Reincarnation Paradise Chapter 39: : Forget


Su Xiao closed Eminem’s information. Generally speaking, Eminem’s current ability can be divided into two situations.

If Eminem has teammates by his side, then it is still a silent bull. Its main ability is the tank system. Its survivability has been improved because of the profound ability – fearless battle bull.

Three of Su Xiao, Boubo Wang, Baha, and Benny are near Eminem, then it can get 60 points of physical defense, 10500 points of health, and 6 points of real physical strength attribute bonus.

This bonus seems to be very high, but don’t forget that the “Fearless Battle Bull” is only at level 10. If it is further improved, the frankness that this ability will enhance will definitely reach an astonishing level.

Compared to “Fearless Battle Bull”, Eminem’s other esoteric level ability “Stranger Battle Bull”, its attributes seem to be complicated, but they are actually very simple.

The current Eminem is the main tank with the main attributes of strength, body, and intelligence. After changing to the state of “Stranger Battle Bull”, it is an ice warrior with the main attributes of strength, agility, and body, and it is still half-meat Half output, warrior with charge ability.

Not only that, but in the state of a stray battle bull, due to the addition of “Ice Flame Life”, as Eminem continues to be injured, not only will his health recover faster and faster, but his movement speed will also gradually increase.

This reflects that, in the state of a stray battle bull, a characteristic of the ability of “Ice Flame Life” is that the more severely injured Amu is, the more thoroughly the ice energy in his body will be stimulated.

In normal times, the “life energy” and “ice energy” in Eminem’s body do not interfere with each other, and coexist in it in a way that coexists in it. However, after it is injured, these two kinds of body energy will be continuously attacked by external forces , gradually mixed together, this will cause the ice energy in its body to become stronger and stronger.

Amu has an ability called “Cold Ax Blade” in the state of a stray war bull. This ability is to temporarily abandon the characteristics of ice ability, such as external release, freezing, and spreading, in exchange for high-value weapon sharpness. Speed ​​and weapon attack power bonus.

In other words, the more injured Emu is in the state of a stray bull, the more health he will recover, the faster he will move, and the stronger his attack power will be.

This is good news. It means that Eminem can not only be beaten when fighting against strong enemies, but also has a strong ability to fight alone.

Su Xiao took out [Wolf Blood Moon Ornament]. After absorbing wolf blood, this thing underwent a qualitative transformation and became a world-class equipment. This was unexpected by Su Xiao.

[Wolf Blood Moon Ornament (World Class Ornament)]

Durability 57/60 points.

Equipped with front-mounted saber master or sword master v65 or above, illegal, not abyss-oriented (up to one piece of pendant equipment can be worn).

Equipment effect (unique) The rank of damage caused by knives and sword weapons is +2.

Introduction to blood-sworn friends who have never met.

The sale price cannot be sold.

The upgrade of the wolf blood pendant is simple and rude, from the original +1 damage level of the knife weapon to +2, just as simple and direct as the moon wolf’s sword skill.

After wearing the wolf blood pendant again, Su Xiao pressed his hand on the handle of the knife. Although he didn’t draw the knife, he could clearly feel that the cutting power of his knife had been fundamentally improved.

Sitting cross-legged on the small wooden bed|, Su Xiao took out the [Blade of Sealing] that he had traded with the priest.

Following his control, the translucent crystal-like [Sealing Blade] floated in front of him. He held his hands empty, and the energy of the green steel shadow spread out from his hands, submerging into the [Sealing Blade] Inside.

Click, click!

Because of the energy of Qinggangying, the appearance of [Sealing Blade] began to change. Although it is still in the shape of a short knife, it looks more like a large key with a handle. The imprint they used, this imprint is circular, and the internal structure is cumbersome.

Seeing this imprint, Su Xiao’s eyes became a bit dignified. In the extermination camp, this imprint represents danger. He checked the activated attributes of [Sealing Blade].

[Blade of Sealing]

Origin Void·Shadow of Destruction.

Quality Sealed Artifacts (only available for Shadow of Destruction).

Durability 195/340 points.

Equipment effect 1 can open the one-way barrier in the eternal light world.

Remind this one-way barrier, if you choose to enter the world of eternal light, this barrier has no blocking effect, if you intend to leave the world of eternal light, you will be blocked by this barrier.

