Reincarnation Paradise Chapter 40: : A collection of crimes


In the Hall of Atonement, the air seems to be echoing with the whispers of the dead, but if you listen carefully, you can’t hear anything.

In the back is the black mist door that washes down. This black mist door only allows entry and no exit. In other words, this indicates that once faced with sin, there is no chance of turning back.

The half-weathered stumps and broken arms have now turned into flying embers. The 12 wolf knights and the 30 members of the choir behind them, standing among the flying embers, seem to be At this moment, the glory of the old church is restored.

In the old days, the wolf cavalry was the sharpest sword for killing, fighting against the invasion of the abyss on the front line, and the chants were the guardians at the rear, preventing the abyss from invading people’s habitats.

And now, Su Xiao confronted the wolf cavalry and the choral group at the same time. Although these are the split individuals of the sin collection, there are indeed some souls of the members of the wolf knights and the choral group among these individuals strength.

The good news is that among the 12 wolf knights, there is no wolf knight leader, and fortunately there is no wolf knight leader, otherwise they would not be able to fight at all. It just cannot become the real Sacred Heart One.

Among the known combat strength rankings of the strong in Dead Silence City, the top three are either gods or demigods, and the fourth and fifth places are occupied by the captain of the wolf knight and the choral group (only 1 state in 30 fusions).

Ranked sixth is the Sin Aggregation. Right now, this ranking is not very accurate. The combat power of the Sin Aggregation is very similar to that of the Psalm Troupe. five.

If possible, Su Xiao would not fight against the Sin Collective alone, but gather several other ‘good teammates’. The problem is, now that we have the Origin Stone, there is no proof.

If you can’t absorb the source stone with proof, you won’t be able to bring about the protection effect. Only relying on the level 5 protection provided by the protection stone, coming here is asking for a dead end.

The oppressive force is coming, but I don’t know why, Su Xiao always has the feeling that he has a 60% chance of winning against the sinful aggregate. degree.

Su Xiao looked around at the 12 wolf knights and 30 members of the choral group in front of him. The wolf knights were all wearing silver and black battle armor. The unique color of the armor, the appearance of the armor is eroded to rough, but the defense is excellent.

The 30 members of the chants are full-body battle armor made of metal armor and dark red cloth. Since the chants are all female members, the shape of the battle armor is relatively slim, and it is equipped with cloth, which is both beauty.

Su Xiao is clear, what he has to do is not only to defeat these 42 enemies, just now after the sin collection was transformed into this form, he discovered that the sin collection has a core, to be precise, it should be called It is the “main soul”.

Only by destroying the “main soul” can the sin aggregate be eliminated in the true sense. Otherwise, the sin aggregate will continuously ‘resurrect’ the incomplete souls it assimilates. If the wolf knight captain is ‘resurrected’, That’s it.

At this moment, the “main soul” of the collection of sins is in the body of one of the 42 enemies in front. Finding this “main soul” and killing the body it is attached to is the most important thing. Instead of fighting with the wolf cavalry + chants.

However, Su Xiao is still worried about a problem, that is, whether the “main soul” of the sin collection can be freely transferred between the wolf knight and the members of the chant group. If it can be transferred, it will be difficult to kill.

Among the flying embers, Su Xiao was already fully aware, and at this moment, there was a sudden tingling between his brows, which was an early warning sensory pain.


Sharp and metallic stabbing sound hits head-on. In the perception circle, Su Xiao’s perception has not yet caught the enemy, but a spiral spear has already stabbed him head-on. The degree of horror, if Su Xiao’s “Intuition” ability has reached lv70, and the “Perceptual Basic Passive Awakening” has been raised to 1, this gun cannot be perceived.

Click it!

The shattered light blue crystals splashed in all directions. Looking at Su Xiao again, he was wrapped in crystals and kept his head sideways. The strange thing is that the crystals beside him seemed to record his slow motion. Like moving, forming a connected crystal statue, pierced by the spear is the head of the crystal statue in an upright posture.

The principle of this is to wrap itself with the activated crystal first, prevent it from solidifying, and at the same time dodge by yourself, and let the crystal continue to form, supporting him to dodge.

It feels like there is an invisible hand pushing yourself aside when avoiding an attack, and it is because of this that the connected crystal statues that are captured in slow motion are formed.

