Reincarnation Paradise Chapter 38: : Fearless and Outlier


In the evening, the setting sun in the sky was like blood, and the blood was exhausted. Su Xiao, who was mentally exhausted, returned to the cathedral. Because there was no dead silence in the building, the air was a bit fresh.

As soon as she came back, Gulu walked to the room she had chosen before. In the small room, Gulu closed the door, lay down on the small wooden bed that she had been thinking about, and fell asleep in seconds.

Ignoring the tired Gulu, Su Xiao took out a cylindrical glass bottle, and the phantom of the eyeball soaked in the solution was storing 52 ounces of world power.

This amount of power in the world is more than enough to make origin stones. In the composition of origin stones, or the origin of death, the energy of the abyss accounts for 20%, the power of faith and immortality account for 30%, and the endless death It accounts for 50%, and the last fraction is the power of the world.

There must be no problem with Caesar. The sinas guy is an ancient god, and he has a special understanding of the power of faith. It mainly depends on whether Wood’s side is going well.

While Su Xiao was thinking, a figure walked into the cathedral, it was Wood.

“It seems that your side is going well.”

The dark green pupils in Wood’s eyes were a little dimmer than before. While speaking, he took out a black clay pot and threw it over.

Seeing this pottery pot, Su Xiao felt familiar. Then he thought, isn’t this the same style as the pot of the abyss?

The moment he took the clay pot, the cold touch in his hand felt like a needle prick. Without opening it, Su Xiao could feel the thick and profound death power inside.

It can only be said that none of these times of cooperation with Wood was disappointing. Of course, Wood’s backstab was also caught off guard.

The ability of a “good teammate” is equal to the strength of the backstab. Generally speaking, you can always trust these three thieves before the final enemy falls.

“My dear friend, the clay pot in your hand looks familiar to me.”

Caesar’s voice came from behind.


Su Xiao looked sideways at Caesar. He still couldn’t figure out what kind of incomprehensible ability Caesar had. The ability to blind perception is temporarily invalid, both strong and weak.

“Is this pure abyss energy okay?”

Caesar took out a finger-thick vial. The abyssal energy inside was extremely rich, and it should have been absorbed and compressed by the abyss jar before being injected into it.

“The purity is OK, but the amount is less.”

“The amount is enough.”

Caesar took out a rag bag, poured it out, and with a bang, hundreds of finger-thick small glass bottles were poured out. Tank breath, presumably the tank of the abyss endowed these glass bottles with characteristics, allowing them to carry the energy of the abyss.

Creating the origin stone will definitely not use so much abyss energy, and the rest can be used for other purposes. Sinias and Wood will not be interested in the power of the abyss. As far away as possible, except for Caesar.

Sin Yas was the latest to come back, and he brought back half of the statue. The original height of the statue was about five meters, and it was the image of the Immortal God. On the battlefield, this **** can turn into a huge body with a height of 100 meters. Don’t forget that this **** was once known as the **** of beasts, and his combat power is the strongest in the history of this world.

If you rank the known powerhouses in this world, it is basically as follows:

1 God of Immortality (undoubtedly the strongest in this world).

2 Iron Makers (Demigods).

3 The first generation of saints (half gods).

4 Wolf Knight Captain (before the source of power was not eroded by the energy of the abyss, and the combat power was weakened five times).

5 chant group (the 30-member Sacred Heart One).

6 aggregates of sins (before they were severely injured by the first saintess).

Seven Holy Sacrifice (Beast State·Full Open).

8 stray fighters (died in the abyss battlefield).

9 archbishops (before the hunting blade was broken).

10 Pale Lords (died in the Abyss Battlefield).

This is still a known powerhouse, and there are still many who have been forgotten in the long river of history. The last five of these ten powerhouses are randomly selected and placed in other eighth-order worlds. The ultimate boss of the eighth-tier super-top echelon.

The upper half of the statue brought back by Sinias. I don’t know where he found it. If I guess correctly, it should be the statue in the cathedral in the old church period. Even today, it still contains a lot of The power of faith.

Everything is ready, it’s time to try to make the origin stone, but at this moment, Sinias said:

“Bai Ye, the priest is about to arrive in the inner city, near the cathedral, the dead person I laid saw him.”