Equipment effect 2 This key is not only a sealing key, but also a coordinate object of the eternal light world. You can use this coordinate object as a medium to establish a one-way ultra-long-distance transmission array leading to the eternal light world.

Prompt that this coordinate object can be used multiple times, and each use consumes 1 point of durability.

Introduction to the world of eternal light, thrilling and exciting.

Seeing the effect of [Sealing Blade], Su Xiao immediately recalled World Moth, Hermit Crab, Dark Spirit Race, Abyss Breeds, and the Silver Queen who hadn’t been there for long.

If any one of these ethnic groups is chosen, the unlucky thing is not as simple as a world, but that after destroying a world, before this world is about to collapse, these ethnic groups will move to harm other worlds.

Generally speaking, groups that are not at the level of extermination are not qualified to survive in the world of eternal light. This world is so terrifying.

Now, Su Xiao has a better understanding of the world of eternal light. He suspects that this world is a huge cage created by the exterminations of the previous generations. In the world of eternal light, let them hurt each other, lest they come out to harm people.

Thinking about it this way, in addition to the moths, hermit crabs, dark spirits, abyss spawners, and silver queen swarms, there must be other terrifying groups in the world of eternal light, and there are many types of these groups. They were all thrown in by the former extermination law.

There is a question that people can’t figure out, how high is the world of Everglow World, can it withstand such a disaster, and it can continue to this day.

In other words, the world of eternal light has world consciousness? And that world consciousness is extremely terrifying and tyrannical, which has allowed that world to continue until now?

Su Xiao wasn’t curious about what it looked like there. Originally, he thought that among the residents of the Eternal Light World, only the World Mothers and the Silver Queen Swarm had enemies with him, but now it seems that it is not.

If this is really a world cage created by the Fa-destroyer camp, then the veteran world-destroyer group in this world who was thrown in before is a deadly enemy with Fa-destroyer, and they will go all out when they meet.

If Su Xiao, who is a law-destroyer, goes to the World of Eternal Light, more than 80% of the world-destroyer-level ethnic groups there will be his enemies. Just thinking about this situation makes my brain hurt.

The idea of ​​never going to the world of eternal light became a little more firm. Su Xiao put away [Feng Zhiblade], he would not go there himself, but it is a very good choice to send some unsolvable and powerful enemies there.

Out of the small rest room, Su Xiao found that Sinyas, Wood, and Caesar were not there, only Gulu sitting on the chandelier, holding the game terminal with both hands, his expression gradually became irritable.

This is normal. Gulu has always been curious about what new version of the puzzle game Su Xiao is playing. This time, I simply shared it with her to let her experience the joy in it, especially since Gulu only has one right arm left, and the left arm is there to support his life. inside the device.

Gulu was full of praise for this life-support device, and asked Su Xiao where he bought it. In fact, this thing cannot be bought. It was made by Su Xiao himself. After many times of improvement and actual combat, the results obtained .

Su Xiao came to the ritual vessel, which was filled with source stones. He could roughly guess where Sinias, Wood, and Caesar had gone.

Origin stones alone are not enough, there must be proofs that can absorb the source stones, and all previous candidates have their own proofs.

The three of Sin Yas are not the chosen ones, so naturally there is no evidence. Regarding how to forge the proofs, Su Xiao has no good means. Fortunately, there have been many chosen people in the past. After they died here, Evidence should be left behind.

If these proofs are found, it should be no problem for Sinias and Wood to temporarily use these proofs to absorb the origin stones and obtain asylum after Caesar’s confidant. No need, the jar of the abyss is buckled on the head, what kind of shelter stone? What is that thing?

As for the proofs that the chosen ones may have left behind, Su Xiao has always been a little puzzled. So many chosen ones died here, why did not find a single proof? , Wood, and Caesar didn’t see a single thing, which is very abnormal.

Su Xiao picked up an origin stone, and with a ding sound, the origin stone was absorbed by the armguard of the Black King, and turned into a dark energy into it.

Seeing this, Su Xiao, wearing the left arm of the Black King’s Armguard, plunged into the bowl-like ritual vessel, and his forearm was submerged in the origin stone.

After absorbing more than a hundred source stones, the capacity of the Black King’s armguard reached its limit.