Although this move has not been named yet, it is faster than Dragon Shadow Flash when dodging surprise attacks and thrusting attacks. Dragon Shadow Flash also has a process of penetrating space, so this move is even faster.

Of course, if it is to avoid horizontal slashes, blunt attacks, or large-scale energy attacks, Dragon Shadow Flash is stronger. Right now, this move is limited to avoiding super-high-speed attacks from a single target.

With a whoosh, Su Xiao’s black hair was blown up, and he faintly felt that a member of the choral group passed him by, and the speed of the other party was so fast that he could not catch it.

The dark blue in the center of Su Xiao’s pupils immediately changed to light blue. “Quick Soul Core”.

Ignoring the sense of crisis coming from ahead, he made a false slash forward and at the same time activated the Dragon Shadow Flash ability, moving 3 meters backward.

At the moment when Su Xiao moved in space, a spiral spear stabbed at his vest. It was the member of the hymn troupe whose speed was so fast that it didn’t make sense.


Blood splattered, Su Xiao was pierced through the back of the heart, a petite member of the chant troupe with a cloak like wings behind Su Xiao appeared behind Su Xiao, this is the previous Sacred Heart One.

With a bang, it was blasted by the ‘Su Xiao’ who pierced through the back of the heart, turning into crystal fragments and scattered blood smoke.

Almost at the same time, Su Xiao, who flashed back three meters with the dragon shadow just now, has already slashed out, this time he is behind Sacred Heart.

No matter how fast Sacred Heart One is, she can’t dodge the knife, because this is Su Xiao’s knife that was cut in advance while activating Dragon Shadow Flash.


Sacred Heart One’s back was cut open, even with the armor defense, the wound was still deep.


Sacred Heart flashed a golden and red afterimage, far away from Su Xiao, she was petite, standing on the ceiling with both feet, hanging her body upside down, with a white fishbone braid protruding from the back of her head hanging down.

Sacred Heart One retreated at an astonishing speed, Su Xiao immediately raised his sword to block, but he did not forget that there were 41 enemies ahead.

When! when!

Two wolf swords slashed, and the ground under Su Xiao’s feet exploded. He felt his right arm go numb instantly.

At the same time, a wolf knight with a height of nearly 3.5 meters and holding a wolf sword came to Su Xiao’s side. He quickly climbed the crystal layer on his right leg and kicked Su Xiao sideways.

Boom! ! !

Su Xiao turned into a straight afterimage, submerged into the side wall, and the next moment, smoke and dust surged, and three spiral guns of the choral group pierced into the smoke and dust.

When! when! when!

Sparks splattered, and the three spiral guns pierced into the smoke were chopped off, turned 90° with full force, and flew to both sides.

Su Xiao held the side ribs with one hand, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. This side kick, it feels too f*cking to destroy the magic. The energy crystallized, and then covered the body surface, it is definitely The previous generations of exterminators taught the moon wolf, and then the moon wolf taught their direct successor, the wolf knight.

The situation is worse than expected, Su Xiao is hesitating whether to use [Drifting Bait] to temporarily retreat.

As soon as he had this idea, he saw that the petite Sacred Heart Yi, tens of meters away, ignited a flame. This flame was much deeper than ordinary flames, and faintly revealed the dark red of magma. …the fire of crime.

Su Xiao was sure that the flames of sin ignited on Sheng Xinyi’s body, because he just beheaded the opponent.

“God’s Judgment·Equipment Effect 2: Fire of Sin Karma (Passive), when attacking with any melee means, there will be a probability to ignite the enemy’s sins, thus causing a continuous soul burning effect (if the enemy has no sins, this ability is invalid).

Reminder: If the wearer kills the new evil god, the ability obtained by slaughtering the **** will be forcibly replaced by this ability. “

Su Xiao generally doesn’t like this kind of probabilistic ability, but this time, the fire of crime is destined to impress him.

Let’s talk about the intensity of the fire of sin first. The God of Sin is known as the eighth-rank strongest ancient god, and the intensity of the flame of sin produced after his fall can be imagined.

The second is the probability of triggering. The characteristic of the fire of sin is that the greater the sin of the enemy, the higher the probability of ignition. The powerful enemy that Su Xiao is dealing with now is called the collection of sins.

This also led to the fact that the fire of sin, which was originally triggered probabilistically, became a certain trigger when dealing with a collection of sins.

