remaining soul coins, feeling that how many soul coins are not enough to spend, he still has it after reaching the ninth level, maybe, this thing will never be enough to spend, and because of this, this soul energy The condensed coins are so attractive.

Su Xiao tried to upgrade the sword master Lv.70, and he wanted to try its upgrade cost.

【If you need to upgrade the saber master Lv.70, you need to consume soul crystal core x 100 + 6300 soul coins. 】

Seeing this prompt, Su Xiao’s eyes gradually became dignified, he turned it off, and tried again to become a saber master.

[If you need to upgrade the sword master Lv.70, you need to consume soul crystal core x 100…]

The reality is sometimes so ruthless. After reaching Lv.70, the upgrade cost of level 1 for a saber master is astonishingly 100 soul crystal cores.

At this moment, Su Xiao suddenly remembered that at the empty seat banquet before, when he chatted with the head of the group, he mentioned that he was developing the ability of the three masters. A kind of gaze that was looking at a brand-new species, looked Su Xiao up and down, and finally said: “As expected of a rich alchemist.”

The good news is that the Virgo still owes me 250 soul crystal nuclei, and the other party will definitely pay them back.

The bad news is that the Saintess is in the void forces. Although there are a lot of soul crystal nuclei there, there are too many people needed, resulting in a horrible number after sharing.

This time in the Dark Continent, Su Xiao got a total of 9 gold skill points. If he had raised the Lv.MAX ability before, he must have raised it to Lv.EX. Now he wants to try and use other Elevate the master of swordsmanship.

Su Xiao tried to activate the gold skill points, but immediately, he gave up this method, which felt very wrong. The energy drawn by the gold skill points has a “penetrating sense”, but it is not like when a large number of soul crystal cores are consumed So strong.

Of course, gold skill points can increase the level of the saber master. However, although the level has been increased, the effect of the improvement will not be as good as that of using the soul crystal core.

A simple analogy is that consuming a large number of soul crystal cores to improve the sword master is to nourish the growth of this ability with a majestic soul energy.

Using gold skill points to upgrade is to use a small amount of energy with extremely powerful “piercing power” to break through the level barrier of ability. , the improvement brought about is good.

In contrast, even if thousands of soul crystal cores are used, the ability of Lv.MAX cannot be raised to Lv.MAX+, or the limit of Lv.EX.

Gold skill points can do this, because the energy that comes with a small amount but powerful “piercing power” is specially used to break the upper limit and make the ability reach a new height.

When the ranks of abilities were not enough before, Su Xiao thought that gold skill points could perfectly improve all skills. Giving him the illusion that he can elevate everything.

Even so, gold skill points are still extremely valuable, “Basic Passive Awakening, Lv.MAX”, “Basic Passive Recovery, Lv.MAX”, “Broken Soul Shadow, Lv.MAX”, “Extreme Blade, Lv.MAX+”, these abilities are waiting to be improved with gold skill points.

In other words, Su Xiao only has gold skill points to improve these abilities.

In the future, after “Basic Passive · Resilience” and “Basic Passive · Blood Awakening” reach Lv. MAX, a lot of gold skill points will also be consumed.

Su Xiao has been using gold skill points to improve the ability of “Blue Shadow King”. It feels a little bit less energetic, not as solid as the blood beast.

Now it seems that gold skill points are not used to improve the big move “Blue Shadow King” at all, but there is no way to improve “Blue Shadow King”. Let him have a suitable means to improve the “Blue Shadow King”.

Using gold skill points to improve “Blue Shadow King” is not bad. The skill level is supported first, and at most follow-up with a large number of skill points to fill up the shortfall of “Blue Shadow King”. Magic skill points can be achieved, and even if the level of the Cyan Shadow King remains the same, the strength will change drastically.

In this regard, it is impossible to get useful guidance from the unscrupulous mentor Marvin Waltz. The last time this matter was mentioned, Marvin Waltz’s answer was: ‘Well, you can decide for yourself. ’

Actually, Marvin Waltz’s thought at the time was: ‘What the **** is a gold skill point? I haven’t heard of it, so it’s better not to say more, lest this kid develop into something wrong. ’

Right now, Su Xiao is going to invest the 9 gold skill points he has gained into “Supreme Blade, Lv. MAX+”.

With a little bit of gold skill points invested, the level of “Supreme Blade” began to increase. After investing 7 points, this ability gave people the feeling of cracking their shells, and then fell into a temporary silence. Through the skill list, it is also impossible to view its attributes, it only shows that this ability is transforming.

There are 2 gold skill points left, and Su Xiao invested it in “Basic Passive Awakening” to further increase the upper limit of the intensity of perception.

This is not over yet, Su Xiao still has 30 magic-killing skill points, he activated the brand with his mind, and the magic-killing skill points began to be consumed rapidly.