[The check indicates that the hunter has obtained a high-intensity shelter effect, and this effect is being evaluated…]

【You get the unique bonus of this world, shelter v89. 】

【Because of this notarization, some areas in the dead city have been divided into erosion levels (corrosion levels correspond to protection levels). 】

【Dead Silent City · Outer City Erosion Level 35~4. 】

【Dead Silent City · Inner City Corrosion Level 4~5. 】

[Limestone square erosion level 5. 】

[Cathedral erosion level 0. 】

[Holy Cross Church erosion level 5. 】

[Wolf Tomb erosion level 5. 】

[Healing erosion level 5. 】

[The erosion level of the filthy land is 8. 】

【The erosion level of the Temple of Atonement is 10-15. 】

[The highest sanctuary erosion level is 46. 】

The erosion level of the Supreme Sanctuary is very high, but for Su Xiao now, this is no longer a problem.

Just as Su Xiao was about to leave, he thought of one thing. The [Saint Badge] he had obtained hadn’t been used yet. The problem was that the “Passport for the Ancient Laboratory” he had obtained in exchange for it was no longer very useful.

Su Xiao reckoned that the preferential treatment given by the steel makers to Ah Mu was entirely due to the pleasing to the eyes of Ah Mu, a silent idiot.

If Su Xiao goes by himself, he guesses, even if he holds the “Passport for the Ancient Laboratory”, with his -13 points, heck, it is already -14 points of charm attribute, let alone knocking on the door, even if he If you blow the door, the steel maker will not come to negotiate with him.

It’s not that Su Xiao’s thoughts are negative, but that he has confidence in his charisma.

If you let Boubo Wang go, then you can go in, but why is Boubo Wang going to the abyss battlefield? Go to that place full of resentful spirits, ghouls, ancient corpses, and strange beasts, so scared that the dog will come back?

Let Baja take the “Passport of the Ancient Experiment Institute” to find the Iron Maker. As far as its eloquence is concerned, it may have been made into a magic eagle stewed mushroom by the Steel Maker before it entered the abyss battlefield.

Before, Su Xiao was planning to sell the [Saint Badge] to the Crow Girl, but the Assassin Ji, who has been calculated by Su Xiao in this world, has almost entered the stage of fighting wits and courage with the air.

This also led to the fact that the [Saint Emblem] was about to be smashed into his hand. Su Xiao looked at Gulu on the chandelier, who was solving a puzzle game. Gulu, who was already so angry that he bit the terminal, suddenly trembled.

“What are you doing?”

Gulu looked at Su Xiao vigilantly.

Su Xiao took out the [Saint Badge] and said, “The Holy Maiden Badge, I will give it to you at a low price.”

In Su Xiao’s mind, the expected price is 100-6000 soul coins, which is fine if you don’t throw it in your hands. Besides, he can’t use this thing himself.

“Low price?”

Gulu thought for a while, and then said, “Then I will pay 200 soul coins.”


Compared to throwing away a penny, selling 200 soul coins is already a good income, twice the estimated minimum income.

Hearing this, Gulu was stunned. This transaction was too suspicious, but considering that if she repented now, she would most likely be beaten to buy the [Saint Emblem].

After completing the transaction, Su Xiao came to the small room inside the sacrificial altar and activated the teleportation device. When everything around him recovered, he had already arrived at the treatment center.

Going down to the first floor, the ghost old man was holding a huge half-meter-thick manuscript, carefully examining the names on it. He wrote down the names of his enemies, and now he was thinking about who tricked him.

Judging from the thickness and size of this manuscript, the old ghost may have many enemies.

“Ask you something.”

Su Xiao opened his mouth. Hearing this, the ghost old man in the wooden window smiled and said, “You understand the rules, one question, one soul crystal nucleus.”


Su Xiao didn’t speak, but pressed the handle of Zhan Longshan’s knife with one hand. Seeing this, the old man’s attitude changed obviously.

“Hahaha, we are all friends, I was joking with you, what’s the problem, let’s talk.”

“Where are the testimonials of the chosen ones?”

“Ah, you said this, it was collected by the black mud, haven’t you gone to share life and death with it?”

The black mud mentioned by the old ghost is a collection of sins.