Sacred Heart One tens of meters away is already filled with the fire of sin karma all over her body, and the fire of sin is burning more vigorously. In her originally pitch-black eyes, a pair of amber pupils emerged, matching her long white herringbone braid. In terms of temperament, I can only say that he is worthy of the previous Sacred Heart One.

Sacred Heart nodded to Su Xiao, and then she was reduced to ashes in the flames of sin.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiao knew that some fights in this battle seemed to be outnumbered, but with the fire of sin karma blessed by God’s commandment, as long as he cut the enemy, regardless of the position or the wound Deep and shallow, both ignite the fire of crime with one knife, so as to kill the enemy with one knife.

Of course, it’s useless to cut out the blade light, or use sword skills such as Huan Duan and Qing Gui.

With a crash, gravel fell from the huge pit on the wall behind Su Xiao. It seemed that he was half surrounded here, but in fact he avoided being attacked from all sides.


The attack came from the surrounding area, and the wind pressure caused a loud noise.

Between the wolf sword and the spiral spear, Su Xiao’s perception was brought to the limit, forming a perception circle with a diameter of 10 meters. In his perception, everything around him slowed down, including himself.

With a sizzling sound, the sharp blade of Dragon Flash brushed against a thrusting spiral gun, and at the same time brought up a string of sparks, it changed its stabbing trajectory so that the blade of the gun brushed against Su Xiao’s cheek. However, even if a bloodstain is left, it is much better than being pierced through the head.

As soon as he blocked the spiral gun, a wolf sword, with a whimpering sound, slashed at Su Xiao’s neck from the side, but he did not choose to dodge it, because the wolf sword was seriously damaged. The distance is broken, and there is only one last strong enough collision.

Ka Ka Ka Ka~

The crystal layer clings to Su Xiao’s left hand, and he punches sideways. Compared with being cut off from his left hand, it is more important to try to force this attack, otherwise there is no way to carry out subsequent chain parries.


The crystal layer splashed everywhere, and the wolf sword was interrupted by Su Xiao’s sideways swing of a fist. This weapon, which has conquered the abyss battlefield and experienced vicissitudes of time, made its final blow.

At this moment, Su Xiao has closed his eyes. The reason is that there are too many enemies around, not the flying embers, but only by perception.

At the same time that the wolf sword was broken with a punch, Su Xiao jumped with the help of the reaction force, which made the three wolf swords smashed into the air, and the two spiral guns were nailed to the ground.


Zhanmang disappeared in a flash, and when Su Xiao reappeared, he was already on the other side of the hall, three spiral guns interlaced and pierced through his torso, and a wolf sword pierced his chest. And his heart, less than a finger’s width away.

The blood flowing from Su Xiao’s wound turned into blood energy, which clinged to his back and turned into **** arms that could be stretched, holding the spiral gun and wolf sword stabbed in his body, and pulled them away In the end, all the blood in the arms dissipated.

Su Xiao was seriously injured, but among the wolf knights and members of the choral group, five of them all suffered the slash when Su Xiao turned into a blood shadow and passed by.

With a whoosh, the two wolf knights and the three members of the choir burst into flames of crime, and soon they were burned to ashes, leaving 36 enemies left.

Tick tock, tick tock~

Blood dripped down the tip of the knife. Su Xiao held the knife with one hand and pointed the tip obliquely at the ground. Suddenly, the fire of crime ignited on the long knife.

‘Blade Dao Dao · Flow. ’

When! when! when!

The elegant wind marks slashed at the attacking wolf sword, and Su Xiao suddenly appeared behind a wolf knight, but the wolf knight reacted extremely quickly, and a dark energy burst out from his body, accompanied by a ferocious wolf. roar.

There was a buzzing sound in Su Xiao’s ears. When he came back to his senses, he was already tens of meters away from the side and half submerged in the wall. The knights came here.

Although the bones in his whole body felt like they were about to fall apart, Su Xiao was still sharp. He leaned back, and a spiral gun pierced his chin, and sank into the wall with a bang.

The wind pressure hit from the side, and Su Xiao’s pupils gradually tightened.

‘Blade knife · time. ’


When the field spread, Su Xiao’s perception clearly captured that a spiral gun stabbed at his side neck, and with a hook with his right hand, he threw out the long knife in his hand.

The long knife flew past the ear of a member of the choral group, and space fluctuations appeared. Su Xiao appeared behind the member of the choral group. , with a backhand stab, the long knife pierced the neck of the member of the choral group.