There was a roar in Su Xiao’s ears, and his eyes fell into darkness. When he woke up, he found that more than two hours had passed, and the time passed so quickly.

[Qinggangying’s ability has reached Lv.89. 】

[Green Steel Shadow: Lv.89 (Active and Passive Skills)]

Conditions of use: After the Qinggangying ability is activated, it consumes 340 mana points per minute.

Active effect: Each melee attack will burn the enemy’s mana by 1445 points (increased by 450 points), and cause the real damage of burning mana x 1.8 times (2601 points of real damage + Dragon Flash increase by 25% + Cyan Shadow King Increase by 30% = 4032 points of real damage), the enemy will bear the intense pain of mana burning.

Defense Form: Proud Song (Active)…

Combat form: Blast (active), immediately consumes 20% of the maximum mana value, causing the energy blast effect of Qinggang Shadow centered on you, affecting all enemies within 1000 meters around, greatly reducing them The success rate of magical energy resonating with natural elements, and making it impossible to swallow elemental energy, will greatly reduce the power of the enemy’s magic ability, or enter a “silent” state where it cannot cast magic ability.

Reminder: This ability requires elemental affinity of 800 points or more to be available.

Tips: The cooling time of this ability is 5 hours.

Qing Gangying’s ability has been improved by a full 30 levels, and the increase in real damage will naturally be exaggerated, breaking through the 4000 point mark.

The new feature of Qinggangying is quite extreme, and it is very useful when dealing with magic systems. Originally, those spellcasters who were similar in strength to him would scrape him with the ability of magic systems. With this ability now, those scraping technicians The technique of shaving has been significantly reduced, and the shaving is no longer painful.

Su Xiao meditated for a while, then walked into the alchemy laboratory, and began to prepare in a metal pool with a diameter of 5 meters.

First, let Ah Mu fetch the spring water from the Eternal Spring, and after filling the metal pool half full, Su Xiao began to mix various medicines, one can at a time, and then poured all kinds of medicines into the metal pool, 32 ounces of world power are also added to it.

Seeing this scene, Boubo Wang and Benny were all wilted. They hid under the bed, as if thinking of what was about to happen.

In the alchemy laboratory, after mixing for several hours, Su Xiao, who stood in front of the metal pool, was quite satisfied with the results this time. He took out an old-fashioned sealed container, opened it, and put the [Abyss Blood] poured into the metal pool.

When, when.

Su Xiao knocked on the edge of the metal pool with the scabbard, and Boubo Wang, Amu, Baha, and Benny were forced to stand in a row.

Em first, Su Xiao asked him to use [Stranger Soul Blood] + a [Dark Stone], it stepped into the dark red medicine pool first, squatting in the medicine liquid trembling, only showing its head , a moment later.


Eminem’s miserable howl came out of the alchemy laboratory, and the feeling of soaking in the dark red medicinal liquid was like a sharp knife cutting from the inside out.

Not only Eminem, but Boobwang, Baha, and Benny are all assigned a [Dark Stone].


Beside the metal pool, Su Xiao tapped the edge of the metal pool with a scabbard again. Seeing this, Baja, who was second in line, stepped forward. Standing by the pool, he tentatively put an eagle claw into the dark. Inside the red medicine liquid.

“Ah~! I am~, hiss~! I am!!”

Baja is like a pot, slipping in little by little. After soaking in it completely, it ‘enjoys’ until it is half unconscious, and it is a little shocked.

Seeing this, Boubo Wang’s dog’s face turned blue, it looked at Su Xiao pitifully, and shook its head.


The scabbard in Su Xiao’s hand knocked on the edge of the metal pool. Seeing this, Boubo Wang came to the edge of the metal pool. After “Oh my god” and “two hundred and five”, it was completely soaked in the dark red medicinal liquid.

At last, Benny was standing beside the metal pool with tears in his eyes. He raised his head and jumped in directly.

Su Xiao also entered the metal pool, took a deep breath, sat cross-legged, and immersed his whole body in the dark red medicinal liquid. He prepared this pool of medicinal liquid at a high price to increase the resistance to the abyss.

Before he obtained [Blood of the Abyss], he discovered the value of this thing.

After a long time, Su Xiao stood up in the metal pool, and the originally dark red medicinal liquid had turned black.

[Hint: Your abyss resistance has been increased by 5 points! 】

The abyss resistance was more difficult to improve than expected. Su Xiao fished out Boubo Wang, Ah Mu, Baha, and Benny, and after saying something to eat dinner, Ah Mu stood up tenaciously.

Two hours later, in the skill upgrade hall, Su Xiao’s most commonly used skill upgrade warehouse is inside.

The warehouse door behind him is closed. Su Xiao came this time to improve the ability of “breathing out”, and he is ready to take risks to fully fill this ability. reason.