Of course Sinias has mastered the Ritual of the Eye, after all he came from the Fallen Star.

“Get him out.”

Su Xiao walked out of the cathedral. He has experienced the priest’s methods more than once. The best way to deal with the priest is not to give the other party a chance to enter.

Seeing Su Xiao’s decisive attitude, Sinus, Wood, and Caesar also walked out together.

More than half an hour later, a few kilometers east of the cathedral, on a side street with dilapidated buildings.

The priest walked out of a half-collapsed house. When he first saw him, he would feel that he was an old priest with a kind smile on his face, but anyone who knew him knew how dangerous he was.

In the original League of Violators, Gray Gentleman died, Fairy Fairy died, Hades Wolf died, and Beast Hao died, but the priest survived. Not only did he survive, he also achieved his goal in the world of trees. , that is, to get rid of the Necronomicon.

Beside the priest at this moment were his two new teammates. One of them was a little boy named Xiao Ge sitting on the shoulder of a medium combat mech.

The other person is a woman with a hot figure. She has a fishbone braid over her waist, wears a black vest, black gloves on her hands, and a pair of eyes with dark red pupils. When she looks at people, she is particularly sharp. It’s called Beverly, the lunatic among the violators, from the Paradise of Reincarnation.

Beverly is not as famous as Gray Gentleman, Immortal Fairy, etc., but anyone who really knows the violators knows how dangerous Beverly is. Other violators are often worried about being hunted down, but Beverly is worried. No one hunted her, and the madman enjoyed it both as prey and hunter.

The priest called Xiao Ge and Beverly this time, apparently to plot something.

“Father, you are not plotting against me.”

Xiao Ge, sitting on the shoulder of the combat mecha, spoke.

“You are on the way to be tricked by him.”

Beverly opened her mouth, she was chewing gum, and while walking, she stopped suddenly.

“There is someone ahead.”

Beverly looked at a three-story building tens of meters ahead, which was an abandoned weapons workshop.

“Perceived? In this ghost place, can you perceive so far?”

Xiao Ge was very surprised. When she arrived here, her technological sensing devices basically failed, and the usable range was only a few meters.


Beverly’s hand was clasped, and the pebbles on the side wall were sucked off by the air, held in her hand, and then thrown out by her.


The cobblestone blasted out layers of air waves, and just as it entered the dark workshop, it suddenly lost its momentum.

“This aura, the saber master is right, the commission is completed.”

Beverly jumped to the top of the building beside her. She and Xiao Ge came here because they received the priest’s salary.

“Bai Ye, I heard that you are here, so I came to meet you.”

The priest stopped in front of the main entrance of the workshop, and did not walk into the strange darkness inside the building.

The darkness faded a little, and Su Xiao, who was sitting on the crystal chair, was half submerged in the darkness, and he looked at the priest expressionlessly.

“We are old friends, why be so hostile, we were still allies in the last world.”


“Still as indifferent as ever, I came to you this time not to make an enemy of you, but to make a deal after hearing that you are here.”

The priest took out a translucent crystalline dagger, which was faintly blue, and looked very similar to the crystallization of energy formed by Aoge’s ability. The fluctuations on it made Su Xiao sure that it was a product of the extermination camp .

“I don’t know exactly what this is, but the place of origin is very interesting from the information I can check.”

The priest didn’t directly mention the Miefa class. No matter what he said, Miefa has the strong enemy of Arcane Eternal Star. In front of the other two violators, it is somewhat inappropriate to declare that Su Xiao is Miefa.

“What do you want?”

Su Xiao is very interested in the dagger in the priest’s hand, and items from the extermination camp are rare.

“I want the gray gentleman’s scarlet card.”

The priest smiled very kindly, and the old fox finally showed his tail.

“It’s over.”

Although Su Xiao still has the gray gentleman’s scarlet card, he will never give it to the priest, no matter how high the price is, the risk involved is too high.

“Is that so, then I want the soul blood of the sinful god.”


Su Xiao didn’t speak, and a sealed test tube appeared in his hand. After killing the ancient god, he would of course collect soul blood, which is one of the trophies that alchemists can collect.

At the same time that Su Xiao threw out the mixed blood, the opposite priest also threw out the crystal dagger. The instant the two passed by, they disappeared at the same time. The soul blood returned to Su Xiao’s hand, and the crystal dagger returned to the priest.