After killing the enemy with one blow, the long sword was raised outwards, and he cut forward to block the wolf’s big sword that was coming to him.

With a bang, Su Xiao was cut into the air on purpose, and in mid-air, the long knife in his hand was flipped from the backhand to the forehand, and he stood on the ceiling with his head facing down. Turning his head, a spiral gun that was thrown flew past his ear.


The boundary line wrapped around this spiral gun was tightened, and Su Xiao was taken away by the force of the spiral gun. When he landed, he held the spiral gun with one hand, a knife in one hand, and a spear in the other, and rushed towards a group of people. The famous wolf knight.


The continuous slashing and spear sweeping made the wolf knight take two steps back. Immediately afterwards, blood energy clinged to the spear, relying on the blade of the spear, forming a huge ax blade with blood energy.

Su Xiao took a round posture, struck down with a spear and ax, and after hitting the wolf’s sword on the opposite side, the blood ax exploded, and the impact force caused the blood smoke that could block perception and sight to disperse.


The brisk and elegant slash disappeared in a flash, and the wolf knight who was hit by the knife turned into a form of dark energy. After a while, he appeared a few meters behind him. The marks were particularly obvious, and with a whoosh, the fire of sin karma ignited on his body.

Su Xiao disappeared as a blood shadow, and the roar continued in the Hall of Atonement.

Half an hour later.


Su Xiao hammered a member of the chants directly to the wall, and then cut off his arm holding the spiral gun with a single knife, and the fire of crime emerged on the opponent.

‘Blood Smoke Cannon. ’

Su Xiao pointed to a member of the chant troupe who was rushing, and a straight blood ray blasted out, but this chant troupe member did not dodge or dodge, even if his shoulder was pierced, he still chose to rush towards Su Xiao.

Suddenly, the member of the choral group stopped, and the fire of sin ignited on her body. If you observe carefully, you will find that with the help of the ‘blood smoke cannon’ just now, a spiritual shadow line has not penetrated into her wound Inside, on this spiritual shadow line, the fire of sinful karma is burning.

With a buzzing sound, golden light spheres appeared beside Su Xiao. Before he could react, these walnut-sized golden light spheres exploded one after another.

Boom, boom, boom…

The sound of the explosion was so loud that the vibrating Hall of Atonement trembled. When the energy explosion ended, Su Xiao, who was covered with broken crystal layers all over his body, squatted on the ground, blood dripping down his chin, and there were only two enemies left.

The “main soul” of the sin collection has nowhere to hide. Su Xiao is sure that this “main soul” is in the body of the chant group member opposite.

Fighting to such an extent, Su Xiao has already discovered the key point, whether it is the wolf cavalry or the members of the chant group, their combat power is quite different from theirs before they were alive, but there are too many of them.

The more important point is that the collection of sins is more difficult to deal with than imagined. It has the ability to “resurrect” a strong person with a mutilated soul every few minutes.

As of now, Su Xiao has killed 16 wolf knights (incomplete combat form), and 35 members of the chant group, plus 11 great warriors from the age of gods.

If there is no fire of sin karma, for Su Xiao, a collection of sins would be more difficult to deal with than a choral group, or in other words, at the end of the battle, he could only retreat with [Drifting Bait].

The ability to ‘resurrect’ a strong man every few minutes is really difficult, and the “main soul” of the sin collection can freely transfer between the strong men it ‘resurrects’, what’s more terrible , the fire of sin karma cannot burn this “master soul” to death in a short period of time.

The long knife in Su Xiao’s hand pierced into the head of a great warrior, who was kicked until only his upper body was left, and the fire of crime ignited on his body.

He was seriously injured. In order to reduce the number of enemies as soon as possible, he chose to exchange injuries for killing several times, so as to prevent the “resurrection” of more powerful people from the collection of sins.

As soon as Su Xiao had dealt with the big warrior, the members of the chant troupe on the opposite side spread black semi-fluid all over their bodies, which was caused by the “main soul” of the sin collection. It wanted to enter another form to kill the powerful enemy of this battle.

The black mud poured out and turned into a half-human, half-animal form. The monster stood in a humanoid form, but it had eight arms, and behind it were bone spurs bent backwards. Painful faces appeared all over the monster’s body .