The reason why we need to improve the ability of “breathing outside” as soon as possible is to activate the ability derived from blood gun master Lv.60.

[Blood Gun Master: Lv.60 (Passive)]

Skill effect…

Lv.10 Ultimate Ability: Killing Gun Blade (Passive)…

Lv.20 Ultimate Ability: Ruthless Gunblade (Passive)…

Lv.30 ultimate ability: iron-blooded gun blade (passive)…

Lv.40 Ultimate ability: rebirth after death (passive)…

Lv.50 Ultimate Ability: Blood Death (Passive)…

Lv.60 Ultimate Ability: Blood Soul Resonance (Profound Truth Level · Passive), you need to increase the breath release ability to Lv.MAX, or a higher Lv.EX, to fully awaken this ability.

Reminder; if you complete the blood energy resonance, your blood energy release ability will be integrated into this ability.

Su Xiao activates the skill upgrade bin and chooses to upgrade “Exhale Breath”. The next second, he disappears in the skill upgrade bin and heads to the ancient battlefield.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

One hour.

Boom! !

Su Xiao suddenly appeared and hit the metal wall of the skill upgrade cabin, hitting a pit, and blood splattered on the metal wall.

With a bang, the blood-red crystal claws pressed against the bulkhead. At this moment, Su Xiao’s eyes were red, but he was very calm. The long-term meditation, plus the master of sword skills at Lv.70, prevented him from being overwhelmed by blood. Erosion gets to your head.

[To get rid of the blood erosion in the ancient battlefield, 2250 soul coins are required. 】

【To get rid of the blood residue in the breath, you need to pay 3870 soul coins. 】

【Recovering physical damage requires payment of 392 soul coins. 】

Su Xiao chose to pay in full. Starting from his elbow, the blood-colored crystal forearm and claws were broken, and the crimson in his eyes also receded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

【The breath release ability has been raised to Lv.MAX. 】

Su Xiao went to the ancient battlefield this time and absorbed a large amount of blood energy from the ancient battlefield. He sucked up a large area. In return, his ability to release breath reached Lv.MAX.

[Blood Gun Master Lv.60 Ultimate Ability: Blood Soul Resonance (Passive) has been activated. 】

[Blood Soul Resonance (Passive): Aura-like abilities can be fused (requires breath-like abilities to reach Lv.MAX, or higher Lv.EX). After fusion, the breath ability will be removed from the skill list, but will not Reduce your existing blood energy intensity, total blood energy, etc. After completing this fusion, it will bring a certain degree of improvement to the blood spear master, and further improve the quality of your blood energy. 】

Su Xiao understands why the ability of “Blood Soul Resonance” will not be activated until the breath reaches Lv.MAX.

To put it simply, at the cost of merging the “outward breath”, promote the blood gun master, and further purify one’s own blood energy.

In this way, in the future, if you want to promote the blood gun master, you can consider not using the soul crystallization, but buying breath skills. Although “breath skills” can only be mastered at the same time, but Su Xiao’s breath is blood, as long as If you can go to the ancient battlefield, your “breathing skills” will improve quickly.

If you let go of absorbing the blood energy of the ancient battlefield, Su Xiao can use the newly mastered “breathing skills” to Lv. MAX just once, and then fuse this ability with “Blood Soul Resonance” to improve The level of the blood gun master, plus making his own blood more pure.

In this way, the promotion of the blood gun master is still second. As long as Su Xiao can absorb the blood energy of the ancient battlefield, Su Xiao can master the new “breathing skills” and upgrade them to the full level, and then use “Blood Soul Resonance” to fuse them. , Let the skill slots of “breathing skills” be vacant, and then master the new “breathing In this way, keep stacking your own blood energy and blood energy strength.

The main cost is the acquisition of new “breath skills”, it doesn’t matter what type, or, there is no clear type of “breath skills”, Su Xiao’s breath is blood energy, if he masters the new “breath skills” , this “breath-like skill” must increase blood energy, which is the same as wearing shoes on the feet, which will definitely not turn the feet into claws.

“Breath-type skills” are generally a bit expensive, especially “breath-type skills” with high enough grades. Also, every time you come back from the ancient battlefield to remove the blood erosion in the ancient battlefield, and remove the blood residue in the breath, it is very expensive. Not a small expense.

Compared to the benefits, these are all worthwhile. When the blood gun master reaches Lv. 70, and each level requires 100 soul crystal cores, this method of promotion will be overvalued.

After stabilizing his breath for a while, Su Xiao left the skill upgrade hall and walked to the agreed place. The last treatment on the side of King Daimao has not been completed. After completing this treatment, there will be a treatment reward there.

[Reminder: For your armguard equipment, the reincarnation of the black king has been upgraded to the origin level. 】Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, which is convenient for reading next time, or enter “” in Baidu to enter this site


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