Su Xiao and the priest didn’t speak. Xiao Ge, who was sitting on the shoulder of the combat mech nearby, twitched his mouth.

Beverly looked at this scene with a blank face, and she was already angry in her heart. It wasn’t against the two people present, but because she remembered being tricked by Gray Gentleman, and then chased and killed each other for several days, and finally got tricked again. After that, when Beverly heard Gray Gentleman was nearby, she immediately turned around and left. After experiencing the IQ gap with the other party, she was not interested in humiliating herself.

“Bai Ye, we are old friends now, let’s show some sincerity.”


Su Xiao didn’t speak. After throwing out the sealed test tube, he caught the flying crystal dagger.

【You get the Sealing Blade. 】

[Blade of Sealing]

Origin: Void·Shadow of Destruction.

Quality: Sealed Artifact (only available for Shadow of Destruction).

Durability: 195/340 points.

Equipment effect:? ? ? .

Introduction: ? ? ? .

What is the purpose of this thing, Su Xiao is not clear, but he can feel that he can activate this thing.

“A pleasant transaction, Bai Ye, see you later.”

The priest looked at the darkness in the workshop, so he couldn’t find out the origin of the darkness due to the impact on perception.

Hearing what the priest said, Su Xiao knew the purpose of the other party’s coming here. The other party’s attitude was obvious. The purpose of finding two powerful helpers was to restrain them, so as to get a share of the inner city of the dead city. As for coming here on purpose No one would believe such a deal.

What Su Xiao couldn’t figure out was that, with the priest’s stable behavior style, why did the other party choose to come to the inner city? There is only one possibility, that is, Cain, who was looking for the priest, did not have a good mind and concealed key information from the priest. For example, he did not mention that Su Xiao had a collaborator.

The darkness in the workshop disappears, and Sinias, Wood, and Caesar standing on the rear landing appear.

Seeing these three people, the priest’s benevolent smile froze for a moment. In the last world, Su Xiao, priest, Caesar, and Undead Girl had worked together, so the priest naturally knew Caesar’s almost incredible means.

As for Sinias and Wood, these are old opponents in the world of trees.

Among the four, apart from the special guy Caesar, the priest would choose to confront one of the other three when he met one alone.

Under the surprised gazes of Xiao Ge and Beverly, the priest turned around and walked away. He didn’t think that with two hired helpers, he would have a chance of winning against the “good teammate” foursome, or in other words, confronting a After two rounds, it is unknown whether he can retreat.

“Bai Ye, don’t you want to keep that old guy?”

Sinias spoke.

“Not interested.”

Su Xiao killed the priest twice, the previous one in Beicheng was very impressive.

In the eyes of the deceased in Sinias, it was confirmed that the priest and the others went all the way out, quickly left the inner city, and finally disappeared at the exit of the outer city, and the group returned to the cathedral.

In the cathedral, Su Xiao began to lay out the array in the open space in the center. Although he has obtained the four high-level energies of the abyss energy, the power of the world, the power of faith, eternal life, and endless death, how should he synthesize the source of death and silence? , is always a problem.

In Su Xiao’s view, the probability of synthesizing the origin of death silence is unimaginably low. The arrival of death silence at the beginning also had some coincidence. Of course, even if death silence does not come, there will be similar disasters in this world. This is the inevitable result of the sum of various factors.

Su Xiao can’t imitate the scene where the dead source was born, but he has another way to make the source stone. First, he has to go back to what the source stone is.

At the beginning, the Healing Church cut a piece from the huge source of the Supreme Sanctuary. This piece became the “Initial Origin Stone” due to the later processing of the Healing Church. After the “Initial Origin Stone” was divided into five, it became the Origin Stone .

Su Xiao can’t create the dead source, but he has a way to create the “initial source stone”, because the structure of the “initial source stone” is simpler. Transforming the energy form into a material form is enough to achieve this with Su Xiao’s current level of alchemy.

After Su Xiao described the alchemy process needed to create the “Initial Origin Stone”, he told Sinias, Wood, and Caesar, all three of them had the same expressions, but they didn’t ask much, and they didn’t help. Sit on the steps and watch.