Screams mixed with men, women, old and children spread. This sound is like tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even more people screaming at the same time. This double attack of spirit + soul makes the world in front of Su Xiao appear. ghosting.

He is not afraid of soul attacks, but it is still difficult for him to be immune to spiritual attacks. If he is not mentally strong enough as an alchemist, he has already been shocked to the point of bleeding.

‘Blood Smoke Cannon. ’


After a **** smoke cannon, the sin aggregate on the opposite side was shattered, but in the next moment, its broken body was pulled back by a kind of black silk thread, and it healed to its original appearance.

Seeing this, a bottle of [Honor Recovery Potion] slipped out of his cuff. Of course, he can win this battle. In the case of ability restraint, regardless of his injuries, the chance of victory is always within his grasp. However, At present, the crime collection has entered the second stage, and Su Xiao wants to win, but he has to pay some price.

Su Xiaogang was about to use up the [Honor Recovery Potion] when the sinful group opposite him suddenly did something unbelievable.

The collection of sins, like a twisted monster, suddenly froze there. An old, withered arm protruded from the neck of the collection of sins, and grabbed into its muddy head.

This completely froze the Sin Collective. Of course, Su Xiao would not miss this opportunity. After confirming that this was not a trap in the shortest possible time, he rushed to the front of the Sin Collective.

The long knife was clinging to the sinful flame, and it slashed at the body of the sinful aggregate at an angle.

After cutting out with one knife, the long knife pierced the head of the sinful aggregate from bottom to top.

With a plop, the sinful aggregate knelt down, its body began to turn into black mud, and a crimson eye appeared on the black mud. The hatred and anger in the eyes were so strong that they seemed to overflow.

[The collection of sins has entered the stage of extinction, and some of its abilities have been activated. 】

[Warning: You are about to be strangled by the soul, this is the soul-type killing ability. 】

[Soul strength is being judged…]

【The judgment is passed, you have been exempted from this soul killing. 】

[Warning: You are about to be watched by all beings, this is the will-based killing ability. 】

[Willpower is being judged…]

【The judgment is passed, you have been exempted from this will killing. 】

[Warning: You are about to be judged for your sins, this is the killing ability of the mind system. 】

【Your saber master ability has been exempted from this judgment. 】

[Reminder: You did not die under the ability of the Sin Collective, and the Sin Collective’s ability of “eating death to live,” has not been activated, and it will not be able to resurrect through your death. 】

【The collection of sins is about to dissipate. 】

【You have passed the test of sin. 】

【Your soul strength increases by 0 points (the hunter’s soul strength is too high and cannot be improved through this trial). 】

【Your willpower attribute +5 points. 】

【Your mental strength +12 points. 】

As the reminder ended, the black smoke that had been floating on Su Xiao’s body dissipated. It can be said that after causing lethal damage to the collection of sins, the battle with the collection of sins has just begun. This is the battle of the soul, heart, and will. The battle between the three layers was just an instant, but it was extremely dangerous.

The dragon flash nailed to the black mud rose with the fire of sin, which quickly reduced the black mud, and finally only a part remained, forming the upper body of a human figure, which only had a small torso, left arm, and head left , the whole turned from black to dry gray.

Su Xiao pulled out the Longshan Zhan on the ground, came to the gray figure, and found that the appearance of this person was 90% similar to that of the ghost old man.

The ghost old man, with only half of his upper body left, managed to open his eyes, and there was a different look in his cloudy eyes.

“Destroy the law, I will help you for nothing, you win.”

The ghost old man let out a breathless laugh, and it was he who stretched out his arm from the neck of the sinful collective.

Actually, the old man ghost was also a great person. In the age of gods, he was called a wanderer.

In the end, the Divine Cult was no longer able to resist the silence, and made up its mind that no matter what, the death stillness could not continue to spread. invasion.

The strong men of that era have all experienced the invasion of the abyss, and few of them are afraid of death, so they decided to carry out a self-dimensional reduction attack on the world, and abandon detachment, let the tree of the void notarize this place, through regular Suppressing and curbing the spread of death is the only way they can think of.

But this decision was opposed by the steel maker, who was in his prime and was unwilling to make such a bad move.

Because of this, the God Cult joined forces with the old ghost to plot against the steel maker and seal him in the ancient laboratory.

Although the steel maker was plotted against, before he was trapped, he smashed the old ghost’s body so that he could only exist in the world as a soul body. Over time, the old ghost was assimilated by the collection of sins.