“I’m not going to find it.”

Su Xiao already had enough source stones, so he went straight to the Supreme Sanctuary, which was a more direct choice.

“Impossible, the four gates of trials are indispensable, you should have passed the three gates, if you don’t go to the last gate, you can’t open the main entrance of the highest sanctuary, even if you have the key of the sanctuary It’s useless, the key is not used to open the outer door.”

The ghost old man took a stone slab, which recorded the tradition of the chosen one and the four trials. If Su Xiao was defeated here, the next chosen one would still be the four trials, but the trial of the wolf, It will be changed to the trial of the moon beast, the moon beast transformed by the holy priest.

“The level of protection of the chosen ones is not enough. There are only five origin stones in total. If you don’t get all of them…”

The ghost old man was halfway through speaking, and he couldn’t continue. He stood up and stared at the black king’s armguard on Su Xiao’s left arm through the gap between the wooden fences.

“This armguard is your proof?”


“How many origin stones have you absorbed?”

“About a hundred.”

Hearing this, the ghost old man behind the wooden counter began to pace back and forth, chanting more than a hundred. At this moment, his eyes were extremely fierce and ferocious. Delusion of an enemy that does not exist, and then write the name of the delusion on the roster of enemies.

“You are the most likely candidate I have ever seen to defeat death silence.”

The old ghost had a strange smile on his face, his eyes had turned pale, and there was no distinction between pupils and fundus. The legs are not far away.

“The hope is not great, the hope is really not great, you still can’t fight against that god, but you have no choice, no, I want to invest in you, what if, what if you succeed?! I can’t leave here, haha, hahaha! I can… leave here!!”


Su Xiao squinted his eyes, the blood energy centered on him and gradually spread.

“I will, get out of here!!!”

The corners of the old ghost’s mouth reached below the ears on both sides, and he slapped his hands on the counter. A dark, twisted, sticky aura burst out, and the blood aura each occupied half of the first floor of the treatment center, eroding and devouring each other.

Suddenly, the sticky dark aura subsided suddenly, and all of it entered the old ghost’s body, and the blood aura hit him head-on, causing scars to appear on his body and face.

These scars did not shed blood. In other words, the old ghost’s body was covered with a layer of skin. After the skin was torn apart, the viscous darkness surging inside was exposed.

“That’s right, you are going to undergo the fourth trial, the trial of sin, and I have to go back to the Temple of Atonement.”

The old ghost looked at his tattered hands, and there was a bit of confusion in those pale eyes.

“It’s ridiculous, I actually forgot what I am, yes, I was devoured by sin, which is the inevitable result.”

After saying that, the old ghost turned into a black mud-like semi-fluid, sinking into the ground.

“I am, boss, is this a collection of crimes? The powerful enemy we are going to deal with next?”

Baja was amazed, and during several meetings with the ghost old man, he often teased each other.

“Not exactly.”

While Su Xiao was speaking, he tried to activate the faction store, but found that there was no change. Before, he subconsciously believed that the ghost old man was a neutral unit that managed the faction store, and was notarized by the tree of the void.

Now it seems that it is not. The other party is only managing supplies here, and has no direct relationship with the faction store. It is more like knowing the faction store.

Su Xiao estimated that the ghost old man was very likely to be broken into a soul body due to his past sins, and then gradually assimilated by the sin collection and became a part of the sin collection.

Because of this, the ghost old man’s obsession to leave this place is extremely strong, and the enemies he imagined are not completely delusional. Those he wrote on the enemy list are basically people who have been assimilated by a collection of sins .

To be precise, the sin aggregate does not only assimilate sinful people, as long as it is a powerful soul body, it will assimilate.

For unknown reasons, the consciousness of the old ghost temporarily broke away from the collection of sins and came here. The reason why he came here was because this place was notarized by the tree of the void, and it was a place where the collection of sins could not be found.

It’s amazing to say that Su Xiao entrusted the old ghost to deliver supplies to E’mu, and the old ghost also completed the commission.

There was really no other choice at the time. After knowing the location of Eminem, it was the safest choice to entrust Caesar to help deliver the supplies. However, Caesar could not be contacted at that time. Afterwards, I learned that Caesar happened to be in the abyss battlefield at that time. , of course I can’t get in touch.