The newly obtained “stigmata of the ring” is very useful in the manufacture of the “initial source stone”. Su Xiaodu doubts that the healing church is based on the “stigmata of the ring”, and there is no dead energy in the cathedral environment, the “Initial Origin Stone” was created.

Su Xiao first used the “stigmata of the ring” as the center, and then supplemented it with an alchemy array to amplify its synthesis characteristics dozens of times. Only in this way can the four high-level energies be compressed and crystallized more stably.

The array map started, and then exploded with a bang.

Su Xiao got up from the pit on the wall. He asked Boubo Wang and Baja, who were hiding behind the pillars, to use wooden wheelchairs to push the archbishop out of this place temporarily. Creating the “Initial Origin Stone” is not an easy task, and the risk is huge Low.

After the archbishop left, Su Xiao continued to test the feasibility of the idea in advance. Half an hour later, Sinias, Wood, and Caesar also left the cathedral.

One hour later.


The explosion spread, and the door of Gulu’s small room opened a crack from the inside. After confirming that it was not an enemy attack, Gulu hurried away with his pillow in his arms.

That night, around the Garden of Sleep where the cathedral is located, many dead people came. They were in the dark, looking at the window of the cathedral suspiciously, wondering why there was a muffled sound from inside, or There is a flash of light.

In the early morning of the next day, Gulu carefully pushed open the door of the cathedral. A burst of energy exploded from the main entrance to the gate posts of the courtyard gate.

Gulu probed into the cathedral and saw Su Xiao sitting in the center of the array. At this moment, Su Xiao was holding a black spar between his thumb and forefinger. He successfully created the ” The original source stone”.

Generally speaking, the reason why the origin stone can provide protection is not because it can resist the dead source, but because it is similar to its characteristics. Just like a flame does not ignite a flame, the dead source has no consciousness or thought.

The “initial source stone” is successfully manufactured, and it is not difficult to divide it into source stones, but it is time-consuming.

“My dear friend, let me try?”

Caesar who walked in opened his mouth and heard that Su Xiao threw the “Initial Origin Stone” to Caesar.

Caesar cleared his throat, took out the [Fraudster’s Headwrap] and put it on his head, then took out more than a dozen weird badges, hung them around the lower edge of the [Fraudster’s Headwrap], and finally took the Get out of the jar of the abyss and put the “Origin Stone” in it.

Caesar murmured that no one could hear. He pressed the mouth of the jar of the abyss with one hand, shaking his head and trembling all over his body.

A moment later, Caesar’s movements stopped abruptly. He held the jar of the abyss with both hands and poured it outward, and the four origin stones were poured onto the wooden table.

Su Xiao picked up a source stone, and with a ding sound, the source stone was absorbed onto the armguard of the Black King, and then turned into black energy, sinking into the armguard.

Su Xiao quickly discovered the difference between artificial source stones and natural source stones. Although the effect is the same, the artificial source stones will slowly drift away. After about ten years, the source stones will evaporate. Five natural source stones There is no such disadvantage.

Gulu, who witnessed the creation of the origin stone, is a little hard to express her feelings at this moment. In her opinion, the understanding of the game is that the origin stone is the ultimate task item in this world. Get up to five.

At the moment, these four guys are preparing for batch and stable man-made. Looking at the momentum, it is by no means to produce 50 origin stones, maybe 500.

At noon that day, Su Xiao’s control array gradually fell into silence, and two “Initial Origin Stones” fell in the center of the array. In the past, the Healing Church must have tried man-made Origin Stones, but there were many problems.

In other words, the Healing Church has created this kind of source stone before, but as time goes by, the artificial source stones have dissipated, leaving only five natural source stones.

Su Xiao threw the two newly created “Initial Origin Stones” into a large metal bowl, which is a ritual vessel with a diameter of about half a meter.

Sitting on the chandelier, Gulu was no longer surprised when she saw hundreds of “Initial Origin Stones” in the ritual vessel, she was a little numb.

Next, when Caesar played, Su Xiao walked into the single room. During the process of making the “Initial Origin Stone”, he had to concentrate all the time, and now he just wanted to sleep.

He was just lying on the small wooden bed when the notification from the Void Tree appeared.