“Destroy the law, how are you doing outside the dead city?”

The ghost old man opened his mouth, his remnant body has gradually turned into ashes and scattered.

“It’s okay.”

Hearing this, the old ghost smiled hoarsely, and said in a lower and lower voice:

“Really, it seems that we made the right choice back then, so we can rest assured that this is good.”

After saying that, the ghost old man was completely reduced to ashes and dissipated.

[Reminder: You have killed the collection of sins. 】

【You get the source stone. 】

【You get the original sin box (treasure box item). 】

Seeing these hints, Su Xiao discovered one thing. The origin stones of other strong men are carried on their bodies or embedded in their weapons, but the sin collection is different. It simply uses the power of origin stones Treat the source stone as half a core.

The reason for not being able to obtain the source of the world by killing the collection of sins should be that the collection of sins belongs to a special individual.

With the demise of the sin aggregate, the black mist door at the back dissipated, and the tall metal door in front slowly rose.

“Boss, it looks very dangerous.”

Baja flew in and began to inspect the place for other dangers.

Su Xiao asked Bubuwang, Amu, and Baja to check this place. After drinking a bottle of recovery potion, he came to the front metal door.

The scene outside came into view, and the scene was gray and dark. Gray flocs fell from above, like gray snowflakes that symbolized death. The ground was soft dust, making the terrain vertical and horizontal.

Through the falling gray flocs, Su Xiao saw a towering building in the distance, which was the Supreme Sanctuary.

Just fought against the Sin Collective, and now going to the Supreme Sanctuary is no different from dying. For this kind of thing, you must find a ‘good teammate’.

“Boss, this way.”

When Baja’s shout came, Su Xiao heard the sound and looked around, and found a secret door had opened on the side wall.

Walking into the secret door, this is a side hall, about a few hundred square meters, with a row of wooden frames placed against the wall, on which are placed various ornaments and weapons, and some strange objects, such as a piece of rag, A dry eyeball etc.

These are the testimonials of the chosen ones of past dynasties, all of which were collected here by the Sin Collective. No wonder there was not a single testament in the inner city before.

After putting away all the evidence, Su Xiao was just about to leave when he found that there was something unusual on the wall at the side of the side hall. This wall, which was several square meters in size, was twisting in an irregular way.

Su Xiao picked out a piece of gravel from the wall next to his hand and threw it towards the twisted wall. The stone disappeared as if submerged in water, and ripples appeared on the wall.

A few seconds later, a stone flew out of the wall and landed in front of Su Xiao’s feet with a thud. Seeing this, Baja picked up the stone and threw it in again. This time, just two seconds later, the stone was thrown out.

Seeing this, Baja threw the stones into it again, and there was no movement in the wall, but after more than ten seconds, the stones flew out first, and then the broken table legs, broken teacups, etc. were thrown out one after another .


Baja was a little confused. It felt that there seemed to be intelligent creatures in the wall, and the intelligent creatures had a little temper, but they were not from the evil camp. Otherwise, the things thrown would not be broken table legs, broken teacups, etc.

Su Xiao’s hand leaned towards the wall, but he didn’t touch the entity, it was as if his hand had penetrated into a liquid that had no distinction between hot and cold, and he walked into it with his whole body.

The light in front of him was a little brighter, and the warm yellow light was reflected from above. Su Xiao looked around, and he found one thing, he was no longer in the dark world, he actually left the world where the dead city is located.

Su Xiao is in a long corridor, which is about ten meters wide, with cumbersome and ancient patterns all over the wall, and a creature suspected to be an elf is floating in front of it.

These flying elves looked at Su Xiao angrily. One of the elves had a swelling on his forehead, as if he had been hit by a stone.

“Stranger, welcome to the Soul Library.”

An old and gentle voice came. Su Xiao heard the sound and looked at the end of the corridor more than ten meters away. An old man with an octopus head was sitting behind a wooden table with books and pen holders on it.

The head of the octopus-headed old man is translucent blue. He is wearing a robe, and behind him are two huge doors that open in opposite directions.

“Show credentials.”

The old man with the octopus head, that is, the administrator of the soul library, opened his mouth. Although he has a gentle attitude, it does not mean that he is a troublesome existence.


Su Xiao didn’t speak, he knew a little about the soul library, and the place of origin of the three items he had came from the soul library.