The risk of letting the ghost old man deliver the supplies is not as high as imagined. The worst result is that the supplies will be swallowed. Compared with the reduction in personnel, the main tank of the team will die in battle, and bear the risk of being swallowed. , is not a risk at all.

Before being stimulated by the armguard of the Black King fused with more than 100 origin stones, the ghost old man himself forgot that he had been assimilated by the collection of sins.

Sometimes, the best disguise is not lying or acting, but even forgetting your true identity, just like the ghost old man, a few minutes ago, he always thought he was a member of the treatment center, and was trapped I have been here for a long time, always trying to find a way to leave the dead city and so on.

Su Xiao went out of the treatment center and went deep into the dead city all the way until he arrived at the “Filthy Land”. No, this place should be called the “Sleeping Land”. There are hordes of Dead Silent City Sword Saints, this is good news.

For about three hours, Su Xiao found a towering wall of black mist in front of him. This wall of black mist could not be seen from a distance, but when he arrived nearby, he found that it was particularly solid.

Ka Ka Ka Ka~

The crystal layer clings to Su Xiao’s hand. He tries to touch the black mist wall, and the burning sensation comes, and the crystal layer wrapped in his hand explodes.

The wall of black mist is not static, but rushed upwards rapidly. Standing in front of it, you can hear the roar of a rushing river.

Going along the black mist wall, not far away, the front half of a hall protruded from the black mist wall and was exposed outside.

Judging from the current situation, if you don’t pass through the “Hall of Atonement”, you can’t reach the “Supreme Sanctuary” at the back, which is separated by the black mist wall.

Su Xiao stopped in front of the main entrance of the “Palace of Atonement”. The tall door ahead.


The dust scattered down, the giant gate rose by itself, and the palace was very empty. After entering it, Su Xiao didn’t find anything worth noticing. He came to the inside of the palace, a ten-meter-high doorway Inside, there is a black mist that continuously washes down. When Eh Mu punched it, the skin on the surface of the fist was immediately washed away with a layer of flesh.

Amu didn’t care about the ‘skin trauma’, and he recovered after a while. Baja tried it with his space ability, but he was almost shaved.

This black mist door is the only way to continue moving forward. If you break through it forcefully, even if you rush through it, you will be washed away by the black mist until only your skeleton remains.

Su Xiao looked at the black king’s armguard that was constantly rising with black smoke. He tried to wrap his entire left arm with the smoke, and then stretched his left arm towards the black mist wall.

The left arm is safely inserted into it. It feels like putting your arm into a flowing river.

Su Xiao manipulated the black smoke to wrap his whole body. After letting Boubo Wang, Ah Mu, and Baha wait here, he passed through the black mist gate alone.

After the scene in front of him darkened, Su Xiao arrived in a dilapidated hall. There were dry limbs everywhere. There was a layer of moss-like black greasy thing on the wall. The kneeling corpse seemed to be kneeling in repentance.

The ground is full of various weapons, some of which are old wolf swords, and some are the representative spiral guns of the choral group.

Tick tock, tick tock~

The black water droplets fell, Su Xiao looked up and found that there was a kind of black mud-like semi-fluid all over the ceiling, and the amount of this black semi-fluid was increasing, gradually falling down.

Su Xiao didn’t take action immediately. He could feel that the sin aggregate has a core is not in the pile of black mud in front of him. If you don’t kill the core, you can’t kill the sin aggregate.

It seemed to be the voice of the dead, coming from the black mud, and finally, a large pile of black mud with a diameter of more than ten meters fell down.

After landing, many human figures protruded from the huge pile of black mud. They struggled desperately, but they couldn’t get away from the sinful aggregate.

With a bang, the collection of sins exploded and turned into dozens of independent individuals. These independent individuals changed their appearance in an instant, and even the clothing and accessories were perfectly restored.

The sound of weapons being withdrawn from the ground came from the front one after another. Su Xiao looked around the front, and the powerful enemy tens of meters away faintly surrounded him.

At this moment, facing Su Xiao, 12 wolf knights holding wolf swords and 30 members of the choral group holding spiral guns are staring at Su Xiao with pairs of dark eyes, so tyrannical that it is almost suffocating The oppressive force is oncoming.

(End of this chapter)

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