[Reminder: Since the total amount of world sources obtained by the contractors in this world has reached the standard, the title store will be fully opened in 2 minutes. 】

Seeing this reminder, Su Xiao sat up, and he used his own reincarnation brand as a medium to open the notarized title store of the Tree of the Void. In the next second, a large book appeared in front of him.

This large book, which is more than 1 meter high and 50 cm wide, is slowly opened. On the first page, there are densely packed empty slots the size of the cap of the little finger, and the one-star title on it has been exchanged for all.

Su Xiao flipped back with his mind, and when he turned to the seventh page, he saw the five seven-star titles on it. As for the only eight-star title on the eighth page, he was not going to look at it. This time he Going deep into the dead city, he naturally didn’t have the energy to search for ancient gold coins. As a result, his current ancient gold coins are still 6017.

He never cared about the empty check promised by the Duke. He wanted the Duke to take out the ancient gold coins. Unless the knife was already on his neck, the Duke would definitely renege.

The price of the five seven-star titles ranges from 592 ancient gold coins to 6,000 ancient gold coins. Su Xiao naturally took a fancy to the most expensive one, and took it when the exchange authority was opened.

The competition for the title of eight stars should only be between a few people, but for the title of seven stars worth 6,000 ancient gold coins, there must be more contenders.

There are actually quite a few contractors who came to the Dark Continent this time, and those who dare to come here generally have real skills, which also led to many of them being able to save more than 6,000 ancient gold coins.

There are so many competitors, and they will all exchange for this seven-star title at the moment when the exchange authority is activated, that is to say, whether they can exchange for this thing depends on luck.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and when the countdown reached 0, Su Xiao made the exchange.

【You have paid 4600 ancient gold coins. 】

【You get the Miracle Maker. 】

【Miracle Maker】

Origin: Tree of the Void

Quality: ★★★★★★★

Category: Title

Title effect: When manufacturing, you will have a chance to enter the peak state of manufacturing that you can achieve, so as to create a “miracle” that exceeds the “perfect” level.

Introduction: Is this a miracle? No, this is the pinnacle of what you can achieve. Breaking through to perfection is the pursuit that a maker should have.

Price: Unavailable for sale.

In the title of Seven Stars, Su Xiao did not exchange for [Reaper’s Blade] worth 6000 soul coins, although this title seems to be suitable for him.

There are two reasons, not only because many people are staring at this title, but also because Su Xiao already has the eight-star title [Dark Blue Shadow], and [Death Blade] is obviously also a combat-type title.

How could a fighting seven-star title be comparable to the eight-star [Shadow of Deep Blue]. Slipped to the back echelon.

Although the [Gold Guardian] ranked second is worth 5,600 ancient gold coins, many people should be staring at this title.

On the contrary, the third place [Miracle Maker] is obviously not liked by most contractors. This is the title of buff maker.

There are very few competitors, probably none, and with a high probability of being able to use it, Su Xiao will naturally not miss it. Facts have proved that exchanging [Miracle Maker] is the right choice.

Close the list of titles, and after a while, Su Xiao fell asleep. After sleeping for about eight hours, his eyes suddenly opened, and a familiar breath came nearby, and he sat up from the bed.


The door of the room was pushed open, and Eminem, who had scars on his face, neck, and chest, looked around.

“The accumulation of injuries is very serious. After returning, he needs to be treated in depth.”

Hearing Su Xiao’s words, Eminem didn’t realize it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, isn’t this just a major repair?


Amu, who has never been counseled on the battlefield of the abyss, is a little panicked at this moment, as if Niu Sheng is about to suffer a catastrophe.

Amu came in together with Boubo Wang and Baha. It has changed a lot. Although the dragon heart ax in his hand seems to have a lot of wear and tear, it is 1.8 meters long and 75 cm wide with a single blade. The long-handled battle ax has the charm of a killing weapon, and the handle wrapped with the skin of the abyssal creature gives people a strong shock.

Su Xiao looked at Eminem’s information and found that Eminem’s ability system has changed a lot from before. The nearly 60 ounces of world power has brought Eminem a huge improvement, allowing Eminem to gain in the abyss battlefield. The skill ability of the profound meaning is obtained, and the information is as follows:

Amu (Servant · Winter Bull)

Health: 100

Ice energy: 19800 points (recover 60 points per minute)

Strength: 249 (true attributes)

Agility: 152 (Winter Bull Form)

Physical strength: 257 (true attribute)

Intelligence: 0 (true attribute, winter bull form)

Charisma: 9

Skill 1: Unyielding War Bull (passive, lv72): Reduces damage received by 31, ice deceleration resistance +89, defense +82 points, HP +39200 points.