“Don’t you have a certificate? Unfortunately, I can’t let you enter the library. Go back. Goodbye, young Miefa.”

The ancient books in the administrator’s hands were closed, and the next moment, Su Xiao felt that the administrator in front of him and the surrounding scenes of the opponent were retreating. No, it was the space he was in that was retreating.

After a flash of the scene in front of him, Su Xiao returned to the side hall of the Hall of Atonement. He raised his hand to touch the wall in front of him, and found that the wall had become hard and could no longer lead to the soul library.

Su Xiaoneng was sure that when he arrived at the entrance corridor of the soul library, he left the world, and of course he did not have the certificate required by the soul library.

The soul library gives Su Xiao the feeling that it is like a small world, which exists independently and does not compete with the world, but it contains the knowledge of thousands of worlds. If possible, you must get the certificate to enter the soul library .

When he obtained the knowledge of the Iron Apostle before, Su Xiao knew something about the soul library. The pharmacists in this world can have high attainments, and only a small number of them are qualified to enter the soul library.

In this way, there is a high probability in the dead city, and there is still a certificate that can enter the soul library.


Su Xiao turned around and walked to a stone platform. There was a small sculpture of the God of Immortality on the stone platform. This was a teleportation device. He knew before that there was a teleportation device in the Hall of Atonement.

Adjust the teleportation device to connect to the cathedral, Su Xiao activated it, and when the space movement ended, he arrived in the small room inside the cathedral.

After pushing the door and going out, Su Xiao found that Wood and Caesar had returned. Among them, Wood was holding a metal helmet. The metal helmet was more than half corroded. Although it was once a proof of the chosen one, it is now useless.

“I found the proof.”

Hearing what Su Xiao said, Wood asked, “How many?”

“A bunch.”


Wood coughed dryly and nodded.

“I…ah, that’s not right, Bai Ye, you sold my saint badge, it’s useless at all.”

Gulu came angrily, but when she was two meters away, she stopped, thought for a while, and took a half step back, maintaining a position that Su Xiao couldn’t reach directly by raising her hand.


Su Xiao didn’t speak. Seeing this, Gulu was even more angry. She said, “The certificate exchanged with the saint’s badge is useless at all. The old guy ignored me, let alone let me enter the ancient laboratory.”


“You pay it back, the saint’s badge can be exchanged for the source of darkness.”

“Can it be exchanged, I will sell you 200 soul coins?”

Hearing Su Xiao’s words, Gulu didn’t speak, but began to think about how to sell the ancient laboratory pass, which was exchanged for the saint’s badge, to Shengshi.

Su Xiao looked at Caesar who was sitting on the steps, and noticed his gaze. Caesar was looking around, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Do not use the badge to exchange the dog thief who took away the source of darkness. Su Xiao searched all over the dead city, and he definitely couldn’t find the second one. Before, he thought that the faction store here used the badge as currency, and Caesar couldn’t operate it. Now look at it Come on, you underestimated Caesar.

Caesar winked quietly, meaning that he and Su Xiao will have cooperation in this area in the future, so they can’t say anything about it in advance.

Su Xiao has always wanted to know how the Healing Church produced the source of darkness. Now it seems that Caesar seems to have figured out the key.

Reminiscent of the black maple tree in the dead city, the creation of the source of darkness, perhaps the output of the black maple tree is the key.

At this moment, the stone gate of the forge several tens of meters away rises A wave of heat spreads out, and the demon blacksmith walks out of it.

“Boy, I’m thirsty, get something to drink.”

As the demon blacksmith spoke, he placed a scabbard and a 30 cm long blood-colored crystal feather on the forging table.

Su Xiao took out a bottle of rum and handed it to the devil blacksmith. The devil blacksmith took it, uncorked the bottle, and drank half of the bottle in one go. wine, said:

“Good wine.”

The wine praised by the devil blacksmith is of course a good wine. This wine is called [Forgotten Brew], without any additions, it is only rated as a rare wine, and it has been notarized as a Holy Spirit grade.

Su Xiao picked up the scabbard and the blood-colored crystal feather on the forging platform, and the prompt appeared.

【You get Blood Feather (overlord equipment). 】

【You get Demon Sealing (Origin Level·Scabbard). 】Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, which is convenient for reading next time, or enter “” in Baidu to enter this site


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