Hint: This is the ability bestowed by the elemental physique.

Skill 2, Ice Energy Transformation (passive, lv60): Each point of intelligence attribute can increase an additional 55 points of health + 06 points of defense bonus (now obtained 12650 points of health bonus, 138 points of defense bonus ).

Skill 3, Ice Armor (passive, lv32): Therefore, the ice energy in the unit forms a biological circulation system. When receiving any damage, the lost 60 health points will be replaced by ice energy (for example, if Amu receives 10 points of damage, then Deduct 4 points of health + 6 points of ice energy).

Skill 4, Ice Flame Life (passive, lv37): For every 10 health points lost, the recovery speed of life points will be increased additionally.

Reminder: For every 10 HP lost, the HP recovery speed can be increased by 10 points per second, up to a maximum of 60 HP per second.

Reminder: This ability uses natural element circulation as the source of life energy, no consumption, no cooling time.

Tips: When this ability is in the outlier state, it will increase the movement speed while gaining the recovery speed of health (this bonus is not activated).

Skill 5, Elemental Physique (core skill, passive): Elemental Physique has a strong affinity for natural elements, and can form a good cycle with natural elements to strengthen itself.

Reminder: After completing the cycle of natural elements each time, the health value, real strength, real physical strength, and real intelligence attributes will be permanently increased by a small amount.

Skill 6, Fearless War Bull (Profound Truth Skill, lv10 · Profound Truth level only passive): When Eminem has important friendly units around him, it will additionally increase body defense, health, and stamina attributes.

Reminder: For every important friendly unit around Eminem, it will increase the physical defense by 20 points, the health value by 3500 points, and the physical strength attribute by 2 points.

Reminder: This ability can be superimposed up to three layers, that is, it can get a bonus of up to three important friendly units.

There are now important friendly units: Hunter·Su Xiao, Ripper Dog·Bubtney, Tracer·Bahar, Meow Shadow·Benny.

Skill 7, Outlier Battle Bull (Absolute Skill, lv10·Absolute Level only passive): When Eminem is more than 1 km away from all important friendly units, it will enter an outlier state and perform real attribute replacement, it will Temporarily lose the real intelligence attribute, thus transforming into the real agility attribute, and the three attributes of strength, agility, and physical strength are real attributes (that is: 249 points for real strength, 0 points for real agility, and 257 points for real physical strength).

Reminder: After entering the outlier state, Eminem’s strength, agility, and stamina attributes will increase by 2 points.

Reminder: After entering the outlier state, Eminem will lose the freezing, shaping, and spreading abilities of the ice, and this ability will be transformed into “Frozen Attack”, “Cold Axe”, and “Brutal Charge”.

Frozen Invasion (Passive): With Amu as the center point, a frozen area with a diameter of 20 meters is formed. Enemy units in this area will continue to receive freezing damage and deceleration effects, even if they leave this area area, within the next 10 to 30 seconds, will still be affected by the freezing deceleration.

Cold Ax Blade (Passive): While Eminem loses the freezing, shaping and spreading abilities of the The ice energy can give the weapon a very strong cold and sharp effect (this bonus can be greatly increased Improve the sharpness and weapon attack power of Dragon Heart Ax).

Brutal Charge (Active): After being out of the group, Eminem will no longer be gentle. It can select an enemy and perform a locked charge on it. During the charge, it will receive high damage reduction and continuous The speed increases, when it hits the target, it will cause impact damage with poor strength, and the physical strength will be judged. If the enemy fails the judgment, the enemy will fall into a state of shock or dizziness for 02 seconds to 3 seconds.

Reminder: The cooling time of this ability is 12 hours.

Reminder: Within 5 minutes after the brutal charge ends. If Eminem successfully kills the target charged this time, this ability will be refreshed immediately.

Reminder: The esoteric skills “Fearless Battle Bull” and “Stranger Battle Bull” are the only passives at the esoteric level, and under any circumstances, they cannot be triggered at the same time.

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